2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
/ * P r i s m J S 1 . 2 0 . 0
https : //prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript+apacheconf+aspnet+bash+basic+c+csharp+cpp+css-extras+d+dart+django+docker+git+go+groovy+http+hpkp+hsts+ini+java+javastacktrace+json+julia+kotlin+latex+less+lua+makefile+markdown+markup-templating+nginx+objectivec+perl+php+php-extras+plsql+powershell+properties+pure+python+r+jsx+tsx+ruby+rust+sass+scss+scala+scheme+sql+stylus+swift+typescript+vbnet+velocity+vim+visual-basic+yaml&plugins=line-numbers+show-language+toolbar+copy-to-clipboard */
var _self = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : { } , Prism = function ( u ) { var c = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i , n = 0 , C = { manual : u . Prism && u . Prism . manual , disableWorkerMessageHandler : u . Prism && u . Prism . disableWorkerMessageHandler , util : { encode : function e ( n ) { return n instanceof _ ? new _ ( n . type , e ( n . content ) , n . alias ) : Array . isArray ( n ) ? n . map ( e ) : n . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( /\u00a0/g , " " ) } , type : function ( e ) { return Object . prototype . toString . call ( e ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) } , objId : function ( e ) { return e . _ _id || Object . defineProperty ( e , "__id" , { value : ++ n } ) , e . _ _id } , clone : function t ( e , r ) { var a , n ; switch ( r = r || { } , C . util . type ( e ) ) { case "Object" : if ( n = C . util . objId ( e ) , r [ n ] ) return r [ n ] ; for ( var i in a = { } , r [ n ] = a , e ) e . hasOwnProperty ( i ) && ( a [ i ] = t ( e [ i ] , r ) ) ; return a ; case "Array" : return n = C . util . objId ( e ) , r [ n ] ? r [ n ] : ( a = [ ] , r [ n ] = a , e . forEach ( function ( e , n ) { a [ n ] = t ( e , r ) } ) , a ) ; default : return e } } , getLanguage : function ( e ) { for ( ; e && ! c . test ( e . className ) ; ) e = e . parentElement ; return e ? ( e . className . match ( c ) || [ , "none" ] ) [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) : "none" } , currentScript : function ( ) { if ( "undefined" == typeof document ) return null ; if ( "currentScript" in document ) return document . currentScript ; try { throw new Error } catch ( e ) { var n = ( /at [^(\r\n]*\((.*):.+:.+\)$/i . exec ( e . stack ) || [ ] ) [ 1 ] ; if ( n ) { var t = document . getElementsByTagName ( "script" ) ; for ( var r in t ) if ( t [ r ] . src == n ) return t [ r ] } return null } } , isActive : function ( e , n , t ) { for ( var r = "no-" + n ; e ; ) { var a = e . classList ; if ( a . contains ( n ) ) return ! 0 ; if ( a . contains ( r ) ) return ! 1 ; e = e . parentElement } return ! ! t } } , languages : { extend : function ( e , n ) { var t = C . util . clone ( C . languages [ e ] ) ; for ( var r in n ) t [ r ] = n [ r ] ; return t } , insertBefore : function ( t , e , n , r ) { var a = ( r = r || C . languages ) [ t ] , i = { } ; for ( var l in a ) if ( a . hasOwnProperty ( l ) ) { if ( l == e ) for ( var o in n ) n . hasOwnProperty ( o ) && ( i [ o ] = n [ o ] ) ; n . hasOwnProperty ( l ) || ( i [ l ] = a [ l ] ) } var s = r [ t ] ; return r [ t ] = i , C . languages . DFS ( C . languages , function ( e , n ) { n === s && e != t && ( this [ e ] = i ) } ) , i } , DFS : function e ( n , t , r , a ) { a = a || { } ; var i = C . util . objId ; for ( var l in n ) if ( n . hasOwnProperty ( l ) ) { t . call ( n , l , n [ l ] , r || l ) ; var o = n [ l ] , s = C . util . type ( o ) ; "Object" !== s || a [ i ( o ) ] ? "Array" !== s || a [ i ( o ) ] || ( a [ i ( o ) ] = ! 0 , e ( o , t , l , a ) ) : ( a [ i ( o ) ] = ! 0 , e ( o , t , null , a ) ) } } } , plugins : { } , highlightAll : function ( e , n ) { C . highlightAllUnder ( document , e , n ) } , highlightAllUnder : function ( e , n , t ) { var r = { callback : t , container : e , selector : 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code' } ; C . hooks . run ( "before-highlightall" , r ) , r . elements = Array . prototype . slice . apply ( r . container . querySelectorAll ( r . selector ) ) , C . hooks . run ( "before-all-elements-highlight" , r ) ; for ( var a , i = 0 ; a = r . elements [ i ++ ] ; ) C . highlightElement ( a , ! 0 === n , r . callback ) } , highlightElement : function ( e , n , t ) { var r = C . util . getLanguage ( e ) , a = C . languages [ r ] ; e . className = e . className . replace ( c , "" ) . replace ( /\s+/g , " " ) + " language-" + r ; var i = e . parentElement ; i && "pre" === i . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) && ( i . className = i . className . replace ( c , "" ) . replace ( /\s+/g , " " ) + " language-" + r ) ; var l = { element : e , language : r , grammar : a , code : e . textContent } ; function o ( e ) { l . highlightedCode = e , C . hooks . run ( "before-insert" , l ) , l . element . innerHTML = l . highlightedCode , C . hooks . run ( "after-highlight" , l ) , C . hooks . run ( "complete" , l ) , t && t . call ( l . element ) } if ( C . hooks . run ( "before-sanity-check" , l ) , ! l . code ) return C . hooks . run ( "complete" , l ) , void ( t && t . call ( l . element ) ) ; if ( C . hooks . run ( "before-highlight" , l ) , l . grammar ) if ( n && u . Worker ) { var s = new Worker ( C . filename ) ; s . onmessage = function ( e ) { o ( e . data ) } , s . postMessage ( JSON . stringify ( { language : l . language , code : l . code , immediateClose : ! 0 } ) ) } else o ( C . highlight ( l . code , l . grammar , l . language ) ) ; else o ( C . util . encode ( l . code ) ) } , highlight : function ( e , n , t ) { var r = { code : e , grammar : n , language : t } ; return C . hooks . run ( "before-tokenize" , r ) , r . tokens = C . tokenize ( r . code , r . grammar ) , C . hooks . run ( "after-tokenize" , r ) , _ . stringify ( C . util . encode ( r . tokens ) , r . language ) } , tokenize : function ( e , n ) { var t = n . rest ; if ( t ) { for ( var r in t ) n [ r ] = t [ r ] ; delete n . rest } var a = new i ; return M ( a , a . head , e ) , function e ( n , t , r , a , i , l , o ) { for ( var s in r ) if ( r . hasOwnProperty ( s ) && r [ s ] ) { var u = r [ s ] ; u = Array . isArray ( u ) ? u : [ u ] ; for ( var c = 0 ; c < u . length ; ++ c ) { if ( o && o == s + "," + c ) return ; var g = u [ c ] , f = g . insi
Prism . languages . markup = { comment : /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/ , prolog : /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/ , doctype : { pattern : /<!DOCTYPE(?:[^>"'[\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+(?:\[(?:[^<"'\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|<(?!!--)|<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->)*\]\s*)?>/i , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { "internal-subset" : { pattern : /(\[)[\s\S]+(?=\]>$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : null } , string : { pattern : /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/ , greedy : ! 0 } , punctuation : /^<!|>$|[[\]]/ , "doctype-tag" : /^DOCTYPE/ , name : /[^\s<>'"]+/ } } , cdata : /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?]]>/i , tag : { pattern : /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s*[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { tag : { pattern : /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/ , inside : { punctuation : /^<\/?/ , namespace : /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } } , "attr-value" : { pattern : /=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+)/ , inside : { punctuation : [ { pattern : /^=/ , alias : "attr-equals" } , /"|'/ ] } } , punctuation : /\/?>/ , "attr-name" : { pattern : /[^\s>\/]+/ , inside : { namespace : /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } } } } , entity : [ { pattern : /&[\da-z]{1,8};/i , alias : "named-entity" } , /&#x?[\da-f]{1,8};/i ] } , Prism . languages . markup . tag . inside [ "attr-value" ] . inside . entity = Prism . languages . markup . entity , Prism . languages . markup . doctype . inside [ "internal-subset" ] . inside = Prism . languages . markup , Prism . hooks . add ( "wrap" , function ( a ) { "entity" === a . type && ( a . attributes . title = a . content . replace ( /&/ , "&" ) ) } ) , Object . defineProperty ( Prism . languages . markup . tag , "addInlined" , { value : function ( a , e ) { var s = { } ; s [ "language-" + e ] = { pattern : /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : Prism . languages [ e ] } , s . cdata = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i ; var n = { "included-cdata" : { pattern : /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i , inside : s } } ; n [ "language-" + e ] = { pattern : /[\s\S]+/ , inside : Prism . languages [ e ] } ; var t = { } ; t [ a ] = { pattern : RegExp ( "(<__[^]*?>)(?:<!\\[CDATA\\[(?:[^\\]]|\\](?!\\]>))*\\]\\]>|(?!<!\\[CDATA\\[)[^])*?(?=</__>)" . replace ( /__/g , function ( ) { return a } ) , "i" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : n } , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "markup" , "cdata" , t ) } } ) , Prism . languages . html = Prism . languages . markup , Prism . languages . mathml = Prism . languages . markup , Prism . languages . svg = Prism . languages . markup , Prism . languages . xml = Prism . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) , Prism . languages . ssml = Prism . languages . xml , Prism . languages . atom = Prism . languages . xml , Prism . languages . rss = Prism . languages . xml ;
! function ( e ) { var s = /("|')(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ ; e . languages . css = { comment : /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\// , atrule : { pattern : /@[\w-]+[\s\S]*?(?:;|(?=\s*\{))/ , inside : { rule : /^@[\w-]+/ , "selector-function-argument" : { pattern : /(\bselector\s*\((?!\s*\))\s*)(?:[^()]|\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))+?(?=\s*\))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "selector" } , keyword : { pattern : /(^|[^\w-])(?:and|not|only|or)(?![\w-])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } } } , url : { pattern : RegExp ( "\\burl\\((?:" + s . source + "|(?:[^\\\\\r\n()\"']|\\\\[^])*)\\)" , "i" ) , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { function : /^url/i , punctuation : /^\(|\)$/ , string : { pattern : RegExp ( "^" + s . source + "$" ) , alias : "url" } } } , selector : RegExp ( "[^{}\\s](?:[^{};\"']|" + s . source + ")*?(?=\\s*\\{)" ) , string : { pattern : s , greedy : ! 0 } , property : /[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][-\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?=\s*:)/i , important : /!important\b/i , function : /[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i , punctuation : /[(){};:,]/ } , e . languages . css . atrule . inside . rest = e . languages . css ; var t = e . languages . markup ; t && ( t . tag . addInlined ( "style" , "css" ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "inside" , "attr-value" , { "style-attr" : { pattern : /\s*style=("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1/i , inside : { "attr-name" : { pattern : /^\s*style/i , inside : t . tag . inside } , punctuation : /^\s*=\s*['"]|['"]\s*$/ , "attr-value" : { pattern : /.+/i , inside : e . languages . css } } , alias : "language-css" } } , t . tag ) ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . clike = { comment : [ { pattern : /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } ] , string : { pattern : /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , "class-name" : { pattern : /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|trait|instanceof|new)\s+|\bcatch\s+\()[\w.\\]+/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /[.\\]/ } } , keyword : /\b(?:if|else|while|do|for|return|in|instanceof|function|new|try|throw|catch|finally|null|break|continue)\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , function : /\w+(?=\()/ , number : /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i , operator : /[<>]=?|[!=]=?=?|--?|\+\+?|&&?|\|\|?|[?*/~^%]/ , punctuation : /[{}[\];(),.:]/ } ;
Prism . languages . javascript = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { "class-name" : [ Prism . languages . clike [ "class-name" ] , { pattern : /(^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])[_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?=\.(?:prototype|constructor))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , keyword : [ { pattern : /((?:^|})\s*)(?:catch|finally)\b/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|for|from|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*[\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , number : /\b(?:(?:0[xX](?:[\dA-Fa-f](?:_[\dA-Fa-f])?)+|0[bB](?:[01](?:_[01])?)+|0[oO](?:[0-7](?:_[0-7])?)+)n?|(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+n|NaN|Infinity)\b|(?:\b(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+\.?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)*|\B\.(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)(?:[Ee][+-]?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)?/ , function : /#?[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?=\s*(?:\.\s*(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?\()/ , operator : /--|\+\+|\*\*=?|=>|&&=?|\|\|=?|[!=]==|<<=?|>>>?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?|\.{3}|\?\?=?|\?\.?|[~:]/ } ) , Prism . languages . javascript [ "class-name" ] [ 0 ] . pattern = /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|instanceof|new)\s+)[\w.\\]+/ , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "javascript" , "keyword" , { regex : { pattern : /((?:^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF."'\])\s])\s*)\/(?:\[(?:[^\]\\\r\n]|\\.)*]|\\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+\/[gimyus]{0,6}(?=(?:\s|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/)*(?:$|[\r\n,.;:})\]]|\/\/))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , "function-variable" : { pattern : /#?[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?=\s*[=:]\s*(?:async\s*)?(?:\bfunction\b|(?:\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\)|[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*)\s*=>))/ , alias : "function" } , parameter : [ { pattern : /(function(?:\s+[_$A-Za-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*)?\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))+?(?=\s*\))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : Prism . languages . javascript } , { pattern : /[_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?=\s*=>)/i , inside : Prism . languages . javascript } , { pattern : /(\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))+?(?=\s*\)\s*=>)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : Prism . languages . javascript } , { pattern : /((?:\b|\s|^)(?!(?:as|async|await|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally|for|from|function|get|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|set|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)(?![$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]))(?:[_$A-Za-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*\s*)\(\s*|\]\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))+?(?=\s*\)\s*\{)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : Prism . languages . javascript } ] , constant : /\b[A-Z](?:[A-Z_]|\dx?)*\b/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "javascript" , "string" , { "template-string" : { pattern : /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]*})*})+}|(?!\${)[^\\`])*`/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { "template-punctuation" : { pattern : /^`|`$/ , alias : "string" } , interpolation : { pattern : /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\{2})*)\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]*})*})+}/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { "interpolation-punctuation" : { pattern : /^\${|}$/ , alias : "punctuation" } , rest : Prism . languages . javascript } } , string : /[\s\S]+/ } } } ) , Prism . languages . markup && Prism . languages . markup . tag . addInlined ( "script" , "javascript" ) , Prism . languages . js = Prism . languages . javascript ;
