'errNoArchive':'A fájl nem archív, vagy nem támogatott archívumtípust tartalmaz.',
'errCmdNoSupport':'A backend nem támogatja ezt a parancsot.',
'errReplByChild':'Az „$1” mappát nem lehet helyettesíteni egy abban található elemmel.',
'errArcSymlinks':'Biztonsági okokból az archívumok kicsomagolásának megtagadása szimbolikus linkeket vagy fájlokat tartalmaz, amelyek nem engedélyezettek.',// edited 24.06.2012
'errArcMaxSize':'Az archív fájlok meghaladják a megengedett legnagyobb méretet.',
'confirmRepl':'Replace old file with new one? (If it contains folders, it will be merged. To backup and replace, select Backup.)',
'confirmRest':'Replace existing item with the item in trash?',// fromv2.1.24 added 5.5.2017
'confirmConvUTF8':'Nem UTF-8.<br/>Átalakítsam UTF-8-ra?<br/>A tartalom mentés után UTF-8 lesz..',// from v2.1 added 08.04.2014
'confirmNonUTF8':'Character encoding of this file couldn\'t be detected. It need to temporarily convert to UTF-8 for editting.<br/>Please select character encoding of this file.',// from v2.1.19 added 28.11.2016
'confirmNotSave':'Megváltozott.<br/>Módosítások elvesznek, ha nem menti el azokat.',// from v2.1 added 15.7.2015
'confirmTrash':'Are you sure you want to move items to trash bin?',//from v2.1.24 added 29.4.2017
'confirmMove':'Are you sure you want to move items to "$1"?',//from v2.1.50 added 27.7.2019
'moveUp':'Mozgatás fel',// from v2.1.6 added 18.1.2016
'getLink':'URL-link letöltése',// from v2.1.7 added 9.2.2016
'selectedItems':'Kiválasztott elemek ($1)',// from v2.1.7 added 2.19.2016
'folderId':'Mappa ID',// from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
'offlineAccess':'Offline hozzáférés engedélyezése',// from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
'reAuth':'Újrahitelesítéshez',// from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
'nowLoading':'Most betölt...',// from v2.1.12 added 4.26.2016
'openMulti':'Több fájl megnyitása',// from v2.1.12 added 5.14.2016
'openMultiConfirm':'Megpróbálja megnyitni a $1 fájlokat. Biztosan meg akarja nyitni a böngészőben?',// from v2.1.12 added 5.14.2016
'emptySearch':'Search results is empty in search target.',// from v2.1.12 added 5.16.2016
'editingFile':'It is editing a file.',// from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
'hasSelected':'$1 elemet választott ki.',// from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
'hasClipboard':'$1 elem van a vágólapon.',// from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
'incSearchOnly':'Incremental search is only from the current view.',// from v2.1.13 added 6.30.2016
'reinstate':'Reinstate',// from v2.1.15 added 3.8.2016
'complete':'$1 complete',// from v2.1.15 added 21.8.2016
'contextmenu':'Context menu',// from v2.1.15 added 9.9.2016
'pageTurning':'Page turning',// from v2.1.15 added 10.9.2016
'volumeRoots':'Volume roots',// from v2.1.16 added 16.9.2016
'reset':'Reset',// from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
'bgcolor':'Background color',// from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
'colorPicker':'Color picker',// from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
'8pxgrid':'8px Grid',// from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
'enabled':'Enabled',// from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
'disabled':'Disabled',// from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
'emptyIncSearch':'Search results is empty in current view.\\APress [Enter] to expand search target.',// from v2.1.16 added 5.10.2016
'emptyLetSearch':'First letter search results is empty in current view.',// from v2.1.23 added 24.3.2017
'textLabel':'Text label',// from v2.1.17 added 13.10.2016
'minsLeft':'$1 mins left',// from v2.1.17 added 13.11.2016
'openAsEncoding':'Reopen with selected encoding',// from v2.1.19 added 2.12.2016
'saveAsEncoding':'Save with the selected encoding',// from v2.1.19 added 2.12.2016
'selectFolder':'Select folder',// from v2.1.20 added 13.12.2016
'firstLetterSearch':'First letter search',// from v2.1.23 added 24.3.2017
'presets':'Presets',// from v2.1.25 added 26.5.2017
'tooManyToTrash':'It\'s too many items so it can\'t into trash.',// from v2.1.25 added 9.6.2017
'TextArea':'TextArea',// from v2.1.25 added 14.6.2017
'folderToEmpty':'Empty the folder "$1".',// from v2.1.25 added 22.6.2017
'filderIsEmpty':'There are no items in a folder "$1".',// from v2.1.25 added 22.6.2017
'preference':'Preference',// from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
'language':'Language',// from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
