2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
< ? php
* Simple elFinder driver for MySQL .
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
class elFinderVolumeMySQL extends elFinderVolumeDriver
* Driver id
* Must be started from letter and contains [ a - z0 - 9 ]
* Used as part of volume id
* @ var string
protected $driverId = 'm' ;
* Database object
* @ var mysqli
protected $db = null ;
* Tables to store files
* @ var string
protected $tbf = '' ;
* Directory for tmp files
* If not set driver will try to use tmbDir as tmpDir
* @ var string
protected $tmpPath = '' ;
* Numbers of sql requests ( for debug )
* @ var int
protected $sqlCnt = 0 ;
* Last db error message
* @ var string
protected $dbError = '' ;
* This root has parent id
* @ var boolean
protected $rootHasParent = false ;
* Constructor
* Extend options with required fields
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
public function __construct ()
$opts = array (
'host' => 'localhost' ,
'user' => '' ,
'pass' => '' ,
'db' => '' ,
'port' => null ,
'socket' => null ,
'files_table' => 'elfinder_file' ,
'tmbPath' => '' ,
'tmpPath' => '' ,
'rootCssClass' => 'elfinder-navbar-root-sql' ,
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'noSessionCache' => array ( 'hasdirs' ),
'isLocalhost' => false
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$this -> options = array_merge ( $this -> options , $opts );
$this -> options [ 'mimeDetect' ] = 'internal' ;
* Prepare driver before mount volume .
* Connect to db , check required tables and fetch root path
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function init ()
if ( ! ( $this -> options [ 'host' ] || $this -> options [ 'socket' ])
|| ! $this -> options [ 'user' ]
|| ! $this -> options [ 'pass' ]
|| ! $this -> options [ 'db' ]
|| ! $this -> options [ 'path' ]
|| ! $this -> options [ 'files_table' ]) {
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
return $this -> setError ( 'Required options "host", "socket", "user", "pass", "db", "path" or "files_table" are undefined.' );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
$err = null ;
if ( $this -> db = @ new mysqli ( $this -> options [ 'host' ], $this -> options [ 'user' ], $this -> options [ 'pass' ], $this -> options [ 'db' ], $this -> options [ 'port' ], $this -> options [ 'socket' ])) {
if ( $this -> db && $this -> db -> connect_error ) {
$err = $this -> db -> connect_error ;
} else {
$err = mysqli_connect_error ();
if ( $err ) {
return $this -> setError ( array ( 'Unable to connect to MySQL server.' , $err ));
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> needOnline && empty ( $this -> ARGS [ 'init' ])) {
$this -> db -> close ();
$this -> db = null ;
return true ;
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$this -> db -> set_charset ( 'utf8' );
if ( $res = $this -> db -> query ( 'SHOW TABLES' )) {
while ( $row = $res -> fetch_array ()) {
if ( $row [ 0 ] == $this -> options [ 'files_table' ]) {
$this -> tbf = $this -> options [ 'files_table' ];
break ;
if ( ! $this -> tbf ) {
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
return $this -> setError ( 'The specified database table cannot be found.' );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$this -> updateCache ( $this -> options [ 'path' ], $this -> _stat ( $this -> options [ 'path' ]));
// enable command archive
$this -> options [ 'useRemoteArchive' ] = true ;
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// check isLocalhost
$this -> isLocalhost = $this -> options [ 'isLocalhost' ] || $this -> options [ 'host' ] === 'localhost' || $this -> options [ 'host' ] === '' || $this -> options [ 'host' ] === '::1' ;
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
return true ;
* Set tmp path
* @ return void
* @ throws elFinderAbortException
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function configure ()
parent :: configure ();
if (( $tmp = $this -> options [ 'tmpPath' ])) {
if ( ! file_exists ( $tmp )) {
if ( mkdir ( $tmp )) {
chmod ( $tmp , $this -> options [ 'tmbPathMode' ]);
$this -> tmpPath = is_dir ( $tmp ) && is_writable ( $tmp ) ? $tmp : false ;
if ( ! $this -> tmpPath && ( $tmp = elFinder :: getStaticVar ( 'commonTempPath' ))) {
$this -> tmpPath = $tmp ;
// fallback of $this->tmp
if ( ! $this -> tmpPath && $this -> tmbPathWritable ) {
$this -> tmpPath = $this -> tmbPath ;
$this -> mimeDetect = 'internal' ;
* Close connection
* @ return void
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
public function umount ()
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$this -> db && $this -> db -> close ();
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* Return debug info for client
* @ return array
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
public function debug ()
$debug = parent :: debug ();
$debug [ 'sqlCount' ] = $this -> sqlCnt ;
if ( $this -> dbError ) {
$debug [ 'dbError' ] = $this -> dbError ;
return $debug ;
* Perform sql query and return result .
