package event import ( "testing" . "" ) func TestEvent(t *testing.T) { i := []int{} f := func(s interface{}) { i = append(i, 1) } f2 := func(s interface{}) { i = append(i, 2) i = append(i, 3) } Convey("events package test", t, func() { Convey("init events package should be success", func() { So(len(i), ShouldEqual, 0) So(len(Events[EXIT]), ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("empty events execute Off function should not be success", func() { So(Off(EXIT, f), ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("multi execute On function for a function should not be success", func() { So(On(EXIT, f), ShouldBeNil) So(On(EXIT, f), ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("execute Emit function should be success", func() { Emit(EXIT, nil) So(len(i), ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("events package should be work", func() { So(On(EXIT, f2), ShouldBeNil) So(len(Events[EXIT]), ShouldEqual, 2) So(len(i), ShouldEqual, 1) So(Off(EXIT, f), ShouldBeNil) So(len(Events[EXIT]), ShouldEqual, 1) }) }) }