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They were where... </span> </a> </li> <li> <a> <span class="image"> <img src="images/img.jpg" alt="Profile Image" /> </span> <span> <span>John Smith</span> <span class="time">3 mins ago</span> </span> <span class="message"> Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where... </span> </a> </li> <li> <a> <span class="image"> <img src="images/img.jpg" alt="Profile Image" /> </span> <span> <span>John Smith</span> <span class="time">3 mins ago</span> </span> <span class="message"> Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where... </span> </a> </li> <li> <a> <span class="image"> <img src="images/img.jpg" alt="Profile Image" /> </span> <span> <span>John Smith</span> <span class="time">3 mins ago</span> </span> <span class="message"> Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where... </span> </a> </li> <li> <div class="text-center"> <a> <strong>See All Alerts</strong> <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <!-- /top navigation --> <!-- page content --> <div class="right_col" role="main"> <div class=""> <div class="page-title"> <div class="title_left"> <h3> Echarts <small> Some examples to get you started </small> </h3> </div> <div class="title_right"> <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 col-xs-12 form-group pull-right top_search"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search for..."> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Go!</button> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12"> <div class="x_panel"> <div class="x_title"> <h2>Bar Graph</h2> <ul class="nav navbar-right panel_toolbox"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a> </li> <li 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'lightgreen'], [0.4, 'orange'], [0.8, 'skyblue'], [1, '#ff4500'] ], width: 30 } }, axisTick: { show: true, splitNumber: 5, length: 8, lineStyle: { color: '#eee', width: 1, type: 'solid' } }, axisLabel: { show: true, formatter: function(v) { switch (v + '') { case '10': return 'a'; case '30': return 'b'; case '60': return 'c'; case '90': return 'd'; default: return ''; } }, textStyle: { color: '#333' } }, splitLine: { show: true, length: 30, lineStyle: { color: '#eee', width: 2, type: 'solid' } }, pointer: { length: '80%', width: 8, color: 'auto' }, title: { show: true, offsetCenter: ['-65%', -10], textStyle: { color: '#333', fontSize: 15 } }, detail: { show: true, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', borderWidth: 0, borderColor: '#ccc', width: 100, height: 40, offsetCenter: ['-60%', 10], formatter: '{value}%', textStyle: { color: 'auto', fontSize: 30 } }, data: [{ value: 50, name: 'Performance' }] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_line'), theme); myChart.setOption({ title: { text: 'Line Graph', subtext: 'Subtitle' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { data: ['Intent', 'Pre-order', 'Deal'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { magicType: { show: true, type: ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled'] }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, calculable: true, xAxis: [{ type: 'category', boundaryGap: false, data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] }], yAxis: [{ type: 