* Increase sqlCnt and save error if occured
* @ param string $sql query
* @ return bool | mysqli_result
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function query ( $sql )
$this -> sqlCnt ++ ;
$res = $this -> db -> query ( $sql );
if ( ! $res ) {
$this -> dbError = $this -> db -> error ;
return $res ;
* Create empty object with required mimetype
* @ param string $path parent dir path
* @ param string $name object name
* @ param string $mime mime type
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function make ( $path , $name , $mime )
$sql = 'INSERT INTO %s (`parent_id`, `name`, `size`, `mtime`, `mime`, `content`, `read`, `write`, `locked`, `hidden`, `width`, `height`) VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\', 0, %d, \'%s\', \'\', \'%d\', \'%d\', \'%d\', \'%d\', 0, 0)' ;
$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf , $path , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ), time (), $mime , $this -> defaults [ 'read' ], $this -> defaults [ 'write' ], $this -> defaults [ 'locked' ], $this -> defaults [ 'hidden' ]);
// echo $sql;
return $this -> query ( $sql ) && $this -> db -> affected_rows > 0 ;
/* FS API */
* Cache dir contents
* @ param string $path dir path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry Levashov
protected function cacheDir ( $path )
$this -> dirsCache [ $path ] = array ();
$sql = ' SELECT f . id , f . parent_id , f . name , f . size , f . mtime AS ts , f . mime , f . read , f . write , f . locked , f . hidden , f . width , f . height , IF ( ch . id , 1 , 0 ) AS dirs
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
FROM ' . $this->tbf . ' AS f
LEFT JOIN ' . $this->tbf . ' AS ch ON ch . parent_id = f . id AND ch . mime = \ ' directory\ '
WHERE f . parent_id = \ '' . $path . ' \ '
GROUP BY f . id , ch . id ' ;
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$res = $this -> query ( $sql );
if ( $res ) {
while ( $row = $res -> fetch_assoc ()) {
$id = $row [ 'id' ];
if ( $row [ 'parent_id' ] && $id != $this -> root ) {
$row [ 'phash' ] = $this -> encode ( $row [ 'parent_id' ]);
if ( $row [ 'mime' ] == 'directory' ) {
unset ( $row [ 'width' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'height' ]);
$row [ 'size' ] = 0 ;
} else {
unset ( $row [ 'dirs' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'id' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'parent_id' ]);
if (( $stat = $this -> updateCache ( $id , $row )) && empty ( $stat [ 'hidden' ])) {
$this -> dirsCache [ $path ][] = $id ;
return $this -> dirsCache [ $path ];
* Return array of parents paths ( ids )
* @ param int $path file path ( id )
* @ return array
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function getParents ( $path )
$parents = array ();
while ( $path ) {
if ( $file = $this -> stat ( $path )) {
array_unshift ( $parents , $path );
$path = isset ( $file [ 'phash' ]) ? $this -> decode ( $file [ 'phash' ]) : false ;
if ( count ( $parents )) {
array_pop ( $parents );
return $parents ;
* Return correct file path for LOAD_FILE method
* @ param string $path file path ( id )
* @ return string
* @ author Troex Nevelin
protected function loadFilePath ( $path )
$realPath = realpath ( $path );
if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\' ) { // windows
$realPath = str_replace ( '\\' , '\\\\' , $realPath );
return $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $realPath );
* Recursive files search
* @ param string $path dir path
* @ param string $q search string
* @ param array $mimes
* @ return array
* @ throws elFinderAbortException
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function doSearch ( $path , $q , $mimes )
if ( ! empty ( $this -> doSearchCurrentQuery [ 'matchMethod' ])) {
// has custom match method use elFinderVolumeDriver::doSearch()
return parent :: doSearch ( $path , $q , $mimes );
$dirs = array ();
$timeout = $this -> options [ 'searchTimeout' ] ? $this -> searchStart + $this -> options [ 'searchTimeout' ] : 0 ;
if ( $path != $this -> root || $this -> rootHasParent ) {
$dirs = $inpath = array ( intval ( $path ));
while ( $inpath ) {
$in = '(' . join ( ',' , $inpath ) . ')' ;
$inpath = array ();
$sql = 'SELECT f.id FROM %s AS f WHERE f.parent_id IN ' . $in . ' AND `mime` = \'directory\'' ;
$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf );
if ( $res = $this -> query ( $sql )) {
