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# Change Log (The following content is translated by Google)
`ant-design-vue` strictly follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](
#### Release Schedule
- Weekly release: patch version at the end of every week for routine bugfix (anytime for urgent bugfix).
- Monthly release: minor version at the end of every month for new features.
- Major version release is not included in this schedule for breaking change and new features.
## 4.1.0
- 🐞 support vue 3.4 [#7239](
## 4.0.8
- 🐞 Fix theme responsiveness failure issue under Nuxt [#7180](
- 🐞 Fix error reporting caused by Wave [#7108](
- 🐞 Fix Upload disabled inheritance issue [#7110](
- 🐞 Fix Tooltip popupAlign not taking effect [#7112](
- 🐞 Fix Typography flashing problem [#7146](
- 🐞 Fix the issue that RangePicker prevIcon nextIcon does not take effect [#7127](
- 🐞 Fixed the issue of watermark not monitoring child element changes [#7149](
- 🐞 Fix Menu animation missing issue [#7130](
- 🐞 Fix the cursor change issue when TextArea autosize [#7121](
## 4.0.7
- 🌟 Added Flex component [#7052](
- 🌟 ConfigProvider adds wave configuration [#7036](
- 🌟 Watermark supports dark mode [#7067](
- 🐞 Fix Space duplicate Key problem [#7048](
- 🐞 Fix Upload disabled priority error issue [#7047](
- 🐞 Fix Carousel rendering error in jsx [#7077](
- 🐞 Fix Message offset position problem [#7093](
- 🐞 Fix the problem of animation failure when using Collapse custom prefix [#7074](
## 4.0.6
- 🐞 Fix the Dropdown onVisibleChange failure issue introduced in 4.0.4 [#7031](
## 4.0.5
- 🐞 Fix cssinjs performance issue [#7023](
## 4.0.4
- 🌟 Added esm target file
- 🌟 Added tooltip attribute to FormItem [#7014](
- 🐞 Fix useMessage getContainer not taking effect [#6942](
- 🐞 Fix the problem of Image triggering onPreviewVisibleChange event multiple times [#6945](
- 🐞 Fix the problem that Checkbox global disabled does not take effect [#6970](
- 🐞 Fix Drawer contentWrapperStyle not taking effect [#6983](
- 🐞 Optimize Select Dropdown and other drop-down list scroll bar display hidden logic [#6987](
- 🐞 Fix the problem of hiding when there are components such as input in the drop-down list such as Select Dropdown [#7020](
## 4.0.3
- 🐞 Fix the problem of style loss under shadow Dom [#6912](
- 🐞 Upgrade Icon dependency and fix icon css missing problem under shadow Dom [#6914](
## 4.0.2
- 🐞 Fix useMessage causing body to be removed [#6880](
- 🐞 Fix the problem that the water ripple effect does not disappear after Button loading is switched [#6895](
- 🐞 Fixed the problem that flip does not reset after Image is closed [#6913](
- 🐞 Fix ImageGroup animation effect loss problem [#6898](
- 🐞 Fix Modal missing onUpdate:open attribute declaration [#6876](
- 🐞 Fixed the issue of multiple clicks being triggered at the edge of Transfer's Checkbox [#6902](
## 4.0.1
- 🌟 FloatButton add Badge support [#6738](
- 🌟 Image preview zoom in and out sensitivity adjustment [#6784](
- 🌟 Add flip feature to Image [#6785](
- 🌟 Add App component to provide context [#6735](
- 🌟 Style extraction feature for SSR [#6757](
- 🌟 Support px2rem [#6817](
- 🌟 Tag supports borderless mode [#6819](
- 🌟 Avatar group mode supports shape [#6822](
- 🌟 AutoComplete supports borderless and custom clearIcon [#6829](
- 🌟 InputPassword supports controlled visible [#6863](
- 🐞 Fix the style misalignment problem when InputGroup is large [#6866](
- 🐞 Fix the problem that Checkable Tag cannot customize class [#6854](
- 🐞 Fix the rendering problem in Tabs animation mode [#6855](
- 🐞 Fix the problem that the Image height attribute does not take effect [#6840](
- 🐞 Fix InputNumber trigger mouseup event [#6772](
- 🐞 Fix the Dropdown style problem when Tabs are collapsed [#6757](
- 🐞 Fix Table expandedRowRender property does not take effect [#6783](
- 🐞 Fix dayjs not packaged into dist [#6767](
- 🐞 Fix clipPath browser compatibility issue [#6770](
- 🐞 Fix Carousel autoplay responsive problem [#6768](
- 🐞 Fix PageHeader ghost style problem [#6761](
- 🐞 Fix Checkbox not triggering Form validation [#6741](
- 🐞 Fix the problem that the Input prefix attribute does not take effect [#6810](
- 🐞 Fix Badge style problem in Avatar [#6874](
## 4.0
### 🔥🔥🔥 4.0 official version released 🔥🔥🔥
### Design specification adjustment
- Basic rounded corner adjustment, changed from unified `2px` to four-level rounded corners, which are `2px` `4px` `6px` `8px` respectively, which are applied to different scenarios, for example, the rounded corners of the default size Button are adjusted to `6px`.
