mirror of https://github.com/gfwlist/gfwlist
@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
# dependence
for cmd in sed date base64 gawk svn git perl
for cmd in sed date base64 gawk svn git perl file
which $cmd &> /dev/null;
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Depends on $cmd, please install it first.";
echo "Error: depends on $cmd, please install it first.";
exit 1;
# get formated author and log information
log=$(svn log -r BASE:HEAD) &&
log=$(svn log -r BASE:HEAD) || exit 1;
log=$(echo $log | gawk -v RS='------------------------------------------------------------------------'\
'NR > 2 { if (NF > 10) printf "%s:%s;", $3, $NF; }' ) &&
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ do
# discard used string
else # log, decode it
temp=$( echo ${log%%;*} | base64 -d);
temp=$( echo ${log%%;*} | base64 -d );
@ -63,54 +63,66 @@ do
# modified by others, commit to local git repository.
# modified by others, commit to local git repository
if [ "$convertedLog" != "" ]; then
svn update &&
git diff > temp.patch &&
# save local modification
[ -n "$(git diff)" ] && git diff > temp.patch;
svn update || exit 1;
base64 -d gfwlist.txt > list.txt &&
echo -e $convertedLog | git commit -a -F - ;
base64 -d gfwlist.txt > list.txt && ./validateChecksum.pl list.txt;
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: gfwlist.txt from svn is invalid!";
echo "It must be a download error or somebody made a mistake.";
echo "Please check with the last committer or report to maintainers group.";
exit 1;
echo -e $convertedLog | git commit -a -F - &&
# apply local modification
[ -s temp.patch ] && git apply temp.patch &&
rm temp.patch;
rm temp.patch &&
# remove (if exist) empty temp.patch
[ ! -s temp.patch -a -e temp.patch ] && rm temp.patch;
if [ "$(git diff)" == "" ]; then
echo "list.txt not modified.";
echo "Info: list.txt not modified.";
exit 0;
if [ "$*" == "" ]; then
echo "Empty log, please say something about this modification.";
echo "Error: empty log, please say something about this modification.";
exit 1;
# make sure the list doesn't contain unicode chars
file list.txt | grep ASCII 1> /dev/null ||
echo "List contains non-ASCII characters, please remove them." &&
if [ "$(file list.txt)" != "list.txt: ASCII text" ]; then
echo "Error: list.txt, please make sure:";
echo "1. there is no non-ASCII characters;";
echo "2. configure your text editor to use unix style line break.";
exit 1;
) &&
# update date and checksum
sed -i s/"Last Modified:.*$"/"Last Modified: $(date -R -r list.txt)"/ list.txt &&
sed -i s/"Last Modified:.*$"/"Last Modified: $(date -Rr list.txt)"/ list.txt &&
./addChecksum.pl list.txt &&
# save self change to git. exit directly if conflicting.
# save local changes to git & svn
# if conflict or network problem occurs: do nothing & throw error message
git commit -a -m "$*" &&
# commit to remote svn server
base64 list.txt > gfwlist.txt &&
# "svn ci" and "git commit" are atomic operations
base64 list.txt > gfwlist.txt &&
# may be running under Windows + Cygwin?
# convert dos new line to unix style, old mac style ignored
sed -i 's/\r$//g' gfwlist.txt &&
# may be failed because of connection/authentication problems
svn ci gfwlist.txt -m $( echo "$*" | base64 -w 0) ||
# "svn ci" may be failed because of connection problems.
# "svn ci" and "git commit" are atomic operations
git reset HEAD^ 1> /dev/null;
) &&
# BASE++, HEAD++, if committed.
# BASE++ if committed
svn update 1> /dev/null;
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# This is a reference script to validate the checksum in downloadable #
# subscription. This performs the same validation as Adblock Plus when it #
# downloads the subscription. #
# #
# To validate a subscription file, run the script like this: #
# #
# perl validateChecksum.pl subscription.txt #
# #
# Note: your subscription file should be saved in UTF-8 encoding, otherwise #
# the validation result might be incorrect. #
# #
# 20100418: Stolen from ABP with minor modification for AutoProxy project #
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
die "Usage: $^X $0 subscription.txt\n" unless @ARGV;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $data = readFile($file);
# Normalize data
$data =~ s/\r//g;
$data =~ s/\n+/\n/g;
# Extract checksum
# Remove checksum
$data =~ s/^\s*!\s*checksum[\s\-:]+([\w\+\/=]+).*\n//mi;
my $checksum = $1;
die "Error: couldn't find a checksum in the file\n" unless $checksum;
# Calculate new checksum
my $checksumExpected = md5_base64($data);
# Compare checksums
die "Error: invalid checksum\n" unless $checksum eq $checksumExpected;
sub readFile
my $file = shift;
open(local *FILE, "<", $file) || die "Error: could not read file '$file'";
local $/;
my $result = <FILE>;
return $result;
Reference in New Issue