$_dir = array ();
while ( $dat = $res -> fetch_assoc ()) {
$inpath [] = $dat [ 'id' ];
$dirs = array_merge ( $dirs , $inpath );
$result = array ();
if ( $mimes ) {
$whrs = array ();
foreach ( $mimes as $mime ) {
if ( strpos ( $mime , '/' ) === false ) {
$whrs [] = sprintf ( 'f.mime LIKE \'%s/%%\'' , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $mime ));
} else {
$whrs [] = sprintf ( 'f.mime = \'%s\'' , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $mime ));
$whr = join ( ' OR ' , $whrs );
} else {
$whr = sprintf ( 'f.name LIKE \'%%%s%%\'' , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $q ));
if ( $dirs ) {
$whr = '(' . $whr . ') AND (`parent_id` IN (' . join ( ',' , $dirs ) . '))' ;
$sql = ' SELECT f . id , f . parent_id , f . name , f . size , f . mtime AS ts , f . mime , f . read , f . write , f . locked , f . hidden , f . width , f . height , 0 AS dirs
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
FROM % s AS f
WHERE % s ' ;
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$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf , $whr );
if (( $res = $this -> query ( $sql ))) {
while ( $row = $res -> fetch_assoc ()) {
if ( $timeout && $timeout < time ()) {
$this -> setError ( elFinder :: ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT , $this -> path ( $this -> encode ( $path )));
break ;
if ( ! $this -> mimeAccepted ( $row [ 'mime' ], $mimes )) {
continue ;
$id = $row [ 'id' ];
if ( $id == $this -> root ) {
continue ;
if ( $row [ 'parent_id' ] && $id != $this -> root ) {
$row [ 'phash' ] = $this -> encode ( $row [ 'parent_id' ]);
$row [ 'path' ] = $this -> _path ( $id );
if ( $row [ 'mime' ] == 'directory' ) {
unset ( $row [ 'width' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'height' ]);
} else {
unset ( $row [ 'dirs' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'id' ]);
unset ( $row [ 'parent_id' ]);
if (( $stat = $this -> updateCache ( $id , $row )) && empty ( $stat [ 'hidden' ])) {
$result [] = $stat ;
return $result ;
/*********************** paths/urls *************************/
* Return parent directory path
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _dirname ( $path )
return ( $stat = $this -> stat ( $path )) ? ( ! empty ( $stat [ 'phash' ]) ? $this -> decode ( $stat [ 'phash' ]) : $this -> root ) : false ;
* Return file name
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _basename ( $path )
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return (( $stat = $this -> stat ( $path )) && isset ( $stat [ 'name' ])) ? $stat [ 'name' ] : false ;
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* Join dir name and file name and return full path
* @ param string $dir
* @ param string $name
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _joinPath ( $dir , $name )
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $this -> tbf . ' WHERE parent_id=\'' . $dir . '\' AND name=\'' . $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ) . '\'' ;
if (( $res = $this -> query ( $sql )) && ( $r = $res -> fetch_assoc ())) {
$this -> updateCache ( $r [ 'id' ], $this -> _stat ( $r [ 'id' ]));
return $r [ 'id' ];
return - 1 ;
* Return normalized path , this works the same as os . path . normpath () in Python
* @ param string $path path
* @ return string
* @ author Troex Nevelin
protected function _normpath ( $path )
return $path ;
* Return file path related to root dir
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _relpath ( $path )
return $path ;
* Convert path related to root dir into real path
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _abspath ( $path )
return $path ;
* Return fake path started from root dir
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _path ( $path )
if (( $file = $this -> stat ( $path )) == false ) {
return '' ;
$parentsIds = $this -> getParents ( $path );
$path = '' ;
foreach ( $parentsIds as $id ) {
$dir = $this -> stat ( $id );
$path .= $dir [ 'name' ] . $this -> separator ;
return $path . $file [ 'name' ];
* Return true if $path is children of $parent
* @ param string $path path to check
* @ param string $parent parent path
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _inpath ( $path , $parent )
return $path == $parent
? true
: in_array ( $parent , $this -> getParents ( $path ));
/***************** file stat ********************/
* Return stat for given path .
