2022-08-02 11:23:48 +00:00
import operator
2022-10-27 02:42:54 +00:00
from functools import reduce
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from typing import List , Tuple
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2022-08-02 11:23:48 +00:00
import torch
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import torch . distributed as dist
2022-08-02 11:23:48 +00:00
class DeviceMesh :
""" A logical view of a physical mesh. The logical view is used in the
search process .
A physical mesh can have multiple logical views . ( e . g . , a 2 x8 physical mesh
can be viewed as a 1 x16 or a 4 x4 logical mesh ) . Each mesh dimension has its
own latency and bandwidth . We use alpha - beta model to model the
communication cost .
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2022-08-02 11:23:48 +00:00
Arguments :
physical_mesh_id ( torch . Tensor ) : physical view of the devices in global rank .
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logical_mesh_id ( torch . Tensor ) : logical view of the devices in global rank .
mesh_shape ( torch . Size , optional ) : shape of logical view .
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mesh_alpha ( List [ float ] , optional ) : coefficients used for computing
communication cost ( default : None )
mesh_beta ( List [ float ] , optional ) : coefficients used for computing
communication cost ( default : None )
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init_process_group ( bool , optional ) : initialize logical process group
during initializing the DeviceMesh instance if the init_process_group set to True .
Otherwise , users need to call create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh manually to init logical process group .
( default : False )
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need_flatten ( bool , optional ) : initialize flatten_device_mesh during initializing the DeviceMesh instance if the need_flatten set to True .
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2022-08-25 08:48:12 +00:00
def __init__ ( self ,
2023-01-11 06:03:49 +00:00
physical_mesh_id : torch . Tensor ,
mesh_shape : torch . Size = None ,
logical_mesh_id : torch . Tensor = None ,
mesh_alpha : List [ float ] = None ,
mesh_beta : List [ float ] = None ,
init_process_group : bool = False ,
need_flatten : bool = True ) :
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self . physical_mesh_id = physical_mesh_id
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if logical_mesh_id is None :
self . mesh_shape = mesh_shape
self . _logical_mesh_id = self . physical_mesh_id . reshape ( self . mesh_shape )
else :
self . _logical_mesh_id = logical_mesh_id
self . mesh_shape = self . _logical_mesh_id . shape
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# map global rank into logical rank
self . convert_map = { }
self . _global_rank_to_logical_rank_map ( self . _logical_mesh_id , [ ] )
# coefficient for alpha-beta communication model
if mesh_alpha is None :
mesh_alpha = [ 1 ] * len ( self . mesh_shape )
if mesh_beta is None :
mesh_beta = [ 1 ] * len ( self . mesh_shape )
self . mesh_alpha = tuple ( mesh_alpha )
self . mesh_beta = tuple ( mesh_beta )
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self . init_process_group = init_process_group
self . need_flatten = need_flatten
if self . init_process_group :
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self . process_groups_dict = self . create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh ( )
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if self . need_flatten and self . _logical_mesh_id . dim ( ) > 1 :
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self . flatten_device_mesh = self . flatten ( )
2022-11-23 13:49:17 +00:00
# Create a new member `flatten_device_meshes` to distinguish from original flatten methods (Because I'm not sure if there are functions that rely on the self.flatten())
2023-01-11 06:03:49 +00:00
# self.flatten_device_meshes = FlattenDeviceMesh(self.physical_mesh_id, self.mesh_shape, self.mesh_alpha,
# self.mesh_beta)
2022-08-02 11:23:48 +00:00
def shape ( self ) :
return self . mesh_shape
def num_devices ( self ) :
return reduce ( operator . mul , self . physical_mesh_id . shape , 1 )
def logical_mesh_id ( self ) :
return self . _logical_mesh_id
2022-10-27 02:42:54 +00:00
def __deepcopy__ ( self , memo ) :
cls = self . __class__
result = cls . __new__ ( cls )
memo [ id ( self ) ] = result
for k , v in self . __dict__ . items ( ) :
if k != ' process_groups_dict ' :
setattr ( result , k , __import__ ( " copy " ) . deepcopy ( v , memo ) )
else :
setattr ( result , k , v )
return result
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def flatten ( self ) :
Flatten the logical mesh into an effective 1 d logical mesh ,
flatten_mesh_shape_size = len ( self . mesh_shape )
flatten_mesh_shape = [ self . num_devices ]
return DeviceMesh ( self . physical_mesh_id ,
tuple ( flatten_mesh_shape ) ,
mesh_alpha = [ max ( self . mesh_alpha ) ] * ( flatten_mesh_shape_size - 1 ) ,
mesh_beta = [ min ( self . mesh_beta ) ] * ( flatten_mesh_shape_size - 1 ) ,
init_process_group = self . init_process_group ,
need_flatten = False )
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def _global_rank_to_logical_rank_map ( self , tensor , index_list ) :
This method is a helper function to build convert_map recursively .
for index , inner_tensor in enumerate ( tensor ) :
if inner_tensor . numel ( ) == 1 :
self . convert_map [ int ( inner_tensor ) ] = index_list + [ index ]
else :
self . _global_rank_to_logical_rank_map ( inner_tensor , index_list + [ index ] )
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def create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh ( self ) :
This method is used to initialize the logical process groups which will be used in communications
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among logical device mesh .
