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## API
To get a customized button, just set `type`/`shape`/`size`/`loading`/`disabled`.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| disabled | disabled state of button | boolean | `false` |
| ghost | make background transparent and invert text and border colors, added in 2.7 | boolean | false |
| htmlType | set the original html `type` of `button`, see: [MDN]( | string | `button` |
| icon | set the icon of button, see: Icon component | string | - |
| loading | set the loading status of button | boolean \| { delay: number } | false |
| shape | can be set to `circle` or omitted | string | - |
| size | can be set to `small` `large` or omitted | string | `default` |
| type | can be set to `primary` `ghost` `dashed` `danger` `link` or omitted (meaning `default`) | string | `default` |
| block | option to fit button width to its parent width | boolean | `false` |
### events
| Events Name | Description | Arguments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| click | set the handler to handle `click` event | (event) => void |
`<Button>Hello world!</Button>` will be rendered into `<button><span>Hello world!</span></button>`, and all the properties which are not listed above will be transferred to the `<button>` tag.