
1.8 KiB

category type title cover
Components Feedback Popconfirm

A simple and compact confirmation dialog of an action.

When To Use

A simple and compact dialog used for asking for user confirmation.

The difference with the 'confirm' modal dialog is that it's more lightweight than the static popped full-screen confirm modal.


Param Description Type Default value Version
cancelButtonProps The cancel button props ButtonProps -
cancelText text of the Cancel button string|slot Cancel
cancelButton custom render cancel button slot - 3.0
okButtonProps The ok button props ButtonProps -
okText text of the Confirm button string|slot Confirm
okButton custom render confirm button slot - 3.0
okType Button type of the Confirm button string primary
showCancel Show cancel button boolean true 3.0
title title of the confirmation box string|slot -
visible (v-model) hide or show boolean -
icon customize icon of confirmation vNode|slot <Icon type="exclamation-circle" />
disabled is show popconfirm when click its childrenNode boolean false


Events Name Description Arguments
cancel callback of cancel function(e) -
confirm callback of confirmation function(e) -
visibleChange Callback executed when visibility of the tooltip card is changed function(visible) -

Consult Tooltip's documentation to find more APIs.


Please ensure that the child node of Popconfirm accepts mouseenter, mouseleave, focus, click events.