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Components 1 Data Display Table

A table displays rows of data.

When To Use

  • To display a collection of structured data.
  • To sort, search, paginate, filter data.

How To Use

Specify dataSource of Table as an array of data.

  <a-table :dataSource="dataSource" :columns="columns" />
  export default {
    setup() {
      return {
        dataSource: [
            key: '1',
            name: 'Mike',
            age: 32,
            address: '10 Downing Street',
            key: '2',
            name: 'John',
            age: 42,
            address: '10 Downing Street',

        columns: [
            title: 'Name',
            dataIndex: 'name',
            key: 'name',
            title: 'Age',
            dataIndex: 'age',
            key: 'age',
            title: 'Address',
            dataIndex: 'address',
            key: 'address',



Property Description Type Default Version
tableLayout table-layout attribute of table element - | 'auto' | 'fixed' -
fixed when header/columns are fixed, or using column.ellipsis
bordered Whether to show all table borders boolean false
childrenColumnName The column contains children to display string children
columns Columns of table config array -
components Override default table elements object -
dataSource Data record array to be displayed any[] -
defaultExpandAllRows Expand all rows initially boolean false
defaultExpandedRowKeys Initial expanded row keys string[] -
expandedRowKeys Current expanded row keys string[] -
expandedRowRender Expanded container render for each row Function({record, index, indent, expanded}):VNode|v-slot -
expandFixed Set column to be fixed: true(same as left) 'left' 'right' boolean | string false 3.0
expandIcon Customize row expand Icon. Function(props):VNode | v-slot:expandIcon="props" -
expandRowByClick Whether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole row boolean false
expandIconColumnIndex Customize expand icon column index. Not render when -1 0
footer Table footer renderer Function(currentPageData)| v-slot:footer="currentPageData"
indentSize Indent size in pixels of tree data number 15
loading Loading status of table boolean|object false
locale i18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etc object filterConfirm: 'Ok'
filterReset: 'Reset'
emptyText: 'No Data'
pagination Config of pagination. You can ref table pagination config or full pagination document, hide it by setting it to false object
rowClassName Row's className Function(record, index):string -
rowKey Row's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string string|Function(record, index):string key
rowSelection Row selection config object null
scroll Whether the table can be scrollable, config object -
showHeader Whether to show table header boolean true
sortDirections Supported sort way, could be ascend, descend Array [ascend, descend] 3.0
showSorterTooltip The header show next sorter direction tooltip. It will be set as the property of Tooltip if its type is object boolean | Tooltip props true 3.0
size Size of table default | middle | small | large default
sticky Set sticky header and scroll bar boolean | {offsetHeader?: number, offsetScroll?: number, getContainer?: () => HTMLElement} - 3.0
title Table title renderer Function(currentPageData)| v-slot:title="currentPageData"
customHeaderRow Set props on per header row Function(column, index) -
customRow Set props on per row Function(record, index) -
getPopupContainer the render container of dropdowns in table (triggerNode) => HTMLElement () => TableHtmlElement 1.5.0
headerCell custom head cell by slot v-slot:headerCell="{title, column}" - 3.0
bodyCell custom body cell by slot v-slot:bodyCell="{text, record, index, column}" - 3.0
customFilterDropdown Customized filter overlayneed set column.customFilterDropdown v-slot:customFilterDropdown="FilterDropdownProps" - 3.0
customFilterIcon Customized filter icon v-slot:customFilterIcon="{filtered, column}" - 3.0
emptyText Customize the display content when empty data v-slot:emptyText - 3.0
summary Summary content v-slot:summary - 3.0
transformCellText The data can be changed again before rendering, generally used for the default configuration of empty data. You can configured globally through ConfigProvider Function({ text, column, record, index }) => any, The text here is the data processed by other defined cell api, and it may be of type VNode | string | number - 1.5.4
  • expandFixed
    • When set to true or left and expandIconColumnIndex is not set or is 0, enable fixed
    • When set to true or right and expandIconColumnIndex is set to the number of table columns, enable fixed


Events Name Description Arguments
change Callback executed when pagination, filters or sorter is changed Function(pagination, filters, sorter, { currentDataSource })
expand Callback executed when the row expand icon is clicked Function(expanded, record)
expandedRowsChange Callback executed when the expanded rows change Function(expandedRows)

customRow usage

Same as customRow customHeaderRow customCell customHeaderCell. Follow Vue jsx syntax。

  customRow={(record) => {
    return {
      xxx, // props
      onClick: (event) => {},       // click row
      onDblclick: (event) => {}, // double click row
      onContextmenu: (event) => {}  // right button click row
      onMouseenter: (event) => {}   // mouse enter row
      onMouseleave: (event) => {}   // mouse leave row
  customHeaderRow={(column) => {
    return {
      onClick: () => {},        // click header row


One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API.