'value' }], series: [{ name: 'Deal', type: 'line', smooth: true, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: { type: 'default' } } }, data: [10, 12, 21, 54, 260, 830, 710] }, { name: 'Pre-order', type: 'line', smooth: true, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: { type: 'default' } } }, data: [30, 182, 434, 791, 390, 30, 10] }, { name: 'Intent', type: 'line', smooth: true, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: { type: 'default' } } }, data: [1320, 1132, 601, 234, 120, 90, 20] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_scatter'), theme); myChart.setOption({ title: { text: 'Scatter Graph', subtext: 'Heinz 2003' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', showDelay: 0, axisPointer: { type: 'cross', lineStyle: { type: 'dashed', width: 1 } } }, legend: { data: ['Data2', 'Data1'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, xAxis: [{ type: 'value', scale: true, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value} cm' } }], yAxis: [{ type: 'value', scale: true, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value} kg' } }], series: [{ name: 'Data1', type: 'scatter', tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function(params) { if (params.value.length > 1) { return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>' + params.value[0] + 'cm ' + params.value[1] + 'kg '; } else { return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>' + params.name + ' : ' + params.value + 'kg '; } } }, data: [ [161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6], [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2], [172.5, 55.2], [170.9, 54.2], [172.9, 62.5], [153.4, 42.0], [160.0, 50.0], [147.2, 49.8], [168.2, 49.2], [175.0, 73.2], [157.0, 47.8], [167.6, 68.8], [159.5, 50.6], [175.0, 82.5], [166.8, 57.2], [176.5, 87.8], [170.2, 72.8], [174.0, 54.5], [173.0, 59.8], [179.9, 67.3], [170.5, 67.8], [160.0, 47.0], [154.4, 46.2], [162.0, 55.0], [176.5, 83.0], [160.0, 54.4], [152.0, 45.8], [162.1, 53.6], [170.0, 73.2], [160.2, 52.1], [161.3, 67.9], [166.4, 56.6], [168.9, 62.3], [163.8, 58.5], [167.6, 54.5], [160.0, 50.2], [161.3, 60.3], [167.6, 58.3], [165.1, 56.2], [160.0, 50.2], [170.0, 72.9], [157.5, 59.8], [167.6, 61.0], [160.7, 69.1], [163.2, 55.9], [152.4, 46.5], [157.5, 54.3], [168.3, 54.8], [180.3, 60.7], [165.5, 60.0], [165.0, 62.0], [164.5, 60.3], [156.0, 52.7], [160.0, 74.3], [163.0, 62.0], [165.7, 73.1], [161.0, 80.0], [162.0, 54.7], [166.0, 53.2], [174.0, 75.7], [172.7, 61.1], [167.6, 55.7], [151.1, 48.7], [164.5, 52.3], [163.5, 50.0], [152.0, 59.3], [169.0, 62.5], [164.0, 55.7], [161.2, 54.8], [155.0, 45.9], [170.0, 70.6], [176.2, 67.2], [170.0, 69.4], [162.5, 58.2], [170.3, 64.8], [164.1, 71.6], [169.5, 52.8], [163.2, 59.8], [154.5, 49.0], [159.8, 50.0], [173.2, 69.2], [170.0, 55.9], [161.4, 63.4], [169.0, 58.2], [166.2, 58.6], [159.4, 45.7], [162.5, 52.2], [159.0, 48.6], [162.8, 57.8], [159.0, 55.6], [179.8, 66.8], [162.9, 59.4], [161.0, 53.6], [151.1, 73.2], [168.2, 53.4], [168.9, 69.0], [173.2, 58.4], [171.8, 56.2], [178.0, 70.6], [164.3, 59.8], [163.0, 72.0], [168.5, 65.2], [166.8, 56.6], [172.7, 105.2], [163.5, 51.8], [169.4, 63.4], [167.8, 59.0], [159.5, 47.6], [167.6, 63.0], [161.2, 55.2], [160.0, 45.0], [163.2, 54.0], [162.2, 