2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
import re
2022-04-14 08:48:44 +00:00
import torch
2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
from typing import Callable, List, Any
2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
from functools import partial
2022-03-25 09:25:12 +00:00
from inspect import signature
2022-04-14 08:48:44 +00:00
from packaging import version
2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
def parameterize(argument: str, values: List[Any]) -> Callable:
2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
This function is to simulate the same behavior as pytest.mark.parameterize. As
we want to avoid the number of distributed network initialization, we need to have
this extra decorator on the function launched by torch.multiprocessing.
If a function is wrapped with this wrapper, non-paramterized arguments must be keyword arguments,
positioanl arguments are not allowed.
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2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
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# Example 1:
@parameterize('person', ['xavier', 'davis'])
def say_something(person, msg):
print(f'{person}: {msg}')
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2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
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# This will generate output:
# > xavier: hello
# > davis: hello
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2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
# Exampel 2:
@parameterize('person', ['xavier', 'davis'])
@parameterize('msg', ['hello', 'bye', 'stop'])
def say_something(person, msg):
print(f'{person}: {msg}')
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2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
# This will generate output:
# > xavier: hello
# > xavier: bye
# > xavier: stop
# > davis: hello
# > davis: bye
# > davis: stop
argument (str): the name of the argument to parameterize
values (List[Any]): a list of values to iterate for this argument
2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
def _wrapper(func):
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2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
def _execute_function_by_param(**kwargs):
for val in values:
arg_map = {argument: val}
partial_func = partial(func, **arg_map)
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2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
return _execute_function_by_param
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return _wrapper
def rerun_on_exception(exception_type: Exception = Exception, pattern: str = None, max_try: int = 5) -> Callable:
A decorator on a function to re-run when an exception occurs.
# rerun for all kinds of exception
def test_method():
raise RuntimeError('Address already in use')
# rerun for RuntimeError only
def test_method():
raise RuntimeError('Address already in use')
# rerun for maximum 10 times if Runtime error occurs
@rerun_on_exception(exception_type=RuntimeError, max_try=10)
def test_method():
raise RuntimeError('Address already in use')
# rerun for infinite times if Runtime error occurs
@rerun_on_exception(exception_type=RuntimeError, max_try=None)
def test_method():
raise RuntimeError('Address already in use')
# rerun only the exception message is matched with pattern
# for infinite times if Runtime error occurs
@rerun_on_exception(exception_type=RuntimeError, pattern="^Address.*$")
def test_method():
raise RuntimeError('Address already in use')
exception_type (Exception, Optional): The type of exception to detect for rerun
pattern (str, Optional): The pattern to match the exception message.
If the pattern is not None and matches the exception message,
the exception will be detected for rerun
max_try (int, Optional): Maximum reruns for this function. The default value is 5.
If max_try is None, it will rerun foreven if exception keeps occurings
2022-03-25 09:25:12 +00:00
def _match_lines(lines, pattern):
for line in lines:
if re.match(pattern, line):
return True
return False
2022-03-21 07:51:57 +00:00
def _wrapper(func):
def _run_until_success(*args, **kwargs):
try_count = 0
assert max_try is None or isinstance(max_try, int), \
f'Expected max_try to be None or int, but got {type(max_try)}'
while max_try is None or try_count < max_try:
try_count += 1
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ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
return ret
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except exception_type as e:
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error_lines = str(e).split('\n')
if try_count < max_try and (pattern is None or _match_lines(error_lines, pattern)):
print('Exception is caught, retrying...')
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# when pattern is not specified, we always skip the exception
# when pattern is specified, we only skip when pattern is matched
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print('Maximum number of attempts is reached or pattern is not matched, no more retrying...')
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raise e
2022-03-25 09:25:12 +00:00
# Override signature
# otherwise pytest.mark.parameterize will raise the following error:
# function does not use argumetn xxx
sig = signature(func)
_run_until_success.__signature__ = sig
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return _run_until_success
2022-03-16 09:20:05 +00:00
return _wrapper
2022-04-14 08:48:44 +00:00
def rerun_if_address_is_in_use():
This function reruns a wrapped function if "address already in use" occurs
in testing spawned with torch.multiprocessing
def test_something():
# check version
torch_version = version.parse(torch.__version__)
assert torch_version.major == 1
# only torch >= 1.8 has ProcessRaisedException
if torch_version.minor >= 8:
exception = torch.multiprocessing.ProcessRaisedException
exception = Exception
func_wrapper = rerun_on_exception(exception_type=exception, pattern=".*Address already in use.*")
return func_wrapper
2022-06-09 09:19:13 +00:00
def skip_if_not_enough_gpus(min_gpus: int):
This function is used to check the number of available GPUs on the system and
automatically skip the test cases which require more GPUs.
The wrapped function must have `world_size` in its keyword argument.
def test_something():
# will be skipped if there are fewer than 8 GPUs available
min_gpus (int): the minimum number of GPUs required to run this test.
def _wrap_func(f):
def _execute_by_gpu_num(*args, **kwargs):
num_avail_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count()
if num_avail_gpu >= min_gpus:
f(*args, **kwargs)
return _execute_by_gpu_num
return _wrap_func