Property Description Type Default Version
align specify how content is aligned 'left' | 'right' | 'center' 'left'
ellipsis ellipsize cell content, not working with sorter and filters for now.
tableLayout would be fixed when ellipsis is true.
boolean false 1.5.0
colSpan Span of this column's title number
dataIndex Display field of the data record, support nest path by string array string | string[] -
defaultFilteredValue Default filtered values string[] - 1.5.0
defaultSortOrder Default order of sorted values: 'ascend' 'descend' null string -
ellipsis The ellipsis cell content, not working with sorter and filters for now.
tableLayout would be fixed when ellipsis is true or { showTitle?: boolean }
boolean | {showTitle?: boolean } false 3.0
filterDropdown Customized filter overlay VNode -
customFilterDropdown use v-slot:customFilterDropdownPriority is lower than filterDropdown boolean false 3.0
filterDropdownVisible Whether filterDropdown is visible boolean -
filtered Whether the dataSource is filtered boolean false
filteredValue Controlled filtered value, filter icon will highlight string[] -
filterIcon Customized filter icon ({filtered: boolean, column: Column}) false
filterMultiple Whether multiple filters can be selected boolean true
filters Filter menu config object[] -
fixed Set column to be fixed: true(same as left) 'left' 'right' boolean|string false
key Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique dataIndex string -
customRender Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a VNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config Function({text, record, index}) {} -
responsive The list of breakpoints at which to display this column. Always visible if not set. Breakpoint[] - 3.0
sorter Sort function for local sort, see Array.sort's compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to true Function|boolean -
sortOrder Order of sorted values: 'ascend' 'descend' false boolean|string -
sortDirections supported sort way, could be 'ascend', 'descend' Array ['ascend', 'descend'] 1.5.0
title Title of this column string -
width Width of this column string|number -
customCell Set props on per cell Function(record, rowIndex) -
customHeaderCell Set props on per header cell Function(column) -
onFilter Callback executed when the confirm filter button is clicked, Use as a filter event when using template or jsx Function -
onFilterDropdownVisibleChange Callback executed when filterDropdownVisible is changed, Use as a filterDropdownVisible event when using template or jsx function(visible) {} -


type Breakpoint = 'xxl' | 'xl' | 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs';


Property Description Type Default
title Title of the column group string|slot -


Properties for pagination.

Property Description Type Default
position Specify the position of Pagination, could betopLeft | topCenter | topRight |bottomLeft | bottomCenter | bottomRight Array [bottomRight]

More about pagination, please check Pagination.


Properties for row selection.

Property Description Type Default Version
checkStrictly Check table row precisely; parent row and children rows are not associated boolean true 3.0
columnWidth Set the width of the selection column string|number -
columnTitle Set the title of the selection column string|VNode -
fixed Fixed selection column on the left boolean -
getCheckboxProps Get Checkbox or Radio props Function(record) -
hideSelectAll Hide the selectAll checkbox and custom selection boolean false 3.0
preserveSelectedRowKeys Keep selection key even when it removed from dataSource boolean - 3.0
hideDefaultSelections Remove the default Select All and Select Invert selections boolean false
selectedRowKeys Controlled selected row keys string[] []
selections Custom selection config, only displays default selections when set to true object[] | boolean -
type checkbox or radio checkbox | radio checkbox
onChange Callback executed when selected rows change Function(selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) -
onSelect Callback executed when select/deselect one row Function(record, selected, selectedRows, nativeEvent) -
onSelectAll Callback executed when select/deselect all rows Function(selected, selectedRows, changeRows) -
onSelectInvert Callback executed when row selection is inverted Function(selectedRows) -
onSelectNone Callback executed when row selection is cleared function() - 3.0


Property Description Type Default
scrollToFirstRowOnChange Whether to scroll to the top of the table when paging, sorting, filtering changes boolean -
x Set horizontal scrolling, can also be used to specify the width of the scroll area, could be number, percent value, true and 'max-content' string | number | true -
y Set vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the height of the scroll area, could be string or number string | number -


Custom selection config

Property Description Type Default
key Unique key of this selection string -
text Display text of this selection string|VNode -
onSelect Callback executed when this selection is clicked Function(changeableRowKeys) -


interface FilterDropdownProps {
  prefixCls: string;
  setSelectedKeys: (selectedKeys: Key[]) => void;
  selectedKeys: Key[];
  confirm: (param?: FilterConfirmProps) => void;
  clearFilters?: () => void;
  filters?: ColumnFilterItem[];
  visible: boolean;
  column: ColumnType;


The values inside dataSource and columns should follow this in Table, and dataSource[i].key would be treated as key value default for dataSource.

If dataSource[i].key is not provided, then you should specify the primary key of dataSource value via rowKey. If not, warnings will show in browser console.

// primary key is uid
return <Table rowKey="uid" />;
// or
return <Table rowKey={record => record.uid} />;

Migrate to v3

Table deprecated column.slots, added v-slot:bodyCell, v-slot:headerCell, custom cells, and added column.customFilterDropdown v-slot:customFilterDropdown, custom filtering Menu, added v-slot:customFilterIcon custom filter button, but column.slots is still available, we will remove it in the next major version.

Besides, the breaking change is changing dataIndex from nest string path like user.age to string array path like ['user', 'age']. This help to resolve developer should additional work on the field which contains ..