50.2], [161.3, 60.2], [149.5, 44.8], [157.5, 58.8], [163.2, 56.4], [172.7, 62.0], [155.0, 49.2], [156.5, 67.2], [164.0, 53.8], [160.9, 54.4], [162.8, 58.0], [167.0, 59.8], [160.0, 54.8], [160.0, 43.2], [168.9, 60.5], [158.2, 46.4], [156.0, 64.4], [160.0, 48.8], [167.1, 62.2], [158.0, 55.5], [167.6, 57.8], [156.0, 54.6], [162.1, 59.2], [173.4, 52.7], [159.8, 53.2], [170.5, 64.5], [159.2, 51.8], [157.5, 56.0], [161.3, 63.6], [162.6, 63.2], [160.0, 59.5], [168.9, 56.8], [165.1, 64.1], [162.6, 50.0], [165.1, 72.3], [166.4, 55.0], [160.0, 55.9], [152.4, 60.4], [170.2, 69.1], [162.6, 84.5], [170.2, 55.9], [158.8, 55.5], [172.7, 69.5], [167.6, 76.4], [162.6, 61.4], [167.6, 65.9], [156.2, 58.6], [175.2, 66.8], [172.1, 56.6], [162.6, 58.6], [160.0, 55.9], [165.1, 59.1], [182.9, 81.8], [166.4, 70.7], [165.1, 56.8], [177.8, 60.0], [165.1, 58.2], [175.3, 72.7], [154.9, 54.1], [158.8, 49.1], [172.7, 75.9], [168.9, 55.0], [161.3, 57.3], [167.6, 55.0], [165.1, 65.5], [175.3, 65.5], [157.5, 48.6], [163.8, 58.6], [167.6, 63.6], [165.1, 55.2], [165.1, 62.7], [168.9, 56.6], [162.6, 53.9], [164.5, 63.2], [176.5, 73.6], [168.9, 62.0], [175.3, 63.6], [159.4, 53.2], [160.0, 53.4], [170.2, 55.0], [162.6, 70.5], [167.6, 54.5], [162.6, 54.5], [160.7, 55.9], [160.0, 59.0], [157.5, 63.6], [162.6, 54.5], [152.4, 47.3], [170.2, 67.7], [165.1, 80.9], [172.7, 70.5], [165.1, 60.9], [170.2, 63.6], [170.2, 54.5], [170.2, 59.1], [161.3, 70.5], [167.6, 52.7], [167.6, 62.7], [165.1, 86.3], [162.6, 66.4], [152.4, 67.3], [168.9, 63.0], [170.2, 73.6], [175.2, 62.3], [175.2, 57.7], [160.0, 55.4], [165.1, 104.1], [174.0, 55.5], [170.2, 77.3], [160.0, 80.5], [167.6, 64.5], [167.6, 72.3], [167.6, 61.4], [154.9, 58.2], [162.6, 81.8], [175.3, 63.6], [171.4, 53.4], [157.5, 54.5], [165.1, 53.6], [160.0, 60.0], [174.0, 73.6], [162.6, 61.4], [174.0, 55.5], [162.6, 63.6], [161.3, 60.9], [156.2, 60.0], [149.9, 46.8], [169.5, 57.3], [160.0, 64.1], [175.3, 63.6], [169.5, 67.3], [160.0, 75.5], [172.7, 68.2], [162.6, 61.4], [157.5, 76.8], [176.5, 71.8], [164.4, 55.5], [160.7, 48.6], [174.0, 66.4], [163.8, 67.3] ], markPoint: { data: [{ type: 'max', name: 'Max' }, { type: 'min', name: 'Min' }] }, markLine: { data: [{ type: 'average', name: 'Mean' }] } }, { name: 'Data2', type: 'scatter', tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function(params) { if (params.value.length > 1) { return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>' + params.value[0] + 'cm ' + params.value[1] + 'kg '; } else { return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>' + params.name + ' : ' + params.value + 'kg '; } } }, data: [ [174.0, 65.6], [175.3, 71.8], [193.5, 80.7], [186.5, 72.6], [187.2, 78.8], [181.5, 74.8], [184.0, 86.4], [184.5, 78.4], [175.0, 62.0], [184.0, 81.6], [180.0, 76.6], [177.8, 83.6], [192.0, 90.0], [176.0, 74.6], [174.0, 71.0], [184.0, 79.6], [192.7, 93.8], [171.5, 70.0], [173.0, 72.4], [176.0, 85.9], [176.0, 78.8], [180.5, 77.8], [172.7, 66.2], [176.0, 86.4], [173.5, 81.8], [178.0, 89.6], [180.3, 82.8], [180.3, 76.4], [164.5, 63.2], [173.0, 60.9], [183.5, 74.8], [175.5, 70.0], [188.0, 72.4], [189.2, 84.1], [172.8, 69.1], [170.0, 59.5], [182.0, 67.2], [170.0, 61.3], [177.8, 68.6], [184.2, 80.1], [186.7, 87.8], [171.4, 84.7], [172.7, 73.4], [175.3, 72.1], [180.3, 