# Chevereto-Free Chevereto-Free allows you to create an image hosting website on your own server. It's your hosting and your rules, say goodbye to closures and restrictions. > **Note**: This project is on **maintenance-only** mode until November 1st 2022. After that date, this repository **will be archived** and no further maintenance will be provided. I encourage users of this software to purchase the paid edition and support my work. Developers: Thanks for forking this to keep the project alive. ## 🀩 Chevereto V4 πŸ‘‰ Purchase a [Chevereto license](https://chevereto.com/pricing) to unlock the full experience. Watch the [1-minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-AZVuMEFMg) for a quick preview. [![Chevereto](.github/banner/social-chevereto-blue.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-AZVuMEFMg) ## ✨ Screens ![Homepage](.github/screen/1a.webp) ![Uploader light](.github/screen/2a.webp) ![Explorer](.github/screen/5a.webp) ## πŸ¦“ About this fork Chevereto-Free is a fork from [Chevereto V3.16.2](https://releases.chevereto.com/3.X/3.16/3.16.2.html) in which only basic features are preserved. Chevereto-Free is for personal usage and small communities. πŸ‘‰ **This fork removes** * Social Network Login (third-party login providers) * External Storage Servers * Likes and Followers * Manage Banners * Multi-language Support * Moderation * Bulk Content Importing πŸ‘‰ **This fork misses** All updates added in [Chevereto V4](https://releases.chevereto.com/4.X/), including: * User interface upgrade * User-based API * Configurable root routing * Image delete link * Theme palettes * [XR Debug](https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/developer/how-to/debug.html#xr-debug) * Keyboard shortcuts * Text-based logo * Web Share API * Two-factor auth * Secrets encryption * 30 different third-party login providers * Tinkerwell support * Native lazy loading * Project Arachnid Support (CSAM) * Improved SEO All updates added in [V3.17](https://releases.chevereto.com/3.X/3.17/3.17.2.html), [V3.18](https://releases.chevereto.com/3.X/3.18/3.18.3.html) and [V3.20](https://releases.chevereto.com/3.X/3.20/3.20.15.html): * 360 images * Nested albums * ImageMagick support * 12FA Support * CLI API ## 🧐 Requirements * PHP 7.4 * MySQL 5.7 / 8 - MariaDB 10 * Apache HTTP Web Server / Nginx * mod_rewrite ## πŸ“š Documentation [chevereto-free.github.io](https://chevereto-free.github.io) ## πŸ“œ License Copyright [Rodolfo BerrΓ­os Arce](http://rodolfoberrios.com) - [AGPLv3](LICENSE).