Prism . languages . apacheconf = { comment : /#.*/ , "directive-inline" : { pattern : / ( ^ \ s * ) \ b ( ? : A c c e p t F i l t e r | A c c e p t P a t h I n f o | A c c e s s F i l e N a m e | A c t i o n | A d d ( ? : A l t | A l t B y E n c o d i n g | A l t B y T y p e | C h a r s e t | D e f a u l t C h a r s e t | D e s c r i p t i o n | E n c o d i n g | H a n d l e r | I c o n | I c o n B y E n c o d i n g | I c o n B y T y p e | I n p u t F i l t e r | L a n g u a g e | M o d u l e I n f o | O u t p u t F i l t e r | O u t p u t F i l t e r B y T y p e | T y p e ) | A l i a s | A l i a s M a t c h | A l l o w ( ? : C O N N E C T | E n c o d e d S l a s h e s | M e t h o d s | O v e r r i d e | O v e r r i d e L i s t ) ? | A n o n y m o u s ( ? : _ L o g E m a i l | _ M u s t G i v e E m a i l | _ N o U s e r I D | _ V e r i f y E m a i l ) ? | A s y n c R e q u e s t W o r k e r F a c t o r | A u t h ( ? : B a s i c A u t h o r i t a t i v e | B a s i c F a k e | B a s i c P r o v i d e r | B a s i c U s e D i g e s t A l g o r i t h m | D B D U s e r P W Q u e r y | D B D U s e r R e a l m Q u e r y | D B M G r o u p F i l e | D B M T y p e | D B M U s e r F i l e | D i g e s t ( ? : A l g o r i t h m | D o m a i n | N o n c e L i f e t i m e | P r o v i d e r | Q o p | S h m e m S i z e ) | F o r m ( ? : A u t h o r i t a t i v e | B o d y | D i s a b l e N o S t o r e | F a k e B a s i c A u t h | L o c a t i o n | L o g i n R e q u i r e d L o c a t i o n | L o g i n S u c c e s s L o c a t i o n | L o g o u t L o c a t i o n | M e t h o d | M i m e t y p e | P a s s w o r d | P r o v i d e r | S i t e P a s s p h r a s e | S i z e | U s e r n a m e ) | G r o u p F i l e | L D A P ( ? : A u t h o r i z e P r e f i x | B i n d A u t h o r i t a t i v e | B i n d D N | B i n d P a s s w o r d | C h a r s e t C o n f i g | C o m p a r e A s U s e r | C o m p a r e D N O n S e r v e r | D e r e f e r e n c e A l i a s e s | G r o u p A t t r i b u t e | G r o u p A t t r i b u t e I s D N | I n i t i a l B i n d A s U s e r | I n i t i a l B i n d P a t t e r n | M a x S u b G r o u p D e p t h | R e m o t e U s e r A t t r i b u t e | R e m o t e U s e r I s D N | S e a r c h A s U s e r | S u b G r o u p A t t r i b u t e | S u b G r o u p C l a s s | U r l ) | M e r g i n g | N a m e | T y p e | U s e r F i l e | n C a c h e ( ? : C o n t e x t | E n a b l e | P r o v i d e F o r | S O C a c h e | T i m e o u t ) | n z F c g i C h e c k A u t h n P r o v i d e r | n z F c g i D e f i n e P r o v i d e r | z D B D L o g i n T o R e f e r e r | z D B D Q u e r y | z D B D R e d i r e c t Q u e r y | z D B M T y p e | z S e n d F o r b i d d e n O n F a i l u r e ) | B a l a n c e r G r o w t h | B a l a n c e r I n h e r i t | B a l a n c e r M e m b e r | B a l a n c e r P e r s i s t | B r o w s e r M a t c h | B r o w s e r M a t c h N o C a s e | B u f f e r S i z e | B u f f e r e d L o g s | C G I D S c r i p t T i m e o u t | C G I M a p E x t e n s i o n | C a c h e ( ? : D e f a u l t E x p i r e | D e t a i l H e a d e r | D i r L e n g t h | D i r L e v e l s | D i s a b l e | E n a b l e | F i l e | H e a d e r | I g n o r e C a c h e C o n t r o l | I g n o r e H e a d e r s | I g n o r e N o L a s t M o d | I g n o r e Q u e r y S t r i n g | I g n o r e U R L S e s s i o n I d e n t i f i e r s | K e y B a s e U R L | L a s t M o d i f i e d F a c t o r | L o c k | L o c k M a x A g e | L o c k P a t h | M a x E x p i r e | M a x F i l e S i z e | M i n E x p i r e | M i n F i l e S i z e | N e g o t i a t e d D o c s | Q u i c k H a n d l e r | R e a d S i z e | R e a d T i m e | R o o t | S o c a c h e ( ? : M a x S i z e | M a x T i m e | M i n T i m e | R e a d S i z e | R e a d T i m e ) ? | S t a l e O n E r r o r | S t o r e E x p i r e d | S t o r e N o S t o r e | S t o r e P r i v a t e ) | C h a r s e t D e f a u l t | C h a r s e t O p t i o n s | C h a r s e t S o u r c e E n c | C h e c k C a s e O n l y | C h e c k S p e l l i n g | C h r o o t D i r | C o n t e n t D i g e s t | C o o k i e D o m a i n | C o o k i e E x p i r e s | C o o k i e N a m e | C o o k i e S t y l e | C o o k i e T r a c k i n g | C o r e D u m p D i r e c t o r y | C u s t o m L o g | D B D E x p t i m e | D B D I n i t S Q L | D B D K e e p | D B D M a x | D B D M i n | D B D P a r a m s | D B D P e r s i s t | D B D P r e p a r e S Q L | D B D r i v e r | D T r a c e P r i v i l e g e s | D a v | D a v D e p t h I n f i n i t y | D a v G e n e r i c L o c k D B | D a v L o c k D B | D a v M i n T i m e o u t | D e f a u l t I c o n | D e f a u l t L a n g u a g e | D e f a u l t R u n t i m e D i r | D e f a u l t T y p e | D e f i n e | D e f l a t e ( ? : B u f f e r S i z e | C o m p r e s s i o n L e v e l | F i l t e r N o t e | I n f l a t e L i m i t R e q u e s t B o d y | I n f l a t e R a t i o ( ? : B u r s t | L i m i t ) | M e m L e v e l | W i n d o w S i z e ) | D e n y | D i r e c t o r y C h e c k H a n d l e r | D i r e c t o r y I n d e x | D i r e c t o r y I n d e x R e d i r e c t | D i r e c t o r y S l a s h | D o c u m e n t R o o t | D u m p I O I n p u t | D u m p I O O u t p u t | E n a b l e E x c e p t i o n H o o k | E n a b l e M M A P | E n a b l e S e n d f i l e | E r r o r | E r r o r D o c u m e n t | E r r o r L o g | E r r o r L o g F o r m a t | E x a m p l e | E x p i r e s A c t i v e | E x p i r e s B y T y p e | E x p i r e s D e f a u l t | E x t F i l t e r D e f i n e | E x t F i l t e r O p t i o n s | E x t e n d e d S t a t u s | F a l l b a c k R e s o u r c e | F i l e E T a g | F i l t e r C h a i n | F i l t e r D e c l a r e | F i l t e r P r o t o c o l | F i l t e r P r o v i d e r | F i l t e r T r a c e | F o r c e L a n g u a g e P r i o r i t y | F o r c e T y p e | F o r e n s i c L o g | G p r o f D i r | G r a c e f u l S h u t d o w n T i m e o u t | G r o u p | H e a d e r | H e a d e r N a m e | H e a r t b e a t ( ? : A d d r e s s | L i s t e n | M a x S e r v e r s | S t o r a g e ) | H o s t n a m e L o o k u p s | I S A P I ( ? : A p p e n d L o g T o E r r o r s | A p p e n d L o g T o Q u e r y | C a c h e F i l e | F a k e A s y n c | L o g N o t S u p p o r t e d | R e a d A h e a d B u f f e r ) | I d e n t i t y C h e c k | I d e n t i t y C h e c k T i m e o u t | I m a p B a s e | I m a p D e f a u l t | I m a p M e n u | I n c l u d e | I n c l u d e O p t i o n a l | I n d e x ( ? : H e a d I n s e r t | I g n o r e | I g n o r e R e s e t | O p t i o n s | O r d e r D e f a u l t | S t y l e S h e e t ) | I n p u t S e d | K e e p A l i v e | K e e p A l i v e T i m e o u t | K e p t B o d y S i z e | L D A P ( ? : C a c h e E n t r i e s | C a c h e T T L | C o n n e c t i o n P o o l T T L | C o n n e c t i o n T i m e o u t | L i b r a r y D e b u g | O p C a c h e E n t r i e s | O p C a c h e T T L | R e f e r r a l H o p L i m i t | R e f e r r a l s | R e t r i e s | R e t r y D e l a y | S h a r e d C a c h e F i l e | S h a r e d C a c h e S i z e | T i m e o u t | T r u s t e d C l i e n t C e r t | T r u s t e d G l o b a l C e r t | T r u s t e d M o d e | V e r i f y S e r v e r C e r t ) | L a n g u a g e P r i o r i t y | L i m i t ( ? : I n t e r n a l R e c u r s i o n | R e q u e s t ( ? : B o d y | F i e l d S i z e | F i e l d s | L i n e ) | X M L R e q u e s t B o d y ) | L i s t e n | L i s t e n B a c k L o g | L o a d F i l e | L o a d M o d u l e | L o g F o r m a t | L o g L e v e l | L o g M e s s a g e | L u a A u t h z P r o v i d e r | L u a C o d e C a c h e | L u a ( ? : H o o k ( ? : A c c e s s C h e c k e r | A u t h C h e c k e r | C h e c k U s e r I D | F i x u p s | I n s e r t F i l t e r | L o g | M a p T o S t o r a g e | T r a n s l a t e N a m e | T y p e C h e c k e r ) | I n h e r i t | I n p u t F i l t e r | M a p H a n d l e r | O u t p u t F i l t e r | P a c k a g e C P a t h | P a c k a g e P a t h | Q u i c k H a n d l e r | R o o t | S c o p e ) | M M a p F i l e | M a x ( ? : C o n n e c t i o n s P e r C h i l d | K e e p
! function ( s ) { function a ( e , s ) { return e . replace ( /<<(\d+)>>/g , function ( e , n ) { return "(?:" + s [ + n ] + ")" } ) } function t ( e , n , s ) { return RegExp ( a ( e , n ) , s || "" ) } function e ( e , n ) { for ( var s = 0 ; s < n ; s ++ ) e = e . replace ( /<<self>>/g , function ( ) { return "(?:" + e + ")" } ) ; return e . replace ( /<<self>>/g , "[^\\s\\S]" ) } var n = "bool byte char decimal double dynamic float int long object sbyte short string uint ulong ushort var void" , r = "class enum interface struct" , i = "add alias and ascending async await by descending from get global group into join let nameof not notnull on or orderby partial remove select set unmanaged value when where where" , o = "abstract as base break case catch checked const continue default delegate do else event explicit extern finally fixed for foreach goto if implicit in internal is lock namespace new null operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sealed sizeof stackalloc static switch this throw try typeof unchecked unsafe using virtual volatile while yield" ; function l ( e ) { return "\\b(?:" + e . trim ( ) . replace ( / /g , "|" ) + ")\\b" } var d = l ( r ) , p = RegExp ( l ( n + " " + r + " " + i + " " + o ) ) , c = l ( r + " " + i + " " + o ) , u = l ( n + " " + r + " " + o ) , g = e ( "<(?:[^<>;=+\\-*/%&|^]|<<self>>)*>" , 2 ) , b = e ( "\\((?:[^()]|<<self>>)*\\)" , 2 ) , h = "@?\\b[A-Za-z_]\\w*\\b" , f = a ( "<<0>>(?:\\s*<<1>>)?" , [ h , g ] ) , m = a ( "(?!<<0>>)<<1>>(?:\\s*\\.\\s*<<1>>)*" , [ c , f ] ) , k = "\\[\\s*(?:,\\s*)*\\]" , y = a ( "<<0>>(?:\\s*(?:\\?\\s*)?<<1>>)*(?:\\s*\\?)?" , [ m , k ] ) , w = a ( "(?:<<0>>|<<1>>)(?:\\s*(?:\\?\\s*)?<<2>>)*(?:\\s*\\?)?" , [ a ( "\\(<<0>>+(?:,<<0>>+)+\\)" , [ a ( "[^,()<>[\\];=+\\-*/%&|^]|<<0>>|<<1>>|<<2>>" , [ g , b , k ] ) ] ) , m , k ] ) , v = { keyword : p , punctuation : /[<>()?,.:[\]]/ } , x = "'(?:[^\r\n'\\\\]|\\\\.|\\\\[Uux][\\da-fA-F]{1,8})'" , $ = '"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"\r\n])*"' ; s . languages . csharp = s . languages . extend ( "clike" , { string : [ { pattern : t ( "(^|[^$\\\\])<<0>>" , [ '@"(?:""|\\\\[^]|[^\\\\"])*"(?!")' ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : t ( "(^|[^@$\\\\])<<0>>" , [ $ ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : RegExp ( x ) , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "character" } ] , "class-name" : [ { pattern : t ( "(\\busing\\s+static\\s+)<<0>>(?=\\s*;)" , [ m ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v } , { pattern : t ( "(\\busing\\s+<<0>>\\s*=\\s*)<<1>>(?=\\s*;)" , [ h , w ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v } , { pattern : t ( "(\\busing\\s+)<<0>>(?=\\s*=)" , [ h ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : t ( "(\\b<<0>>\\s+)<<1>>" , [ d , f ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v } , { pattern : t ( "(\\bcatch\\s*\\(\\s*)<<0>>" , [ m ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v } , { pattern : t ( "(\\bwhere\\s+)<<0>>" , [ h ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : t ( "(\\b(?:is(?:\\s+not)?|as)\\s+)<<0>>" , [ y ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v } , { pattern : t ( "\\b<<0>>(?=\\s+(?!<<1>>)<<2>>(?:\\s*[=,;:{)\\]]|\\s+(?:in|when)\\b))" , [ w , u , h ] ) , inside : v } ] , keyword : p , number : /(?:\b0(?:x[\da-f_]*[\da-f]|b[01_]*[01])|(?:\B\.\d+(?:_+\d+)*|\b\d+(?:_+\d+)*(?:\.\d+(?:_+\d+)*)?)(?:e[-+]?\d+(?:_+\d+)*)?)(?:ul|lu|[dflmu])?\b/i , operator : />>=?|<<=?|[-=]>|([-+&|])\1|~|\?\?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?/ , punctuation : /\?\.?|::|[{}[\];(),.:]/ } ) , s . languages . insertBefore ( "csharp" , "number" , { range : { pattern : /\.\./ , alias : "operator" } } ) , s . languages . insertBefore ( "csharp" , "punctuation" , { "named-parameter" : { pattern : t ( "([(,]\\s*)<<0>>(?=\\s*:)" , [ h ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } } ) , s . languages . insertBefore ( "csharp" , "class-name" , { namespace : { pattern : t ( "(\\b(?:namespace|using)\\s+)<<0>>(?:\\s*\\.\\s*<<0>>)*(?=\\s*[;{])" , [ h ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\./ } } , "type-expression" : { pattern : t ( "(\\b(?:default|typeof|sizeof)\\s*\\(\\s*)(?:[^()\\s]|\\s(?!\\s*\\))|<<0>>)*(?=\\s*\\))" , [ b ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "class-name" , inside : v } , "return-type" : { pattern : t ( "<<0>>(?=\\s+(?:<<1>>\\s*(?:=>|[({]|\\.\\s*this\\s*\\[)|this\\s*\\[))" , [ w , m ] ) , inside : v , alias : "class-name" } , "constructor-invocation" : { pattern : t ( "(\\bnew\\s+)<<0>>(?=\\s*[[({])" , [ w ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : v , alias : "class-name" } , "generic-method" : { pattern : t ( "<<0>>\\s*<<1>>(?=\\s*\\()" , [ h , g ] ) , inside : { function : t ( "^<<0>>" , [ h ] ) , generic : { pattern : RegExp ( g ) , alias : "class-name" , inside : v } } } , "type-list" : { pattern : t ( "\\b((?:<<0>>\\s+<<1>>|where\\s+<<2>>)\\s*:\\s*)(?:<<3>>|<<4>>)(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:<<3>>|<<4>>))*(?=\\s*(?:where|[{;]|=>|$))" , [ d , f , h , w , p . source ] ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { keyword : p , "class-name" : { pattern : RegExp ( w ) , greedy : ! 0 , inside : v } , punctuation : /,/ } } , preprocessor : { pattern : / ( ^ \ s * ) # .
Prism . languages . aspnet = Prism . languages . extend ( "markup" , { "page-directive" : { pattern : /<%\s*@.*%>/i , alias : "tag" , inside : { "page-directive" : { pattern : /<%\s*@\s*(?:Assembly|Control|Implements|Import|Master(?:Type)?|OutputCache|Page|PreviousPageType|Reference|Register)?|%>/i , alias : "tag" } , rest : Prism . languages . markup . tag . inside } } , directive : { pattern : /<%.*%>/i , alias : "tag" , inside : { directive : { pattern : /<%\s*?[$=%#:]{0,2}|%>/i , alias : "tag" } , rest : Prism . languages . csharp } } } ) , Prism . languages . aspnet . tag . pattern = /<(?!%)\/?[^\s>\/]+(?:\s+[^\s>\/=]+(?:=(?:("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1|[^\s'">=]+))?)*\s*\/?>/i , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "inside" , "punctuation" , { directive : Prism . languages . aspnet . directive } , Prism . languages . aspnet . tag . inside [ "attr-value" ] ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "aspnet" , "comment" , { "asp-comment" : { pattern : /<%--[\s\S]*?--%>/ , alias : [ "asp" , "comment" ] } } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "aspnet" , Prism . languages . javascript ? "script" : "tag" , { "asp-script" : { pattern : /(<script(?=.*runat=['"]?server['"]?)[\s\S]*?>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : [ "asp" , "script" ] , inside : Prism . languages . csharp || { } } } ) ;
! function ( e ) { var t = "\\b(?:BASH|BASHOPTS|BASH_ALIASES|BASH_ARGC|BASH_ARGV|BASH_CMDS|BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR|BASH_LINENO|BASH_REMATCH|BASH_SOURCE|BASH_VERSINFO|BASH_VERSION|COLORTERM|COLUMNS|COMP_WORDBREAKS|DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS|DEFAULTS_PATH|DESKTOP_SESSION|DIRSTACK|DISPLAY|EUID|GDMSESSION|GDM_LANG|GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL|GNOME_KEYRING_PID|GPG_AGENT_INFO|GROUPS|HISTCONTROL|HISTFILE|HISTFILESIZE|HISTSIZE|HOME|HOSTNAME|HOSTTYPE|IFS|INSTANCE|JOB|LANG|LANGUAGE|LC_ADDRESS|LC_ALL|LC_IDENTIFICATION|LC_MEASUREMENT|LC_MONETARY|LC_NAME|LC_NUMERIC|LC_PAPER|LC_TELEPHONE|LC_TIME|LESSCLOSE|LESSOPEN|LINES|LOGNAME|LS_COLORS|MACHTYPE|MAILCHECK|MANDATORY_PATH|NO_AT_BRIDGE|OLDPWD|OPTERR|OPTIND|ORBIT_SOCKETDIR|OSTYPE|PAPERSIZE|PATH|PIPESTATUS|PPID|PS1|PS2|PS3|PS4|PWD|RANDOM|REPLY|SECONDS|SELINUX_INIT|SESSION|SESSIONTYPE|SESSION_MANAGER|SHELL|SHELLOPTS|SHLVL|SSH_AUTH_SOCK|TERM|UID|UPSTART_EVENTS|UPSTART_INSTANCE|UPSTART_JOB|UPSTART_SESSION|USER|WINDOWID|XAUTHORITY|XDG_CONFIG_DIRS|XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP|XDG_DATA_DIRS|XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR|XDG_MENU_PREFIX|XDG_RUNTIME_DIR|XDG_SEAT|XDG_SEAT_PATH|XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP|XDG_SESSION_ID|XDG_SESSION_PATH|XDG_SESSION_TYPE|XDG_VTNR|XMODIFIERS)\\b" , n = { environment : { pattern : RegExp ( "\\$" + t ) , alias : "constant" } , variable : [ { pattern : /\$?\(\([\s\S]+?\)\)/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { variable : [ { pattern : /(^\$\(\([\s\S]+)\)\)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , /^\$\(\(/ ] , number : /\b0x[\dA-Fa-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:[Ee]-?\d+)?/ , operator : /--?|-=|\+\+?|\+=|!=?|~|\*\*?|\*=|\/=?|%=?|<<=?|>>=?|<=?|>=?|==?|&&?|&=|\^=?|\|\|?|\|=|\?|:/ , punctuation : /\(\(?|\)\)?|,|;/ } } , { pattern : /\$\((?:\([^)]+\)|[^()])+\)|`[^`]+`/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { variable : /^\$\(|^`|\)$|`$/ } } , { pattern : /\$\{[^}]+\}/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { operator : /:[-=?+]?|[!\/]|##?|%%?|\^\^?|,,?/ , punctuation : /[\[\]]/ , environment : { pattern : RegExp ( "(\\{)" + t ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "constant" } } } , /\$(?:\w+|[#?*!@$])/ ] , entity : /\\(?:[abceEfnrtv\\"]|O?[0-7]{1,3}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})/ } ; e . languages . bash = { shebang : { pattern : /^#!\s*\/.*/ , alias : "important" } , comment : { pattern : /(^|[^"{\\$])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "function-name" : [ { pattern : /(\bfunction\s+)\w+(?=(?:\s*\(?:\s*\))?\s*\{)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "function" } , { pattern : /\b\w+(?=\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{)/ , alias : "function" } ] , "for-or-select" : { pattern : /(\b(?:for|select)\s+)\w+(?=\s+in\s)/ , alias : "variable" , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "assign-left" : { pattern : /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()\w+(?=\+?=)/ , inside : { environment : { pattern : RegExp ( "(^|[\\s;|&]|[<>]\\()" + t ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "constant" } } , alias : "variable" , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : [ { pattern : /((?:^|[^<])<<-?\s*)(\w+?)\s*(?:\r?\n|\r)[\s\S]*?(?:\r?\n|\r)\2/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : n } , { pattern : /((?:^|[^<])<<-?\s*)(["'])(\w+)\2\s*(?:\r?\n|\r)[\s\S]*?(?:\r?\n|\r)\3/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\](?:\\\\)*)(["'])(?:\\[\s\S]|\$\([^)]+\)|`[^`]+`|(?!\2)[^\\])*\2/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : n } ] , environment : { pattern : RegExp ( "\\$?" + t ) , alias : "constant" } , variable : n . variable , function : { pattern : / ( ^ | [ \ s ; | & ] | [ < > ] \ ( ) ( ? : a d d | a p r o p o s | a p t | a p t i t u d e | a p t - c a c h e | a p t - g e t | a s p e l l | a u t o m y s q l b a c k u p | a w k | b a s e n a m e | b a s h | b c | b c o n s o l e | b g | b z i p 2 | c a l | c a t | c f d i s k | c h g r p | c h k c o n f i g | c h m o d | c h o w n | c h r o o t | c k s u m | c l e a r | c m p | c o l u m n | c o m m | c o m p o s e r | c p | c r o n | c r o n t a b | c s p l i t | c u r l | c u t | d a t e | d c | d d | d d r e s c u e | d e b o o t s t r a p | d f | d i f f | d i f f 3 | d i g | d i r | d i r c o l o r s | d i r n a m e | d i r s | d m e s g | d u | e g r e p | e j e c t | e n v | e t h t o o l | e x p a n d | e x p e c t | e x p r | f d f o r m a t | f d i s k | f g | f g r e p | f i l e | f i n d | f m t | f o l d | f o r m a t | f r e e | f s c k | f t p | f u s e r | g a w k | g i t | g p a r t e d | g r e p | g r o u p a d d | g r o u p d e l | g r o u p m o d | g r o u p s | g r u b - m k c o n f i g | g z i p | h a l t | h e a d | h g | h i s t o r y | h o s t | h o s t n a m e | h t o p | i c o n v | i d | i f c o n f i g | i f d o w n | i f u p | i m p o r t | i n s t a l l | i p | j o b s | j o i n | k i l l | k i l l a l l | l e s s | l i n k | l n | l o c a t e | l o g n a m e | l o g r o t a t e | l o o k | l p c | l p r | l p r i n t | l p r i n t d | l p r i n t q | l p r m | l s | l s o f | l y n x | m a k e | m a n | m c | m d a d m | m k c o n f i g | m k d i r | m k e 2 f s | m k f i f o | m k f s | m k i s o f s | m k n o d | m k s w a p | m m v | m o r e | m o s t | m o u n t | m t o o l s | m t r | m u t t | m v | n a n o | n c | n e t s t a t | n i c e | n l | n o h u p | n o t i f y - s e n d | n p m | n s l o o k u p | o p | o p e n | p a r t e d | p a s s w d | p a s t e | p a t h c h k | p i n g | p k i l l | p n p m | p o p d | p r | p r i n t c a p | p r i n t e n v | p s | p u s h d | p v | q u o t a | q u o t a c h e c k | q u o t a c t l | r a m | r a r | r c p | r e b o o t | r e m s y n c | r e n a m e | r e n i c e | r e v | r m | r m d i r | r p m | r s y n c | s c p | s c r e e n | s d i f f | s e d | s e n d m a i l | s e q | s e r v i c e | s f t p | s h | s h e l l c h e c k | s h u f | s h u t d o w n | s l e e p | s l