- Main color adjustment, changed from `#1890ff` to `#1677ff`.
- Overall shadow adjustment, from the original three-level shadow adjustment to two levels, which are used for resident page components (such as Card) and interactive feedback (such as Dropdown).
- Adjust the internal spacing of some components.
- Overall de-wireframing.
### Add 5 new components
- Segmented segment controller
- WaterMark watermark
- QrCode QR code
- FloatButton floating button
- Tour roaming guide
### Technical adjustments
- Deprecated less and adopted CSS-in-JS to better support dynamic themes.
- All less files are removed, and less variables no longer support leaking.
- css files are no longer included in the product. Since CSS-in-JS supports importing on demand, the original `ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css` has also been removed. If you need to reset some basic styles, please import `ant-design-vue/dist/reset .css`.
- If you need to reset the style of the component and don't want to introduce `ant-design-vue/dist/reset.css` to pollute the global style, you can try to use [App component](/components/app), to solve the problem that native elements do not have ant-design-vue specification style.
- Removed css variables and dynamic theme schemes built on top of it.
- LocaleProvider has been deprecated in 3.x (use `<ConfigProvider locale />` instead), we have completely removed the related directories `ant-design-vue/es/locale-provider`, `ant- design-vue/lib/locale-provider`.
- `babel-plugin-import` is no longer supported, CSS-in-JS itself has the ability to load on demand, no longer need plug-in support.
#### Component API adjustments
- The classname API of the component popup is unified to `popupClassName`, and similar APIs such as `dropdownClassName` will be replaced.
- AutoComplete component
- Cascader component
- Select component
- TreeSelect component
- TimePicker component
- DatePicker component
- Mentions component
- The controlled visibility API of the component popup is unified as `open`, and `visible` and other similar APIs will be replaced.
- Drawer component `visible` becomes `open`.
- Modal component `visible` becomes `open`.
- Dropdown component `visible` becomes `open`.
- Tooltip component `visible` becomes `open`.
- Tag component `visible` has been removed.
- Slider component `tooltip` related API converges to `tooltip` property.
- Table component `filterDropdownVisible` changed to `filterDropdownOpen`.
- `getPopupContainer`: All `getPopupContainer` needs to ensure that the returned div is unique.
- Drawer `style` and `class` are migrated to the Drawer popup area, and the original attributes are replaced by `rootClassName` and `rootStyle`.
#### Component refactoring and removal
- Remove the `locale-provider` directory. `LocaleProvider` has been removed in v4, please use `ConfigProvider` instead.
- Remove `xxxl` breakpoint attribute in grid layout. `xxxl` attribute has been removed in v4, you can use [theme customization](/docs/vue/customize-theme) to modify `screen[XS|SM|MD|LG|XL|XXL]` to modify the break Point value achieved.
- The BackTop component was deprecated in `4.0.0` and moved to the FloatButton floating button. If needed, it can be imported from FloatButton.
### [Upgrade Guide](/docs/vue/migration-v4)
## 3.x
Visit [GitHub]( `3.x` Change Log。
## 2.x
Visit [GitHub]( `2.x` Change Log。
## 1.x
Visit [GitHub]( to read change logs from `0.x` to `1.x`.