'clearBrowserData':'Initialize the settings saved in this browser',// from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
'toolbarPref':'Toolbar settings',// from v2.1.27 added 2.8.2017
'charsLeft':'... $1 chars left.',// from v2.1.29 added 30.8.2017
'linesLeft':'... $1 lines left.',// from v2.1.52 added 16.1.2020
'sum':'Sum',// from v2.1.29 added 28.9.2017
'roughFileSize':'Rough file size',// from v2.1.30 added 2.11.2017
'autoFocusDialog':'Focus on the element of dialog with mouseover',// from v2.1.30 added 2.11.2017
'select':'Select',// from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
'selectAction':'Action when select file',// from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
'useStoredEditor':'Open with the editor used last time',// from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
'selectinvert':'Invert selection',// from v2.1.30 added 25.11.2017
'renameMultiple':'Are you sure you want to rename $1 selected items like $2?<br/>This cannot be undone!',// from v2.1.31 added 4.12.2017
'batchRename':'Batch rename',// from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
'plusNumber':'+ Number',// from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
'asPrefix':'Add prefix',// from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
'asSuffix':'Add suffix',// from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
'changeExtention':'Change extention',// from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
'columnPref':'Columns settings (List view)',// from v2.1.32 added 6.2.2018
'reflectOnImmediate':'All changes will reflect immediately to the archive.',// from v2.1.33 added 2.3.2018
'reflectOnUnmount':'Any changes will not reflect until un-mount this volume.',// from v2.1.33 added 2.3.2018
'unmountChildren':'The following volume(s) mounted on this volume also unmounted. Are you sure to unmount it?',// from v2.1.33 added 5.3.2018
'selectionInfo':'Selection Info',// from v2.1.33 added 7.3.2018
'hashChecker':'Algorithms to show the file hash',// from v2.1.33 added 10.3.2018
'infoItems':'Info Items (Selection Info Panel)',// from v2.1.38 added 28.3.2018
'pressAgainToExit':'Press again to exit.',// from v2.1.38 added 1.4.2018
'toolbar':'Toolbar',// from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
'workspace':'Work Space',// from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
'dialog':'Dialog',// from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
'all':'All',// from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
'iconSize':'Icon Size (Icons view)',// from v2.1.39 added 7.5.2018
'editorMaximized':'Open the maximized editor window',// from v2.1.40 added 30.6.2018
'editorConvNoApi':'Because conversion by API is not currently available, please convert on the website.',//from v2.1.40 added 8.7.2018
'editorConvNeedUpload':'After conversion, you must be upload with the item URL or a downloaded file to save the converted file.',//from v2.1.40 added 8.7.2018
'convertOn':'Convert on the site of $1',// from v2.1.40 added 10.7.2018
'integrations':'Integrations',// from v2.1.40 added 11.7.2018
'integrationWith':'This elFinder has the following external services integrated. Please check the terms of use, privacy policy, etc. before using it.',// from v2.1.40 added 11.7.2018
'showHidden':'Show hidden items',// from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
'hideHidden':'Hide hidden items',// from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
'toggleHidden':'Show/Hide hidden items',// from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
'makefileTypes':'File types to enable with "New file"',// from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
'typeOfTextfile':'Type of the Text file',// from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
'add':'Add',// from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
'theme':'Theme',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'default':'Default',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'description':'Description',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'website':'Website',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'author':'Author',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'email':'Email',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'license':'License',// from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
'exportToSave':'This item can\'t be saved. To avoid losing the edits you need to export to your PC.',// from v2.1.44 added 1.12.2018
'dblclickToSelect':'Double click on the file to select it.',// from v2.1.47 added 22.1.2019
'useFullscreen':'Use fullscreen mode',// from v2.1.47 added 19.2.2019