2023-03-31 08:06:13 +00:00
import random
import warnings
from typing import Callable , List , Optional , Tuple , Union
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch . distributed as dist
import torch . nn as nn
from torch import Tensor
from torch . optim import Optimizer
from torch . optim . lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler as LRScheduler
from torch . utils . data import DataLoader
from torch . utils . data . distributed import DistributedSampler
from colossalai . checkpoint_io import CheckpointIO , GeneralCheckpointIO
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from colossalai . checkpoint_io . utils import save_state_dict
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from colossalai . cluster import DistCoordinator
from colossalai . interface import ModelWrapper , OptimizerWrapper
from colossalai . utils import get_current_device
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from colossalai . zero import GeminiDDP , zero_model_wrapper , zero_optim_wrapper
from colossalai . zero . gemini . memory_tracer import MemStats
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from . plugin_base import Plugin
__all__ = [ ' GeminiPlugin ' ]
class GeminiCheckpointIO ( GeneralCheckpointIO ) :
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . coordinator = DistCoordinator ( )
def load_unsharded_model ( self , model : GeminiDDP , checkpoint : str , strict : bool = True ) :
Load model from checkpoint with automatic unwrapping .
# the model should be unwrapped in self.load_model via ModelWrapper.unwrap
return super ( ) . load_unsharded_model ( model , checkpoint , strict = strict )
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def save_unsharded_model ( self , model : GeminiDDP , checkpoint : str , gather_dtensor : bool , use_safetensors : bool ) :
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Save model to checkpoint but only on master process .
# the model should be unwrapped in self.load_model via ModelWrapper.unwrap
# as there is communication when get state dict, this must be called on all processes
state_dict = model . state_dict ( only_rank_0 = True )
if self . coordinator . is_master ( ) :
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save_state_dict ( state_dict , checkpoint , use_safetensors )
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def save_unsharded_optimizer ( self , optimizer : Optimizer , checkpoint : str , gather_dtensor : bool ) :
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Save optimizer to checkpoint but only on master process .
# TODO(ver217): optimizer state dict is sharded
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super ( ) . save_unsharded_optimizer ( optimizer , checkpoint , gather_dtensor )
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def save_lr_scheduler ( self , lr_scheduler : LRScheduler , checkpoint : str ) :
Save model to checkpoint but only on master process .
if self . coordinator . is_master ( ) :
super ( ) . save_lr_scheduler ( lr_scheduler , checkpoint )
class GeminiModel ( ModelWrapper ) :
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def __init__ ( self , module : nn . Module , gemini_config : dict , verbose : bool = False ) - > None :
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super ( ) . __init__ ( module )
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self . module = zero_model_wrapper ( module , zero_stage = 3 , gemini_config = gemini_config , verbose = verbose )
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def unwrap ( self ) :
# as save/load state dict is coupled with the GeminiDDP, we only return GeminiDDP model
return self . module
class GeminiOptimizer ( OptimizerWrapper ) :
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def __init__ ( self ,
module : GeminiDDP ,
optimizer : Optimizer ,
zero_optim_config : dict ,
optim_kwargs : dict ,
verbose : bool = False ) - > None :
optimizer = zero_optim_wrapper ( module ,
optimizer ,
optim_config = zero_optim_config ,
* * optim_kwargs ,
verbose = verbose )
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super ( ) . __init__ ( optimizer )
def backward ( self , loss : Tensor , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . optim . backward ( loss )
def clip_grad_by_norm ( self ,
max_norm : Union [ float , int ] ,
norm_type : Union [ float , int ] = 2 ,
error_if_nonfinite : bool = False ,
* args ,
* * kwargs ) - > Tensor :
warnings . warn ( f ' Gemini controls grad clipping by itself, so you should not use clip_grad_by_norm ' )
def clip_grad_by_value ( self , clip_value : float , * args , * * kwargs ) - > None :
raise NotImplementedError ( ' Gemini does not support clip_grad_by_value ' )
class GeminiPlugin ( Plugin ) :
Plugin for Gemini .
Example :
>> > from colossalai . booster import Booster
>> > from colossalai . booster . plugin import GeminiPlugin
>> >
>> > model , train_dataset , optimizer , criterion = . . .