82.6], [182.9, 88.7], [188.0, 84.1], [177.2, 94.1], [172.1, 74.9], [167.0, 59.1], [169.5, 75.6], [174.0, 86.2], [172.7, 75.3], [182.2, 87.1], [164.1, 55.2], [163.0, 57.0], [171.5, 61.4], [184.2, 76.8], [174.0, 86.8], [174.0, 72.2], [177.0, 71.6], [186.0, 84.8], [167.0, 68.2], [171.8, 66.1], [182.0, 72.0], [167.0, 64.6], [177.8, 74.8], [164.5, 70.0], [192.0, 101.6], [175.5, 63.2], [171.2, 79.1], [181.6, 78.9], [167.4, 67.7], [181.1, 66.0], [177.0, 68.2], [174.5, 63.9], [177.5, 72.0], [170.5, 56.8], [182.4, 74.5], [197.1, 90.9], [180.1, 93.0], [175.5, 80.9], [180.6, 72.7], [184.4, 68.0], [175.5, 70.9], [180.6, 72.5], [177.0, 72.5], [177.1, 83.4], [181.6, 75.5], [176.5, 73.0], [175.0, 70.2], [174.0, 73.4], [165.1, 70.5], [177.0, 68.9], [192.0, 102.3], [176.5, 68.4], [169.4, 65.9], [182.1, 75.7], [179.8, 84.5], [175.3, 87.7], [184.9, 86.4], [177.3, 73.2], [167.4, 53.9], [178.1, 72.0], [168.9, 55.5], [157.2, 58.4], [180.3, 83.2], [170.2, 72.7], [177.8, 64.1], [172.7, 72.3], [165.1, 65.0], [186.7, 86.4], [165.1, 65.0], [174.0, 88.6], [175.3, 84.1], [185.4, 66.8], [177.8, 75.5], [180.3, 93.2], [180.3, 82.7], [177.8, 58.0], [177.8, 79.5], [177.8, 78.6], [177.8, 71.8], [177.8, 116.4], [163.8, 72.2], [188.0, 83.6], [198.1, 85.5], [175.3, 90.9], [166.4, 85.9], [190.5, 89.1], [166.4, 75.0], [177.8, 77.7], [179.7, 86.4], [172.7, 90.9], [190.5, 73.6], [185.4, 76.4], [168.9, 69.1], [167.6, 84.5], [175.3, 64.5], [170.2, 69.1], [190.5, 108.6], [177.8, 86.4], [190.5, 80.9], [177.8, 87.7], [184.2, 94.5], [176.5, 80.2], [177.8, 72.0], [180.3, 71.4], [171.4, 72.7], [172.7, 84.1], [172.7, 76.8], [177.8, 63.6], [177.8, 80.9], [182.9, 80.9], [170.2, 85.5], [167.6, 68.6], [175.3, 67.7], [165.1, 66.4], [185.4, 102.3], [181.6, 70.5], [172.7, 95.9], [190.5, 84.1], [179.1, 87.3], [175.3, 71.8], [170.2, 65.9], [193.0, 95.9], [171.4, 91.4], [177.8, 81.8], [177.8, 96.8], [167.6, 69.1], [167.6, 82.7], [180.3, 75.5], [182.9, 79.5], [176.5, 73.6], [186.7, 91.8], [188.0, 84.1], [188.0, 85.9], [177.8, 81.8], [174.0, 82.5], [177.8, 80.5], [171.4, 70.0], [185.4, 81.8], [185.4, 84.1], [188.0, 90.5], [188.0, 91.4], [182.9, 89.1], [176.5, 85.0], [175.3, 69.1], [175.3, 73.6], [188.0, 80.5], [188.0, 82.7], [175.3, 86.4], [170.5, 67.7], [179.1, 92.7], [177.8, 93.6], [175.3, 70.9], [182.9, 75.0], [170.8, 93.2], [188.0, 93.2], [180.3, 77.7], [177.8, 61.4], [185.4, 94.1], [168.9, 75.0], [185.4, 83.6], [180.3, 85.5], [174.0, 73.9], [167.6, 66.8], [182.9, 87.3], [160.0, 72.3], [180.3, 88.6], [167.6, 75.5], [186.7, 101.4], [175.3, 91.1], [175.3, 67.3], [175.9, 77.7], [175.3, 81.8], [179.1, 75.5], [181.6, 84.5], [177.8, 76.6], [182.9, 85.0], [177.8, 102.5], [184.2, 77.3], [179.1, 71.8], [176.5, 87.9], [188.0, 94.3], [174.0, 70.9], [167.6, 64.5], [170.2, 77.3], [167.6, 72.3], [188.0, 87.3], [174.0, 80.0], [176.5, 82.3], [180.3, 73.6], [167.6, 74.1], [188.0, 85.9], [180.3, 73.2], [167.6, 76.3], [183.0, 65.9], [183.0, 90.9], [179.1, 89.1], [170.2, 62.3], [177.8, 82.7], [179.1, 79.1], [190.5, 98.2], [177.8, 84.1], [180.3, 83.2], [180.3, 83.2] ], markPoint: { data: [{ type: 'max', name: 'Max' }, { type: 'min', name: 'Min' }] }, markLine: { data: [{ type: 'average', name: 'Mean' }] } }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_bar_horizontal'), theme); myChart.setOption({ title: { text: 'Bar Graph', subtext: 'Graph subtitle' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { data: ['2015', '2016'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, calculable: true, xAxis: [{ type: 'value', boundaryGap: [0, 0.01] }], yAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun'] }], series: [{ name: '2015', type: 'bar', data: [18203, 23489, 29034, 104970, 131744, 630230] }, { name: '2016', type: 'bar', data: [19325, 23438, 31000, 121594, 134141, 681807] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_pie2'), theme); myChart.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)" }, legend: { x: 'center', y: 'bottom', data: ['rose1', 'rose2', 'rose3', 'rose4', 'rose5', 'rose6'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { magicType: { show: true, type: ['pie', 'funnel'] }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, calculable: true, series: [{ name: 'Area Mode', type: 'pie', radius: [25, 90], center: ['50%', 170], roseType: 'area', x: '50%', max: 40, sort: 'ascending', data: [{ value: 10, name: 'rose1' }, { value: 5, name: 'rose2' }, { value: 15, name: 'rose3' }, { value: 25, name: 'rose4' }, { value: 20, name: 'rose5' }, { value: 35, name: 'rose6' }] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_donut'), theme); myChart.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)" }, calculable: true, legend: { //orient: 'vertical', //x: 'left', x: 'center', y: 'bottom', data: ['Direct Accesss', 'E-mail Marketing', 'Union Ad', 'Video Ads', 'Search Engine'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { magicType: { show: true, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { funnel: { x: '25%', width: '50%', funnelAlign: 'center', max: 1548 } } }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, series: [{ name: 'Access to the resource', type: 'pie', radius: ['35%', '55%'], itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true }, labelLine: { show: true } }, emphasis: { label: { show: true, position: 'center', textStyle: { fontSize: '14', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, data: [{ value: 335, name: 'Direct Access' }, { value: 310, name: 'E-mail Marketing' }, { value: 234, name: 'Union Ad' }, { value: 135, name: 'Video Ads' }, { value: 1548, name: 'Search Engine' }] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_pie'), theme); myChart.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)" }, legend: { //orient: 'vertical', //x: 'left', x: 'center', y: 'bottom', data: ['Direct Access', 'E-mail Marketing', 'Union Ad', 'Video Ads', 'Search Engine'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { magicType: { show: true, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { funnel: { x: '25%', width: '50%', funnelAlign: 'left', max: 1548 } } }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, calculable: true, series: [{ name: '访问来源', type: 'pie', radius: '55%', center: ['50%', '48%'], //left,top data: [{ value: 335, name: 'Direct Access' }, { value: 310, name: 'E-mail Marketing' }, { value: 234, name: 'Union Ad' }, { value: 135, name: 'Video Ads' }, { value: 1548, name: 'Search Engine' }] }] }); var dataStyle = { normal: { label: { show: false }, labelLine: { show: false } } }; var placeHolderStyle = { normal: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', label: { show: false }, labelLine: { show: false } }, emphasis: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }; var myChartx = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_mini_pie'), theme); myChartx.setOption({ title: { text: 'Chart #2', subtext: 'From ExcelHome', sublink: 'http://e.weibo.com/1341556070/AhQXtjbqh', x: 'center', y: 'center', itemGap: 20, textStyle: { color: 'rgba(30,144,255,0.8)', fontFamily: '微软雅黑', fontSize: 35, fontWeight: 'bolder' } }, tooltip: { show: true, formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)" }, legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 170, //document.getElementById('main').offsetWidth / 2, y: 45, itemGap: 12, data: ['68%Something #1', '29%Something #2', '3%Something #3'] }, toolbox: { show: true, feature: { mark: { show: true }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, series: [{ name: '1', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [105, 130], itemStyle: dataStyle, data: [{ value: 68, name: '68%Something #1' }, { value: 32, name: 'invisible', itemStyle: placeHolderStyle }] }, { name: '2', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [80, 105], itemStyle: dataStyle, data: [{ value: 29, name: '29%Something #2' }, { value: 71, name: 'invisible', itemStyle: placeHolderStyle }] }, { name: '3', type: 'pie', clockWise: false, radius: [25, 80], itemStyle: dataStyle, data: [{ value: 3, name: '3%Something #3' }, { value: 97, name: 'invisible', itemStyle: placeHolderStyle }] }] }); var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart_world_map'), theme); myChart.setOption({ title: { text: 'World Population (2010)', subtext: 'from United Nations, Total population, both sexes combined, as of 1 July (thousands)', //sublink: 'http://esa.un.org/wpp/Excel-Data/population.htm', x: 'center', y: 'top' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function(params) { var value = (params.value + '').split('.'); value = value[0].replace(/(\d{1,3})(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') + '.' + value[1]; return params.seriesName + '<br/>' + params.name + ' : ' + value; } }, toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', x: 'right', y: 'center', feature: { mark: { show: true }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } }, dataRange: { min: 0, max: 1000000, text: ['High', 'Low'], realtime: false, calculable: true, color: ['#087E65', '#26B99A', '#CBEAE3'] }, series: [{ name: 'World Population (2010)', type: 'map', mapType: 'world', roam: false, mapLocation: { y: 60 }, itemStyle: { emphasis: { label: { show: true } } }, data: [{ name: 'Afghanistan', value: 28397.812 }, { name: 'Angola', value: 19549.124 }, { name: 'Albania', value: 3150.143 }, { name: 'United Arab Emirates', value: 8441.537 }, { name: 'Argentina', value: 40374.224 }, { name: 'Armenia', value: 2963.496 }, { name: 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands', value: 268.065 }, { name: 'Australia', value: 22404.488 }, { name: 'Austria', value: 8401.924 }, { name: 'Azerbaijan', value: 9094.718 }, { name: 'Burundi', value: 9232.753 }, { name: 'Belgium', value: 10941.288 }, { name: 'Benin', value: 9509.798 }, { name: 'Burkina Faso', value: 15540.284 }, { name: 