2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
< ? php
| SkyCaiji ( 蓝天采集器 )
2019-06-23 02:20:58 +00:00
| Copyright ( c ) 2018 https :// www . skycaiji . com All rights reserved .
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
2019-06-23 02:20:58 +00:00
| 使用协议 https :// www . skycaiji . com / licenses
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
namespace skycaiji\admin\model ;
use think\Db ;
class DbCommon {
public $config = null ;
public function __construct ( $config = array ()) {
$this -> config = array (
'type' => strtolower ( $config [ 'db_type' ]),
'database' => $config [ 'db_name' ],
'username' => $config [ 'db_user' ],
'password' => $config [ 'db_pwd' ],
'hostname' => $config [ 'db_host' ],
'hostport' => $config [ 'db_port' ],
'charset' => $config [ 'db_charset' ],
'prefix' => $config [ 'db_prefix' ],
'dsn' => $config [ 'db_dsn' ],
'resultset_type' => 'array' ,
'break_reconnect' => true ,
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'params' => array (),
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2019-09-25 07:45:58 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS [ '_sc' ][ 'c' ][ 'site' ][ 'dblong' ])){
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$this -> config [ 'params' ][ \PDO :: ATTR_PERSISTENT ] = true ;
if ( isset ( $config [ 'fields_strict' ])){
$this -> config [ 'fields_strict' ] = $config [ 'fields_strict' ];
2019-02-19 09:52:13 +00:00
if ( $this -> config [ 'type' ] == 'mysqli' ){
$this -> config [ 'type' ] = 'mysql' ;
} elseif ( $this -> config [ 'type' ] == 'sqlserver' ){
$this -> config [ 'type' ] = 'sqlsrv' ;
* 获取数据库连接
* @ param string $table
* @ param string $force
* @ param string $compatible 兼容的数据库模型
* @ return \think\db\Query | NULL
public function db ( $table = '' , $force = false , $compatible = false ){
if ( ! empty ( $this -> config )){
$config = $this -> config ;
if ( $config [ 'type' ] == 'oracle' ){
$config [ 'type' ] = '\think\oracle\Connection' ;
if ( $compatible ){
$db = Db :: connect ( $config , $force );
} else {
$db = Db :: connect ( $config , $force );
if ( $table ){
$db = $db -> name ( $table );
return $db ;
} else {
return null ;
* 获取数据库中的所有表
public function getTables (){
$list = array ();
if ( 'oracle' == $this -> config [ 'type' ]){
$tables = $this -> db () -> query ( " select table_name from user_tables " );
if ( ! empty ( $tables )){
foreach ( $tables as $table ){
$list [ $table [ 'TABLE_NAME' ]] = $table [ 'TABLE_NAME' ];
} else {
$tables = $this -> db () -> getTables ( $this -> config [ 'database' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $tables )){
foreach ( $tables as $table ){
$list [ $table ] = $table ;
return $list ;
public function getFields ( $tableName = '' ){
$tb_fields = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $tableName )){
if ( 'sqlsrv' == $this -> config [ 'type' ]){
list ( $tableName ) = explode ( ' ' , $tableName );
$tableNames = explode ( '.' , $tableName );
$tableName = isset ( $tableNames [ 1 ]) ? $tableNames [ 1 ] : $tableNames [ 0 ];
$sql = " SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length, column_default, is_nullable
FROM information_schema . tables AS t
JOIN information_schema . columns AS c
ON t . table_catalog = c . table_catalog
AND t . table_schema = c . table_schema
AND t . table_name = c . table_name
WHERE t . table_name = '$tableName' " ;
$result = $this -> db () -> query ( $sql );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $key => $val ) {
$val = array_change_key_case ( $val , CASE_LOWER );
$tb_fields [ $val [ 'column_name' ]] = [
'name' => $val [ 'column_name' ],
'type' => $val [ 'data_type' ] . ( $val [ 'character_maximum_length' ] ? ( '(' . $val [ 'character_maximum_length' ] . ')' ) : '' ),
'notnull' => ( 'yes' == strtolower ( $val [ 'is_nullable' ])) ? false : true ,
'default' => $val [ 'column_default' ],
'primary' => false ,
'autoinc' => false ,
$sql = " SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_name=' { $tableName } ' " ;
$result = $this -> db () -> query ( $sql );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $key => $val ) {
$tb_fields [ $val [ 'column_name' ]][ 'primary' ] = true ;
$sql = " SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_NAME=' { $tableName } ' AND COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(' { $tableName } '),COLUMN_NAME,'IsIdentity')=1 " ;
$result = $this -> db () -> query ( $sql );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $key => $val ) {
$tb_fields [ $val [ 'column_name' ]][ 'autoinc' ] = true ;
} else {
$fields = $this -> db () -> getFields ( $tableName );
if ( ! empty ( $fields )){
foreach ( $fields as $k => $v ){
$tb_fields [ $k ] = array_change_key_case ( $v , CASE_LOWER );
return $tb_fields ;
public static function fieldsInfo ( $tableName ){
if ( empty ( $tableName )){
return array ();
$tableName = '`' . $tableName . '`' ;
$tbFields = db () -> query ( 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $tableName );
$fields = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $tbFields )){
foreach ( $tbFields as $tbField ){
$tbField = array_change_key_case ( $tbField , CASE_LOWER );
$fields [ $tbField [ 'field' ]] = array (
'name' => $tbField [ 'field' ],
'type' => $tbField [ 'type' ],
'notnull' => ( strtolower ( $tbField [ 'null' ]) == 'yes' ) ? false : true ,
'default' => $tbField [ 'default' ],
'primary' => ( strtolower ( $tbField [ 'key' ]) == 'pri' ),
'autoinc' => ( strtolower ( $tbField [ 'extra' ]) == 'auto_increment' ),
return $fields ;