You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
846 B

## API
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| afterChange | 切换面板的回调 | function(current) | 无 |
| autoplay | 是否自动切换 | boolean | false |
| beforeChange | 切换面板的回调 | function(from, to) | 无 |
| dots | 是否显示面板指示点 | boolean | true |
| easing | 动画效果 | string | linear |
| effect | 动画效果函数,可取 scrollx, fade | string | scrollx |
| vertical | 垂直显示 | boolean | false |
## 方法
| 名称 | 描述 |
| --- | --- |
| goTo(slideNumber, dontAnimate) | 切换到指定面板, dontAnimate = true 时,不使用动画 |
| next() | 切换到下一面板 |
| prev() | 切换到上一面板 |
更多参数可参考:[vc-slick props](<>)