@ -367,27 +367,29 @@ func (a *Asserter) CatalogServiceExists(t *testing.T, cluster string, svc string
libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, cl, svc, opts)
// HealthServiceEntries asserts the service has the expected number of instances
func (a *Asserter) HealthServiceEntries(t *testing.T, cluster string, svc string, passingOnly bool, opts *api.QueryOptions, expectedInstance int) []*api.ServiceEntry {
// HealthServiceEntries asserts the service has the expected number of instances and checks
func (a *Asserter) HealthServiceEntries(t *testing.T, cluster string, node *topology.Node, svc string, passingOnly bool, opts *api.QueryOptions, expectedInstance int, expectedChecks int) []*api.ServiceEntry {
cl := a.mustGetAPIClient(t, cluster)
cl, err := a.sp.APIClientForNode(cluster, node.ID(), "")
require.NoError(t, err)
health := cl.Health()
var serviceEntries []*api.ServiceEntry
var err error
retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 60 * time.Second, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
serviceEntries, _, err = health.Service(svc, "", passingOnly, opts)
require.NoError(r, err)
require.Equal(r, expectedInstance, len(serviceEntries))
require.Equalf(r, expectedInstance, len(serviceEntries), "dc: %s, service: %s", cluster, serviceEntries[0].Service.Service)
require.Equalf(r, expectedChecks, len(serviceEntries[0].Checks), "dc: %s, service: %s", cluster, serviceEntries[0].Service.Service)
return serviceEntries
// TokenExist asserts the token exists in the cluster and identical to the expected token
func (a *Asserter) TokenExist(t *testing.T, cluster string, expectedToken *api.ACLToken) {
func (a *Asserter) TokenExist(t *testing.T, cluster string, node *topology.Node, expectedToken *api.ACLToken) {
cl := a.mustGetAPIClient(t, cluster)
cl, err := a.sp.APIClientForNode(cluster, node.ID(), "")
require.NoError(t, err)
acl := cl.ACL()
retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 60 * time.Second, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
retrievedToken, _, err := acl.TokenRead(expectedToken.AccessorID, &api.QueryOptions{})