Prism . languages . c = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { comment : { pattern : /\/\/(?:[^\r\n\\]|\\(?:\r\n?|\n|(?![\r\n])))*|\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/ , greedy : ! 0 } , "class-name" : { pattern : /(\b(?:enum|struct)\s+(?:__attribute__\s*\(\([\s\S]*?\)\)\s*)?)\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , keyword : /\b(?:__attribute__|_Alignas|_Alignof|_Atomic|_Bool|_Complex|_Generic|_Imaginary|_Noreturn|_Static_assert|_Thread_local|asm|typeof|inline|auto|break|case|char|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|extern|float|for|goto|if|int|long|register|return|short|signed|sizeof|static|struct|switch|typedef|union|unsigned|void|volatile|while)\b/ , function : /[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*\()/i , operator : />>=?|<<=?|->|([-+&|:])\1|[?:~]|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?/ , number : /(?:\b0x(?:[\da-f]+\.?[\da-f]*|\.[\da-f]+)(?:p[+-]?\d+)?|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)[ful]*/i } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "c" , "string" , { macro : { pattern : /(^\s*)#\s*[a-z]+(?:[^\r\n\\/]|\/(?!\*)|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*/im , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "property" , inside : { string : [ { pattern : /^(#\s*include\s*)<[^>]+>/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , Prism . languages . c . string ] , comment : Prism . languages . c . comment , directive : { pattern : /^(#\s*)[a-z]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "keyword" } , "directive-hash" : /^#/ , punctuation : /##|\\(?=[\r\n])/ , expression : { pattern : /\S[\s\S]*/ , inside : Prism . languages . c } } } , constant : /\b(?:__FILE__|__LINE__|__DATE__|__TIME__|__TIMESTAMP__|__func__|EOF|NULL|SEEK_CUR|SEEK_END|SEEK_SET|stdin|stdout|stderr)\b/ } ) , delete Prism . languages . c . boolean ;
! function ( e ) { var t = /\b(?:alignas|alignof|asm|auto|bool|break|case|catch|char|char8_t|char16_t|char32_t|class|compl|concept|const|consteval|constexpr|constinit|const_cast|continue|co_await|co_return|co_yield|decltype|default|delete|do|double|dynamic_cast|else|enum|explicit|export|extern|float|for|friend|goto|if|inline|int|int8_t|int16_t|int32_t|int64_t|uint8_t|uint16_t|uint32_t|uint64_t|long|mutable|namespace|new|noexcept|nullptr|operator|private|protected|public|register|reinterpret_cast|requires|return|short|signed|sizeof|static|static_assert|static_cast|struct|switch|template|this|thread_local|throw|try|typedef|typeid|typename|union|unsigned|using|virtual|void|volatile|wchar_t|while)\b/ ; e . languages . cpp = e . languages . extend ( "c" , { "class-name" : [ { pattern : RegExp ( "(\\b(?:class|concept|enum|struct|typename)\\s+)(?!<keyword>)\\w+" . replace ( /<keyword>/g , function ( ) { return t . source } ) ) , lookbehind : ! 0 } , /\b[A-Z]\w*(?=\s*::\s*\w+\s*\()/ , /\b[A-Z_]\w*(?=\s*::\s*~\w+\s*\()/i , /\w+(?=\s*<(?:[^<>]|<(?:[^<>]|<[^<>]*>)*>)*>\s*::\s*\w+\s*\()/ ] , keyword : t , number : { pattern : /(?:\b0b[01']+|\b0x(?:[\da-f']+\.?[\da-f']*|\.[\da-f']+)(?:p[+-]?[\d']+)?|(?:\b[\d']+\.?[\d']*|\B\.[\d']+)(?:e[+-]?[\d']+)?)[ful]*/i , greedy : ! 0 } , operator : />>=?|<<=?|->|([-+&|:])\1|[?:~]|<=>|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?|\b(?:and|and_eq|bitand|bitor|not|not_eq|or|or_eq|xor|xor_eq)\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "cpp" , "string" , { "raw-string" : { pattern : /R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\([\s\S]*?\)\1"/ , alias : "string" , greedy : ! 0 } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "cpp" , "class-name" , { "base-clause" : { pattern : /(\b(?:class|struct)\s+\w+\s*:\s*)(?:[^;{}"'])+?(?=\s*[;{])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : e . languages . extend ( "cpp" , { } ) } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "inside" , "operator" , { "class-name" : /\b[a-z_]\w*\b(?!\s*::)/i } , e . languages . cpp [ "base-clause" ] ) } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( e ) { var a , n = /("|')(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ ; e . languages . css . selector = { pattern : e . languages . css . selector , inside : a = { "pseudo-element" : /:(?:after|before|first-letter|first-line|selection)|::[-\w]+/ , "pseudo-class" : /:[-\w]+/ , class : /\.[-\w]+/ , id : /#[-\w]+/ , attribute : { pattern : RegExp ( "\\[(?:[^[\\]\"']|" + n . source + ")*\\]" ) , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /^\[|\]$/ , "case-sensitivity" : { pattern : /(\s)[si]$/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "keyword" } , namespace : { pattern : /^(\s*)[-*\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*\|(?!=)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\|$/ } } , "attr-name" : { pattern : /^(\s*)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "attr-value" : [ n , { pattern : /(=\s*)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF]+(?=\s*$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , operator : /[|~*^$]?=/ } } , "n-th" : [ { pattern : /(\(\s*)[+-]?\d*[\dn](?:\s*[+-]\s*\d+)?(?=\s*\))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { number : /[\dn]+/ , operator : /[+-]/ } } , { pattern : /(\(\s*)(?:even|odd)(?=\s*\))/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , combinator : />|\+|~|\|\|/ , punctuation : /[(),]/ } } , e . languages . css . atrule . inside [ "selector-function-argument" ] . inside = a , e . languages . insertBefore ( "css" , "property" , { variable : { pattern : /(^|[^-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])--[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][-\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) ; var r = { pattern : /(\b\d+)(?:%|[a-z]+\b)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , i = { pattern : /(^|[^\w.-])-?\d*\.?\d+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ; e . languages . insertBefore ( "css" , "function" , { operator : { pattern : /(\s)[+\-*\/](?=\s)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , hexcode : { pattern : /\B#(?:[\da-f]{1,2}){3,4}\b/i , alias : "color" } , color : [ /\b(?:AliceBlue|AntiqueWhite|Aqua|Aquamarine|Azure|Beige|Bisque|Black|BlanchedAlmond|Blue|BlueViolet|Brown|BurlyWood|CadetBlue|Chartreuse|Chocolate|Coral|CornflowerBlue|Cornsilk|Crimson|Cyan|DarkBlue|DarkCyan|DarkGoldenRod|DarkGr[ae]y|DarkGreen|DarkKhaki|DarkMagenta|DarkOliveGreen|DarkOrange|DarkOrchid|DarkRed|DarkSalmon|DarkSeaGreen|DarkSlateBlue|DarkSlateGr[ae]y|DarkTurquoise|DarkViolet|DeepPink|DeepSkyBlue|DimGr[ae]y|DodgerBlue|FireBrick|FloralWhite|ForestGreen|Fuchsia|Gainsboro|GhostWhite|Gold|GoldenRod|Gr[ae]y|Green|GreenYellow|HoneyDew|HotPink|IndianRed|Indigo|Ivory|Khaki|Lavender|LavenderBlush|LawnGreen|LemonChiffon|LightBlue|LightCoral|LightCyan|LightGoldenRodYellow|LightGr[ae]y|LightGreen|LightPink|LightSalmon|LightSeaGreen|LightSkyBlue|LightSlateGr[ae]y|LightSteelBlue|LightYellow|Lime|LimeGreen|Linen|Magenta|Maroon|MediumAquaMarine|MediumBlue|MediumOrchid|MediumPurple|MediumSeaGreen|MediumSlateBlue|MediumSpringGreen|MediumTurquoise|MediumVioletRed|MidnightBlue|MintCream|MistyRose|Moccasin|NavajoWhite|Navy|OldLace|Olive|OliveDrab|Orange|OrangeRed|Orchid|PaleGoldenRod|PaleGreen|PaleTurquoise|PaleVioletRed|PapayaWhip|PeachPuff|Peru|Pink|Plum|PowderBlue|Purple|Red|RosyBrown|RoyalBlue|SaddleBrown|Salmon|SandyBrown|SeaGreen|SeaShell|Sienna|Silver|SkyBlue|SlateBlue|SlateGr[ae]y|Snow|SpringGreen|SteelBlue|Tan|Teal|Thistle|Tomato|Transparent|Turquoise|Violet|Wheat|White|WhiteSmoke|Yellow|YellowGreen)\b/i , { pattern : /\b(?:rgb|hsl)\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*\)\B|\b(?:rgb|hsl)a\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*(?:0|0?\.\d+|1)\s*\)\B/i , inside : { unit : r , number : i , function : /[\w-]+(?=\()/ , punctuation : /[(),]/ } } ] , entity : /\\[\da-f]{1,8}/i , unit : r , number : i } ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . d = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { comment : [ { pattern : /^\s*#!.+/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : RegExp ( "(^|[^\\\\])(?:" + [ "/\\+(?:/\\+(?:[^+]|\\+(?!/))*\\+/|(?!/\\+)[^])*?\\+/" , "//.*" , "/\\*[^]*?\\*/" ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } ] , string : [ { pattern : RegExp ( [ '\\b[rx]"(?:\\\\[^]|[^\\\\"])*"[cwd]?' , '\\bq"(?:\\[[^]*?\\]|\\([^]*?\\)|<[^]*?>|\\{[^]*?\\})"' , '\\bq"((?!\\d)\\w+)$[^]*?^\\1"' , '\\bq"(.)[^]*?\\2"' , "'(?:\\\\(?:\\W|\\w+)|[^\\\\])'" , '(["`])(?:\\\\[^]|(?!\\3)[^\\\\])*\\3[cwd]?' ] . join ( "|" ) , "m" ) , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\bq\{(?:\{[^{}]*\}|[^{}])*\}/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "token-string" } ] , number : [ /\b0x\.?[a-f\d_]+(?:(?!\.\.)\.[a-f\d_]*)?(?:p[+-]?[a-f\d_]+)?[ulfi]*/i , { pattern : /((?:\.\.)?)(?:\b0b\.?|\b|\.)\d[\d_]*(?:(?!\.\.)\.[\d_]*)?(?:e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)?[ulfi]*/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , keyword : /\$|\b(?:abstract|alias|align|asm|assert|auto|body|bool|break|byte|case|cast|catch|cdouble|cent|cfloat|char|class|const|continue|creal|dchar|debug|default|delegate|delete|deprecated|do|double|else|enum|export|extern|false|final|finally|float|for|foreach|foreach_reverse|function|goto|idouble|if|ifloat|immutable|import|inout|int|interface|invariant|ireal|lazy|long|macro|mixin|module|new|nothrow|null|out|override|package|pragma|private|protected|public|pure|real|ref|return|scope|shared|short|static|struct|super|switch|synchronized|template|this|throw|true|try|typedef|typeid|typeof|ubyte|ucent|uint|ulong|union|unittest|ushort|version|void|volatile|wchar|while|with|__(?:(?:FILE|MODULE|LINE|FUNCTION|PRETTY_FUNCTION|DATE|EOF|TIME|TIMESTAMP|VENDOR|VERSION)__|gshared|traits|vector|parameters)|string|wstring|dstring|size_t|ptrdiff_t)\b/ , operator : /\|[|=]?|&[&=]?|\+[+=]?|-[-=]?|\.?\.\.|=[>=]?|!(?:i[ns]\b|<>?=?|>=?|=)?|\bi[ns]\b|(?:<[<>]?|>>?>?|\^\^|[*\/%^~])=?/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "d" , "keyword" , { property : /\B@\w*/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "d" , "function" , { register : { pattern : /\b(?:[ABCD][LHX]|E[ABCD]X|E?(?:BP|SP|DI|SI)|[ECSDGF]S|CR[0234]|DR[012367]|TR[3-7]|X?MM[0-7]|R[ABCD]X|[BS]PL|R[BS]P|[DS]IL|R[DS]I|R(?:[89]|1[0-5])[BWD]?|XMM(?:[89]|1[0-5])|YMM(?:1[0-5]|\d))\b|\bST(?:\([0-7]\)|\b)/ , alias : "variable" } } ) ;
Prism . languages . dart = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { string : [ { pattern : /r?("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /r?("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } ] , keyword : [ /\b(?:async|sync|yield)\*/ , /\b(?:abstract|assert|async|await|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|covariant|default|deferred|do|dynamic|else|enum|export|extension|external|extends|factory|final|finally|for|Function|get|hide|if|implements|interface|import|in|library|mixin|new|null|on|operator|part|rethrow|return|set|show|static|super|switch|sync|this|throw|try|typedef|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/ ] , operator : /\bis!|\b(?:as|is)\b|\+\+|--|&&|\|\||<<=?|>>=?|~(?:\/=?)?|[+\-*\/%&^|=!<>]=?|\?/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "dart" , "function" , { metadata : { pattern : /@\w+/ , alias : "symbol" } } ) ;
! function ( h ) { function v ( e , n ) { return "___" + e . toUpperCase ( ) + n + "___" } Object . defineProperties ( h . languages [ "markup-templating" ] = { } , { buildPlaceholders : { value : function ( a , r , e , o ) { if ( a . language === r ) { var c = a . tokenStack = [ ] ; a . code = a . code . replace ( e , function ( e ) { if ( "function" == typeof o && ! o ( e ) ) return e ; for ( var n , t = c . length ; - 1 !== a . code . indexOf ( n = v ( r , t ) ) ; ) ++ t ; return c [ t ] = e , n } ) , a . grammar = h . languages . markup } } } , tokenizePlaceholders : { value : function ( p , k ) { if ( p . language === k && p . tokenStack ) { p . grammar = h . languages [ k ] ; var m = 0 , d = Object . keys ( p . tokenStack ) ; ! function e ( n ) { for ( var t = 0 ; t < n . length && ! ( m >= d . length ) ; t ++ ) { var a = n [ t ] ; if ( "string" == typeof a || a . content && "string" == typeof a . content ) { var r = d [ m ] , o = p . tokenStack [ r ] , c = "string" == typeof a ? a : a . content , i = v ( k , r ) , u = c . indexOf ( i ) ; if ( - 1 < u ) { ++ m ; var g = c . substring ( 0 , u ) , l = new h . Token ( k , h . tokenize ( o , p . grammar ) , "language-" + k , o ) , s = c . substring ( u + i . length ) , f = [ ] ; g && f . push . apply ( f , e ( [ g ] ) ) , f . push ( l ) , s && f . push . apply ( f , e ( [ s ] ) ) , "string" == typeof a ? n . splice . apply ( n , [ t , 1 ] . concat ( f ) ) : a . content = f } } else a . content && e ( a . content ) } return n } ( p . tokens ) } } } } ) } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( e ) { e . languages . django = { comment : /^{#[\s\S]*?#}$/ , tag : { pattern : /(^{%[+-]?\s*)\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "keyword" } , delimiter : { pattern : /^{[{%][+-]?|[+-]?[}%]}$/ , alias : "punctuation" } , string : { pattern : /("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , filter : { pattern : /(\|)\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "function" } , test : { pattern : /(\bis\s+(?:not\s+)?)(?!not\b)\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "function" } , function : /\b[a-z_]\w+(?=\s*\()/i , keyword : /\b(?:and|as|by|else|for|if|import|in|is|loop|not|or|recursive|with|without)\b/ , operator : /[-+*/%=]=?|!=|\*\*?=?|\/\/?=?|<[<=>]?|>[=>]?|[&|^~]/ , number : /\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?\b/ , boolean : /[Tt]rue|[Ff]alse|[Nn]one/ , variable : /\b\w+?\b/ , punctuation : /[{}[\](),.:;]/ } ; var n = /{{[\s\S]*?}}|{%[\s\S]*?%}|{#[\s\S]*?#}/g , o = e . languages [ "markup-templating" ] ; e . hooks . add ( "before-tokenize" , function ( e ) { o . buildPlaceholders ( e , "django" , n ) } ) , e . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( e ) { o . tokenizePlaceholders ( e , "django" ) } ) , e . languages . jinja2 = e . languages . django , e . hooks . add ( "before-tokenize" , function ( e ) { o . buildPlaceholders ( e , "jinja2" , n ) } ) , e . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( e ) { o . tokenizePlaceholders ( e , "jinja2" ) } ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . docker = { keyword : { pattern : /(^\s*)(?:ADD|ARG|CMD|COPY|ENTRYPOINT|ENV|EXPOSE|FROM|HEALTHCHECK|LABEL|MAINTAINER|ONBUILD|RUN|SHELL|STOPSIGNAL|USER|VOLUME|WORKDIR)(?=\s)/im , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : /("|')(?:(?!\1)[^\\\r\n]|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*\1/ , comment : { pattern : /#.*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , punctuation : /---|\.\.\.|[:[\]{}\-,|>?]/ } , Prism . languages . dockerfile = Prism . languages . docker ;
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
Prism . languages . git = { comment : /^#.*/m , deleted : /^[-– ].*/m , inserted : /^\+.*/m , string : /("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/m , command : { pattern : /^.*\$ git .*$/m , inside : { parameter : /\s--?\w+/m } } , coord : /^@@.*@@$/m , commit _sha1 : /^commit \w{40}$/m } ;
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
Prism . languages . go = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { keyword : /\b(?:break|case|chan|const|continue|default|defer|else|fallthrough|for|func|go(?:to)?|if|import|interface|map|package|range|return|select|struct|switch|type|var)\b/ , builtin : /\b(?:bool|byte|complex(?:64|128)|error|float(?:32|64)|rune|string|u?int(?:8|16|32|64)?|uintptr|append|cap|close|complex|copy|delete|imag|len|make|new|panic|print(?:ln)?|real|recover)\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:_|iota|nil|true|false)\b/ , operator : /[*\/%^!=]=?|\+[=+]?|-[=-]?|\|[=|]?|&(?:=|&|\^=?)?|>(?:>=?|=)?|<(?:<=?|=|-)?|:=|\.\.\./ , number : /(?:\b0x[a-f\d]+|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)i?/i , string : { pattern : /(["'`])(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } } ) , delete Prism . languages . go [ "class-name" ] ;
Prism . languages . groovy = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { string : [ { pattern : /("""|''')(?:[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*?\1|\$\/(?:[^/$]|\$(?:[/$]|(?![/$]))|\/(?!\$))*\/\$/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(["'/])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } ] , keyword : /\b(?:as|def|in|abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|native|new|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|trait|transient|try|void|volatile|while)\b/ , number : /\b(?:0b[01_]+|0x[\da-f_]+(?:\.[\da-f_p\-]+)?|[\d_]+(?:\.[\d_]+)?(?:e[+-]?[\d]+)?)[glidf]?\b/i , operator : { pattern : /(^|[^.])(?:~|==?~?|\?[.:]?|\*(?:[.=]|\*=?)?|\.[@&]|\.\.<|\.\.(?!\.)|-[-=>]?|\+[+=]?|!=?|<(?:<=?|=>?)?|>(?:>>?=?|=)?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|\/=?|\^=?|%=?)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , punctuation : /\.+|[{}[\];(),.:$]/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "groovy" , "string" , { shebang : { pattern : /#!.+/ , alias : "comment" } } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "groovy" , "punctuation" , { "spock-block" : /\b(?:setup|given|when|then|and|cleanup|expect|where):/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "groovy" , "function" , { annotation : { pattern : /(^|[^.])@\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } } ) , Prism . hooks . add ( "wrap" , function ( e ) { if ( "groovy" === e . language && "string" === e . type ) { var t = e . content [ 0 ] ; if ( "'" != t ) { var n = /([^\\])(?:\$(?:\{.*?\}|[\w.]+))/ ; "$" === t && ( n = /([^\$])(?:\$(?:\{.*?\}|[\w.]+))/ ) , e . content = e . content . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) , e . content = Prism . highlight ( e . content , { expression : { pattern : n , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : Prism . languages . groovy } } ) , e . classes . push ( "/" === t ? "regex" : "gstring" ) } } } ) ;
! function ( t ) { t . languages . http = { "request-line" : { pattern : /^(?:POST|GET|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS|PATCH|TRACE|CONNECT)\s(?:https?:\/\/|\/)\S+\sHTTP\/[0-9.]+/m , inside : { property : /^(?:POST|GET|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS|PATCH|TRACE|CONNECT)\b/ , "attr-name" : /:\w+/ } } , "response-status" : { pattern : /^HTTP\/1.[01] \d+.*/m , inside : { property : { pattern : /(^HTTP\/1.[01] )\d+.*/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } } } , "header-name" : { pattern : /^[\w-]+:(?=.)/m , alias : "keyword" } } ; var a , e , n , i = t . languages , p = { "application/javascript" : i . javascript , "application/json" : i . json || i . javascript , "application/xml" : i . xml , "text/xml" : i . xml , "text/html" : i . html , "text/css" : i . css } , s = { "application/json" : ! 0 , "application/xml" : ! 0 } ; for ( var r in p ) if ( p [ r ] ) { a = a || { } ; var T = s [ r ] ? ( void 0 , n = ( e = r ) . replace ( /^[a-z]+\// , "" ) , "(?:" + e + "|\\w+/(?:[\\w.-]+\\+)+" + n + "(?![+\\w.-]))" ) : r ; a [ r . replace ( /\//g , "-" ) ] = { pattern : RegExp ( "(content-type:\\s*" + T + "[\\s\\S]*?)(?:\\r?\\n|\\r){2}[\\s\\S]*" , "i" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : p [ r ] } } a && t . languages . insertBefore ( "http" , "header-name" , a ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . hpkp = { directive : { pattern : /\b(?:(?:includeSubDomains|preload|strict)(?: |;)|pin-sha256="[a-zA-Z\d+=/]+"|(?:max-age|report-uri)=|report-to )/ , alias : "keyword" } , safe : { pattern : /\b\d{7,}\b/ , alias : "selector" } , unsafe : { pattern : /\b\d{1,6}\b/ , alias : "function" } } ;
