We use CIFAR10 dataset in this example. You should invoke the `donwload_cifar10.py` in the tutorial root directory or directly run the `auto_parallel_with_resnet.py`.
The dataset will be downloaded to `colossalai/examples/tutorials/data` by default.
We prepare two bechmarks for you to test the performance of auto checkpoint
The first test `auto_ckpt_solver_test.py` will show you the ability of solver to search checkpoint strategy that could fit in the given budget (test on GPT2 Medium and ResNet 50). It will output the benchmark summary and data visualization of peak memory vs. budget memory and relative step time vs. peak memory.
The second test `auto_ckpt_batchsize_test.py` will show you the advantage of fitting larger batchsize training into limited GPU memory with the help of our activation checkpoint solver (test on ResNet152). It will output the benchmark summary.