@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ pleskxml_tplt_get_domains="<packet><webspace><get><filter/><dataset><gen_info/><
# Also used to test credentials and URI.
# No params.
# Get a list of additional domains that PLESK can manage, so we can check root domain + host for acme.sh
# No params.
# Get all DNS records for a Plesk domain ID.
# PARAM = Plesk domain id to query
@ -375,16 +379,44 @@ _pleskxml_get_root_domain() {
return 1
# Generate a crude list of domains known to this Plesk account.
# Generate a crude list of domains known to this Plesk account based on subscriptions.
# We convert <ascii-name> tags to <name> so it'll flag on a hit with either <name> or <ascii-name> fields,
# for non-Western character sets.
# Output will be one line per known domain, containing 2 <name> tages and a single <id> tag
# We don't actually need to check for type, name, *and* id, but it guarantees only usable lines are returned.
output="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>ok</status>' | sed 's/<ascii-name>/<name>/g;s/<\/ascii-name>/<\/name>/g' | grep '<name>' | grep '<id>')"
debug_output="$(printf "%s" "$output" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Domains managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_output"
_debug "Querying Plesk server for list of additional managed domains..."
_call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_additional_domains"
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
# Generate a crude list of additional domains known to this Plesk account based on sites.
# We convert <ascii-name> tags to <name> so it'll flag on a hit with either <name> or <ascii-name> fields,
# for non-Western character sets.
# Output will be one line per known domain, containing 2 <name> tages and a single <id> tag
# We don't actually need to check for type, name, *and* id, but it guarantees only usable lines are returned.
output_additional="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>ok</status>' | sed 's/<ascii-name>/<name>/g;s/<\/ascii-name>/<\/name>/g' | grep '<name>' | grep '<id>')"
debug_additional="$(printf "%s" "$output_additional" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Additional domains managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_additional"
# Concate the two outputs together.
output="$(printf "%s" "$output $NEWLINE $output_additional")"
debug_output="$(printf "%s" "$output" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Domains managed by Plesk server are (ignore the hacked output):'
_debug "$output"
_debug 'Domains (including additional) managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_output"
# loop and test if domain, or any parent domain, is managed by Plesk
# Loop until we don't have any '.' in the string we're testing as a candidate Plesk-managed domain