Prism . languages . hsts = { directive : { pattern : /\b(?:max-age=|includeSubDomains|preload)/ , alias : "keyword" } , safe : { pattern : /\b\d{8,}\b/ , alias : "selector" } , unsafe : { pattern : /\b\d{1,7}\b/ , alias : "function" } } ;
Prism . languages . ini = { comment : /^[ \t]*[;#].*$/m , selector : /^[ \t]*\[.*?\]/m , constant : /^[ \t]*[^\s=]+?(?=[ \t]*=)/m , "attr-value" : { pattern : /=.*/ , inside : { punctuation : /^[=]/ } } } ;
! function ( e ) { var t = /\b(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|exports|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|module|native|new|null|open|opens|package|private|protected|provides|public|record|requires|return|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|to|transient|transitive|try|uses|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)\b/ , a = /\b[A-Z](?:\w*[a-z]\w*)?\b/ ; e . languages . java = e . languages . extend ( "clike" , { "class-name" : [ a , /\b[A-Z]\w*(?=\s+\w+\s*[;,=())])/ ] , keyword : t , function : [ e . languages . clike . function , { pattern : /(\:\:)[a-z_]\w*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , number : /\b0b[01][01_]*L?\b|\b0x[\da-f_]*\.?[\da-f_p+-]+\b|(?:\b\d[\d_]*\.?[\d_]*|\B\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)?[dfl]?/i , operator : { pattern : /(^|[^.])(?:<<=?|>>>?=?|->|--|\+\+|&&|\|\||::|[?:~]|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "java" , "string" , { "triple-quoted-string" : { pattern : /"""[ \t]*[\r\n](?:(?:"|"")?(?:\\.|[^"\\]))*"""/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "java" , "class-name" , { annotation : { alias : "punctuation" , pattern : /(^|[^.])@\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , namespace : { pattern : RegExp ( "(\\b(?:exports|import(?:\\s+static)?|module|open|opens|package|provides|requires|to|transitive|uses|with)\\s+)(?!<keyword>)[a-z]\\w*(?:\\.[a-z]\\w*)*\\.?" . replace ( /<keyword>/g , function ( ) { return t . source } ) ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\./ } } , generics : { pattern : /<(?:[\w\s,.&?]|<(?:[\w\s,.&?]|<(?:[\w\s,.&?]|<[\w\s,.&?]*>)*>)*>)*>/ , inside : { "class-name" : a , keyword : t , punctuation : /[<>(),.:]/ , operator : /[?&|]/ } } } ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . javastacktrace = { summary : { pattern : /^[\t ]*(?:(?:Caused by:|Suppressed:|Exception in thread "[^"]*")[\t ]+)?[\w$.]+(?:\:.*)?$/m , inside : { keyword : { pattern : /^(\s*)(?:(?:Caused by|Suppressed)(?=:)|Exception in thread)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /^(\s*)"[^"]*"/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , exceptions : { pattern : /^(:?\s*)[\w$.]+(?=:|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { "class-name" : /[\w$]+(?=$|:)/ , namespace : /[a-z]\w*/ , punctuation : /[.:]/ } } , message : { pattern : /(:\s*)\S.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , punctuation : /[:]/ } } , "stack-frame" : { pattern : /^[\t ]*at [\w$.]+(?:<init>)?\([^()]*\)/m , inside : { keyword : { pattern : /^(\s*)at/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , source : [ { pattern : /(\()\w+.\w+:\d+(?=\))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { file : /^\w+\.\w+/ , punctuation : /:/ , "line-number" : { pattern : /\d+/ , alias : "number" } } } , { pattern : /(\()[^()]*(?=\))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { keyword : /^(?:Unknown Source|Native Method)$/ } } ] , "class-name" : /[\w$]+(?=\.(?:<init>|[\w$]+)\()/ , function : /(?:<init>|[\w$]+)(?=\()/ , namespace : /[a-z]\w*/ , punctuation : /[.()]/ } } , more : { pattern : /^[\t ]*\.{3} \d+ [a-z]+(?: [a-z]+)*/m , inside : { punctuation : /\.{3}/ , number : /\d+/ , keyword : /\b[a-z]+(?: [a-z]+)*\b/ } } } ;
Prism . languages . json = { property : { pattern : /"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?=\s*:)/ , greedy : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?!\s*:)/ , greedy : ! 0 } , comment : /\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/ , number : /-?\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?\b/i , punctuation : /[{}[\],]/ , operator : /:/ , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , null : { pattern : /\bnull\b/ , alias : "keyword" } } , Prism . languages . webmanifest = Prism . languages . json ;
Prism . languages . julia = { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])(?:#=(?:[^#=]|=(?!#)|#(?!=)|#=(?:[^#=]|=(?!#)|#(?!=))*=#)*=#|#.*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , regex : { pattern : /r"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"[imsx]{0,4}/ , greedy : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /"""[\s\S]+?"""|\w*"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"|(^|[^\w'])'(?:\\[^\r\n][^'\r\n]*|[^\\\r\n])'|`(?:[^\\`\r\n]|\\.)*`/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , keyword : /\b(?:abstract|baremodule|begin|bitstype|break|catch|ccall|const|continue|do|else|elseif|end|export|finally|for|function|global|if|immutable|import|importall|in|let|local|macro|module|print|println|quote|return|struct|try|type|typealias|using|while)\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , number : /(?:\b(?=\d)|\B(?=\.))(?:0[box])?(?:[\da-f]+(?:_[\da-f]+)*\.?(?:\d+(?:_\d+)*)?|\.\d+(?:_\d+)*)(?:[efp][+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*)?j?/i , operator : /&&|\|\||[-+*^%÷⊻&$\\]=?|\/[\/=]?|!=?=?|\|[=>]?|<(?:<=?|[=:|])?|>(?:=|>>?=?)?|==?=?|[~≠≤≥'√∛]/ , punctuation : /::?|[{}[\]();,.?]/ , constant : /\b(?:(?:NaN|Inf)(?:16|32|64)?|im|pi|e|catalan|eulergamma|golden)\b|[πℯγφ]/ } ;
! function ( e ) { e . languages . kotlin = e . languages . extend ( "clike" , { keyword : { pattern : /(^|[^.])\b(?:abstract|actual|annotation|as|break|by|catch|class|companion|const|constructor|continue|crossinline|data|do|dynamic|else|enum|expect|external|final|finally|for|fun|get|if|import|in|infix|init|inline|inner|interface|internal|is|lateinit|noinline|null|object|open|operator|out|override|package|private|protected|public|reified|return|sealed|set|super|suspend|tailrec|this|throw|to|try|typealias|val|var|vararg|when|where|while)\b/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , function : [ /\w+(?=\s*\()/ , { pattern : /(\.)\w+(?=\s*\{)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , number : /\b(?:0[xX][\da-fA-F]+(?:_[\da-fA-F]+)*|0[bB][01]+(?:_[01]+)*|\d+(?:_\d+)*(?:\.\d+(?:_\d+)*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*)?[fFL]?)\b/ , operator : /\+[+=]?|-[-=>]?|==?=?|!(?:!|==?)?|[\/*%<>]=?|[?:]:?|\.\.|&&|\|\||\b(?:and|inv|or|shl|shr|ushr|xor)\b/ } ) , delete e . languages . kotlin [ "class-name" ] , e . languages . insertBefore ( "kotlin" , "string" , { "raw-string" : { pattern : /("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1/ , alias : "string" } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "kotlin" , "keyword" , { annotation : { pattern : /\B@(?:\w+:)?(?:[A-Z]\w*|\[[^\]]+\])/ , alias : "builtin" } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "kotlin" , "function" , { label : { pattern : /\w+@|@\w+/ , alias : "symbol" } } ) ; var n = [ { pattern : /\$\{[^}]+\}/ , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^\$\{|\}$/ , alias : "variable" } , rest : e . languages . kotlin } } , { pattern : /\$\w+/ , alias : "variable" } ] ; e . languages . kotlin . string . inside = e . languages . kotlin [ "raw-string" ] . inside = { interpolation : n } } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( a ) { var e = /\\(?:[^a-z()[\]]|[a-z*]+)/i , n = { "equation-command" : { pattern : e , alias : "regex" } } ; a . languages . latex = { comment : /%.*/m , cdata : { pattern : /(\\begin\{((?:verbatim|lstlisting)\*?)\})[\s\S]*?(?=\\end\{\2\})/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , equation : [ { pattern : /\$\$(?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\$])+\$\$|\$(?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\$])+\$|\\\([\s\S]*?\\\)|\\\[[\s\S]*?\\\]/ , inside : n , alias : "string" } , { pattern : /(\\begin\{((?:equation|math|eqnarray|align|multline|gather)\*?)\})[\s\S]*?(?=\\end\{\2\})/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : n , alias : "string" } ] , keyword : { pattern : /(\\(?:begin|end|ref|cite|label|usepackage|documentclass)(?:\[[^\]]+\])?\{)[^}]+(?=\})/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , url : { pattern : /(\\url\{)[^}]+(?=\})/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , headline : { pattern : /(\\(?:part|chapter|section|subsection|frametitle|subsubsection|paragraph|subparagraph|subsubparagraph|subsubsubparagraph)\*?(?:\[[^\]]+\])?\{)[^}]+(?=\}(?:\[[^\]]+\])?)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "class-name" } , function : { pattern : e , alias : "selector" } , punctuation : /[[\]{}&]/ } , a . languages . tex = a . languages . latex , a . languages . context = a . languages . latex } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . less = Prism . languages . extend ( "css" , { comment : [ /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\// , { pattern : /(^|[^\\])\/\/.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , atrule : { pattern : /@[\w-]+?(?:\((?:[^(){}]|\([^(){}]*\))*\)|[^(){};])*?(?=\s*\{)/ , inside : { punctuation : /[:()]/ } } , selector : { pattern : /(?:@\{[\w-]+\}|[^{};\s@])(?:@\{[\w-]+\}|\((?:[^(){}]|\([^(){}]*\))*\)|[^(){};@])*?(?=\s*\{)/ , inside : { variable : /@+[\w-]+/ } } , property : /(?:@\{[\w-]+\}|[\w-])+(?:\+_?)?(?=\s*:)/i , operator : /[+\-*\/]/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "less" , "property" , { variable : [ { pattern : /@[\w-]+\s*:/ , inside : { punctuation : /:/ } } , /@@?[\w-]+/ ] , "mixin-usage" : { pattern : /([{;]\s*)[.#](?!\d)[\w-]+.*?(?=[(;])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "function" } } ) ;
Prism . languages . lua = { comment : /^#!.+|--(?:\[(=*)\[[\s\S]*?\]\1\]|.*)/m , string : { pattern : /(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\\r\n]|\\z(?:\r\n|\s)|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*\1|\[(=*)\[[\s\S]*?\]\2\]/ , greedy : ! 0 } , number : /\b0x[a-f\d]+\.?[a-f\d]*(?:p[+-]?\d+)?\b|\b\d+(?:\.\B|\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d+)?\b)|\B\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?\b/i , keyword : /\b(?:and|break|do|else|elseif|end|false|for|function|goto|if|in|local|nil|not|or|repeat|return|then|true|until|while)\b/ , function : /(?!\d)\w+(?=\s*(?:[({]))/ , operator : [ /[-+*%^&|#]|\/\/?|<[<=]?|>[>=]?|[=~]=?/ , { pattern : /(^|[^.])\.\.(?!\.)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , punctuation : /[\[\](){},;]|\.+|:+/ } ;
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
Prism . languages . makefile = { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])#(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^\\\r\n])*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , builtin : /\.[A-Z][^:#=\s]+(?=\s*:(?!=))/ , symbol : { pattern : /^[^:=\r\n]+(?=\s*:(?!=))/m , inside : { variable : /\$+(?:[^(){}:#=\s]+|(?=[({]))/ } } , variable : /\$+(?:[^(){}:#=\s]+|\([@*%<^+?][DF]\)|(?=[({]))/ , keyword : [ /-include\b|\b(?:define|else|endef|endif|export|ifn?def|ifn?eq|include|override|private|sinclude|undefine|unexport|vpath)\b/ , { pattern : /(\()(?:addsuffix|abspath|and|basename|call|dir|error|eval|file|filter(?:-out)?|findstring|firstword|flavor|foreach|guile|if|info|join|lastword|load|notdir|or|origin|patsubst|realpath|shell|sort|strip|subst|suffix|value|warning|wildcard|word(?:s|list)?)(?=[ \t])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , operator : /(?:::|[?:+!])?=|[|@]/ , punctuation : /[:;(){}]/ } ;
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
! function ( d ) { function n ( n ) { return n = n . replace ( /<inner>/g , function ( ) { return "(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\n\r]|(?:\n|\r\n?)(?!\n|\r\n?))" } ) , RegExp ( "((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\{2})*)(?:" + n + ")" ) } var e = "(?:\\\\.|``(?:[^`\r\n]|`(?!`))+``|`[^`\r\n]+`|[^\\\\|\r\n`])+" , t = "\\|?__(?:\\|__)+\\|?(?:(?:\n|\r\n?)|$)" . replace ( /__/g , function ( ) { return e } ) , a = "\\|?[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*(?:\\|[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*)+\\|?(?:\n|\r\n?)" ; d . languages . markdown = d . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) , d . languages . insertBefore ( "markdown" , "prolog" , { blockquote : { pattern : /^>(?:[\t ]*>)*/m , alias : "punctuation" } , table : { pattern : RegExp ( "^" + t + a + "(?:" + t + ")*" , "m" ) , inside : { "table-data-rows" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + t + a + ")(?:" + t + ")*$" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { "table-data" : { pattern : RegExp ( e ) , inside : d . languages . markdown } , punctuation : /\|/ } } , "table-line" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + t + ")" + a + "$" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\||:?-{3,}:?/ } } , "table-header-row" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^" + t + "$" ) , inside : { "table-header" : { pattern : RegExp ( e ) , alias : "important" , inside : d . languages . markdown } , punctuation : /\|/ } } } } , code : [ { pattern : /((?:^|\n)[ \t]*\n|(?:^|\r\n?)[ \t]*\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+(?:(?:\n|\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+)*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "keyword" } , { pattern : /``.+?``|`[^`\r\n]+`/ , alias : "keyword" } , { pattern : /^```[\s\S]*?^```$/m , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { "code-block" : { pattern : /^(```.*(?:\n|\r\n?))[\s\S]+?(?=(?:\n|\r\n?)^```$)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "code-language" : { pattern : /^(```).+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , punctuation : /```/ } } ] , title : [ { pattern : /\S.*(?:\n|\r\n?)(?:==+|--+)(?=[ \t]*$)/m , alias : "important" , inside : { punctuation : /==+$|--+$/ } } , { pattern : /(^\s*)#+.+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "important" , inside : { punctuation : /^#+|#+$/ } } ] , hr : { pattern : /(^\s*)([*-])(?:[\t ]*\2){2,}(?=\s*$)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } , list : { pattern : /(^\s*)(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)(?=[\t ].)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } , "url-reference" : { pattern : /!?\[[^\]]+\]:[\t ]+(?:\S+|<(?:\\.|[^>\\])+>)(?:[\t ]+(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\)))?/ , inside : { variable : { pattern : /^(!?\[)[^\]]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : /(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\))$/ , punctuation : /^[\[\]!:]|[<>]/ } , alias : "url" } , bold : { pattern : n ( "\\b__(?:(?!_)<inner>|_(?:(?!_)<inner>)+_)+__\\b|\\*\\*(?:(?!\\*)<inner>|\\*(?:(?!\\*)<inner>)+\\*)+\\*\\*" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : /(^..)[\s\S]+(?=..$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , punctuation : /\*\*|__/ } } , italic : { pattern : n ( "\\b_(?:(?!_)<inner>|__(?:(?!_)<inner>)+__)+_\\b|\\*(?:(?!\\*)<inner>|\\*\\*(?:(?!\\*)<inner>)+\\*\\*)+\\*" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : /(^.)[\s\S]+(?=.$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , punctuation : /[*_]/ } } , strike : { pattern : n ( "(~~?)(?:(?!~)<inner>)+?\\2" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : /(^~~?)[\s\S]+(?=\1$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , punctuation : /~~?/ } } , url : { pattern : n ( '!?\\[(?:(?!\\])<inner>)+\\](?:\\([^\\s)]+(?:[\t ]+"(?:\\\\.|[^"\\\\])*")?\\)| ?\\[(?:(?!\\])<inner>)+\\])' ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { variable : { pattern : /(\[)[^\]]+(?=\]$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , content : { pattern : /(^!?\[)[^\]]+(?=\])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , string : { pattern : /"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"(?=\)$)/ } } } } ) , [ "url" , "bold" , "italic" , "strike" ] . forEach ( function ( e ) { [ "url" , "bold" , "italic" , "strike" ] . forEach ( function ( n ) { e !== n && ( d . languages . markdown [ e ] . inside . content . inside [ n ] = d . languages . markdown [ n ] ) } ) } ) , d . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( n ) { "markdown" !== n . language && "md" !== n . language || ! function n ( e ) { if ( e && "string" != typeof e ) for ( var t = 0 , a = e . length ; t < a ; t ++ ) { var i = e [ t ] ; if ( "code" === i . type ) { var r = i . content [ 1 ] , o = i . content [ 3 ] ; if ( r && o && "code-language" === r . type && "code-block" === o . type && "string" == typeof r . content ) { var l = r . content . replace ( /\b#/g , "sharp" ) . replace ( /\b\+\+/g , "pp" ) , s = "language-" + ( l = ( /[a-z][\w-]*/i . exec ( l ) || [ "" ] ) [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ) ; o . alias ? "string" == typeof o . alias ? o . alias = [ o . alias , s ] : o . alias . push ( s ) : o . alias = [ s ] } } else n ( i . content ) } } ( n . tokens ) } ) , d . hooks . add ( "wrap" , function ( n ) { if ( "code-block" === n . type ) { for ( var e = "" , t = 0 , a = n . classes . length ; t < a ; t ++ ) { var i = n . classes [ t ] , r = /language-(.+)/ . exec ( i ) ; if ( r ) { e = r [ 1 ] ; break } } var o = d . languages [ e ] ; if ( o ) { var l = n . content . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) ; n . content = d . highlight ( l , o , e )
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