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Note : if init_process_group set to False , you have to call this method manually . Otherwise ,
the communication related function , such as ShapeConsistencyManager . apply will raise errors .
process_groups_dict = { }
check_duplicate_list = [ ]
global_rank_flatten_list = self . physical_mesh_id . view ( - 1 ) . tolist ( )
for global_rank in global_rank_flatten_list :
process_groups = self . global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank ( global_rank )
for axis , process_group in process_groups . items ( ) :
if axis not in process_groups_dict :
process_groups_dict [ axis ] = [ ]
if process_group not in check_duplicate_list :
check_duplicate_list . append ( process_group )
process_group_handler = dist . new_group ( process_group )
process_groups_dict [ axis ] . append ( ( process_group , process_group_handler ) )
return process_groups_dict
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def global_rank_to_logical_rank ( self , rank ) :
return self . convert_map [ rank ]
def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank ( self , rank ) :
Give a global rank and return all logical process groups of this rank .
for example :
physical_mesh_id = torch . arange ( 0 , 16 ) . reshape ( 2 , 8 )
mesh_shape = ( 4 , 4 )
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7],
# [8, 9, 10,11],
# [12,13,14,15]]
device_mesh = DeviceMesh ( physical_mesh_id , mesh_shape )
print ( device_mesh . global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank ( 0 ) )
output :
# key is axis name
# value is a list of logical ranks in same axis with rank 0
{ 0 : [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 1 , 0 ] , [ 2 , 0 ] , [ 3 , 0 ] ] , 1 : [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 2 ] , [ 0 , 3 ] ] }
process_groups = { }
for d in range ( self . logical_mesh_id . dim ( ) ) :
for replacer in range ( self . logical_mesh_id . shape [ d ] ) :
if d not in process_groups :
process_groups [ d ] = [ ]
process_group_member = self . convert_map [ rank ] . copy ( )
process_group_member [ d ] = replacer
process_groups [ d ] . append ( process_group_member )
return process_groups
def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank ( self , rank ) :
Give a global rank and return all process groups of this rank .
for example :
physical_mesh_id = torch . arange ( 0 , 16 ) . reshape ( 2 , 8 )
mesh_shape = ( 4 , 4 )
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7],
# [8, 9, 10,11],
# [12,13,14,15]]
device_mesh = DeviceMesh ( physical_mesh_id , mesh_shape )
print ( device_mesh . global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank ( 0 ) )
output :
# key is axis name
# value is a list of global ranks in same axis with rank 0
{ 0 : [ 0 , 4 , 8 , 12 ] , 1 : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] }
logical_process_groups = self . global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank ( rank )
process_groups = { }
for dim , logical_ranks in logical_process_groups . items ( ) :
process_groups [ dim ] = [ ]
for logical_rank in logical_ranks :
for g_rank , l_rank in self . convert_map . items ( ) :
if l_rank == logical_rank :
process_groups [ dim ] . append ( g_rank )
return process_groups
def all_gather_cost ( self , num_bytes , mesh_dim ) :
num_devices = self . logical_mesh_id . shape [ mesh_dim ]
return ( self . mesh_alpha [ mesh_dim ] + self . mesh_beta [ mesh_dim ] * ( num_devices - 1 ) / num_devices * num_bytes +
0.1 )
def all_reduce_cost ( self , num_bytes , mesh_dim ) :
num_devices = self . logical_mesh_id . shape [ mesh_dim ]
return ( self . mesh_alpha [ mesh_dim ] + self . mesh_beta [ mesh_dim ] * 2 * ( num_devices - 1 ) / num_devices * num_bytes +
0.01 )
def reduce_scatter_cost ( self , num_bytes , mesh_dim ) :
num_devices = self . logical_mesh_id . shape [ mesh_dim ]
return ( self . mesh_alpha [ mesh_dim ] + self . mesh_beta [ mesh_dim ] * ( num_devices - 1 ) / num_devices * num_bytes +
0.001 )
def all_to_all_cost ( self , num_bytes , mesh_dim ) :
num_devices = self . logical_mesh_id . shape [ mesh_dim ]
penalty_factor = num_devices / 2.0
return ( self . mesh_alpha [ mesh_dim ] + self . mesh_beta [ mesh_dim ] *
( num_devices - 1 ) / num_devices / num_devices * num_bytes * penalty_factor + 0.001 )
2022-11-23 13:49:17 +00:00
class FlattenDeviceMesh ( DeviceMesh ) :
def __init__ ( self , physical_mesh_id , mesh_shape , mesh_alpha = None , mesh_beta = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( physical_mesh_id ,
mesh_shape ,
mesh_alpha ,
mesh_beta ,
init_process_group = False ,
need_flatten = False )
# Different from flatten(), mesh_shape leaves unchanged, mesh_alpha and mesh_beta are scalars
self . mesh_alpha = max ( self . mesh_alpha )
self . mesh_beta = min ( self . mesh_beta )
# Different from original process_groups_dict, rank_list is not stored
self . process_number_dict = self . create_process_numbers_for_logical_mesh ( )
def create_process_numbers_for_logical_mesh ( self ) :
Build 1 d DeviceMesh in column - major ( 0 ) and row - major ( 1 )
for example :
mesh_shape = ( 2 , 4 )
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7]]
# return {0: [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7], 1: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}
num_devices = reduce ( operator . mul , self . mesh_shape , 1 )
process_numbers_dict = { }
process_numbers_dict [ 0 ] = torch . arange ( num_devices ) . reshape ( self . mesh_shape ) . transpose ( 1 , 0 ) . flatten ( ) . tolist ( )
process_numbers_dict [ 1 ] = torch . arange ( num_devices ) . reshape ( self . mesh_shape ) . flatten ( ) . tolist ( )
return process_numbers_dict
def mix_gather_cost ( self , num_bytes ) :
num_devices = reduce ( operator . mul , self . mesh_shape , 1 )
return ( self . mesh_alpha + self . mesh_beta * ( num_devices - 1 ) / num_devices * num_bytes + 0.1 )