

Various types of buttons. Using the base class .btn

Normal Large .btn-lg Small .btn-sm Flat .btn-flat Disabled .disabled

Outline Buttons

Various types of buttons. Using the base class .btn

Normal Large .btn-lg Small .btn-sm Flat .btn-flat Disabled .disabled

Gradient Buttons (bg-*)

Various types of buttons. Using the base class .btn

Normal Large .btn-lg Small .btn-sm Flat .btn-flat Disabled .disabled

Block Buttons

Horizontal Button Group

Horizontal button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group"></div>

Button Icons Flat Dropdown

Appended Buttons

With dropdown Normal

Application Buttons

Vertical Button Group

Vertical button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group-vertical"></div>

Button Icons Flat Dropdown