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category type title cover
Components Data Display Tooltip

A simple text popup tip.

When To Use

  • The tip is shown on mouse enter, and is hidden on mouse leave. The Tooltip doesn't support complex text or operations.
  • To provide an explanation of a 'button/text/operation'. It's often used instead of the html 'title' attribute.


Property Description Type Default
title The text shown in the tooltip string|slot -

Common API

The following APIs are shared by Tooltip, Popconfirm, Popover.

Property Description Type Default
arrowPointAtCenter Whether the arrow is pointed at the center of target boolean false
autoAdjustOverflow Whether to adjust popup placement automatically when popup is off screen boolean true
color The background color string -
defaultVisible Whether the floating tooltip card is visible by default boolean false
getPopupContainer The DOM container of the tip, the default behavior is to create a div element in body. Function(triggerNode) () => document.body
mouseEnterDelay Delay in seconds, before tooltip is shown on mouse enter number 0.1
mouseLeaveDelay Delay in seconds, before tooltip is hidden on mouse leave number 0.1
overlayClassName Class name of the tooltip card string -
overlayStyle Style of the tooltip card object -
placement The position of the tooltip relative to the target, which can be one of top left right bottom topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight leftTop leftBottom rightTop rightBottom string top
trigger Tooltip trigger mode hover | focus | click | contextmenu hover
visible(v-model) Whether the floating tooltip card is visible or not boolean false
destroyTooltipOnHide Whether to destroy tooltip on hide boolean false
align this value will be merged into placement's config, please refer to the settings dom-align Object -


Events Name Description Arguments
visibleChange Callback executed when visibility of the tooltip card is changed (visible) => void -


Please ensure that the child node of Tooltip accepts mouseenter, mouseleave, focus, click events.