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The whole of the step bar.

Property Description Type Default Version
current(v-model) to set the current step, counting from 0. You can overwrite this state by using status of Step, support v-model after 1.5.0 number 0
type Type of steps, can be set to one of the following values: default, navigation string default 1.5.0
direction to specify the direction of the step bar, horizontal and vertical are currently supported string horizontal
labelPlacement support vertial title and description string horizontal
progressDot Steps with progress dot style, customize the progress dot by setting a scoped slot. labelPlacement will be vertical Boolean or slot="progressDot" slot-scope="{index, status, title, description, prefixCls})" false
size to specify the size of the step bar, default and small are currently supported string default
status to specify the status of current step, can be set to one of the following values: wait process finish error string process
initial set the initial step, counting from 0 number 0

Steps Events

Events Name Description Arguments Version
change Trigger when Step is changed (current) => void -


A single step in the step bar.

Property Description Type Default Version
description description of the step, optional property string|slot -
icon icon of the step, optional property string|slot -
status to specify the status. It will be automatically set by current of Steps if not configured. Optional values are: wait process finish error string wait
title title of the step string|slot -
subTitle Subtitle of the step string|slot - 1.5.0
disabled Disable click boolean false 1.5.0