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            <h4>The following was created using data tags</h4>
            <p>The following three inline (sparkline) chart have been initialized to read and interpret data tags</p>
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                  <div class="sparkline" data-type="bar" data-width="97%" data-height="100px" data-bar-Width="14" data-bar-Spacing="7" data-bar-Color="#f39c12">
                    6,4,8, 9, 10, 5, 13, 18, 21, 7, 9
                </div><!-- /.box-body -->
              </div><!-- /.box -->
            </div><!-- /.col -->
          </div><!-- /.row -->

          <div class='row'>
            <div class='col-xs-12'>
              <div class="box box-solid">
                <div class="box-header">
                  <h3 class="box-title">Sparkline examples</h3>
                  <div class="box-tools pull-right">
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                <div id="myBody" class="box-body">
                  <div class='row'>
                    <div class='col-sm-6'>
                        Mouse speed <span id="mousespeed">Loading..</span>
                        Inline <span class="sparkline-1">10,8,9,3,5,8,5</span>
                        line graphs
                        <span class="sparkline-1">8,4,0,0,0,0,1,4,4,10,10,10,10,0,0,0,4,6,5,9,10</span>

                        Bar charts <span class="sparkbar">10,8,9,3,5,8,5</span>
                        negative values: <span class="sparkbar">-3,1,2,0,3,-1</span>
                        stacked: <span class="sparkbar">0:2,2:4,4:2,4:1</span>

                        Composite inline
                        <span id="compositeline">8,4,0,0,0,0,1,4,4,10,10,10,10,0,0,0,4,6,5,9,10</span>
                        Inline with normal range
                        <span id="normalline">8,4,0,0,0,0,1,4,4,10,10,10,10,0,0,0,4,6,5,9,10</span>
                        Composite bar
                        <span id="compositebar">4,6,7,7,4,3,2,1,4</span>
                        <span class="discrete1">4,6,7,7,4,3,2,1,4,4,5,6,7,6,6,2,4,5</span><br />

                        Discrete with threshold
                        <span id="discrete2">4,6,7,7,4,3,2,1,4</span>
                        Bullet charts<br />
                        <span class="sparkbullet">10,12,12,9,7</span><br />
                        <span class="sparkbullet">14,12,12,9,7</span><br />
                        <span class="sparkbullet">10,12,14,9,7</span><br />
                    </div><!-- /.col -->
                    <div class='col-sm-6'>
                        Customize size and colours
                        <span id="linecustom">10,8,9,3,5,8,5,7</span>
                        Tristate charts
                        <span class="sparktristate">1,1,0,1,-1,-1,1,-1,0,0,1,1</span><br />
                        (think games won, lost or drawn)
                        Tristate chart using a colour map:
                        <span class="sparktristatecols">1,2,0,2,-1,-2,1,-2,0,0,1,1</span>
                        Box Plot: <span class="sparkboxplot">4,27,34,52,54,59,61,68,78,82,85,87,91,93,100</span><br />
                        Pre-computed box plot <span class="sparkboxplotraw">Loading..</span>
                        Pie charts
                        <span class="sparkpie">1,1,2</span>
                        <span class="sparkpie">1,5</span>
                        <span class="sparkpie">20,50,80</span>
                    </div><!-- /.col -->
                  </div><!-- /.row -->
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    <!-- jQuery Knob -->
    <script src="../../plugins/jqueryKnob/jquery.knob.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- Sparkline -->
    <script src="../../plugins/sparkline/jquery.sparkline.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(function () {
        /* jQueryKnob */

          /*change : function (value) {
           //console.log("change : " + value);
           release : function (value) {
           console.log("release : " + value);
           cancel : function () {
           console.log("cancel : " + this.value);
          draw: function () {

            // "tron" case
            if (this.$.data('skin') == 'tron') {

              var a = this.angle(this.cv)  // Angle
                      , sa = this.startAngle          // Previous start angle
                      , sat = this.startAngle         // Start angle
                      , ea                            // Previous end angle
                      , eat = sat + a                 // End angle
                      , r = true;

              this.g.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;

                      && (sat = eat - 0.3)
                      && (eat = eat + 0.3);

              if (this.o.displayPrevious) {
                ea = this.startAngle + this.angle(this.value);
                        && (sa = ea - 0.3)
                        && (ea = ea + 0.3);
                this.g.strokeStyle = this.previousColor;
                this.g.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius - this.lineWidth, sa, ea, false);

              this.g.strokeStyle = r ? this.o.fgColor : this.fgColor;
              this.g.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius - this.lineWidth, sat, eat, false);

              this.g.lineWidth = 2;
              this.g.strokeStyle = this.o.fgColor;
              this.g.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius - this.lineWidth + 1 + this.lineWidth * 2 / 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);

              return false;
        /* END JQUERY KNOB */

        $(".sparkline").each(function () {
          var $this = $(this);
          $this.sparkline('html', $this.data());