Prism . languages . nginx = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^"{\\])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , keyword : / \ b ( ? : C O N T E N T _ | D O C U M E N T _ | G A T E W A Y _ | H T T P _ | H T T P S | i f _ n o t _ e m p t y | P A T H _ | Q U E R Y _ | R E D I R E C T _ | R E M O T E _ | R E Q U E S T _ | S C G I | S C R I P T _ | S E R V E R _ | h t t p | e v e n t s | a c c e p t _ m u t e x | a c c e p t _ m u t e x _ d e l a y | a c c e s s _ l o g | a d d _ a f t e r _ b o d y | a d d _ b e f o r e _ b o d y | a d d _ h e a d e r | a d d i t i o n _ t y p e s | a i o | a l i a s | a l l o w | a n c i e n t _ b r o w s e r | a n c i e n t _ b r o w s e r _ v a l u e | a u t h | a u t h _ b a s i c | a u t h _ b a s i c _ u s e r _ f i l e | a u t h _ h t t p | a u t h _ h t t p _ h e a d e r | a u t h _ h t t p _ t i m e o u t | a u t o i n d e x | a u t o i n d e x _ e x a c t _ s i z e | a u t o i n d e x _ l o c a l t i m e | b r e a k | c h a r s e t | c h a r s e t _ m a p | c h a r s e t _ t y p e s | c h u n k e d _ t r a n s f e r _ e n c o d i n g | c l i e n t _ b o d y _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | c l i e n t _ b o d y _ i n _ f i l e _ o n l y | c l i e n t _ b o d y _ i n _ s i n g l e _ b u f f e r | c l i e n t _ b o d y _ t e m p _ p a t h | c l i e n t _ b o d y _ t i m e o u t | c l i e n t _ h e a d e r _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | c l i e n t _ h e a d e r _ t i m e o u t | c l i e n t _ m a x _ b o d y _ s i z e | c o n n e c t i o n _ p o o l _ s i z e | c r e a t e _ f u l l _ p u t _ p a t h | d a e m o n | d a v _ a c c e s s | d a v _ m e t h o d s | d e b u g _ c o n n e c t i o n | d e b u g _ p o i n t s | d e f a u l t _ t y p e | d e n y | d e v p o l l _ c h a n g e s | d e v p o l l _ e v e n t s | d i r e c t i o | d i r e c t i o _ a l i g n m e n t | d i s a b l e _ s y m l i n k s | e m p t y _ g i f | e n v | e p o l l _ e v e n t s | e r r o r _ l o g | e r r o r _ p a g e | e x p i r e s | f a s t c g i _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | f a s t c g i _ b u f f e r s | f a s t c g i _ b u s y _ b u f f e r s _ s i z e | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ b y p a s s | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ k e y | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ l o c k | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ l o c k _ t i m e o u t | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ m e t h o d s | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ m i n _ u s e s | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ p a t h | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ p u r g e | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ u s e _ s t a l e | f a s t c g i _ c a c h e _ v a l i d | f a s t c g i _ c o n n e c t _ t i m e o u t | f a s t c g i _ h i d e _ h e a d e r | f a s t c g i _ i g n o r e _ c l i e n t _ a b o r t | f a s t c g i _ i g n o r e _ h e a d e r s | f a s t c g i _ i n d e x | f a s t c g i _ i n t e r c e p t _ e r r o r s | f a s t c g i _ k e e p _ c o n n | f a s t c g i _ m a x _ t e m p _ f i l e _ s i z e | f a s t c g i _ n e x t _ u p s t r e a m | f a s t c g i _ n o _ c a c h e | f a s t c g i _ p a r a m | f a s t c g i _ p a s s | f a s t c g i _ p a s s _ h e a d e r | f a s t c g i _ r e a d _ t i m e o u t | f a s t c g i _ r e d i r e c t _ e r r o r s | f a s t c g i _ s e n d _ t i m e o u t | f a s t c g i _ s p l i t _ p a t h _ i n f o | f a s t c g i _ s t o r e | f a s t c g i _ s t o r e _ a c c e s s | f a s t c g i _ t e m p _ f i l e _ w r i t e _ s i z e | f a s t c g i _ t e m p _ p a t h | f l v | g e o | g e o i p _ c i t y | g e o i p _ c o u n t r y | g o o g l e _ p e r f t o o l s _ p r o f i l e s | g z i p | g z i p _ b u f f e r s | g z i p _ c o m p _ l e v e l | g z i p _ d i s a b l e | g z i p _ h t t p _ v e r s i o n | g z i p _ m i n _ l e n g t h | g z i p _ p r o x i e d | g z i p _ s t a t i c | g z i p _ t y p e s | g z i p _ v a r y | i f | i f _ m o d i f i e d _ s i n c e | i g n o r e _ i n v a l i d _ h e a d e r s | i m a g e _ f i l t e r | i m a g e _ f i l t e r _ b u f f e r | i m a g e _ f i l t e r _ j p e g _ q u a l i t y | i m a g e _ f i l t e r _ s h a r p e n | i m a g e _ f i l t e r _ t r a n s p a r e n c y | i m a p _ c a p a b i l i t i e s | i m a p _ c l i e n t _ b u f f e r | i n c l u d e | i n d e x | i n t e r n a l | i p _ h a s h | k e e p a l i v e | k e e p a l i v e _ d i s a b l e | k e e p a l i v e _ r e q u e s t s | k e e p a l i v e _ t i m e o u t | k q u e u e _ c h a n g e s | k q u e u e _ e v e n t s | l a r g e _ c l i e n t _ h e a d e r _ b u f f e r s | l i m i t _ c o n n | l i m i t _ c o n n _ l o g _ l e v e l | l i m i t _ c o n n _ z o n e | l i m i t _ e x c e p t | l i m i t _ r a t e | l i m i t _ r a t e _ a f t e r | l i m i t _ r e q | l i m i t _ r e q _ l o g _ l e v e l | l i m i t _ r e q _ z o n e | l i m i t _ z o n e | l i n g e r i n g _ c l o s e | l i n g e r i n g _ t i m e | l i n g e r i n g _ t i m e o u t | l i s t e n | l o c a t i o n | l o c k _ f i l e | l o g _ f o r m a t | l o g _ f o r m a t _ c o m b i n e d | l o g _ n o t _ f o u n d | l o g _ s u b r e q u e s t | m a p | m a p _ h a s h _ b u c k e t _ s i z e | m a p _ h a s h _ m a x _ s i z e | m a s t e r _ p r o c e s s | m a x _ r a n g e s | m e m c a c h e d _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | m e m c a c h e d _ c o n n e c t _ t i m e o u t | m e m c a c h e d _ n e x t _ u p s t r e a m | m e m c a c h e d _ p a s s | m e m c a c h e d _ r e a d _ t i m e o u t | m e m c a c h e d _ s e n d _ t i m e o u t | m e r g e _ s l a s h e s | m i n _ d e l e t e _ d e p t h | m o d e r n _ b r o w s e r | m o d e r n _ b r o w s e r _ v a l u e | m p 4 | m p 4 _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | m p 4 _ m a x _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | m s i e _ p a d d i n g | m s i e _ r e f r e s h | m u l t i _ a c c e p t | o p e n _ f i l e _ c a c h e | o p e n _ f i l e _ c a c h e _ e r r o r s | o p e n _ f i l e _ c a c h e _ m i n _ u s e s | o p e n _ f i l e _ c a c h e _ v a l i d | o p e n _ l o g _ f i l e _ c a c h e | o p t i m i z e _ s e r v e r _ n a m e s | o v e r r i d e _ c h a r s e t | p c r e _ j i t | p e r l | p e r l _ m o d u l e s | p e r l _ r e q u i r e | p e r l _ s e t | p i d | p o p 3 _ a u t h | p o p 3 _ c a p a b i l i t i e s | p o r t _ i n _ r e d i r e c t | p o s t _ a c t i o n | p o s t p o n e _ o u t p u t | p r o t o c o l | p r o x y | p r o x y _ b u f f e r | p r o x y _ b u f f e r _ s i z e | p r o x y _ b u f f e r i n g | p r o x y _ b u f f e r s | p r o x y _ b u s y _ b u f f e r s _ s i z e | p r o x y _ c a c h e | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ b y p a s s | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ k e y | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ l o c k | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ l o c k _ t i m e o u t | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ m e t h o d s | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ m i n _ u s e s | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ p a t h | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ u s e _ s t a l e | p r o x y _ c a c h e _ v a l i d | p r o x y _ c o n n e c t _ t i m e o u t | p r o x y _ c o o k i e _ d o m a i n | p r o x y _ c o o k i e _ p a t h | p r o x y _ h e a d e r s _ h a s h _ b u c k e t _ s i z e | p r o x y _ h e a d e r s _ h a s h _ m a x _ s i z e | p r o x y _ h i d e _ h e a d e r | p r o x y _ h t t p _ v e r s i o n | p r o x y _ i g n o r e _ c l i e n t _ a b o r t | p r o x y _ i g n o r e _ h e a d e r s | p r o x y _ i n t e r c e p t _ e r r o r s | p r o x y _ m a x _ t e m p _ f i l e _ s i z e | p r o x y _ m e t h o d | p r o x y _ n e x t _ u p s t r e a m | p r o x y _ n o _ c a c h e | p r o x y _ p a s s | p r o x y _ p a s s _ e r r o r _ m e s s a g e | p r o x y _ p a s s _ h e a d e r | p r o x y _ p a s s _ r e q u e s t _ b o d y | p r o x y _ p a s s _ r e q u e s t _ h e a d e r s | p r o x y _ r e a d _ t i m e o u t | p r o x y _ r e d i r e c t | p r o x y _ r e d i r e c t _ e r r o r s | p r o x y _ s e n d _ l o w a t | p r o x y _ s e n d _ t i m e o u t | p r o x y _ s e t _ b o d y | p r o x y _ s e t _ h e a d e r | p r o x y _ s s l _ s e s s i o n _ r e u s e | p r o x y _ s t o r e | p r o x y _ s t o r e _ a c c e s s | p r o x y _ t e m p _ f i l e _ w r i t e _ s i z e | p r o x y _ t e m p
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
Prism . languages . objectivec = Prism . languages . extend ( "c" , { keyword : /\b(?:asm|typeof|inline|auto|break|case|char|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|extern|float|for|goto|if|int|long|register|return|short|signed|sizeof|static|struct|switch|typedef|union|unsigned|void|volatile|while|in|self|super)\b|(?:@interface|@end|@implementation|@protocol|@class|@public|@protected|@private|@property|@try|@catch|@finally|@throw|@synthesize|@dynamic|@selector)\b/ , string : /("|')(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1|@"(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^"\\\r\n])*"/ , operator : /-[->]?|\+\+?|!=?|<<?=?|>>?=?|==?|&&?|\|\|?|[~^%?*\/@]/ } ) , delete Prism . languages . objectivec [ "class-name" ] , Prism . languages . objc = Prism . languages . objectivec ;
Prism . languages . perl = { comment : [ { pattern : /(^\s*)=\w+[\s\S]*?=cut.*/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\$])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , string : [ { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s*([^a-zA-Z0-9\s{(\[<])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s*\((?:[^()\\]|\\[\s\S])*\)/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s*\{(?:[^{}\\]|\\[\s\S])*\}/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s*\[(?:[^[\]\\]|\\[\s\S])*\]/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:q|qq|qx|qw)\s*<(?:[^<>\\]|\\[\s\S])*>/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /("|`)(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /'(?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\.)*'/ , greedy : ! 0 } ] , regex : [ { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s*([^a-zA-Z0-9\s{(\[<])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1[msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\1[msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s*\((?:[^()\\]|\\[\s\S])*\)[msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s*\{(?:[^{}\\]|\\[\s\S])*\}[msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s*\[(?:[^[\]\\]|\\[\s\S])*\][msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\b(?:m|qr)\s*<(?:[^<>\\]|\\[\s\S])*>[msixpodualngc]*/ , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s*([^a-zA-Z0-9\s{(\[<])(?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\2(?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\2[msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9])(?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\2(?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\[\s\S])*\2[msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s*\((?:[^()\\]|\\[\s\S])*\)\s*\((?:[^()\\]|\\[\s\S])*\)[msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s*\{(?:[^{}\\]|\\[\s\S])*\}\s*\{(?:[^{}\\]|\\[\s\S])*\}[msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s*\[(?:[^[\]\\]|\\[\s\S])*\]\s*\[(?:[^[\]\\]|\\[\s\S])*\][msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^-]\b)(?:s|tr|y)\s*<(?:[^<>\\]|\\[\s\S])*>\s*<(?:[^<>\\]|\\[\s\S])*>[msixpodualngcer]*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /\/(?:[^\/\\\r\n]|\\.)*\/[msixpodualngc]*(?=\s*(?:$|[\r\n,.;})&|\-+*~<>!?^]|(?:lt|gt|le|ge|eq|ne|cmp|not|and|or|xor|x)\b))/ , greedy : ! 0 } ] , variable : [ /[&*$@%]\{\^[A-Z]+\}/ , /[&*$@%]\^[A-Z_]/ , /[&*$@%]#?(?=\{)/ , /[&*$@%]#?(?:(?:::)*'?(?!\d)[\w$]+)+(?:::)*/i , /[&*$@%]\d+/ , /(?!%=)[$@%][!"#$%&'()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~]/ ] , filehandle : { pattern : /<(?![<=])\S*>|\b_\b/ , alias : "symbol" } , vstring : { pattern : /v\d+(?:\.\d+)*|\d+(?:\.\d+){2,}/ , alias : "string" } , function : { pattern : /sub [a-z0-9_]+/i , inside : { keyword : /sub/ } } , keyword : /\b(?:any|break|continue|default|delete|die|do|else|elsif|eval|for|foreach|given|goto|if|last|local|my|next|our|package|print|redo|require|return|say|state|sub|switch|undef|unless|until|use|when|while)\b/ , number : /\b(?:0x[\dA-Fa-f](?:_?[\dA-Fa-f])*|0b[01](?:_?[01])*|(?:\d(?:_?\d)*)?\.?\d(?:_?\d)*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?)\b/ , operator : /-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]\b|\+[+=]?|-[-=>]?|\*\*?=?|\/\/?=?|=[=~>]?|~[~=]?|\|\|?=?|&&?=?|<(?:=>?|<=?)?|>>?=?|![~=]?|[%^]=?|\.(?:=|\.\.?)?|[\\?]|\bx(?:=|\b)|\b(?:lt|gt|le|ge|eq|ne|cmp|not|and|or|xor)\b/ , punctuation : /[{}[\];(),:]/ } ;
! function ( n ) { n . languages . php = n . languages . extend ( "clike" , { keyword : /\b(?:__halt_compiler|abstract|and|array|as|break|callable|case|catch|class|clone|const|continue|declare|default|die|do|echo|else|elseif|empty|enddeclare|endfor|endforeach|endif|endswitch|endwhile|eval|exit|extends|final|finally|for|foreach|function|global|goto|if|implements|include|include_once|instanceof|insteadof|interface|isset|list|namespace|new|or|parent|print|private|protected|public|require|require_once|return|static|switch|throw|trait|try|unset|use|var|while|xor|yield)\b/i , boolean : { pattern : /\b(?:false|true)\b/i , alias : "constant" } , constant : [ /\b[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*\b/ , /\b(?:null)\b/i ] , comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) , n . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "string" , { "shell-comment" : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "comment" } } ) , n . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "comment" , { delimiter : { pattern : /\?>$|^<\?(?:php(?=\s)|=)?/i , alias : "important" } } ) , n . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "keyword" , { variable : /\$+(?:\w+\b|(?={))/i , package : { pattern : /(\\|namespace\s+|use\s+)[\w\\]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\\/ } } } ) , n . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "operator" , { property : { pattern : /(->)[\w]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) ; var e = { pattern : /{\$(?:{(?:{[^{}]+}|[^{}]+)}|[^{}])+}|(^|[^\\{])\$+(?:\w+(?:\[[^\r\n\[\]]+\]|->\w+)*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : n . languages . php } ; n . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "string" , { "nowdoc-string" : { pattern : /<<<'([^']+)'[\r\n](?:.*[\r\n])*?\1;/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^<<<'[^']+'|[a-z_]\w*;$/i , alias : "symbol" , inside : { punctuation : /^<<<'?|[';]$/ } } } } , "heredoc-string" : { pattern : /<<<(?:"([^"]+)"[\r\n](?:.*[\r\n])*?\1;|([a-z_]\w*)[\r\n](?:.*[\r\n])*?\2;)/i , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^<<<(?:"[^"]+"|[a-z_]\w*)|[a-z_]\w*;$/i , alias : "symbol" , inside : { punctuation : /^<<<"?|[";]$/ } } , interpolation : e } } , "single-quoted-string" : { pattern : /'(?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\'])*'/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , "double-quoted-string" : { pattern : /"(?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\"])*"/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" , inside : { interpolation : e } } } ) , delete n . languages . php . string , n . hooks . add ( "before-tokenize" , function ( e ) { if ( /<\?/ . test ( e . code ) ) { n . languages [ "markup-templating" ] . buildPlaceholders ( e , "php" , /<\?(?:[^"'/#]|\/(?![*/])|("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1|(?:\/\/|#)(?:[^?\n\r]|\?(?!>))*(?=$|\?>|[\r\n])|\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$))*?(?:\?>|$)/gi ) } } ) , n . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( e ) { n . languages [ "markup-templating" ] . tokenizePlaceholders ( e , "php" ) } ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "php" , "variable" , { this : /\$this\b/ , global : /\$(?:_(?:SERVER|GET|POST|FILES|REQUEST|SESSION|ENV|COOKIE)|GLOBALS|HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA|argc|argv|php_errormsg|http_response_header)\b/ , scope : { pattern : /\b[\w\\]+::/ , inside : { keyword : /static|self|parent/ , punctuation : /::|\\/ } } } ) ;
! function ( e ) { var i = Prism . languages . powershell = { comment : [ { pattern : /(^|[^`])<#[\s\S]*?#>/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^`])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , string : [ { pattern : /"(?:`[\s\S]|[^`"])*"/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { function : { pattern : /(^|[^`])\$\((?:\$\([^\r\n()]*\)|(?!\$\()[^\r\n)])*\)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } } } , { pattern : /'(?:[^']|'')*'/ , greedy : ! 0 } ] , namespace : /\[[a-z](?:\[(?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*]|[^\[\]])*]/i , boolean : /\$(?:true|false)\b/i , variable : /\$\w+\b/ , function : [ /\b(?:Add|Approve|Assert|Backup|Block|Checkpoint|Clear|Close|Compare|Complete|Compress|Confirm|Connect|Convert|ConvertFrom|ConvertTo|Copy|Debug|Deny|Disable|Disconnect|Dismount|Edit|Enable|Enter|Exit|Expand|Export|Find|ForEach|Format|Get|Grant|Group|Hide|Import|Initialize|Install|Invoke|Join|Limit|Lock|Measure|Merge|Move|New|New|Open|Optimize|Out|Ping|Pop|Protect|Publish|Push|Read|Receive|Redo|Register|Remove|Rename|Repair|Request|Reset|Resize|Resolve|Restart|Restore|Resume|Revoke|Save|Search|Select|Send|Set|Show|Skip|Sort|Split|Start|Step|Stop|Submit|Suspend|Switch|Sync|Tee|Test|Trace|Unblock|Undo|Uninstall|Unlock|Unprotect|Unpublish|Unregister|Update|Use|Wait|Watch|Where|Write)-[a-z]+\b/i , /\b(?:ac|cat|chdir|clc|cli|clp|clv|compare|copy|cp|cpi|cpp|cvpa|dbp|del|diff|dir|ebp|echo|epal|epcsv|epsn|erase|fc|fl|ft|fw|gal|gbp|gc|gci|gcs|gdr|gi|gl|gm|gp|gps|group|gsv|gu|gv|gwmi|iex|ii|ipal|ipcsv|ipsn|irm|iwmi|iwr|kill|lp|ls|measure|mi|mount|move|mp|mv|nal|ndr|ni|nv|ogv|popd|ps|pushd|pwd|rbp|rd|rdr|ren|ri|rm|rmdir|rni|rnp|rp|rv|rvpa|rwmi|sal|saps|sasv|sbp|sc|select|set|shcm|si|sl|sleep|sls|sort|sp|spps|spsv|start|sv|swmi|tee|trcm|type|write)\b/i ] , keyword : /\b(?:Begin|Break|Catch|Class|Continue|Data|Define|Do|DynamicParam|Else|ElseIf|End|Exit|Filter|Finally|For|ForEach|From|Function|If|InlineScript|Parallel|Param|Process|Return|Sequence|Switch|Throw|Trap|Try|Until|Using|Var|While|Workflow)\b/i , operator : { pattern : /(\W?)(?:!|-(?:eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le|sh[lr]|not|b?(?:and|x?or)|(?:Not)?(?:Like|Match|Contains|In)|Replace|Join|is(?:Not)?|as)\b|-[-=]?|\+[+=]?|[*\/%]=?)/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } , punctuation : /[|{}[\];(),.]/ } , r = i . string [ 0 ] . inside ; r . boolean = i . boolean , r . variable = i . variable , r . function . inside = i } ( ) ;