'Bangladesh', value: 151125.475 }, { name: 'Bulgaria', value: 7389.175 }, { name: 'The Bahamas', value: 66402.316 }, { name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', value: 3845.929 }, { name: 'Belarus', value: 9491.07 }, { name: 'Belize', value: 308.595 }, { name: 'Bermuda', value: 64.951 }, { name: 'Bolivia', value: 716.939 }, { name: 'Brazil', value: 195210.154 }, { name: 'Brunei', value: 27.223 }, { name: 'Bhutan', value: 716.939 }, { name: 'Botswana', value: 1969.341 }, { name: 'Central African Republic', value: 4349.921 }, { name: 'Canada', value: 34126.24 }, { name: 'Switzerland', value: 7830.534 }, { name: 'Chile', value: 17150.76 }, { name: 'China', value: 1359821.465 }, { name: 'Ivory Coast', value: 60508.978 }, { name: 'Cameroon', value: 20624.343 }, { name: 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', value: 62191.161 }, { name: 'Republic of the Congo', value: 3573.024 }, { name: 'Colombia', value: 46444.798 }, { name: 'Costa Rica', value: 4669.685 }, { name: 'Cuba', value: 11281.768 }, { name: 'Northern Cyprus', value: 1.468 }, { name: 'Cyprus', value: 1103.685 }, { name: 'Czech Republic', value: 10553.701 }, { name: 'Germany', value: 83017.404 }, { name: 'Djibouti', value: 834.036 }, { name: 'Denmark', value: 5550.959 }, { name: 'Dominican Republic', value: 10016.797 }, { name: 'Algeria', value: 37062.82 }, { name: 'Ecuador', value: 15001.072 }, { name: 'Egypt', value: 78075.705 }, { name: 'Eritrea', value: 5741.159 }, { name: 'Spain', value: 46182.038 }, { name: 'Estonia', value: 1298.533 }, { name: 'Ethiopia', value: 87095.281 }, { name: 'Finland', value: 5367.693 }, { name: 'Fiji', value: 860.559 }, { name: 'Falkland Islands', value: 49.581 }, { name: 'France', value: 63230.866 }, { name: 'Gabon', value: 1556.222 }, { name: 'United Kingdom', value: 62066.35 }, { name: 'Georgia', value: 4388.674 }, { name: 'Ghana', value: 24262.901 }, { name: 'Guinea', value: 10876.033 }, { name: 'Gambia', value: 1680.64 }, { name: 'Guinea Bissau', value: 10876.033 }, { name: 'Equatorial Guinea', value: 696.167 }, { name: 'Greece', value: 11109.999 }, { name: 'Greenland', value: 56.546 }, { name: 'Guatemala', value: 14341.576 }, { name: 'French Guiana', value: 231.169 }, { name: 'Guyana', value: 786.126 }, { name: 'Honduras', value: 7621.204 }, { name: 'Croatia', value: 4338.027 }, { name: 'Haiti', value: 9896.4 }, { name: 'Hungary', value: 10014.633 }, { name: 'Indonesia', value: 240676.485 }, { name: 'India', value: 1205624.648 }, { name: 'Ireland', value: 4467.561 }, { name: 'Iran', value: 240676.485 }, { name: 'Iraq', value: 30962.38 }, { name: 'Iceland', value: 318.042 }, { name: 'Israel', value: 7420.368 }, { name: 'Italy', value: 60508.978 }, { name: 'Jamaica', value: 2741.485 }, { name: 'Jordan', value: 6454.554 }, { name: 'Japan', value: 127352.833 }, { name: 'Kazakhstan', value: 15921.127 }, { name: 'Kenya', value: 40909.194 }, { name: 'Kyrgyzstan', value: 5334.223 }, { name: 'Cambodia', value: 14364.931 }, { name: 'South Korea', value: 51452.352 }, { name: 'Kosovo', value: 97.743 }, { name: 'Kuwait', value: 2991.58 }, { name: 'Laos', value: 6395.713 }, { name: 'Lebanon', value: 4341.092 }, { name: 'Liberia', value: 3957.99 }, { name: 'Libya', value: 6040.612 }, { name: 'Sri Lanka', value: 20758.779 }, { name: 'Lesotho', value: 2008.921 }, { name: 'Lithuania', value: 3068.457 }, { name: 'Luxembourg', value: 507.885 }, { name: 'Latvia', value: 2090.519 }, { name: 'Morocco', value: 31642.36 }, { name: 'Moldova', value: 103.619 }, { name: 'Madagascar', value: 21079.532 }, { name: 'Mexico', value: 117886.404 }, { name: 'Macedonia', value: 507.885 }, { name: 'Mali', value: 13985.961 }, { name: 'Myanmar', value: 51931.231 }, { name: 'Montenegro', value: 620.078 }, { name: 'Mongolia', value: 2712.738 }, { name: 'Mozambique', value: 23967.265 }, { name: 'Mauritania', value: 3609.42 }, { name: 'Malawi', value: 15013.694 }, { name: 'Malaysia', value: 28275.835 }, { name: 'Namibia', value: 2178.967 }, { name: 'New Caledonia', value: 246.379 }, { name: 'Niger', value: 15893.746 }, { name: 'Nigeria', value: 159707.78 }, { name: 'Nicaragua', value: 5822.209 }, { name: 'Netherlands', value: 16615.243 }, { name: 'Norway', value: 4891.251 }, { name: 'Nepal', value: 26846.016 }, { name: 'New Zealand', value: 4368.136 }, { name: 'Oman', value: 2802.768 }, { name: 'Pakistan', value: 173149.306 }, { name: 'Panama', value: 3678.128 }, { name: 'Peru', value: 29262.83 }, { name: 'Philippines', value: 93444.322 }, { name: 'Papua New Guinea', value: 6858.945 }, { name: 'Poland', value: 38198.754 }, { name: 'Puerto Rico', value: 3709.671 }, { name: 'North Korea', value: 1.468 }, { name: 'Portugal', value: 10589.792 }, { name: 'Paraguay', value: 6459.721 }, { name: 'Qatar', value: 1749.713 }, { name: 'Romania', value: 21861.476 }, { name: 'Russia', value: 21861.476 }, { name: 'Rwanda', value: 10836.732 }, { name: 'Western Sahara', value: 514.648 }, { name: 'Saudi Arabia', value: 27258.387 }, { name: 'Sudan', value: 35652.002 }, { name: 'South Sudan', value: 9940.929 }, { name: 'Senegal', value: 12950.564 }, { name: 'Solomon Islands', value: 526.447 }, { name: 'Sierra Leone', value: 5751.976 }, { name: 'El Salvador', value: 6218.195 }, { name: 'Somaliland', value: 9636.173 }, { name: 'Somalia', value: 9636.173 }, { name: 'Republic of Serbia', value: 3573.024 }, { name: 'Suriname', value: 524.96 }, { name: 'Slovakia', value: 5433.437 }, { name: 'Slovenia', value: 2054.232 }, { name: 'Sweden', value: 9382.297 }, { name: 'Swaziland', value: 1193.148 }, { name: 'Syria', value: 7830.534 }, { name: 'Chad', value: 11720.781 }, { name: 'Togo', value: 6306.014 }, { name: 'Thailand', value: 66402.316 }, { name: 'Tajikistan', value: 7627.326 }, { name: 'Turkmenistan', value: 5041.995 }, { name: 'East Timor', value: 10016.797 }, { name: 'Trinidad and Tobago', value: 1328.095 }, { name: 'Tunisia', value: 10631.83 }, { name: 'Turkey', value: 72137.546 }, { name: 'United Republic of Tanzania', value: 44973.33 }, { name: 'Uganda', value: 33987.213 }, { name: 'Ukraine', value: 46050.22 }, { name: 'Uruguay', value: 3371.982 }, { name: 'United States of America', value: 312247.116 }, { name: 'Uzbekistan', value: 27769.27 }, { name: 'Venezuela', value: 236.299 }, { name: 'Vietnam', value: 89047.397 }, { name: 'Vanuatu', value: 236.299 }, { name: 'West Bank', value: 13.565 }, { name: 'Yemen', value: 22763.008 }, { name: 'South Africa', value: 51452.352 }, { name: 'Zambia', value: 13216.985 }, { name: 'Zimbabwe', value: 13076.978 }] }] }); </script> </body> </html>