>> > plugin = GeminiPlugin ( )
>> > train_dataloader = plugin . prepare_train_dataloader ( train_dataset , batch_size = 8 )
>> > booster = Booster ( plugin = plugin )
>> > model , optimizer , train_dataloader , criterion = booster . boost ( model , optimizer , train_dataloader , criterion )
Args :
device ( torch . device ) : device to place the model .
placement_policy ( str , optional ) : " cpu " , " cuda " , " auto " . Defaults to " cpu " .
pin_memory ( bool , optional ) : use pin memory on CPU . Defaults to False .
force_outputs_fp32 ( bool , optional ) : force outputs are fp32 . Defaults to False .
strict_ddp_mode ( bool , optional ) : use strict ddp mode ( only use dp without other parallelism ) . Defaults to False .
search_range_mb ( int , optional ) : chunk size searching range in MegaByte . Defaults to 32.
hidden_dim ( int , optional ) : the hidden dimension of DNN .
Users can provide this argument to speed up searching .
If users do not know this argument before training , it is ok . We will use a default value 1024.
min_chunk_size_mb ( float , optional ) : the minimum chunk size in MegaByte .
If the aggregate size of parameters is still samller than the minimum chunk size ,
all parameters will be compacted into one small chunk .
memstats ( MemStats , optional ) the memory statistics collector by a runtime memory tracer .
gpu_margin_mem_ratio ( float , optional ) : The ratio of GPU remaining memory ( after the first forward - backward )
which will be used when using hybrid CPU optimizer .
This argument is meaningless when ` placement_policy ` of ` GeminiManager ` is not " auto " .
Defaults to 0.0 .
initial_scale ( float , optional ) : Initial scale used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 2 * * 32.
min_scale ( float , optional ) : Min scale used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 1.
growth_factor ( float , optional ) : growth_factor used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 2.
backoff_factor ( float , optional ) : backoff_factor used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 0.5 .
growth_interval ( float , optional ) : growth_interval used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 1000.
hysteresis ( float , optional ) : hysteresis used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 2.
max_scale ( int , optional ) : max_scale used by DynamicGradScaler . Defaults to 2 * * 32.
max_norm ( float , optional ) : max_norm used for ` clip_grad_norm ` . You should notice that you shall not do
clip_grad_norm by yourself when using ZeRO DDP . The ZeRO optimizer will take care of clip_grad_norm .
norm_type ( float , optional ) : norm_type used for ` clip_grad_norm ` .
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verbose ( bool , optional ) : verbose mode . Debug info including chunk search result will be printed . Defaults to False .
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def __init__ (
self ,
device : Optional [ torch . device ] = None ,
placement_policy : str = " cpu " ,
pin_memory : bool = False ,
force_outputs_fp32 : bool = False ,
strict_ddp_mode : bool = False ,
search_range_mb : int = 32 ,
hidden_dim : Optional [ int ] = None ,
min_chunk_size_mb : float = 32 ,
memstats : Optional [ MemStats ] = None ,
gpu_margin_mem_ratio : float = 0.0 ,
initial_scale : float = 2 * * 32 ,
min_scale : float = 1 ,
growth_factor : float = 2 ,
backoff_factor : float = 0.5 ,
growth_interval : int = 1000 ,
hysteresis : int = 2 ,
max_scale : float = 2 * * 32 ,
max_norm : float = 0.0 ,
norm_type : float = 2.0 ,
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verbose : bool = False ,
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) - > None :
assert dist . is_initialized (
) , ' torch.distributed is not initialized, please use colossalai.launch to create the distributed environment '
self . rank = dist . get_rank ( )
self . world_size = dist . get_world_size ( )
self . gemini_config = dict (
device = ( device or get_current_device ( ) ) ,
placement_policy = placement_policy ,
pin_memory = pin_memory ,
force_outputs_fp32 = force_outputs_fp32 ,
strict_ddp_mode = strict_ddp_mode ,
search_range_mb = search_range_mb ,
hidden_dim = hidden_dim ,
min_chunk_size_mb = min_chunk_size_mb ,
memstats = memstats ,
self . zero_optim_config = dict ( gpu_margin_mem_ratio = gpu_margin_mem_ratio , )
self . optim_kwargs = dict ( initial_scale = initial_scale ,
growth_factor = growth_factor ,
backoff_factor = backoff_factor ,
growth_interval = growth_interval ,
hysteresis = hysteresis ,
min_scale = min_scale ,
max_scale = max_scale ,
max_norm = max_norm ,
norm_type = norm_type )
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self . verbose = verbose
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def support_no_sync ( self ) - > bool :
return False
def control_precision ( self ) - > bool :
return True
def supported_precisions ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
return [ ' fp16 ' ]
def control_device ( self ) - > bool :
return True
def supported_devices ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
return [ ' cuda ' ]
def prepare_train_dataloader ( self ,
dataset ,
batch_size ,
shuffle = False ,
seed = 1024 ,
drop_last = False ,
pin_memory = False ,
num_workers = 0 ,
* * kwargs ) :
r """
Prepare a dataloader for distributed training . The dataloader will be wrapped by
` torch . utils . data . DataLoader ` and ` torch . utils . data . DistributedSampler ` .
