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Components Feedback Spin*5mC5TomY4B0AAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original*i43_ToFrL8YAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original

A spinner for displaying loading state of a page or a section.

When To Use

When part of the page is waiting for asynchronous data or during a rendering process, an appropriate loading animation can effectively alleviate users' inquietude.


Property Description Type Default Value Version
delay specifies a delay in milliseconds for loading state (prevent flush) number (milliseconds) -
indicator vue node of the spinning indicator vNode |slot -
size size of Spin, options: small, default and large string default
spinning whether Spin is visible boolean true
tip customize description content when Spin has children string | slot - slot 3.0
wrapperClassName className of wrapper when Spin has children string -

Static Method

  • Spin.setDefaultIndicator({indicator}) As indicator, you can define the global default spin element
import { h } from 'vue';
  indicator: h('i', { class: 'anticon anticon-loading anticon-spin ant-spin-dot' }),