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
Prism . languages . properties = { comment : /^[ \t]*[#!].*$/m , "attr-value" : { pattern : /(^[ \t]*(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^\\\s:=])+?(?: *[=:] *| ))(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^\\\r\n])+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "attr-name" : /^[ \t]*(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^\\\s:=])+?(?= *[=:] *| )/m , punctuation : /[=:]/ } ;
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
! function ( r ) { r . languages . pure = { comment : [ { pattern : /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\// , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , /#!.+/ ] , "inline-lang" : { pattern : /%<[\s\S]+?%>/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { lang : { pattern : /(^%< *)-\*-.+?-\*-/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "comment" } , delimiter : { pattern : /^%<.*|%>$/ , alias : "punctuation" } } } , string : { pattern : /"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"/ , greedy : ! 0 } , number : { pattern : /((?:\.\.)?)(?:\b(?:inf|nan)\b|\b0x[\da-f]+|(?:\b(?:0b)?\d+(?:\.\d)?|\B\.\d)\d*(?:e[+-]?\d+)?L?)/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } , keyword : /\b(?:ans|break|bt|case|catch|cd|clear|const|def|del|dump|else|end|exit|extern|false|force|help|if|infix[lr]?|interface|let|ls|mem|namespace|nonfix|NULL|of|otherwise|outfix|override|postfix|prefix|private|public|pwd|quit|run|save|show|stats|then|throw|trace|true|type|underride|using|when|with)\b/ , function : /\b(?:abs|add_(?:(?:fundef|interface|macdef|typedef)(?:_at)?|addr|constdef|vardef)|all|any|applp?|arity|bigintp?|blob(?:_crc|_size|p)?|boolp?|byte_(?:matrix|pointer)|byte_c?string(?:_pointer)?|calloc|cat|catmap|ceil|char[ps]?|check_ptrtag|chr|clear_sentry|clearsym|closurep?|cmatrixp?|cols?|colcat(?:map)?|colmap|colrev|colvector(?:p|seq)?|complex(?:_float_(?:matrix|pointer)|_matrix(?:_view)?|_pointer|p)?|conj|cookedp?|cst|cstring(?:_(?:dup|list|vector))?|curry3?|cyclen?|del_(?:constdef|fundef|interface|macdef|typedef|vardef)|delete|diag(?:mat)?|dim|dmatrixp?|do|double(?:_matrix(?:_view)?|_pointer|p)?|dowith3?|drop|dropwhile|eval(?:cmd)?|exactp|filter|fix|fixity|flip|float(?:_matrix|_pointer)|floor|fold[lr]1?|frac|free|funp?|functionp?|gcd|get(?:_(?:byte|constdef|double|float|fundef|int(?:64)?|interface(?:_typedef)?|long|macdef|pointer|ptrtag|short|sentry|string|typedef|vardef))?|globsym|hash|head|id|im|imatrixp?|index|inexactp|infp|init|insert|int(?:_matrix(?:_view)?|_pointer|p)?|int64_(?:matrix|pointer)|integerp?|iteraten?|iterwhile|join|keys?|lambdap?|last(?:err(?:pos)?)?|lcd|list[2p]?|listmap|make_ptrtag|malloc|map|matcat|matrixp?|max|member|min|nanp|nargs|nmatrixp?|null|numberp?|ord|pack(?:ed)?|pointer(?:_cast|_tag|_type|p)?|pow|pred|ptrtag|put(?:_(?:byte|double|float|int(?:64)?|long|pointer|short|string))?|rationalp?|re|realp?|realloc|recordp?|redim|reduce(?:_with)?|refp?|repeatn?|reverse|rlistp?|round|rows?|rowcat(?:map)?|rowmap|rowrev|rowvector(?:p|seq)?|same|scan[lr]1?|sentry|sgn|short_(?:matrix|pointer)|slice|smatrixp?|sort|split|str|strcat|stream|stride|string(?:_(?:dup|list|vector)|p)?|subdiag(?:mat)?|submat|subseq2?|substr|succ|supdiag(?:mat)?|symbolp?|tail|take|takewhile|thunkp?|transpose|trunc|tuplep?|typep|ubyte|uint(?:64)?|ulong|uncurry3?|unref|unzip3?|update|ushort|vals?|varp?|vector(?:p|seq)?|void|zip3?|zipwith3?)\b/ , special : { pattern : /\b__[a-z]+__\b/i , alias : "builtin" } , operator : /(?:[!"#$%&'*+,\-.\/:<=>?@\\^`|~\u00a1-\u00bf\u00d7-\u00f7\u20d0-\u2bff]|\b_+\b)+|\b(?:and|div|mod|not|or)\b/ , punctuation : /[(){}\[\];,|]/ } ; [ "c" , { lang : "c++" , alias : "cpp" } , "fortran" ] . forEach ( function ( e ) { var t = e ; if ( "string" != typeof e && ( t = e . alias , e = e . lang ) , r . languages [ t ] ) { var a = { } ; a [ "inline-lang-" + t ] = { pattern : RegExp ( "%< *-\\*- *{lang}\\d* *-\\*-[^]+?%>" . replace ( "{lang}" , e . replace ( /([.+*?\/\\(){}\[\]])/g , "\\$1" ) ) , "i" ) , inside : r . util . clone ( r . languages . pure [ "inline-lang" ] . inside ) } , a [ "inline-lang-" + t ] . inside . rest = r . util . clone ( r . languages [ t ] ) , r . languages . insertBefore ( "pure" , "inline-lang" , a ) } } ) , r . languages . c && ( r . languages . pure [ "inline-lang" ] . inside . rest = r . util . clone ( r . languages . c ) ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . python = { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])#.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "string-interpolation" : { pattern : /(?:f|rf|fr)(?:("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1|("|')(?:\\.|(?!\2)[^\\\r\n])*\2)/i , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : { pattern : /((?:^|[^{])(?:{{)*){(?!{)(?:[^{}]|{(?!{)(?:[^{}]|{(?!{)(?:[^{}])+})+})+}/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { "format-spec" : { pattern : /(:)[^:(){}]+(?=}$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "conversion-option" : { pattern : // , alias : "punctuation" } , rest : null } } , string : /[\s\S]+/ } } , "triple-quoted-string" : { pattern : /(?:[rub]|rb|br)?("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1/i , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , string : { pattern : /(?:[rub]|rb|br)?("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/i , greedy : ! 0 } , function : { pattern : /((?:^|\s)def[ \t]+)[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?=\s*\()/g , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "class-name" : { pattern : /(\bclass\s+)\w+/i , lookbehind : ! 0 } , decorator : { pattern : /(^\s*)@\w+(?:\.\w+)*/im , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : [ "annotation" , "punctuation" ] , inside : { punctuation : /\./ } } , keyword : /\b(?:and|as|assert|async|await|break|class|continue|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|from|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|nonlocal|not|or|pass|print|raise|return|try|while|with|yield)\b/ , builtin : /\b(?:__import__|abs|all|any|apply|ascii|basestring|bin|bool|buffer|bytearray|bytes|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|file|filter|float|format|frozenset|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|long|map|max|memoryview|min|next|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|reversed|round|set|setattr|slice|sorted|staticmethod|str|sum|super|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:True|False|None)\b/ , number : /(?:\b(?=\d)|\B(?=\.))(?:0[bo])?(?:(?:\d|0x[\da-f])[\da-f]*\.?\d*|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?j?\b/i , operator : /[-+%=]=?|!=|\*\*?=?|\/\/?=?|<[<=>]?|>[=>]?|[&|^~]/ , punctuation : /[{}[\];(),.:]/ } , Prism . languages . python [ "string-interpolation" ] . inside . interpolation . inside . rest = Prism . languages . python , Prism . languages . py = Prism . languages . python ;
Prism . languages . r = { comment : /#.*/ , string : { pattern : /(['"])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , "percent-operator" : { pattern : /%[^%\s]*%/ , alias : "operator" } , boolean : /\b(?:TRUE|FALSE)\b/ , ellipsis : /\.\.(?:\.|\d+)/ , number : [ /\b(?:NaN|Inf)\b/ , /(?:\b0x[\dA-Fa-f]+(?:\.\d*)?|\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:[EePp][+-]?\d+)?[iL]?/ ] , keyword : /\b(?:if|else|repeat|while|function|for|in|next|break|NULL|NA|NA_integer_|NA_real_|NA_complex_|NA_character_)\b/ , operator : /->?>?|<(?:=|<?-)?|[>=!]=?|::?|&&?|\|\|?|[+*\/^$@~]/ , punctuation : /[(){}\[\],;]/ } ;
! function ( i ) { var t = i . util . clone ( i . languages . javascript ) ; i . languages . jsx = i . languages . extend ( "markup" , t ) , i . languages . jsx . tag . pattern = /<\/?(?:[\w.:-]+\s*(?:\s+(?:[\w.:$-]+(?:=(?:("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1|[^\s{'">=]+|\{(?:\{(?:\{[^{}]*\}|[^{}])*\}|[^{}])+\}))?|\{\s*\.{3}\s*[a-z_$][\w$]*(?:\.[a-z_$][\w$]*)*\s*\}))*\s*\/?)?>/i , i . languages . jsx . tag . inside . tag . pattern = /^<\/?[^\s>\/]*/i , i . languages . jsx . tag . inside [ "attr-value" ] . pattern = /=(?!\{)(?:("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1|[^\s'">]+)/i , i . languages . jsx . tag . inside . tag . inside [ "class-name" ] = /^[A-Z]\w*(?:\.[A-Z]\w*)*$/ , i . languages . insertBefore ( "inside" , "attr-name" , { spread : { pattern : /\{\s*\.{3}\s*[a-z_$][\w$]*(?:\.[a-z_$][\w$]*)*\s*\}/ , inside : { punctuation : /\.{3}|[{}.]/ , "attr-value" : /\w+/ } } } , i . languages . jsx . tag ) , i . languages . insertBefore ( "inside" , "attr-value" , { script : { pattern : /=(?:\{(?:\{(?:\{[^{}]*\}|[^{}])*\}|[^{}])+\})/i , inside : { "script-punctuation" : { pattern : /^=(?={)/ , alias : "punctuation" } , rest : i . languages . jsx } , alias : "language-javascript" } } , i . languages . jsx . tag ) ; var o = function ( t ) { return t ? "string" == typeof t ? t : "string" == typeof t . content ? t . content : t . content . map ( o ) . join ( "" ) : "" } , p = function ( t ) { for ( var n = [ ] , e = 0 ; e < t . length ; e ++ ) { var a = t [ e ] , s = ! 1 ; if ( "string" != typeof a && ( "tag" === a . type && a . content [ 0 ] && "tag" === a . content [ 0 ] . type ? "</" === a . content [ 0 ] . content [ 0 ] . content ? 0 < n . length && n [ n . length - 1 ] . tagName === o ( a . content [ 0 ] . content [ 1 ] ) && n . pop ( ) : "/>" === a . content [ a . content . length - 1 ] . content || n . push ( { tagName : o ( a . content [ 0 ] . content [ 1 ] ) , openedBraces : 0 } ) : 0 < n . length && "punctuation" === a . type && "{" === a . content ? n [ n . length - 1 ] . openedBraces ++ : 0 < n . length && 0 < n [ n . length - 1 ] . openedBraces && "punctuation" === a . type && "}" === a . content ? n [ n . length - 1 ] . openedBraces -- : s = ! 0 ) , ( s || "string" == typeof a ) && 0 < n . length && 0 === n [ n . length - 1 ] . openedBraces ) { var g = o ( a ) ; e < t . length - 1 && ( "string" == typeof t [ e + 1 ] || "plain-text" === t [ e + 1 ] . type ) && ( g += o ( t [ e + 1 ] ) , t . splice ( e + 1 , 1 ) ) , 0 < e && ( "string" == typeof t [ e - 1 ] || "plain-text" === t [ e - 1 ] . type ) && ( g = o ( t [ e - 1 ] ) + g , t . splice ( e - 1 , 1 ) , e -- ) , t [ e ] = new i . Token ( "plain-text" , g , null , g ) } a . content && "string" != typeof a . content && p ( a . content ) } } ; i . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( t ) { "jsx" !== t . language && "tsx" !== t . language || p ( t . tokens ) } ) } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( e ) { e . languages . typescript = e . languages . extend ( "javascript" , { "class-name" : { pattern : /(\b(?:class|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new|type)\s+)(?!keyof\b)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*(?:\s*<(?:[^<>]|<(?:[^<>]|<[^<>]*>)*>)*>)?/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : null } , keyword : /\b(?:abstract|as|asserts|async|await|break|case|catch|class|const|constructor|continue|debugger|declare|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally|for|from|function|get|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|is|keyof|let|module|namespace|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|readonly|return|require|set|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|type|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/ , builtin : /\b(?:string|Function|any|number|boolean|Array|symbol|console|Promise|unknown|never)\b/ } ) , delete e . languages . typescript . parameter ; var n = e . languages . extend ( "typescript" , { } ) ; delete n [ "class-name" ] , e . languages . typescript [ "class-name" ] . inside = n , e . languages . insertBefore ( "typescript" , "function" , { "generic-function" : { pattern : /#?[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*\s*<(?:[^<>]|<(?:[^<>]|<[^<>]*>)*>)*>(?=\s*\()/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { function : /^#?[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]*/ , generic : { pattern : /<[\s\S]+/ , alias : "class-name" , inside : n } } } } ) , e . languages . ts = e . languages . typescript } ( Prism ) ;
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
var typescript = Prism . util . clone ( Prism . languages . typescript ) ; Prism . languages . tsx = Prism . languages . extend ( "jsx" , typescript ) ;
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
! function ( e ) { e . languages . ruby = e . languages . extend ( "clike" , { comment : [ /#.*/ , { pattern : /^=begin\s[\s\S]*?^=end/m , greedy : ! 0 } ] , "class-name" : { pattern : /(\b(?:class)\s+|\bcatch\s+\()[\w.\\]+/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /[.\\]/ } } , keyword : /\b(?:alias|and|BEGIN|begin|break|case|class|def|define_method|defined|do|each|else|elsif|END|end|ensure|extend|for|if|in|include|module|new|next|nil|not|or|prepend|protected|private|public|raise|redo|require|rescue|retry|return|self|super|then|throw|undef|unless|until|when|while|yield)\b/ } ) ; var n = { pattern : /#\{[^}]+\}/ , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^#\{|\}$/ , alias : "tag" } , rest : e . languages . ruby } } ; delete e . languages . ruby . function , e . languages . insertBefore ( "ruby" , "keyword" , { regex : [ { pattern : RegExp ( "%r(?:" + [ "([^a-zA-Z0-9\\s{(\\[<])(?:(?!\\1)[^\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\1[gim]{0,3}" , "\\((?:[^()\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\)[gim]{0,3}" , "\\{(?:[^#{}\\\\]|#(?:\\{[^}]+\\})?|\\\\[^])*\\}[gim]{0,3}" , "\\[(?:[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\][gim]{0,3}" , "<(?:[^<>\\\\]|\\\\[^])*>[gim]{0,3}" ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" ) , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : n } } , { pattern : /(^|[^/])\/(?!\/)(?:\[[^\r\n\]]+\]|\\.|[^[/\\\r\n])+\/[gim]{0,3}(?=\s*(?:$|[\r\n,.;})]))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } ] , variable : /[@$]+[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:[?!]|\b)/ , symbol : { pattern : /(^|[^:]):[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:[?!]|\b)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "method-definition" : { pattern : /(\bdef\s+)[\w.]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { function : /\w+$/ , rest : e . languages . ruby } } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "ruby" , "number" , { builtin : /\b(?:Array|Bignum|Binding|Class|Continuation|Dir|Exception|FalseClass|File|Stat|Fixnum|Float|Hash|Integer|IO|MatchData|Method|Module|NilClass|Numeric|Object|Proc|Range|Regexp|String|Struct|TMS|Symbol|ThreadGroup|Thread|Time|TrueClass)\b/ , constant : /\b[A-Z]\w*(?:[?!]|\b)/ } ) , e . languages . ruby . string = [ { pattern : RegExp ( "%[qQiIwWxs]?(?:" + [ "([^a-zA-Z0-9\\s{(\\[<])(?:(?!\\1)[^\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\1" , "\\((?:[^()\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\)" , "\\{(?:[^#{}\\\\]|#(?:\\{[^}]+\\})?|\\\\[^])*\\}" , "\\[(?:[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\[^])*\\]" , "<(?:[^<>\\\\]|\\\\[^])*>" ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" ) , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : n } } , { pattern : /("|')(?:#\{[^}]+\}|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : n } } ] , e . languages . rb = e . languages . ruby } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( e ) { for ( var t = "/\\*(?:[^*/]|\\*(?!/)|/(?!\\*)|<self>)*\\*/" , a = 0 ; a < 2 ; a ++ ) t = t . replace ( /<self>/g , function ( ) { return t } ) ; t = t . replace ( /<self>/g , function ( ) { return "[^\\s\\S]" } ) , e . languages . rust = { comment : [ { pattern : RegExp ( "(^|[^\\\\])" + t ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } ] , string : { pattern : /b?"(?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\"])*"|b?r(#*)"(?:[^"]|"(?!\1))*"\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , char : { pattern : /b?'(?:\\(?:x[0-7][\da-fA-F]|u{(?:[\da-fA-F]_*){1,6}|.)|[^\\\r\n\t'])'/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , attribute : { pattern : /#!?\[[^[\]]*\]/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "attr-name" , inside : { string : null } } , "closure-params" : { pattern : /([=(,:]\s*|\bmove\s*)\|[^|]*\||\|[^|]*\|(?=\s*(?:\{|->))/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { "closure-punctuation" : { pattern : /^\||\|$/ , alias : "punctuation" } , rest : null } } , "lifetime-annotation" : { pattern : /'\w+/ , alias : "symbol" } , "fragment-specifier" : { pattern : /(\$\w+:)[a-z]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } , variable : /\$\w+/ , "function-definition" : { pattern : /(\bfn\s*)\w+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "function" } , keyword : [ /\b(?:abstract|as|async|await|become|box|break|const|continue|crate|do|dyn|else|enum|extern|final|fn|for|if|impl|in|let|loop|macro|match|mod|move|mut|override|priv|pub|ref|return|self|Self|static|struct|super|trait|try|type|typeof|union|unsafe|unsized|use|virtual|where|while|yield)\b/ , /\b(?:[ui](?:8|16|32|64|128|size)|f(?:32|64)|bool|char)\b/ ] , function : /\b[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*(?:::\s*<(?:[^<>]|<(?:[^<>]|<[^<>]*>)*>)*>\s*)?\()/ , macro : { pattern : /\w+!/ , alias : "property" } , number : /\b(?:0x[\dA-Fa-f](?:_?[\dA-Fa-f])*|0o[0-7](?:_?[0-7])*|0b[01](?:_?[01])*|(?:\d(?:_?\d)*)?\.?\d(?:_?\d)*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?)(?:_?(?:[iu](?:8|16|32|64|size)?|f32|f64))?\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:false|true)\b/ , punctuation : /->|\.\.=|\.{1,3}|::|[{}[\];(),:]/ , operator : /[-+*\/%!^]=?|=[=>]?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|<<?=?|>>?=?|[@?]/ } , e . languages . rust [ "closure-params" ] . inside . rest = e . languages . rust , e . languages . rust . attribute . inside . string = e . languages . rust . string } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( e ) { e . languages . sass = e . languages . extend ( "css" , { comment : { pattern : /^([ \t]*)\/[\/*].*(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)\1[ \t]+.+)*/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) , e . languages . insertBefore ( "sass" , "atrule" , { "atrule-line" : { pattern : /^(?:[ \t]*)[@+=].+/m , inside : { atrule : /(?:@[\w-]+|[+=])/m } } } ) , delete e . languages . sass . atrule ; var t = /\$[-\w]+|#\{\$[-\w]+\}/ , a = [ /[+*\/%]|[=!]=|<=?|>=?|\b(?:and|or|not)\b/ , { pattern : /(\s+)-(?=\s)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] ; e . languages . insertBefore ( "sass" , "property" , { "variable-line" : { pattern : /^[ \t]*\$.+/m , inside : { punctuation : /:/ , variable : t , operator : a } } , "property-line" : { pattern : /^[ \t]*(?:[^:\s]+ *:.*|:[^:\s]+.*)/m , inside : { property : [ /[^:\s]+(?=\s*:)/ , { pattern : /(:)[^:\s]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , punctuation : /:/ , variable : t , operator : a , important : e . languages . sass . important } } } ) , delete e . languages . sass . property , delete e . languages . sass . important , e . languages . insertBefore ( "sass" , "punctuation" , { selector : { pattern : /([ \t]*)\S(?:,?[^,\r\n]+)*(?:,(?:\r?\n|\r)\1[ \t]+\S(?:,?[^,\r\n]+)*)*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . scss = Prism . languages . extend ( "css" , { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , atrule : { pattern : /@[\w-]+(?:\([^()]+\)|[^(])*?(?=\s+[{;])/ , inside : { rule : /@[\w-]+/ } } , url : /(?:[-a-z]+-)?url(?=\()/i , selector : { pattern : /(?=\S)[^@;{}()]?(?:[^@;{}()]|#\{\$[-\w]+\})+(?=\s*\{(?:\}|\s|[^}]+[:{][^}]+))/m , inside : { parent : { pattern : /&/ , alias : "important" } , placeholder : /%[-\w]+/ , variable : /\$[-\w]+|#\{\$[-\w]+\}/ } } , property : { pattern : /(?:[\w-]|\$[-\w]+|#\{\$[-\w]+\})+(?=\s*:)/ , inside : { variable : /\$[-\w]+|#\{\$[-\w]+\}/ } } } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "scss" , "atrule" , { keyword : [ /@(?:if|else(?: if)?|for|each|while|import|extend|debug|warn|mixin|include|function|return|content)/i , { pattern : /( +)(?:from|through)(?= )/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "scss" , "important" , { variable : /\$[-\w]+|#\{\$[-\w]+\}/ } ) , Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "scss" , "function" , { placeholder : { pattern : /%[-\w]+/ , alias : "selector" } , statement : { pattern : /\B!(?:default|optional)\b/i , alias : "keyword" } , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , null : { pattern : /\bnull\b/ , alias : "keyword" } , operator : { pattern : /(\s)(?:[-+*\/%]|[=!]=|<=?|>=?|and|or|not)(?=\s)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } } ) , Prism . languages . scss . atrule . inside . rest = Prism . languages . scss ;
