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#### 自定义面板 自定义各个面板的背景色、圆角和边距。 #### Custom Panel Customize the background, border and margin styles for each panel.
    <a-collapse :defaultValue="'1'" :bordered="false">
      <a-collapse-panel header="This is panel header 1" name="1" :style="customStyle">
      <a-collapse-panel header="This is panel header 2" name="2" :style="customStyle">
      <a-collapse-panel header="This is panel header 3" name="3" :style="customStyle">
  export default {
  data () {
    return {
      text: `A dog is a type of domesticated animal.Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.`,
      customStyle: 'background: #f7f7f7;border-radius: 4px;margin-bottom: 24px;border: 0;overflow: hidden'