* Stat contains following fields :
* - ( int ) size file size in b . required
* - ( int ) ts file modification time in unix time . required
* - ( string ) mime mimetype . required for folders , others - optionally
* - ( bool ) read read permissions . required
* - ( bool ) write write permissions . required
* - ( bool ) locked is object locked . optionally
* - ( bool ) hidden is object hidden . optionally
* - ( string ) alias for symlinks - link target path relative to root path . optionally
* - ( string ) target for symlinks - link target path . optionally
* If file does not exists - returns empty array or false .
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return array | false
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _stat ( $path )
$sql = ' SELECT f . id , f . parent_id , f . name , f . size , f . mtime AS ts , f . mime , f . read , f . write , f . locked , f . hidden , f . width , f . height , IF ( ch . id , 1 , 0 ) AS dirs
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
FROM ' . $this->tbf . ' AS f
LEFT JOIN ' . $this->tbf . ' AS ch ON ch . parent_id = f . id AND ch . mime = \ ' directory\ '
WHERE f . id = \ '' . $path . ' \ '
GROUP BY f . id , ch . id ' ;
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$res = $this -> query ( $sql );
if ( $res ) {
$stat = $res -> fetch_assoc ();
if ( $stat [ 'id' ] == $this -> root ) {
$this -> rootHasParent = true ;
$stat [ 'parent_id' ] = '' ;
if ( $stat [ 'parent_id' ]) {
$stat [ 'phash' ] = $this -> encode ( $stat [ 'parent_id' ]);
if ( $stat [ 'mime' ] == 'directory' ) {
unset ( $stat [ 'width' ]);
unset ( $stat [ 'height' ]);
$stat [ 'size' ] = 0 ;
} else {
if ( ! $stat [ 'mime' ]) {
unset ( $stat [ 'mime' ]);
unset ( $stat [ 'dirs' ]);
unset ( $stat [ 'id' ]);
unset ( $stat [ 'parent_id' ]);
return $stat ;
return array ();
* Return true if path is dir and has at least one childs directory
* @ param string $path dir path
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _subdirs ( $path )
return ( $stat = $this -> stat ( $path )) && isset ( $stat [ 'dirs' ]) ? $stat [ 'dirs' ] : false ;
* Return object width and height
* Usualy used for images , but can be realize for video etc ...
* @ param string $path file path
* @ param string $mime file mime type
* @ return string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _dimensions ( $path , $mime )
return ( $stat = $this -> stat ( $path )) && isset ( $stat [ 'width' ]) && isset ( $stat [ 'height' ]) ? $stat [ 'width' ] . 'x' . $stat [ 'height' ] : '' ;
/******************** file/dir content *********************/
* Return files list in directory .