Prism . languages . scala = Prism . languages . extend ( "java" , { keyword : /<-|=>|\b(?:abstract|case|catch|class|def|do|else|extends|final|finally|for|forSome|if|implicit|import|lazy|match|new|null|object|override|package|private|protected|return|sealed|self|super|this|throw|trait|try|type|val|var|while|with|yield)\b/ , "triple-quoted-string" : { pattern : /"""[\s\S]*?"""/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , string : { pattern : /("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , builtin : /\b(?:String|Int|Long|Short|Byte|Boolean|Double|Float|Char|Any|AnyRef|AnyVal|Unit|Nothing)\b/ , number : /\b0x[\da-f]*\.?[\da-f]+|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:e\d+)?[dfl]?/i , symbol : /'[^\d\s\\]\w*/ } ) , delete Prism . languages . scala [ "class-name" ] , delete Prism . languages . scala . function ;
Prism . languages . scheme = { comment : /;.*/ , string : { pattern : /"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/ , greedy : ! 0 } , symbol : { pattern : /'[^()#'\s]+/ , greedy : ! 0 } , character : { pattern : /#\\(?:[ux][a-fA-F\d]+|[-a-zA-Z]+|\S)/ , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , "lambda-parameter" : [ { pattern : /(\(lambda\s+)[^()'\s]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , { pattern : /(\(lambda\s+\()[^()']+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , keyword : { pattern : /(\()(?:define(?:-library|-macro|-syntax|-values)?|defmacro|(?:case-)?lambda|let(?:(?:\*|rec)?(?:-values)?|-syntax|rec-syntax)|else|if|cond|begin|delay(?:-force)?|parameterize|guard|set!|(?:quasi-)?quote|syntax-(?:case|rules))(?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , builtin : { pattern : /(\()(?:(?:cons|car|cdr|list|call-with-current-continuation|call\/cc|append|abs|apply|eval)\b|null\?|pair\?|boolean\?|eof-object\?|char\?|procedure\?|number\?|port\?|string\?|vector\?|symbol\?|bytevector\?)(?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , number : { pattern : /(^|[\s()])(?:(?:#d(?:#[ei])?|#[ei](?:#d)?)?[+-]?(?:(?:\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|\d+\/\d+)(?:[+-](?:\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|\d+\/\d+)i)?|(?:\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|\d+\/\d+)i)|(?:#[box](?:#[ei])?|#[ei](?:#[box])?)[+-]?(?:[\da-fA-F]+(?:\/[\da-fA-F]+)?(?:[+-][\da-fA-F]+(?:\/[\da-fA-F]+)?i)?|[\da-fA-F]+(?:\/[\da-fA-F]+)?i))(?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , boolean : { pattern : /(^|[\s()])#[ft](?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , operator : { pattern : /(\()(?:[-+*%\/]|[<>]=?|=>?)(?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , function : { pattern : /(\()[^()'\s]+(?=[()\s]|$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , punctuation : /[()']/ } ;
! function ( e ) { var n = { pattern : /(\b\d+)(?:%|[a-z]+)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , r = { pattern : /(^|[^\w.-])-?\d*\.?\d+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , i = { comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , url : { pattern : /url\((["']?).*?\1\)/i , greedy : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /("|')(?:(?!\1)[^\\\r\n]|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 } , interpolation : null , func : null , important : /\B!(?:important|optional)\b/i , keyword : { pattern : /(^|\s+)(?:(?:if|else|for|return|unless)(?=\s+|$)|@[\w-]+)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , hexcode : /#[\da-f]{3,6}/i , color : [ /\b(?:AliceBlue|AntiqueWhite|Aqua|Aquamarine|Azure|Beige|Bisque|Black|BlanchedAlmond|Blue|BlueViolet|Brown|BurlyWood|CadetBlue|Chartreuse|Chocolate|Coral|CornflowerBlue|Cornsilk|Crimson|Cyan|DarkBlue|DarkCyan|DarkGoldenRod|DarkGr[ae]y|DarkGreen|DarkKhaki|DarkMagenta|DarkOliveGreen|DarkOrange|DarkOrchid|DarkRed|DarkSalmon|DarkSeaGreen|DarkSlateBlue|DarkSlateGr[ae]y|DarkTurquoise|DarkViolet|DeepPink|DeepSkyBlue|DimGr[ae]y|DodgerBlue|FireBrick|FloralWhite|ForestGreen|Fuchsia|Gainsboro|GhostWhite|Gold|GoldenRod|Gr[ae]y|Green|GreenYellow|HoneyDew|HotPink|IndianRed|Indigo|Ivory|Khaki|Lavender|LavenderBlush|LawnGreen|LemonChiffon|LightBlue|LightCoral|LightCyan|LightGoldenRodYellow|LightGr[ae]y|LightGreen|LightPink|LightSalmon|LightSeaGreen|LightSkyBlue|LightSlateGr[ae]y|LightSteelBlue|LightYellow|Lime|LimeGreen|Linen|Magenta|Maroon|MediumAquaMarine|MediumBlue|MediumOrchid|MediumPurple|MediumSeaGreen|MediumSlateBlue|MediumSpringGreen|MediumTurquoise|MediumVioletRed|MidnightBlue|MintCream|MistyRose|Moccasin|NavajoWhite|Navy|OldLace|Olive|OliveDrab|Orange|OrangeRed|Orchid|PaleGoldenRod|PaleGreen|PaleTurquoise|PaleVioletRed|PapayaWhip|PeachPuff|Peru|Pink|Plum|PowderBlue|Purple|Red|RosyBrown|RoyalBlue|SaddleBrown|Salmon|SandyBrown|SeaGreen|SeaShell|Sienna|Silver|SkyBlue|SlateBlue|SlateGr[ae]y|Snow|SpringGreen|SteelBlue|Tan|Teal|Thistle|Tomato|Transparent|Turquoise|Violet|Wheat|White|WhiteSmoke|Yellow|YellowGreen)\b/i , { pattern : /\b(?:rgb|hsl)\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*\)\B|\b(?:rgb|hsl)a\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*(?:0|0?\.\d+|1)\s*\)\B/i , inside : { unit : n , number : r , function : /[\w-]+(?=\()/ , punctuation : /[(),]/ } } ] , entity : /\\[\da-f]{1,8}/i , unit : n , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , operator : [ /~|[+!\/%<>?=]=?|[-:]=|\*[*=]?|\.{2,3}|&&|\|\||\B-\B|\b(?:and|in|is(?: a| defined| not|nt)?|not|or)\b/ ] , number : r , punctuation : /[{}()\[\];:,]/ } ; i . interpolation = { pattern : /\{[^\r\n}:]+\}/ , alias : "variable" , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^{|}$/ , alias : "punctuation" } , rest : i } } , i . func = { pattern : /[\w-]+\([^)]*\).*/ , inside : { function : /^[^(]+/ , rest : i } } , e . languages . stylus = { "atrule-declaration" : { pattern : /(^\s*)@.+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { atrule : /^@[\w-]+/ , rest : i } } , "variable-declaration" : { pattern : /(^[ \t]*)[\w$-]+\s*.?=[ \t]*(?:(?:\{[^}]*\}|.+)|$)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { variable : /^\S+/ , rest : i } } , statement : { pattern : /(^[ \t]*)(?:if|else|for|return|unless)[ \t]+.+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { keyword : /^\S+/ , rest : i } } , "property-declaration" : { pattern : /((?:^|\{)([ \t]*))(?:[\w-]|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+(?:\s*:\s*|[ \t]+)[^{\r\n]*(?:;|[^{\r\n,](?=$)(?!(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\{|\2[ \t]+)))/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { property : { pattern : /^[^\s:]+/ , inside : { interpolation : i . interpolation } } , rest : i } } , selector : { pattern : /(^[ \t]*)(?:(?=\S)(?:[^{}\r\n:()]|::?[\w-]+(?:\([^)\r\n]*\))?|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+)(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\1(?:(?=\S)(?:[^{}\r\n:()]|::?[\w-]+(?:\([^)\r\n]*\))?|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+)))*(?:,$|\{|(?=(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\{|\1[ \t]+)))/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : i . interpolation , comment : i . comment , punctuation : /[{},]/ } } , func : i . func , string : i . string , comment : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , interpolation : i . interpolation , punctuation : /[{}()\[\];:.]/ } } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . swift = Prism . languages . extend ( "clike" , { string : { pattern : /("|')(?:\\(?:\((?:[^()]|\([^)]+\))+\)|\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/ , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { interpolation : { pattern : /\\\((?:[^()]|\([^)]+\))+\)/ , inside : { delimiter : { pattern : /^\\\(|\)$/ , alias : "variable" } } } } } , keyword : /\b(?:as|associativity|break|case|catch|class|continue|convenience|default|defer|deinit|didSet|do|dynamic(?:Type)?|else|enum|extension|fallthrough|final|for|func|get|guard|if|import|in|infix|init|inout|internal|is|lazy|left|let|mutating|new|none|nonmutating|operator|optional|override|postfix|precedence|prefix|private|protocol|public|repeat|required|rethrows|return|right|safe|self|Self|set|static|struct|subscript|super|switch|throws?|try|Type|typealias|unowned|unsafe|var|weak|where|while|willSet|__(?:COLUMN__|FILE__|FUNCTION__|LINE__))\b/ , number : /\b(?:[\d_]+(?:\.[\de_]+)?|0x[a-f0-9_]+(?:\.[a-f0-9p_]+)?|0b[01_]+|0o[0-7_]+)\b/i , constant : /\b(?:nil|[A-Z_]{2,}|k[A-Z][A-Za-z_]+)\b/ , atrule : /@\b(?:IB(?:Outlet|Designable|Action|Inspectable)|class_protocol|exported|noreturn|NS(?:Copying|Managed)|objc|UIApplicationMain|auto_closure)\b/ , builtin : /\b(?:[A-Z]\S+|abs|advance|alignof(?:Value)?|assert|contains|count(?:Elements)?|debugPrint(?:ln)?|distance|drop(?:First|Last)|dump|enumerate|equal|filter|find|first|getVaList|indices|isEmpty|join|last|lexicographicalCompare|map|max(?:Element)?|min(?:Element)?|numericCast|overlaps|partition|print(?:ln)?|reduce|reflect|reverse|sizeof(?:Value)?|sort(?:ed)?|split|startsWith|stride(?:of(?:Value)?)?|suffix|swap|toDebugString|toString|transcode|underestimateCount|unsafeBitCast|with(?:ExtendedLifetime|Unsafe(?:MutablePointers?|Pointers?)|VaList))\b/ } ) , Prism . languages . swift . string . inside . interpolation . inside . rest = Prism . languages . swift ;
2019-10-02 16:15:37 +00:00
2020-07-07 07:03:08 +00:00
! function ( e ) { e . languages . velocity = e . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) ; var n = { variable : { pattern : /(^|[^\\](?:\\\\)*)\$!?(?:[a-z][\w-]*(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.[a-z][\w-]*(?:\([^)]*\))?|\[[^\]]+])*|{[^}]+})/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , string : { pattern : /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/ , greedy : ! 0 } , number : /\b\d+\b/ , boolean : /\b(?:true|false)\b/ , operator : /[=!<>]=?|[+*/%-]|&&|\|\||\.\.|\b(?:eq|g[et]|l[et]|n(?:e|ot))\b/ , punctuation : /[(){}[\]:,.]/ } ; n . variable . inside = { string : n . string , function : { pattern : /([^\w-])[a-z][\w-]*(?=\()/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , number : n . number , boolean : n . boolean , punctuation : n . punctuation } , e . languages . insertBefore ( "velocity" , "comment" , { unparsed : { pattern : /(^|[^\\])#\[\[[\s\S]*?]]#/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /^#\[\[|]]#$/ } } , "velocity-comment" : [ { pattern : /(^|[^\\])#\*[\s\S]*?\*#/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "comment" } , { pattern : /(^|[^\\])##.*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , alias : "comment" } ] , directive : { pattern : /(^|[^\\](?:\\\\)*)#@?(?:[a-z][\w-]*|{[a-z][\w-]*})(?:\s*\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))?/i , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { keyword : { pattern : /^#@?(?:[a-z][\w-]*|{[a-z][\w-]*})|\bin\b/ , inside : { punctuation : /[{}]/ } } , rest : n } } , variable : n . variable } ) , e . languages . velocity . tag . inside [ "attr-value" ] . inside . rest = e . languages . velocity } ( Prism ) ;
Prism . languages . vim = { string : /"(?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^'\r\n]|'')*'/ , comment : /".*/ , function : /\w+(?=\()/ , keyword : / \ b ( ? : a b | a b b r e v i a t e | a b c | a b c l e a r | a b o | a b o v e l e f t | a l | a l l | a r g a | a r g a d d | a r g d | a r g d e l e t e | a r g d o | a r g e | a r g e d i t | a r g g | a r g g l o b a l | a r g l | a r g l o c a l | a r | a r g s | a r g u | a r g u m e n t | a s | a s c i i | b a d | b a d d | b a | b a l l | b d | b d e l e t e | b e | b e l | b e l o w r i g h t | b f | b f i r s t | b l | b l a s t | b m | b m o d i f i e d | b n | b n e x t | b N | b N e x t | b o | b o t r i g h t | b p | b p r e v i o u s | b r e a | b r e a k | b r e a k a | b r e a k a d d | b r e a k d | b r e a k d e l | b r e a k l | b r e a k l i s t | b r | b r e w i n d | b r o | b r o w s e | b u f d o | b | b u f f e r | b u f f e r s | b u n | b u n l o a d | b w | b w i p e o u t | c a | c a b b r e v | c a b c | c a b c l e a r | c a d d b | c a d d b u f f e r | c a d | c a d d e x p r | c a d d f | c a d d f i l e | c a l | c a l l | c a t | c a t c h | c b | c b u f f e r | c c | c c l | c c l o s e | c d | c e | c e n t e r | c e x | c e x p r | c f | c f i l e | c f i r | c f i r s t | c g e t b | c g e t b u f f e r | c g e t e | c g e t e x p r | c g | c g e t f i l e | c | c h a n g e | c h a n g e s | c h d | c h d i r | c h e | c h e c k p a t h | c h e c k t | c h e c k t i m e | c l a | c l a s t | c l | c l i s t | c l o | c l o s e | c m a p c | c m a p c l e a r | c n e w | c n e w e r | c n | c n e x t | c N | c N e x t | c n f | c n f i l e | c N f c N f i l e | c n o r e a | c n o r e a b b r e v | c o l | c o l d e r | c o l o | c o l o r s c h e m e | c o m c | c o m c l e a r | c o m p | c o m p i l e r | c o n f | c o n f i r m | c o n | c o n t i n u e | c o p e | c o p e n | c o | c o p y | c p f | c p f i l e | c p | c p r e v i o u s | c q | c q u i t | c r | c r e w i n d | c u n a | c u n a b b r e v | c u | c u n m a p | c w | c w i n d o w | d e b u g g | d e b u g g r e e d y | d e l c | d e l c o m m a n d | d | d e l e t e | d e l f | d e l f u n c t i o n | d e l m | d e l m a r k s | d i f f g | d i f f g e t | d i f f o f f | d i f f p a t c h | d i f f p u | d i f f p u t | d i f f s p l i t | d i f f t h i s | d i f f u | d i f f u p d a t e | d i g | d i g r a p h s | d i | d i s p l a y | d j | d j u m p | d l | d l i s t | d r | d r o p | d s | d s e a r c h | d s p | d s p l i t | e a r l i e r | e c h o e | e c h o e r r | e c h o m | e c h o m s g | e c h o n | e | e d i t | e l | e l s e | e l s e i | e l s e i f | e m | e m e n u | e n d f o | e n d f o r | e n d f | e n d f u n c t i o n | e n d f u n | e n | e n d i f | e n d t | e n d t r y | e n d w | e n d w h i l e | e n e | e n e w | e x | e x i | e x i t | e x u | e x u s a g e | f | f i l e | f i l e s | f i l e t y p e | f i n a | f i n a l l y | f i n | f i n d | f i n i | f i n i s h | f i r | f i r s t | f i x | f i x d e l | f o | f o l d | f o l d c | f o l d c l o s e | f o l d d o c | f o l d d o c l o s e d | f o l d d | f o l d d o o p e n | f o l d o | f o l d o p e n | f o r | f u | f u n | f u n c t i o n | g o | g o t o | g r | g r e p | g r e p a | g r e p a d d | h a | h a r d c o p y | h | h e l p | h e l p f | h e l p f i n d | h e l p g | h e l p g r e p | h e l p t | h e l p t a g s | h i d | h i d e | h i s | h i s t o r y | i a | i a b b r e v | i a b c | i a b c l e a r | i f | i j | i j u m p | i l | i l i s t | i m a p c | i m a p c l e a r | i n | i n o r e a | i n o r e a b b r e v | i s e a r c h | i s p | i s p l i t | i u n a | i u n a b b r e v | i u | i u n m a p | j | j o i n | j u | j u m p s | k | k e e p a l t | k e e p j | k e e p j u m p s | k e e | k e e p m a r k s | l a d d b | l a d d b u f f e r | l a d | l a d d e x p r | l a d d f | l a d d f i l e | l a n | l a n g u a g e | l a | l a s t | l a t e r | l b | l b u f f e r | l c | l c d | l c h | l c h d i r | l c l | l c l o s e | l e t | l e f t | l e f t a | l e f t a b o v e | l e x | l e x p r | l f | l f i l e | l f i r | l f i r s t | l g e t b | l g e t b u f f e r | l g e t e | l g e t e x p r | l g | l g e t f i l e | l g r | l g r e p | l g r e p a | l g r e p a d d | l h | l h e l p g r e p | l | l i s t | l l | l l a | l l a s t | l l i | l l i s t | l m a k | l m a k e | l m | l m a p | l m a p c | l m a p c l e a r | l n e w | l n e w e r | l n e | l n e x t | l N | l N e x t | l n f | l n f i l e | l N f | l N f i l e | l n | l n o r e m a p | l o | l o a d v i e w | l o c | l o c k m a r k s | l o c k v | l o c k v a r | l o l | l o l d e r | l o p | l o p e n | l p f | l p f i l e | l p | l p r e v i o u s | l r | l r e w i n d | l s | l t | l t a g | l u | l u n m a p | l v | l v i m g r e p | l v i m g r e p a | l v i m g r e p a d d | l w | l w i n d o w | m a k | m a k e | m a | m a r k | m a r k s | m a t | m a t c h | m e n u t | m e n u t r a n s l a t e | m k | m k e x r c | m k s | m k s e s s i o n | m k s p | m k s p e l l | m k v i e | m k v i e w | m k v | m k v i m r c | m o d | m o d e | m | m o v e | m z f | m z f i l e | m z | m z s c h e m e | n b k e y | n e w | n | n e x t | N | N e x t | n m a p c | n m a p c l e a r | n o h | n o h l s e a r c h | n o r e a | n o r e a b b r e v | n u | n u m b e r | n u n | n u n m a p | o m a p c | o m a p c l e a r | o n | o n l y | o | o p e n | o p t | o p t i o n s | o u | o u n m a p | p c | p c l o s e | p e d | p e d i t | p e | p e r l | p e r l d | p e r l d o | p o | p o p | p o p u | p o p u p | p p | p p o p | p r e | p r e s e r v e | p r e v | p r e v i o u s | p | p r i n t | P | P r i n t | p r o f d | p r o f d e l | p r o f | p r o f i l e | p r o m p t f | p r o m p t f i n d | p r o m p t r | p r o m p t r e p l | p s | p s e a r c h | p t a | p t a g | p t f | p t f i r s t | p t j | p t j u m p | p t l | p t l a s t | p t n | p t n e x t | p t N | p t N e x t | p t p | p t p r e v i o u s | p t r | p t r e w i n d | p t s | p t s e l e c t | p u | p u t | p w | p w d | p y f | p y f i l e | p y | p y t h o n | q a | q a l l | q | q u i t | q u i t a | q u i t a l l | r | r e a d | r e c | r e c o v e r | r e d i | r e d i r | r e d | r e d o | r e d r | r e d r a w | r e d r a w s | r e d r a w s t a t u s | r e g | r e g i s t e r s | r e s | r e s i z e | r e t | r e t a b | r e t u | r e t u r n | r e w | r e w i n d | r i | r i g h t | r i g h t b | r i g h t b e l o w | r u b | r u b y | r u b y d | r u b y d o | r u b y f | r u b y f i l e | r u | r u n t i m e | r v | r v i m i n f o | s a l | s a l l | s a n | s a n d b o x | s a | s a r g u m e n t | s a v | s a v e a s | s b a | s b a l l | s b f | s b f i r s t | s b l | s b l a s t | s b m | s b m o d i f i e d | s b n | s b n e x t | s b N | s b N e x t | s b p | s b p r e v i o u s | s b r | s b r e w i n d | s b | s b u f f e r | s c r i p t e | s c r i p t e n c o d i n g | s c r i p | s c r i p t n a m e s | s e | s e t | s e t f | s e t f i l e t y p e | s e t g | s e t g l o b a l | s e t l | s e t l o c a l | s f | s f i n d | s f i r | s f i r s t | s h | s h e l l | s i g n | s i l | s i l e n t | s i m | s i m a l t | s l a | s l a s t | s l | s l e e p | s m | s m a g i c | s m | s m a p | s m a p c | s m a p c l e a r | s m e | s m e n u | s n | s n e x t | s N | s N e x t | s n i | s n i f f | s n o | s n o m a g i c | s n o r | s n o r e m a p | s n o r e m e | s n o r e m e n u | s o r | s o r t | s o | s o u r c e | s p e l l d | s p e l l d u m p | s p e | s p e l l g o o d | s p e l l i | s p e l l i n f o | s p e l l r | s p e l l r e p a l l | s p e l l u | s p e l l u n d o | s p e l l w | s p e l l w r o n g | s p | s p l i t | s p r | s p r e v i o u s | s r e | s r e w i n d | s t a | s t a g | s t a r t g | s t a r t g r e p l a c e | s t a r | s t a r t i n s e r t | s t a r t r | s t a r t r e p l a c e | s t j | s t j u m p | s t | s t o p | s t o p i | s t o p i n s e r t | s t s | s t s e l e c t |
