@ -40,6 +41,16 @@ const ServiceUpstreamLocalBindPort = 5000 // local bind Port of service's upstr
constServiceUpstreamLocalBindPort2=5001// local bind Port of service's upstream, for services with 2 upstreams
// containerLock prevents starting multiple containers concurrently. This has not been confirmed as being necessary, but
// it seems to help make the CICD pipeline pass without failures. These failures seem to be due to some form of docker
// socket contention with errors of the form:
// #1: error starting pod with image "docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/hashiderek/pause": Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.43/containers/9b0e568744793e558d318af908c1052ab3d4d2f5a74c67b15d47a0570f141b1c/start": context deadline exceeded: failed to start container
// It may purely be due to the fact that starting containers takes longer than expected, and this lock avoids starting
// the context cancel timer until after we have ensured the docker socket is freed up.
// consulContainerNode implements the Agent interface by running a Consul agent