* @ param string $path dir path
* @ return array
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _scandir ( $path )
return isset ( $this -> dirsCache [ $path ])
? $this -> dirsCache [ $path ]
: $this -> cacheDir ( $path );
* Open file and return file pointer
* @ param string $path file path
* @ param string $mode open file mode ( ignored in this driver )
* @ return resource | false
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _fopen ( $path , $mode = 'rb' )
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
$fp = $this -> tmpPath
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
? fopen ( $this -> getTempFile ( $path ), 'w+' )
: $this -> tmpfile ();
if ( $fp ) {
if (( $res = $this -> query ( 'SELECT content FROM ' . $this -> tbf . ' WHERE id=\'' . $path . '\'' ))
&& ( $r = $res -> fetch_assoc ())) {
fwrite ( $fp , $r [ 'content' ]);
rewind ( $fp );
return $fp ;
} else {
$this -> _fclose ( $fp , $path );
return false ;
* Close opened file
* @ param resource $fp file pointer
* @ param string $path
* @ return void
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _fclose ( $fp , $path = '' )
is_resource ( $fp ) && fclose ( $fp );
if ( $path ) {
$file = $this -> getTempFile ( $path );
is_file ( $file ) && unlink ( $file );
/******************** file/dir manipulations *************************/
* Create dir and return created dir path or false on failed
* @ param string $path parent dir path
* @ param string $name new directory name
* @ return string | bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _mkdir ( $path , $name )
return $this -> make ( $path , $name , 'directory' ) ? $this -> _joinPath ( $path , $name ) : false ;
* Create file and return it ' s path or false on failed
* @ param string $path parent dir path
* @ param string $name new file name
* @ return string | bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _mkfile ( $path , $name )
return $this -> make ( $path , $name , '' ) ? $this -> _joinPath ( $path , $name ) : false ;
* Create symlink . FTP driver does not support symlinks .
* @ param string $target link target
* @ param string $path symlink path
* @ param string $name
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _symlink ( $target , $path , $name )
return false ;
* Copy file into another file
* @ param string $source source file path
* @ param string $targetDir target directory path
* @ param string $name new file name
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _copy ( $source , $targetDir , $name )
$this -> clearcache ();
$id = $this -> _joinPath ( $targetDir , $name );
$sql = $id > 0
? sprintf ( 'REPLACE INTO %s (id, parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height, `read`, `write`, `locked`, `hidden`) (SELECT %d, %d, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height, `read`, `write`, `locked`, `hidden` FROM %s WHERE id=%d)' , $this -> tbf , $id , $this -> _dirname ( $id ), $this -> tbf , $source )
: sprintf ( 'INSERT INTO %s (parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height, `read`, `write`, `locked`, `hidden`) SELECT %d, \'%s\', content, size, %d, mime, width, height, `read`, `write`, `locked`, `hidden` FROM %s WHERE id=%d' , $this -> tbf , $targetDir , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ), time (), $this -> tbf , $source );
return $this -> query ( $sql );
* Move file into another parent dir .
* Return new file path or false .
* @ param string $source source file path
* @ param $targetDir
* @ param string $name file name
* @ return bool | string
* @ internal param string $target target dir path
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _move ( $source , $targetDir , $name )
$sql = 'UPDATE %s SET parent_id=%d, name=\'%s\' WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1' ;
$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf , $targetDir , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ), $source );
return $this -> query ( $sql ) && $this -> db -> affected_rows > 0 ? $source : false ;
* Remove file
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _unlink ( $path )
return $this -> query ( sprintf ( 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE id=%d AND mime!=\'directory\' LIMIT 1' , $this -> tbf , $path )) && $this -> db -> affected_rows ;
* Remove dir
* @ param string $path dir path
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _rmdir ( $path )
return $this -> query ( sprintf ( 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE id=%d AND mime=\'directory\' LIMIT 1' , $this -> tbf , $path )) && $this -> db -> affected_rows ;
* undocumented function
* @ param $path
* @ param $fp
* @ author Dmitry Levashov
protected function _setContent ( $path , $fp )
elFinder :: rewind ( $fp );
$fstat = fstat ( $fp );
$size = $fstat [ 'size' ];
* Create new file and write into it from file pointer .
* Return new file path or false on error .