Prism . languages [ "visual-basic" ] = { comment : { pattern : /(?:['‘ ’ ]|REM\b)(?:[^\r\n_]|_(?:\r\n?|\n)?)*/i , inside : { keyword : /^REM/i } } , directive : { pattern : /#(?:Const|Else|ElseIf|End|ExternalChecksum|ExternalSource|If|Region)(?:[^\S\r\n]_[^\S\r\n]*(?:\r\n?|\n)|.)+/i , alias : "comment" , greedy : ! 0 } , string : { pattern : /\$?["“”](?:["“”]{2}|[^"“”])*["“”]C?/i , greedy : ! 0 } , date : { pattern : /#[^\S\r\n]*(?:\d+([/-])\d+\1\d+(?:[^\S\r\n]+(?:\d+[^\S\r\n]*(?:AM|PM)|\d+:\d+(?::\d+)?(?:[^\S\r\n]*(?:AM|PM))?))?|\d+[^\S\r\n]*(?:AM|PM)|\d+:\d+(?::\d+)?(?:[^\S\r\n]*(?:AM|PM))?)[^\S\r\n]*#/i , alias : "builtin" } , number : /(?:(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(?:E[+-]?\d+)?|&[HO][\dA-F]+)(?:U?[ILS]|[FRD])?/i , boolean : /\b(?:True|False|Nothing)\b/i , keyword : /\b(?:AddHandler|AddressOf|Alias|And(?:Also)?|As|Boolean|ByRef|Byte|ByVal|Call|Case|Catch|C(?:Bool|Byte|Char|Date|Dbl|Dec|Int|Lng|Obj|SByte|Short|Sng|Str|Type|UInt|ULng|UShort)|Char|Class|Const|Continue|Currency|Date|Decimal|Declare|Default|Delegate|Dim|DirectCast|Do|Double|Each|Else(?:If)?|End(?:If)?|Enum|Erase|Error|Event|Exit|Finally|For|Friend|Function|Get(?:Type|XMLNamespace)?|Global|GoSub|GoTo|Handles|If|Implements|Imports|In|Inherits|Integer|Interface|Is|IsNot|Let|Lib|Like|Long|Loop|Me|Mod|Module|Must(?:Inherit|Override)|My(?:Base|Class)|Namespace|Narrowing|New|Next|Not(?:Inheritable|Overridable)?|Object|Of|On|Operator|Option(?:al)?|Or(?:Else)?|Out|Overloads|Overridable|Overrides|ParamArray|Partial|Private|Property|Protected|Public|RaiseEvent|ReadOnly|ReDim|RemoveHandler|Resume|Return|SByte|Select|Set|Shadows|Shared|short|Single|Static|Step|Stop|String|Structure|Sub|SyncLock|Then|Throw|To|Try|TryCast|Type|TypeOf|U(?:Integer|Long|Short)|Using|Variant|Wend|When|While|Widening|With(?:Events)?|WriteOnly|Until|Xor)\b/i , operator : [ /[+\-*/\\^<=>&#@$%!]/ , { pattern : /([^\S\r\n])_(?=[^\S\r\n]*[\r\n])/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } ] , punctuation : /[{}().,:?]/ } , Prism . languages . vb = Prism . languages [ "visual-basic" ] ;
! function ( n ) { var t = /[*&][^\s[\]{},]+/ , e = /!(?:<[\w\-%#;/?:@&=+$,.!~*'()[\]]+>|(?:[a-zA-Z\d-]*!)?[\w\-%#;/?:@&=+$.~*'()]+)?/ , r = "(?:" + e . source + "(?:[ \t]+" + t . source + ")?|" + t . source + "(?:[ \t]+" + e . source + ")?)" ; function a ( n , t ) { t = ( t || "" ) . replace ( /m/g , "" ) + "m" ; var e = "([:\\-,[{]\\s*(?:\\s<<prop>>[ \t]+)?)(?:<<value>>)(?=[ \t]*(?:$|,|]|}|\\s*#))" . replace ( /<<prop>>/g , function ( ) { return r } ) . replace ( /<<value>>/g , function ( ) { return n } ) ; return RegExp ( e , t ) } n . languages . yaml = { scalar : { pattern : RegExp ( "([\\-:]\\s*(?:\\s<<prop>>[ \t]+)?[|>])[ \t]*(?:((?:\r?\n|\r)[ \t]+)[^\r\n]+(?:\\2[^\r\n]+)*)" . replace ( /<<prop>>/g , function ( ) { return r } ) ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "string" } , comment : /#.*/ , key : { pattern : RegExp ( "((?:^|[:\\-,[{\r\n?])[ \t]*(?:<<prop>>[ \t]+)?)[^\r\n{[\\]},#\\s]+?(?=\\s*:\\s)" . replace ( /<<prop>>/g , function ( ) { return r } ) ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "atrule" } , directive : { pattern : /(^[ \t]*)%.+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "important" } , datetime : { pattern : a ( "\\d{4}-\\d\\d?-\\d\\d?(?:[tT]|[ \t]+)\\d\\d?:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d*)?[ \t]*(?:Z|[-+]\\d\\d?(?::\\d{2})?)?|\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}|\\d\\d?:\\d{2}(?::\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d*)?)?" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "number" } , boolean : { pattern : a ( "true|false" , "i" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "important" } , null : { pattern : a ( "null|~" , "i" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "important" } , string : { pattern : a ( "(\"|')(?:(?!\\2)[^\\\\\r\n]|\\\\.)*\\2" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 } , number : { pattern : a ( "[+-]?(?:0x[\\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|(?:\\d+\\.?\\d*|\\.?\\d+)(?:e[+-]?\\d+)?|\\.inf|\\.nan)" , "i" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 } , tag : e , important : t , punctuation : /---|[:[\]{}\-,|>?]|\.\.\./ } , n . languages . yml = n . languages . yaml } ( Prism ) ;
! function ( ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof self && self . Prism && self . document ) { var o = "line-numbers" , a = /\n(?!$)/g , e = Prism . plugins . lineNumbers = { getLine : function ( e , n ) { if ( "PRE" === e . tagName && e . classList . contains ( o ) ) { var t = e . querySelector ( ".line-numbers-rows" ) , i = parseInt ( e . getAttribute ( "data-start" ) , 10 ) || 1 , r = i + ( t . children . length - 1 ) ; n < i && ( n = i ) , r < n && ( n = r ) ; var s = n - i ; return t . children [ s ] } } , resize : function ( e ) { u ( [ e ] ) } , assumeViewportIndependence : ! 0 } , t = function ( e ) { return e ? window . getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle ( e ) : e . currentStyle || null : null } , n = void 0 ; window . addEventListener ( "resize" , function ( ) { e . assumeViewportIndependence && n === window . innerWidth || ( n = window . innerWidth , u ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( document . querySelectorAll ( "pre." + o ) ) ) ) } ) , Prism . hooks . add ( "complete" , function ( e ) { if ( e . code ) { var n = e . element , t = n . parentNode ; if ( t && /pre/i . test ( t . nodeName ) && ! n . querySelector ( ".line-numbers-rows" ) && Prism . util . isActive ( n , o ) ) { n . classList . remove ( o ) , t . classList . add ( o ) ; var i , r = e . code . match ( a ) , s = r ? r . length + 1 : 1 , l = new Array ( s + 1 ) . join ( "<span></span>" ) ; ( i = document . createElement ( "span" ) ) . setAttribute ( "aria-hidden" , "true" ) , i . className = "line-numbers-rows" , i . innerHTML = l , t . hasAttribute ( "data-start" ) && ( t . style . counterReset = "linenumber " + ( parseInt ( t . getAttribute ( "data-start" ) , 10 ) - 1 ) ) , e . element . appendChild ( i ) , u ( [ t ] ) , Prism . hooks . run ( "line-numbers" , e ) } } } ) , Prism . hooks . add ( "line-numbers" , function ( e ) { e . plugins = e . plugins || { } , e . plugins . lineNumbers = ! 0 } ) } function u ( e ) { if ( 0 != ( e = e . filter ( function ( e ) { var n = t ( e ) [ "white-space" ] ; return "pre-wrap" === n || "pre-line" === n } ) ) . length ) { var n = e . map ( function ( e ) { var n = e . querySelector ( "code" ) , t = e . querySelector ( ".line-numbers-rows" ) ; if ( n && t ) { var i = e . querySelector ( ".line-numbers-sizer" ) , r = n . textContent . split ( a ) ; i || ( ( i = document . createElement ( "span" ) ) . className = "line-numbers-sizer" , n . appendChild ( i ) ) , i . innerHTML = "0" , i . style . display = "block" ; var s = i . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . height ; return i . innerHTML = "" , { element : e , lines : r , lineHeights : [ ] , oneLinerHeight : s , sizer : i } } } ) . filter ( Boolean ) ; n . forEach ( function ( e ) { var i = e . sizer , n = e . lines , r = e . lineHeights , s = e . oneLinerHeight ; r [ n . length - 1 ] = void 0 , n . forEach ( function ( e , n ) { if ( e && 1 < e . length ) { var t = i . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "span" ) ) ; t . style . display = "block" , t . textContent = e } else r [ n ] = s } ) } ) , n . forEach ( function ( e ) { for ( var n = e . sizer , t = e . lineHeights , i = 0 , r = 0 ; r < t . length ; r ++ ) void 0 === t [ r ] && ( t [ r ] = n . children [ i ++ ] . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . height ) } ) , n . forEach ( function ( e ) { var n = e . sizer , t = e . element . querySelector ( ".line-numbers-rows" ) ; n . style . display = "none" , n . innerHTML = "" , e . lineHeights . forEach ( function ( e , n ) { t . children [ n ] . style . height = e + "px" } ) } ) } } } ( ) ;
! function ( ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof self && self . Prism && self . document ) { var i = [ ] , l = { } , c = function ( ) { } ; Prism . plugins . toolbar = { } ; var e = Prism . plugins . toolbar . registerButton = function ( e , n ) { var t ; t = "function" == typeof n ? n : function ( e ) { var t ; return "function" == typeof n . onClick ? ( ( t = document . createElement ( "button" ) ) . type = "button" , t . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) { n . onClick . call ( this , e ) } ) ) : "string" == typeof n . url ? ( t = document . createElement ( "a" ) ) . href = n . url : t = document . createElement ( "span" ) , n . className && t . classList . add ( n . className ) , t . textContent = n . text , t } , e in l ? console . warn ( 'There is a button with the key "' + e + '" registered already.' ) : i . push ( l [ e ] = t ) } , t = Prism . plugins . toolbar . hook = function ( a ) { var e = a . element . parentNode ; if ( e && /pre/i . test ( e . nodeName ) && ! e . parentNode . classList . contains ( "code-toolbar" ) ) { var t = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; t . classList . add ( "code-toolbar" ) , e . parentNode . insertBefore ( t , e ) , t . appendChild ( e ) ; var r = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; r . classList . add ( "toolbar" ) ; var n = i , o = function ( e ) { for ( ; e ; ) { var t = e . getAttribute ( "data-toolbar-order" ) ; if ( null != t ) return ( t = t . trim ( ) ) . length ? t . split ( /\s*,\s*/g ) : [ ] ; e = e . parentElement } } ( a . element ) ; o && ( n = o . map ( function ( e ) { return l [ e ] || c } ) ) , n . forEach ( function ( e ) { var t = e ( a ) ; if ( t ) { var n = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; n . classList . add ( "toolbar-item" ) , n . appendChild ( t ) , r . appendChild ( n ) } } ) , t . appendChild ( r ) } } ; e ( "label" , function ( e ) { var t = e . element . parentNode ; if ( t && /pre/i . test ( t . nodeName ) && t . hasAttribute ( "data-label" ) ) { var n , a , r = t . getAttribute ( "data-label" ) ; try { a = document . querySelector ( "template#" + r ) } catch ( e ) { } return a ? n = a . content : ( t . hasAttribute ( "data-url" ) ? ( n = document . createElement ( "a" ) ) . href = t . getAttribute ( "data-url" ) : n = document . createElement ( "span" ) , n . textContent = r ) , n } } ) , Prism . hooks . add ( "complete" , t ) } } ( ) ;
! function ( ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof self && self . Prism && self . document ) if ( Prism . plugins . toolbar ) { var r = { html : "HTML" , xml : "XML" , svg : "SVG" , mathml : "MathML" , ssml : "SSML" , rss : "RSS" , css : "CSS" , clike : "C-like" , js : "JavaScript" , abap : "ABAP" , abnf : "ABNF" , al : "AL" , antlr4 : "ANTLR4" , g4 : "ANTLR4" , apacheconf : "Apache Configuration" , apl : "APL" , aql : "AQL" , arff : "ARFF" , asciidoc : "AsciiDoc" , adoc : "AsciiDoc" , aspnet : "ASP.NET (C#)" , asm6502 : "6502 Assembly" , autohotkey : "AutoHotkey" , autoit : "AutoIt" , basic : "BASIC" , bbcode : "BBcode" , bnf : "BNF" , rbnf : "RBNF" , csharp : "C#" , cs : "C#" , dotnet : "C#" , cpp : "C++" , cil : "CIL" , cmake : "CMake" , coffee : "CoffeeScript" , conc : "Concurnas" , csp : "Content-Security-Policy" , "css-extras" : "CSS Extras" , dax : "DAX" , django : "Django/Jinja2" , jinja2 : "Django/Jinja2" , "dns-zone-file" : "DNS zone file" , "dns-zone" : "DNS zone file" , dockerfile : "Docker" , ebnf : "EBNF" , ejs : "EJS" , etlua : "Embedded Lua templating" , erb : "ERB" , "excel-formula" : "Excel Formula" , xlsx : "Excel Formula" , xls : "Excel Formula" , fsharp : "F#" , "firestore-security-rules" : "Firestore security rules" , ftl : "FreeMarker Template Language" , gml : "GameMaker Language" , gamemakerlanguage : "GameMaker Language" , gcode : "G-code" , gdscript : "GDScript" , gedcom : "GEDCOM" , glsl : "GLSL" , graphql : "GraphQL" , hs : "Haskell" , hcl : "HCL" , hlsl : "HLSL" , http : "HTTP" , hpkp : "HTTP Public-Key-Pins" , hsts : "HTTP Strict-Transport-Security" , ichigojam : "IchigoJam" , inform7 : "Inform 7" , javadoc : "JavaDoc" , javadoclike : "JavaDoc-like" , javastacktrace : "Java stack trace" , jq : "JQ" , jsdoc : "JSDoc" , "js-extras" : "JS Extras" , json : "JSON" , webmanifest : "Web App Manifest" , json5 : "JSON5" , jsonp : "JSONP" , jsstacktrace : "JS stack trace" , "js-templates" : "JS Templates" , latex : "LaTeX" , tex : "TeX" , context : "ConTeXt" , lilypond : "LilyPond" , ly : "LilyPond" , emacs : "Lisp" , elisp : "Lisp" , "emacs-lisp" : "Lisp" , llvm : "LLVM IR" , lolcode : "LOLCODE" , md : "Markdown" , "markup-templating" : "Markup templating" , matlab : "MATLAB" , mel : "MEL" , moon : "MoonScript" , n1ql : "N1QL" , n4js : "N4JS" , n4jsd : "N4JS" , "nand2tetris-hdl" : "Nand To Tetris HDL" , nasm : "NASM" , neon : "NEON" , nginx : "nginx" , nsis : "NSIS" , objectivec : "Objective-C" , objc : "Objective-C" , ocaml : "OCaml" , opencl : "OpenCL" , parigp : "PARI/GP" , objectpascal : "Object Pascal" , pcaxis : "PC-Axis" , px : "PC-Axis" , peoplecode : "PeopleCode" , pcode : "PeopleCode" , php : "PHP" , phpdoc : "PHPDoc" , "php-extras" : "PHP Extras" , plsql : "PL/SQL" , powerquery : "PowerQuery" , pq : "PowerQuery" , mscript : "PowerQuery" , powershell : "PowerShell" , properties : ".properties" , protobuf : "Protocol Buffers" , purebasic : "PureBasic" , pbfasm : "PureBasic" , py : "Python" , q : "Q (kdb+ database)" , qml : "QML" , rkt : "Racket" , jsx : "React JSX" , tsx : "React TSX" , renpy : "Ren'py" , rpy : "Ren'py" , rest : "reST (reStructuredText)" , robotframework : "Robot Framework" , robot : "Robot Framework" , rb : "Ruby" , sas : "SAS" , sass : "Sass (Sass)" , scss : "Sass (Scss)" , "shell-session" : "Shell session" , solidity : "Solidity (Ethereum)" , sol : "Solidity (Ethereum)" , "solution-file" : "Solution file" , sln : "Solution file" , soy : "Soy (Closure Template)" , sparql : "SPARQL" , rq : "SPARQL" , "splunk-spl" : "Splunk SPL" , sqf : "SQF: Status Quo Function (Arma 3)" , sql : "SQL" , iecst : "Structured Text (IEC 61131-3)" , "t4-templating" : "T4 templating" , "t4-cs" : "T4 Text Templates (C#)" , t4 : "T4 Text Templates (C#)" , "t4-vb" : "T4 Text Templates (VB)" , tap : "TAP" , tt2 : "Template Toolkit 2" , toml : "TOML" , trig : "TriG" , ts : "TypeScript" , uscript : "UnrealScript" , uc : "UnrealScript" , vbnet : "VB.Net" , vhdl : "VHDL" , vim : "vim" , "visual-basic" : "Visual Basic" , vb : "Visual Basic" , wasm : "WebAssembly" , wiki : "Wiki markup" , xeoracube : "XeoraCube" , "xml-doc" : "XML doc (.net)" , xojo : "Xojo (REALbasic)" , xquery : "XQuery" , yaml : "YAML" , yml : "YAML" } ; Prism . plugins . toolbar . registerButton ( "show-language" , function ( e ) { var a = e . element . parentNode ; if ( a && /pre/i . test ( a . nodeName ) ) { var t , s = a . getAttribute ( "data-language" ) || r [ e . language ] || ( ( t = e . language ) ? ( t . substring ( 0 , 1 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + t . substring ( 1 ) ) . replace ( /s(?=cript)/ , "S" ) : t ) ; if ( s ) { var o = document . createElement ( "span" ) ; return o . textContent = s , o } } } ) } else console . warn ( "Show Languages plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin." ) } ( ) ;
! function ( ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof self && self . Prism && self . document ) if ( Prism . plugins . toolbar ) { var i = window . ClipboardJS || void 0 ; i || "function" != typeof require || ( i = require ( "clipboard" ) ) ; var c = [ ] ; if ( ! i ) { var o = document . createElement ( "script" ) , t = document . querySelector ( "head" ) ; o . onload = function ( ) { if ( i = window . ClipboardJS ) for ( ; c . length ; ) c . pop ( ) ( ) } , o . src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js" , t . appendChild ( o ) } Prism . plugins . toolbar . registerButton ( "copy-to-clipboard" , function ( o ) { var t = document . createElement ( "button" ) ; t . textContent = "Copy" ; var e = o . element ; return i ? n ( ) : c . push ( n ) , t ; function n ( ) { var o = new i ( t , { text : function ( ) { return e . textContent } } ) ; o . on ( "success" , function ( ) { t . textContent = "Copied!" , r ( ) } ) , o . on ( "error" , function ( ) { t . textContent = "Press Ctrl+C to copy" , r ( ) } ) } function r ( ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { t . textContent = "Copy" } , 5e3 ) } } ) } else console . warn ( "Copy to Clipboard plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin." ) } ( ) ;