
2.5 KiB



Property Description Type Default
bordered Toggles rendering of the border around the list boolean false
footer List footer renderer string|slot -
grid The grid type of list. You can set grid to something like {gutter: 16, column: 4} object -
header List header renderer string|slot -
itemLayout The layout of list, default is horizontal, If a vertical list is desired, set the itemLayout property to vertical string -
loading Shows a loading indicator while the contents of the list are being fetched boolean|object false
loadMore Shows a load more content string|slot -
pagination Pagination config, hide it by setting it to false boolean | object false
split Toggles rendering of the split under the list item boolean true
renderItem Custom item renderer, slot="renderItem" and slot-scope="item, index" (item, index) => vNode
rowKey Specify the key that will be used for uniquely identify each element item => string|number

List grid props

Property Description Type Default
column column of grid number -
gutter spacing between grid number 0
size Size of list default | middle | small default
xs <576px column of grid number -
sm ≥576px column of grid number -
md ≥768px column of grid number -
lg ≥992px column of grid number -
xl ≥1200px column of grid number -
xxl ≥1600px column of grid number -


Property Description Type Default
actions The actions content of list item. If itemLayout is vertical, shows the content on bottom, otherwise shows content on the far right. Array<vNode>|slot -
extra The extra content of list item. If itemLayout is vertical, shows the content on right, otherwise shows content on the far right. string|slot -


Property Description Type Default
avatar The avatar of list item slot -
description The description of list item string|slot -
title The title of list item string|slot -