* @ param resource $fp file pointer
* @ param string $dir target dir path
* @ param string $name file name
* @ param array $stat file stat ( required by some virtual fs )
* @ return bool | string
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _save ( $fp , $dir , $name , $stat )
$this -> clearcache ();
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
$mime = ! empty ( $stat [ 'mime' ]) ? $stat [ 'mime' ] : $this -> mimetype ( $name , true );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$w = ! empty ( $stat [ 'width' ]) ? $stat [ 'width' ] : 0 ;
$h = ! empty ( $stat [ 'height' ]) ? $stat [ 'height' ] : 0 ;
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$ts = ! empty ( $stat [ 'ts' ]) ? $stat [ 'ts' ] : time ();
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$id = $this -> _joinPath ( $dir , $name );
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $stat [ 'size' ])) {
$stat = fstat ( $fp );
$size = $stat [ 'size' ];
} else {
$size = $stat [ 'size' ];
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
if ( $this -> isLocalhost && ( $tmpfile = tempnam ( $this -> tmpPath , $this -> id ))) {
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if (( $trgfp = fopen ( $tmpfile , 'wb' )) == false ) {
unlink ( $tmpfile );
} else {
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
elFinder :: rewind ( $fp );
stream_copy_to_stream ( $fp , $trgfp );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
fclose ( $trgfp );
chmod ( $tmpfile , 0644 );
$sql = $id > 0
? 'REPLACE INTO %s (id, parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height) VALUES (' . $id . ', %d, \'%s\', LOAD_FILE(\'%s\'), %d, %d, \'%s\', %d, %d)'
: 'INSERT INTO %s (parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height) VALUES (%d, \'%s\', LOAD_FILE(\'%s\'), %d, %d, \'%s\', %d, %d)' ;
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf , $dir , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ), $this -> loadFilePath ( $tmpfile ), $size , $ts , $mime , $w , $h );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
$res = $this -> query ( $sql );
unlink ( $tmpfile );
if ( $res ) {
return $id > 0 ? $id : $this -> db -> insert_id ;
$content = '' ;
elFinder :: rewind ( $fp );
while ( ! feof ( $fp )) {
$content .= fread ( $fp , 8192 );
$sql = $id > 0
? 'REPLACE INTO %s (id, parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height) VALUES (' . $id . ', %d, \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d, \'%s\', %d, %d)'
: 'INSERT INTO %s (parent_id, name, content, size, mtime, mime, width, height) VALUES (%d, \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d, \'%s\', %d, %d)' ;
2021-09-10 03:28:01 +00:00
$sql = sprintf ( $sql , $this -> tbf , $dir , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $name ), $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $content ), $size , $ts , $mime , $w , $h );
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
unset ( $content );
if ( $this -> query ( $sql )) {
return $id > 0 ? $id : $this -> db -> insert_id ;
return false ;
* Get file contents
* @ param string $path file path
* @ return string | false
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _getContents ( $path )
return ( $res = $this -> query ( sprintf ( 'SELECT content FROM %s WHERE id=%d' , $this -> tbf , $path ))) && ( $r = $res -> fetch_assoc ()) ? $r [ 'content' ] : false ;
* Write a string to a file
* @ param string $path file path
* @ param string $content new file content
* @ return bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
protected function _filePutContents ( $path , $content )
return $this -> query ( sprintf ( 'UPDATE %s SET content=\'%s\', size=%d, mtime=%d WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1' , $this -> tbf , $this -> db -> real_escape_string ( $content ), strlen ( $content ), time (), $path ));
* Detect available archivers
* @ return void
protected function _checkArchivers ()
return ;
* chmod implementation
* @ param string $path
* @ param string $mode
* @ return bool
protected function _chmod ( $path , $mode )
return false ;
* Unpack archive
* @ param string $path archive path
* @ param array $arc archiver command and arguments ( same as in $this -> archivers )
* @ return void
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov
* @ author Alexey Sukhotin
protected function _unpack ( $path , $arc )
return ;
* Extract files from archive
* @ param string $path archive path
* @ param array $arc archiver command and arguments ( same as in $this -> archivers )
* @ return true
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov ,
* @ author Alexey Sukhotin
protected function _extract ( $path , $arc )
return false ;
* Create archive and return its path
* @ param string $dir target dir
* @ param array $files files names list
* @ param string $name archive name
* @ param array $arc archiver options
* @ return string | bool
* @ author Dmitry ( dio ) Levashov ,
* @ author Alexey Sukhotin
protected function _archive ( $dir , $files , $name , $arc )
return false ;
} // END class