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Adrian Perez 1f5952dff9 Fixed rst ref typo 2007-08-21 21:50:07 +02:00
templates Initial header templates added 2007-08-21 20:04:05 +02:00
README.rst Fixed rst ref typo 2007-08-21 21:50:07 +02:00
config initial infraestructure 2007-08-20 19:17:56 +02:00
ngx_http_fancyindex_module.c Changed available config options 2007-08-21 21:49:09 +02:00


Nginx_ Fancy Index module

.. contents::

* Sources for Nginx_ 0.6.6, and its requirements.
* Patience, and some Coffee™.


1. Unpack the Nginx_ sources::

    $ gunzip -c nginx-0.6.6.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

2. Unpack the sources for the fancy indexing module::

    $ gunzip -c nginx-fancyindex-?.?.?.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

3. Change to the directory which contains the Nginx_ sources, run the
   configuration script with the desired options and be sure to put an
   ``--add-module`` flag pointing to the directory which contains the source
   of the fancy indexing module::

    $ cd nginx-0.6.6
    $ ./configure --add-module=../nginx-?.?.?  [extra desired options]

4. Build and install the software::

    $ make
   And then, as ``root``::

    # make install

5. Configure Nginx_ by using the modules' configuration directives_.


:Syntax: *fancyindex* [*on* | *off*]
:Default: fancyindex off
:Context: http, server, location
  Enables or disables fancy directory indexes.

:Syntax: *fancyindex_localtime* [*on* | *off*]
:Default: fancyindex_localtime off
:Context: http, server, location
  Defines how to represent file sizes in the directory listing; either
  accurately, or rounding off to the kilobyte, the megabyte and the

:Syntax: *fancyindex_exact_size* [*on* | *off*]
:Default: fancyindex_exact_size on
:Context: http, server, location
  Enables showing file times as local time. Default is “off” (GMT time).

:Syntax: *fancyindex_header path*
:Default: fancyindex_header ""
:Context: http, server, location
  Specifies which file should be inserted at the head of directory listings.
  If set to an empty string, the default header supplied by the module will
  be sent.

:Syntax: *fancyindex_footer path*
:Default: fancyindex_footer ""
:Context: http, server, location
  Specifies which file should be inserted at the foot of directory listings.
  If set to an empty string, the default footer supplied by the module will
  be sent.

:Syntax: *fancyindex_readme path*
:Default: fancyindex_readme ""
:Context: http, server, location
  Specifies which file should be inserted alongside with directory listings.
  If set to an empty string, no extra textual content is included. See
  `fancyindex_readme_options`_ in order to learn more about how the readme
  file may be included.

  *fancyindex_readme_options* *pre* | *asis* | *top* | *bottom* | *div* ...
:Default: fancyindex_readme_options top pre
:Context: http, server, location
  Controls how to include the readme file specified by `fancyindex_readme`_.
  Available options are:

      Send included readme file inside a preformatted text block (i.e. an
      HTML ``<pre>`` element.
      Send included readme file “as-is”, i.e. without altering its contents.
      This is useful to include raw HTML snippets in the generated listings.
      Place readme file contents at the top, before the listings.
      Place readme file contents at the bottom, after the listings.
      Wrap up all the text generated for the readme (including the enclosing
      ``<pre>`` element, if configured) inside a ``<div>`` element. The
      layer will have the ``readme`` CSS class set.

.. _nginx: http://nginx.net

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