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Tree props

Property Description Type Default Version
allowClear Whether allow clear boolean false
defaultValue To set the initial selected treeNode(s). string|string[] -
disabled Disabled or not boolean false
dropdownClassName className of dropdown menu string -
dropdownMatchSelectWidth Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width boolean true
dropdownStyle To set the style of the dropdown menu object -
filterTreeNode Whether to filter treeNodes by input value. The value of treeNodeFilterProp is used for filtering by default. boolean|Function(inputValue: string, treeNode: TreeNode) (should return boolean) Function
getPopupContainer To set the container of the dropdown menu. The default is to create a div element in body, you can reset it to the scrolling area and make a relative reposition. Function(triggerNode) () => document.body
labelInValue whether to embed label in value, turn the format of value from string to {value: string, label: VNode, halfChecked: string[]} boolean false
loadData Load data asynchronously. function(node) -
maxTagCount Max tag count to show number -
maxTagPlaceholder Placeholder for not showing tags slot/function(omittedValues) -
multiple Support multiple or not, will be true when enable treeCheckable. boolean false
placeholder Placeholder of the select input string|slot -
searchPlaceholder Placeholder of the search input string|slot -
searchValue(.sync) work with search event to make search value controlled. string -
treeIcon Shows the icon before a TreeNode's title. There is no default style; you must set a custom style for it if set to true boolean false
showCheckedStrategy The way show selected item in box. Default: just show child nodes. TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL: show all checked treeNodes (include parent treeNode). TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT: show checked treeNodes (just show parent treeNode). enum { TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL, TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT, TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD } TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD
showSearch Whether to display a search input in the dropdown menu(valid only in the single mode) boolean false
size To set the size of the select input, options: large small string 'default'
suffixIcon The custom suffix icon VNode | slot -
treeCheckable Whether to show checkbox on the treeNodes boolean false
treeCheckStrictly Whether to check nodes precisely (in the checkable mode), means parent and child nodes are not associated, and it will make labelInValue be true boolean false
treeData Data of the treeNodes, manual construction work is no longer needed if this property has been set(ensure the Uniqueness of each value) array<{ value, title, children, [disabled, disableCheckbox, selectable] }> []
replaceFields Replace the title,value, key and children fields in treeNode with the corresponding fields in treeData object { children:'children', title:'title', key:'key', value: 'value' }
treeDataSimpleMode Enable simple mode of treeData. Changes the treeData schema to: [{id:1, pId:0, value:'1', title:"test1",...},...] where pId is parent node's id). It is possible to replace the default id and pId keys by providing object to treeDataSimpleMode false|object<{ id: string, pId: string, rootPId: null }> false
treeDefaultExpandAll Whether to expand all treeNodes by default boolean false
treeDefaultExpandedKeys Default expanded treeNodes string[] | number[] -
treeExpandedKeys(.sync) Set expanded keys string[] | number[] -
treeNodeFilterProp Will be used for filtering if filterTreeNode returns true string 'value'
treeNodeLabelProp Will render as content of select string 'title'
value(v-model) To set the current selected treeNode(s). string|string[] -


Events Name Description Arguments
change A callback function, can be executed when selected treeNodes or input value change function(value, label, extra)
search A callback function, can be executed when the search input changes. function(value: string)
select A callback function, can be executed when you select a treeNode. function(value, node, extra)
treeExpand A callback function, can be executed when treeNode expanded function(expandedKeys)

Tree Methods

Name Description
blur() remove focus
focus() get focus

TreeNode props

We recommend you to use treeData rather than TreeNode, to avoid the trouble of manual construction.

Property Description Type Default Version
selectable can be selected boolean true
checkable When Tree is checkable, set TreeNode display Checkbox or not boolean - 1.5.0
disableCheckbox Disables the checkbox of the treeNode boolean false
disabled Disabled or not boolean false
isLeaf Leaf node or not boolean false
key Required property, should be unique in the tree string | number -
title Content showed on the treeNodes string|slot '---'
value Will be treated as treeNodeFilterProp by default, should be unique in the tree string -
scopedSlots When using treeNodes, you can use this property to configure the properties that support the slot, such as scopedSlots: { title: 'XXX'} object -


How to get parent node in onChange?

We don't provide this since performance consideration.