Chevereto-Free allows you to create an image hosting website on your own server. It's your hosting and your rules, say goodbye to closures and restrictions.
> **Note**: This project is on **maintenance-only** mode until November 1st 2022. After that date, this repository **will be archived** and no further maintenance will be provided. I encourage users of this software to purchase the paid edition and support my work. Developers: Thanks for forking this to keep the project alive.
👉 Purchase a [Chevereto license]( to unlock the full experience. Watch the [1-minute video]( for a quick preview.
Chevereto-Free is a fork from [Chevereto V3.16.2]( in which only basic features are preserved. Chevereto-Free is for personal usage and small communities.
All updates added in [V3.17](, [V3.18]( and [V3.20](