
137 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List
from torch.fx import Graph, Node
from .memory import activation_size, is_inplace
class Phase(Enum):
class GraphInfo:
GraphInfo is a dataclass for MetaInfo, which measures
the execution memory cost and FLOPs with `MetaTensor`.
The dataflow analysis is conducted on a single node of the FX graph.
| Node |
[fwd_in] are ---> | [fwd_in] [bwd_out] | <----- [bwd_out] is marks the memory for `grad_out`.
placeholders saved for | | \__________ | |
backward. | | \ | |
| [fwd_tmp] ------> [bwd_tmp] | <-----
| | \_________ | | [bwd_tmp] marks the peak memory
| / \ \ | | in backward pass.
[x] is not counted ---> | [x] [fwd_tmp] -> [bwd_tmp] | <-----
in [fwd_tmp] because | | \_____ | |
it is not saved for | | \ | |
backward. | [fwd_out] \ | | <----- [fwd_out] is [fwd_in] for the next node.
fwd_flop (int): The forward FLOPs of a certain node.
fwd_time (float): The real forward time (s) of a certain node.
bwd_flop (int): The backward FLOPs of a certain node.
bwd_time (float): The real backward time (s) of a certain node.
save_fwd_in (bool): The decision variable of whether to save the fwd_mem_out of parent nodes.
fwd_in (List): See the above illustration.
fwd_tmp (List): See the above illustration.
fwd_out (List): See the above illustration.
fwd_mem_tmp (int): See the above illustration.
fwd_mem_out (int): See the above illustration.
bwd_mem_tmp (int): See the above illustration.
bwd_mem_out (int): See the above illustration.
# TODO(super-dainiu): removed redundant items, currently all of them are necessary for development
fwd_flop: int = 0
fwd_time: float = 0.0
bwd_flop: int = 0
bwd_time: float = 0.0
save_fwd_in: bool = False
fwd_in: List = field(default_factory=list)
fwd_tmp: List = field(default_factory=list)
fwd_out: List = field(default_factory=list)
fwd_mem_tmp: int = 0
fwd_mem_out: int = 0
bwd_mem_tmp: int = 0
bwd_mem_out: int = 0
def is_phase(n: Node, phase: Phase) -> bool:
assert 'phase' in n.meta, f'Node meta of {n} has no key `phase`!'
return n.meta['phase'] == phase
def autograd_graph_analysis(graph: Graph) -> GraphInfo:
"""Analyze the autograd node dependencies and find out the memory usage.
Basically the input graph should have all nodes marked for keyword `phase`.
Nodes should have attribute `out` indicating the output of each node.
Placeholder ----> p o <---- We need to keep track of grad out
|\________ |
f --------> b
|\ \_____
| \ /
f f ----> b <---- Not every forward result needs to be saved for backward
| \____
f ----> b <---- Backward can be freed as soon as it is required no more.
graph (Graph): The autograd graph with nodes marked for keyword `phase`.
graph_info (GraphInfo): Meta information for the dataflow.
def _peak_memory(deps: Dict[Node, int]):
peak_mem = 0
for k, v in deps.items():
if v > 0 and is_phase(k, Phase.BACKWARD) and not all(map(is_inplace, k.users)) and not is_inplace(k):
peak_mem += activation_size(k.meta['saved_tensor'])
if v <= float('-inf') and is_phase(k, Phase.FORWARD):
peak_mem -= activation_size(k.meta['saved_tensor'])
return peak_mem
# deps is used to track all the memory dependencies of the graph.
deps = {}
graph_info = GraphInfo()
for n in graph.nodes:
n: Node
deps[n] = len(n.users)
# A forward tensor who is marked `save` but is also
# an input to `Phase.FORWARD` should be saved during forward.
# If the tensor is a placeholder, then it belongs to `fwd_mem_in`.
# Any `fwd_mem_in` should be kept in memory even this function
# is checkpointed.
# Otherwise, the tensor belongs to `fwd_mem_tmp`. If we checkpoint
# the node, `fwd_mem_tmp` can be freed.
if is_phase(n, Phase.PLACEHOLDER):
graph_info.fwd_in += n.meta['saved_tensor']
if is_phase(n, Phase.FORWARD):
graph_info.fwd_tmp += n.meta['saved_tensor']
elif is_phase(n, Phase.BACKWARD):
if len(n.users):
graph_info.bwd_mem_tmp = max(graph_info.bwd_mem_tmp, _peak_memory(deps))
# TODO: some of the bwd_mem_out might be model parameters.
# basically a backward node without user is a `grad_out` node
graph_info.bwd_mem_out += activation_size(n.meta['saved_tensor'])
for input_n in n.all_input_nodes:
if input_n in deps:
deps[input_n] -= 1
if deps[input_n] <= 0:
deps[input_n] = float('-inf')
return graph_info