
4.5 KiB


Single selection among multiple options.

Basic usage

Radio should not have too many options. Otherwise, use the Select component instead.

:::demo Creating a radio component is easy, you just need to bind a variable to Radio's v-model. It equals to the value of label of the chosen radio. The type of label is String or Number.

  <el-radio class="radio" v-model="radio" label="1">optionA</el-radio>
  <el-radio class="radio" v-model="radio" label="2">optionB</el-radio>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        radio: '1'



disabled attribute is used to disable the radio.

:::demo You just need to add the disabled attribute.

  <el-radio disabled v-model="radio1" label="disabled">optionA</el-radio>
  <el-radio disabled v-model="radio1" label="selected and disabled">optionB</el-radio>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        radio1: 'selected and disabled'


Radio button group

Suitable for choosing from some mutually exclusive options.

:::demo Combine <el-radio-group> with <el-radio> to display a radio group. Bind a variable with v-model of <el-radio-group> element and set label value in <el-radio>. It also provides change event with the current value as its parameter.

<el-radio-group v-model="radio2">
  <el-radio :label="3">optionA</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="6">optionB</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="9">optionC</el-radio>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        radio2: 3


Button style

Radio with button styles.

:::demo You just need to change <el-radio> element into <el-radio-button> element. We also provide size attribute for these buttons: large and small.

<el-radio-group v-model="radio3">
  <el-radio-button label="New York"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Washington"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Los Angeles"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Chicago"></el-radio-button>
<div style="margin: 15px 0;"></div>
<el-radio-group v-model="radio4">
  <el-radio-button label="New York"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Washington" :disabled="true"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Los Angeles"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Chicago"></el-radio-button>
<div style="margin: 15px 0;"></div>
<el-radio-group v-model="radio5" :disabled="true">
  <el-radio-button label="New York"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Washington"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Los Angeles"></el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button label="Chicago"></el-radio-button>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        radio3: 'New York',
        radio4: 'New York',
        radio5: 'New York'


Radio Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
label the value of radio string/number/boolean
disabled whether radio is disabled boolean false
name native 'name' attribute string

Radio Events

Event Name Description Parameters
change triggers when the bound value changes the label value of the chosen radio

Radio-group Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
size the size of radio buttons string large/small
fill border and background color when button is active string #20a0ff
text-color font color when button is active string #ffffff

Radio-group Events

Event Name Description Parameters
change triggers when the bound value changes the label value of the chosen radio

Radio-button Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
label the value of radio string/number
disabled whether radio is disabled boolean false