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#### 自定义新增页签触发器 隐藏默认的页签增加图标,给自定义触发器绑定事件。 #### Customized trigger of new tab Hide default plus icon, and bind event for customized trigger.
    <div :style="{ marginBottom: '16px' }">
      <a-button @click="add">ADD</a-button>
    <a-tabs hideAdd v-model="activeKey" type="editable-card" @edit="onEdit">
      <a-tab-pane v-for="pane in panes" :tab="pane.title" :key="pane.key" :closable="pane.closable">
  export default {
    data() {
      const panes = [
        { title: 'Tab 1', content: 'Content of Tab 1', key: '1' },
        { title: 'Tab 2', content: 'Content of Tab 2', key: '2' },
      return {
        activeKey: panes[0].key,
        newTabIndex: 0,
    methods: {
      callback(key) {
      onEdit(targetKey, action) {
      add() {
        const panes = this.panes;
        const activeKey = `newTab${this.newTabIndex++}`;
          title: `New Tab ${activeKey}`,
          content: `Content of new Tab ${activeKey}`,
          key: activeKey,
        this.panes = panes;
        this.activeKey = activeKey;
      remove(targetKey) {
        let activeKey = this.activeKey;
        let lastIndex;
        this.panes.forEach((pane, i) => {
          if (pane.key === targetKey) {
            lastIndex = i - 1;
        const panes = this.panes.filter(pane => pane.key !== targetKey);
        if (panes.length && activeKey === targetKey) {
          if (lastIndex >= 0) {
            activeKey = panes[lastIndex].key;
          } else {
            activeKey = panes[0].key;
        this.panes = panes;
        this.activeKey = activeKey;