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# [Ant Design Vue](https://vuecomponent.github.io/ant-design/)
An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design 3.X and Vue.
[中文 README](README-zh_CN.md)
## 特性
- An enterprise-class UI design system for desktop applications.
- A set of high-quality React components out of the box.
- The whole package of development and design resources and tools.
## 安装
### 使用 npm 或 yarn 安装
$ npm install vue-antd-ui --save
$ yarn add vue-antd-ui
如果你的网络环境不佳,推荐使用 [cnpm](https://github.com/cnpm/cnpm)。
## 链接
- [首页](https://vuecomponent.github.io/ant-design/)
- [Vue官方文档](https://cn.vuejs.org/)
- [Ant Design React](http://ant.design/)