* Fixed several spelling errors under colossalai
* Fix the spelling error in colossalai and docs directory
* Cautious Changed the spelling error under the example folder
* Update runtime_preparation_pass.py
revert autograft to autograd
* Update search_chunk.py
utile to until
* Update check_installation.py
change misteach to mismatch in line 91
* Update 1D_tensor_parallel.md
revert to perceptron
* Update 2D_tensor_parallel.md
revert to perceptron in line 73
* Update 2p5D_tensor_parallel.md
revert to perceptron in line 71
* Update 3D_tensor_parallel.md
revert to perceptron in line 80
* Update README.md
revert to resnet in line 42
* Update reorder_graph.py
revert to indice in line 7
* Update p2p.py
revert to megatron in line 94
* Update initialize.py
revert to torchrun in line 198
* Update routers.py
change to detailed in line 63
* Update routers.py
change to detailed in line 146
* Update README.md
revert random number in line 402
* [fx] add input activation offload to codegen
* [fx] modify unit test
* [fx] remove two skips in torch11
* [fx] use all_input_nodes instead of _input_nodes
* [utils] Add use_reetrant=False into colossalai checkpoint
* [utils] add some annotation in utils.activaion_checkpoint
* [test] add reset_seed at the beginning of tests in test_actiavion_checkpointing.py
* [test] modify test_activation_checkpoint.py
* [test] modify test for reentrant=False
* [fx] Add use_reentrant=False of checkpoint into codegen
* [fx] Use colossalai.utils.checkpoint to replace torch.utils.checkpoint for offload activation and add offload annotation recognition in codegen
* [fx] Use colossalai.utils.checkpoint to replace torch.utils.checkpoint for offload activation and add offload annotation recognition in codegen
* Modification of test and add TODO in codegen
* [fx] Modification of colossal ckpt usage
* [fx] add gpc.destroy() to test_codegen