@ -190,7 +190,13 @@ func (d *DNSServer) ListenAndServe(network, addr string, notif func()) error {
d.mux = dns.NewServeMux()
d.mux.HandleFunc("arpa.", d.handlePtr)
d.mux.HandleFunc(d.domain, d.handleQuery)
if d.altDomain != "" {
// this is not an empty string check because NewDNSServer will have
// converted the configured alt domain into an FQDN which will ensure that
// the value ends with a ".". Therefore "." is the empty string equivalent
// for originally having no alternate domain set. If there is a reason
// why consul should be configured to handle the root zone I have yet
// to think of it.
if d.altDomain != "." {
d.mux.HandleFunc(d.altDomain, d.handleQuery)