
1.9 KiB


Quick start


  • SOURCE is the absolute path to the cloned chevereto project
  • You need to replace SOURCE=~/git/rodber/chevereto-free with your own path
  • SOURCE will be mounted at /var/www/source/ inside the container
  • Chevereto will be available at localhost:8910

This dev setup mounts SOURCE to provide the application files to the container. We provide a sync system that copies these files on-the-fly to the actual application runner for better isolation.


Compose file: httpd-php-dev.yml

Alter SOURCE in the commands below to reflect your project path.


Run this command to spawn (start) Chevereto Installer.

SOURCE=~/git/rodber/chevereto-free \
docker-compose \
    -p chevereto-free-dev \
    -f httpd-php-dev.yml \
    up -d


Run this command to stop Chevereto Installer.

SOURCE=~/git/rodber/chevereto-free \
docker-compose \
    -p chevereto-free-dev \
    -f httpd-php-dev.yml \

Down (uninstall)

Run this command to down Chevereto (stop containers, remove networks and volumes created by it).

SOURCE=~/git/rodber/chevereto-free \
docker-compose \
    -p chevereto-free-dev \
    -f httpd-php-dev.yml \
    down --volumes

Sync code

Run this command to sync the application code with your working project.

docker exec -it \
    chevereto-free-dev_app \
    bash /var/www/

This system will observe for changes in your working project filesystem and it will automatically sync the files inside the container.

Note: This command must keep running to provide the sync functionality. You should close it once you stop working with the source.

