package models import ( "time" "" "" ) type TaskProtocol int8 const ( TaskHTTP TaskProtocol = iota + 1 // HTTP协议 TaskSSH // SSH命令 TaskLocalCommand // 本地命令 ) // 任务 type Task struct { Id int `xorm:"int pk autoincr"` Name string `xorm:"varchar(32) notnull"` // 任务名称 Spec string `xorm:"varchar(64) notnull"` // crontab Protocol TaskProtocol `xorm:"tinyint notnull"` // 协议 1:http 2:ssh-command 3: 系统命令 Command string `xorm:"varchar(256) notnull"` // URL地址或shell命令 Timeout int `xorm:"mediumint notnull default 0"` // 任务执行超时时间(单位秒),0不限制 Multi int8 `xorm:"tinyint notnull default 1"` // 是否允许多实例运行 RetryTimes int8 `xorm:"tinyint notnull default 0"` // 重试次数 HostId int16 `xorm:"smallint notnull default 0"` // SSH host id, Remark string `xorm:"varchar(100) notnull default ''"` // 备注 Created time.Time `xorm:"datetime notnull created"` // 创建时间 Deleted time.Time `xorm:"datetime deleted"` // 删除时间 Status Status `xorm:"tinyint notnull default 1"` // 状态 1:正常 0:停止 BaseModel `xorm:"-"` } type TaskHost struct { Task `xorm:"extends"` Name string Port int Username string Password string Alias string AuthType ssh.HostAuthType PrivateKey string } func (TaskHost) TableName() string { return TablePrefix + "task" } // 新增 func (task *Task) Create() (insertId int, err error) { _, err = Db.Insert(task) if err == nil { insertId = task.Id } return } func (task *Task) UpdateBean(id int) (int64, error) { return Db.ID(id).UseBool("status,multi").Update(task) } // 更新 func (task *Task) Update(id int, data CommonMap) (int64, error) { return Db.Table(task).ID(id).Update(data) } // 删除 func (task *Task) Delete(id int) (int64, error) { return Db.Id(id).Delete(task) } // 禁用 func (task *Task) Disable(id int) (int64, error) { return task.Update(id, CommonMap{"status": Disabled}) } // 激活 func (task *Task) Enable(id int) (int64, error) { return task.Update(id, CommonMap{"status": Enabled}) } // 获取所有激活任务 func (task *Task) ActiveList() ([]TaskHost, error) { list := make([]TaskHost, 0) fields := "t.*, host.alias,,host.username,host.password,host.port,host.auth_type,host.private_key" err := Db.Alias("t").Join("LEFT", hostTableName(), "").Where("t.status = ?", Enabled).Cols(fields).Find(&list) return list, err } // 获取某个主机下的所有激活任务 func (task *Task) ActiveListByHostId(hostId int16) ([]TaskHost, error) { list := make([]TaskHost, 0) fields := "t.*, host.alias,,host.username,host.password,host.port,host.auth_type,host.private_key" err := Db.Alias("t").Join("LEFT", hostTableName(), "").Where("t.status = ? AND t.host_id = ?", Enabled, hostId).Cols(fields).Find(&list) return list, err } // 判断主机id是否有引用 func (task *Task) HostIdExist(hostId int16) (bool, error) { count, err := Db.Where("host_id = ?", hostId).Count(task); return count > 0, err } // 判断任务名称是否存在 func (task *Task) NameExist(name string, id int) (bool, error) { if id > 0 { count, err := Db.Where("name = ? AND status = ? AND id != ?", name, Enabled, id).Count(task); return count > 0, err } count, err := Db.Where("name = ? AND status = ?", name, Enabled).Count(task); return count > 0, err } func(task *Task) Detail(id int) (TaskHost, error) { taskHost := TaskHost{} fields := "t.*, host.alias,,host.username,host.password,host.port,host.auth_type,host.private_key" _, err := Db.Alias("t").Join("LEFT", hostTableName(), "").Where("", id).Cols(fields).Get(&taskHost) return taskHost, err } func (task *Task) List(params CommonMap) ([]TaskHost, error) { task.parsePageAndPageSize(params) list := make([]TaskHost, 0) fields := "t.*, host.alias," session := Db.Alias("t").Join("LEFT", hostTableName(), "") task.parseWhere(session, params) err := session.Cols(fields).Desc("").Limit(task.PageSize, task.pageLimitOffset()).Find(&list) return list, err } func (task *Task) Total(params CommonMap) (int64, error) { session := Db.Alias("t").Join("LEFT", hostTableName(), "") task.parseWhere(session, params) return session.Count(task) } // 解析where func (task *Task) parseWhere(session *xorm.Session, params CommonMap) { if len(params) == 0 { return } id, ok := params["Id"] if ok && id.(int) > 0 { session.And(" = ?", id) } hostId, ok := params["HostId"] if ok && hostId.(int) > 0 { session.And("host_id = ?", hostId) } name, ok := params["Name"] if ok && name.(string) != "" { session.And(" LIKE ?", "%" + name.(string) + "%") } protocol, ok := params["Protocol"] if ok && protocol.(int) > 0 { session.And("protocol = ?", protocol) } status, ok := params["Status"] if ok && status.(int) > -1 { session.And("status = ?", status) } } func hostTableName() []string { return []string{TablePrefix + "host", "host"} }