@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Almost anything can be represented in a tree structure. Examples include directo
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| autoExpandParent | Whether to automatically expand a parent treeNode | boolean | true | |
| autoExpandParent | Whether to automatically expand a parent treeNode | boolean | false | |
| blockNode | Whether treeNode fill remaining horizontal space | boolean | false | |
| blockNode | Whether treeNode fill remaining horizontal space | boolean | false | |
| checkable | Adds a `Checkbox` before the treeNodes | boolean | false | |
| checkable | Adds a `Checkbox` before the treeNodes | boolean | false | |
| checkedKeys(v-model) | (Controlled) Specifies the keys of the checked treeNodes (PS: When this specifies the key of a treeNode which is also a parent treeNode, all the children treeNodes of will be checked; and vice versa, when it specifies the key of a treeNode which is a child treeNode, its parent treeNode will also be checked. When `checkable` and `checkStrictly` is true, its object has `checked` and `halfChecked` property. Regardless of whether the child or parent treeNode is checked, they won't impact each other. | string\[] \| number\[] \| {checked: string\[] \| number\[], halfChecked: string\[] \| number\[]} | \[] | |
| checkedKeys(v-model) | (Controlled) Specifies the keys of the checked treeNodes (PS: When this specifies the key of a treeNode which is also a parent treeNode, all the children treeNodes of will be checked; and vice versa, when it specifies the key of a treeNode which is a child treeNode, its parent treeNode will also be checked. When `checkable` and `checkStrictly` is true, its object has `checked` and `halfChecked` property. Regardless of whether the child or parent treeNode is checked, they won't impact each other. | string\[] \| number\[] \| {checked: string\[] \| number\[], halfChecked: string\[] \| number\[]} | \[] | |