2021-10-28 16:21:23 +00:00
from torch . optim . lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR as _CosineAnnealingLR
from colossalai . registry import LR_SCHEDULERS
from . delayed import DelayerScheduler , WarmupDelayerScheduler , WarmupScheduler
class CosineAnnealingLR ( _CosineAnnealingLR ) :
r """ Set the learning rate of each parameter group using a cosine annealing
schedule , where : math : ` \eta_ { max } ` is set to the initial lr and
: math : ` T_ { cur } ` is the number of epochs since the last restart in SGDR :
. . math : :
\begin { aligned }
\eta_t & = \eta_ { min } + \frac { 1 } { 2 } ( \eta_ { max } - \eta_ { min } ) \left ( 1
+ \cos \left ( \frac { T_ { cur } } { T_ { max } } \pi \right ) \right ) ,
& T_ { cur } \neq ( 2 k + 1 ) T_ { max } ; \\
\eta_ { t + 1 } & = \eta_ { t } + \frac { 1 } { 2 } ( \eta_ { max } - \eta_ { min } )
\left ( 1 - \cos \left ( \frac { 1 } { T_ { max } } \pi \right ) \right ) ,
& T_ { cur } = ( 2 k + 1 ) T_ { max } .
\end { aligned }
When last_epoch = - 1 , sets initial lr as lr . Notice that because the schedule
is defined recursively , the learning rate can be simultaneously modified
outside this scheduler by other operators . If the learning rate is set
solely by this scheduler , the learning rate at each step becomes :
. . math : :
\eta_t = \eta_ { min } + \frac { 1 } { 2 } ( \eta_ { max } - \eta_ { min } ) \left ( 1 +
\cos \left ( \frac { T_ { cur } } { T_ { max } } \pi \right ) \right )
It has been proposed in
` SGDR : Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts ` _ . Note that this only
implements the cosine annealing part of SGDR , and not the restarts .
. . _SGDR \: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts :
https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 1608.03983
: param optimizer : Wrapped optimizer
: type optimizer : torch . optim . Optimizer
: param total_steps : number of total training steps
: type total_steps : int
: param eta_min : Minimum learning rate , defaults to 0
: type eta_min : int , optional
: param last_epoch : The index of last epoch , defaults to - 1
: type last_epoch : int , optional
def __init__ ( self , optimizer , total_steps : int , eta_min : int = 0 , last_epoch : int = - 1 , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( optimizer , total_steps , eta_min = eta_min , last_epoch = last_epoch )
class CosineAnnealingWarmupLR ( WarmupScheduler ) :
""" Cosine annealing learning rate scheduler with learning rate warmup. A linear warmup schedule will be applied.
: param optimizer : Wrapped optimizer
: type optimizer : torch . optim . Optimizer
: param total_steps : number of total training steps
: type total_steps : int
: param warmup_steps : number of warmup steps , defaults to 0
: type warmup_steps : int , optional
: param eta_min : Minimum learning rate , defaults to 0
: type eta_min : int , optional
: param last_epoch : The index of last epoch , defaults to - 1
: type last_epoch : int , optional
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def __init__ ( self , optimizer , total_steps : int , warmup_steps : int = 0 , eta_min : float = 0. , last_epoch : int = - 1 ) :
2021-10-28 16:21:23 +00:00
base_scheduler = _CosineAnnealingLR (
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optimizer , total_steps - warmup_steps , eta_min = eta_min , last_epoch = last_epoch )
super ( ) . __init__ ( optimizer , warmup_steps , base_scheduler )
2021-10-28 16:21:23 +00:00
class FlatAnnealingLR ( DelayerScheduler ) :
""" Flat and cosine annealing learning rate scheduler. The learning rate will be a fixed value before starting decay.
: param optimizer : Wrapped optimizer
: type optimizer : torch . optim . Optimizer
: param total_steps : number of total training steps
: type total_steps : int
: param pct_start : percent of steps before starting learning rate decay
: type pct_start : float
: param last_epoch : The index of last epoch , defaults to - 1
: type last_epoch : int , optional
def __init__ ( self , optimizer , total_steps : int , pct_start : float = 0.72 , last_epoch : int = - 1 , * * kwargs ) :
if not ( 0.0 < = pct_start < = 1.0 ) :
raise ValueError (
f ' pct_start must >= 0.0 and <= 1.0, got { pct_start } ' )
flat_steps = int ( total_steps * pct_start )
anneal_steps = total_steps - flat_steps
base_scheduler = _CosineAnnealingLR (
optimizer , anneal_steps )
super ( ) . __init__ ( optimizer , flat_steps , base_scheduler , last_epoch = last_epoch )
class FlatAnnealingWarmupLR ( WarmupDelayerScheduler ) :
""" Flat and cosine annealing learning rate scheduler with learning rate warmup. A linear warmup schedule will be applied, and then the learning rate will be a fixed value before starting decay.
: param optimizer : Wrapped optimizer
: type optimizer : torch . optim . Optimizer
: param total_steps : number of total training steps
: type total_steps : int
: param warmup_steps : number of warmup steps , defaults to 0
: type warmup_steps : int , optional
: param pct_start : percent of steps before starting learning rate decay
: type pct_start : float
: param eta_min : Minimum learning rate , defaults to 0
: type eta_min : int , optional
: param last_epoch : The index of last epoch , defaults to - 1
: type last_epoch : int , optional
def __init__ ( self , optimizer , total_steps : int , warmup_steps : int = 0 , pct_start : float = 0.72 , eta_min : int = 0 ,
last_epoch : int = - 1 , * * kwargs ) :
if not ( 0.0 < = pct_start < = 1.0 ) :
raise ValueError (
f ' pct_start must >= 0.0 and <= 1.0, got { pct_start } ' )
flat_steps = int ( ( total_steps - warmup_steps ) * pct_start )
anneal_steps = total_steps - warmup_steps - flat_steps
base_scheduler = _CosineAnnealingLR (
optimizer , anneal_steps , eta_min = eta_min )
super ( ) . __init__ ( optimizer , warmup_steps , flat_steps ,
base_scheduler , last_epoch = last_epoch )