        /* SPARKLINE DOCUMENTAION EXAMPLES http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/#s-about */

      function drawDocSparklines() {

        // Bar + line composite charts
        $('#compositebar').sparkline('html', {type: 'bar', barColor: '#aaf'});
        $('#compositebar').sparkline([4, 1, 5, 7, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 4, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7],
                {composite: true, fillColor: false, lineColor: 'red'});

        // Line charts taking their values from the tag

        // Larger line charts for the docs
                {type: 'line', height: '2.5em', width: '4em'});

        // Customized line chart
                {height: '1.5em', width: '8em', lineColor: '#f00', fillColor: '#ffa',
                  minSpotColor: false, maxSpotColor: false, spotColor: '#77f', spotRadius: 3});

        // Bar charts using inline values
        $('.sparkbar').sparkline('html', {type: 'bar'});

        $('.barformat').sparkline([1, 3, 5, 3, 8], {
          type: 'bar',
          tooltipFormat: '{{value:levels}} - {{value}}',
          tooltipValueLookups: {
            levels: $.range_map({':2': 'Low', '3:6': 'Medium', '7:': 'High'})

        // Tri-state charts using inline values
        $('.sparktristate').sparkline('html', {type: 'tristate'});
                {type: 'tristate', colorMap: {'-2': '#fa7', '2': '#44f'}});

        // Composite line charts, the second using values supplied via javascript
        $('#compositeline').sparkline('html', {fillColor: false, changeRangeMin: 0, chartRangeMax: 10});
        $('#compositeline').sparkline([4, 1, 5, 7, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 4, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7],
                {composite: true, fillColor: false, lineColor: 'red', changeRangeMin: 0, chartRangeMax: 10});

        // Line charts with normal range marker
                {fillColor: false, normalRangeMin: -1, normalRangeMax: 8});
                {fillColor: false, normalRangeMin: 80, normalRangeMax: 95, normalRangeColor: '#4f4'});

        // Discrete charts
                {type: 'discrete', lineColor: 'blue', xwidth: 18});
                {type: 'discrete', lineColor: 'blue', thresholdColor: 'red', thresholdValue: 4});

        // Bullet charts
        $('.sparkbullet').sparkline('html', {type: 'bullet'});

        // Pie charts
        $('.sparkpie').sparkline('html', {type: 'pie', height: '1.0em'});

        // Box plots
        $('.sparkboxplot').sparkline('html', {type: 'box'});
        $('.sparkboxplotraw').sparkline([1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 18],
                {type: 'box', raw: true, showOutliers: true, target: 6});

        // Box plot with specific field order
        $('.boxfieldorder').sparkline('html', {
          type: 'box',
          tooltipFormatFieldlist: ['med', 'lq', 'uq'],
          tooltipFormatFieldlistKey: 'field'

        // click event demo sparkline
        $('.clickdemo').bind('sparklineClick', function (ev) {
          var sparkline = ev.sparklines[0],
                  region = sparkline.getCurrentRegionFields();
          value = region.y;
          alert("Clicked on x=" + region.x + " y=" + region.y);

        // mouseover event demo sparkline
        $('.mouseoverdemo').bind('sparklineRegionChange', function (ev) {
          var sparkline = ev.sparklines[0],
                  region = sparkline.getCurrentRegionFields();
          value = region.y;
          $('.mouseoverregion').text("x=" + region.x + " y=" + region.y);
        }).bind('mouseleave', function () {

       ** Draw the little mouse speed animated graph
       ** This just attaches a handler to the mousemove event to see
       ** (roughly) how far the mouse has moved
       ** and then updates the display a couple of times a second via
       ** setTimeout()
      function drawMouseSpeedDemo() {
        var mrefreshinterval = 500; // update display every 500ms
        var lastmousex = -1;
        var lastmousey = -1;
        var lastmousetime;
        var mousetravel = 0;
        var mpoints = [];
        var mpoints_max = 30;
        $('html').mousemove(function (e) {
          var mousex = e.pageX;
          var mousey = e.pageY;
          if (lastmousex > -1) {
            mousetravel += Math.max(Math.abs(mousex - lastmousex), Math.abs(mousey - lastmousey));
          lastmousex = mousex;
          lastmousey = mousey;
        var mdraw = function () {
          var md = new Date();
          var timenow = md.getTime();
          if (lastmousetime && lastmousetime != timenow) {
            var pps = Math.round(mousetravel / (timenow - lastmousetime) * 1000);
            if (mpoints.length > mpoints_max)
              mpoints.splice(0, 1);
            mousetravel = 0;
            $('#mousespeed').sparkline(mpoints, {width: mpoints.length * 2, tooltipSuffix: ' pixels per second'});
          lastmousetime = timenow;
          setTimeout(mdraw, mrefreshinterval);
        // We could use setInterval instead, but I prefer to do it this way
        setTimeout(mdraw, mrefreshinterval);

