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category type title cover
Components Data Entry InputNumber

Enter a number within certain range with the mouse or keyboard.

When To Use

When a numeric value needs to be provided.


property description type default
autofocus get focus when component mounted boolean false
defaultValue initial value number
disabled disable the input boolean false
formatter Specifies the format of the value presented function(value: number | string): string -
max max value number Infinity
min min value number -Infinity
parser Specifies the value extracted from formatter function( string): number -
precision precision of input value number -
decimalSeparator decimal separator string -
size height of input box string -
step The number to which the current value is increased or decreased. It can be an integer or decimal. number|string 1
value(v-model) current value number
bordered Whether has border style boolean true 3.0
addonAfter The label text displayed after (on the right side of) the input field slot - 3.0
addonBefore The label text displayed before (on the left side of) the input field slot - 3.0
controls Whether to show +- controls boolean true 3.0
keyboard If enable keyboard behavior boolean true 3.0
stringMode Set value as string to support high precision decimals. Will return string value by change boolean false 3.0


Events Name Description Arguments Version
change The callback triggered when the value is changed. function(value: number | string)
pressEnter The callback function that is triggered when Enter key is pressed. function(e) 1.5.0
step The callback function that is triggered when click up or down buttons (value: number, info: { offset: number, type: 'up' | 'down' }) => void 3.0


Name Description
blur() remove focus
focus() get focus


Why value can exceed min or max in control?

Developer handle data by their own in control. It will make data out of sync if InputNumber change display value. It also cause potential data issues when use in form.

Why dynamic change min or max which makes value out of range will not trigger change?

change is user trigger event. Auto trigger will makes form lib can not detect data modify source.