
1.5 KiB



Property Description Type Default
autoFocus Auto get focus when component mounted boolean false
defaultValue Default value string
filterOption Customize filter option logic false | (input: string, option: OptionProps) => boolean
notFoundContent Set mentions content when not match ReactNode 'Not Found'
placement Set popup placement top | bottom bottom
prefix Set trigger prefix keyword string | string[] '@'
split Set split string before and after selected mention string ' '
validateSearch Customize trigger search logic (text: string, props: MentionsProps) => void
value(v-model) Set value of mentions string
getPopupContainer Set the mount HTML node for suggestions () => HTMLElement


Events Name Description Arguments
blur remove focus function
change Trigger when value changed function(value: string)
focus get focus function
search Trigger when prefix hit function(value: string, prefix: string)
select Trigger when user select the option function(option: OptionProps, prefix: string)

Mention methods

Name Description
blur() remove focus
focus() get focus


Property Description Type Default
value value of suggestion, the value will insert into input filed while selected string ''