Note :
1. Evaluation datasets should not be passed to this function .
Args :
dataset ( ` torch . utils . data . Dataset ` ) : The dataset to be loaded .
shuffle ( bool , optional ) : Whether to shuffle the dataset . Defaults to False .
seed ( int , optional ) : Random worker seed for sampling , defaults to 1024.
add_sampler : Whether to add ` ` DistributedDataParallelSampler ` ` to the dataset . Defaults to True .
drop_last ( bool , optional ) : Set to True to drop the last incomplete batch , if the dataset size
is not divisible by the batch size . If False and the size of dataset is not divisible by
the batch size , then the last batch will be smaller , defaults to False .
pin_memory ( bool , optional ) : Whether to pin memory address in CPU memory . Defaults to False .
num_workers ( int , optional ) : Number of worker threads for this dataloader . Defaults to 0.
kwargs ( dict ) : optional parameters for ` ` torch . utils . data . DataLoader ` ` , more details could be found in
` DataLoader < https : / / pytorch . org / docs / stable / _modules / torch / utils / data / dataloader . html #DataLoader>`_.
Returns :
: class : ` torch . utils . data . DataLoader ` : A DataLoader used for training or testing .
_kwargs = kwargs . copy ( )
sampler = DistributedSampler ( dataset , num_replicas = self . world_size , rank = self . rank , shuffle = shuffle )
# Deterministic dataloader
def seed_worker ( worker_id ) :
worker_seed = seed
np . random . seed ( worker_seed )
torch . manual_seed ( worker_seed )
random . seed ( worker_seed )
return DataLoader ( dataset ,
batch_size = batch_size ,
sampler = sampler ,
worker_init_fn = seed_worker ,
drop_last = drop_last ,
pin_memory = pin_memory ,
num_workers = num_workers ,
* * _kwargs )
def configure (
self ,
model : nn . Module ,
optimizer : Optimizer ,
criterion : Callable = None ,
dataloader : DataLoader = None ,
lr_scheduler : LRScheduler = None ,
) - > Tuple [ Union [ nn . Module , OptimizerWrapper , LRScheduler , DataLoader ] ] :
if not isinstance ( model , ModelWrapper ) :
# convert model to sync bn
# FIXME(ver217): gemini does not support sync bn
# In torch/nn/modules/_functions.py, line 22, ``mean, invstd = torch.batch_norm_stats(input, eps)`` will get fp32 mean and invstd even though the input is fp16.
# This inconsistency of dtype will cause the error.
# We have two possible solutions:
# 1. keep batch norm always in fp32. This is hard for gemini, as it use chunks.
# 2. patch sync bn or write a new on. This is relatively easy, but we need to test it.
# model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model, None)
# wrap the model with Gemini
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model = GeminiModel ( model , self . gemini_config , self . verbose )
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if not isinstance ( optimizer , OptimizerWrapper ) :
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optimizer = GeminiOptimizer ( model . unwrap ( ) , optimizer , self . zero_optim_config , self . optim_kwargs ,
self . verbose )
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return model , optimizer , criterion , dataloader , lr_scheduler
def control_checkpoint_io ( self ) - > bool :
return True
def get_checkpoint_io ( self ) - > CheckpointIO :
return GeminiCheckpointIO ( )