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2017-08-17 06:52:53 +00:00
<form class="ui form" v-bind:class="{loading:loading}" v-on:submit.prevent>
<h3 class="ui header">{{$L(action == 'CREATE' ? 'create job' : 'update job')}}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<em v-if="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ID# {{}}</em>
<div class="ui toggle checkbox" ref="pause">
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" v-bind:checked="!job.pause">
<label v-bind:style="{color: (job.pause?'red':'green')+' !important'}">{{$L(job.pause ? 'pause' : 'open')}}</label>
<div class="ui toggle checkbox" ref="fail_notify" v-if="$appConfig.alarm">
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" v-bind:checked="job.fail_notify">
<label>{{$L(job.fail_notify ? 'warning on' : 'warning off')}}</label>
<div class="inline fields" ref="kind">
<label>{{$L('job type')}}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" v-model="job.kind" name="kind" value="0" tabindex="0" class="hidden"/>
<label>{{$L('common job')}}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" v-model="job.kind" name="kind" value="1" tabindex="0" class="hidden"/>
<label>{{$L('single node single process')}}</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" v-model="job.kind" name="kind" value="2" tabindex="0" class="hidden"/>
<label>{{$L('group level common')}}
<i class="help circle link icon" data-position="top right" :data-html="$L('group level common help')" data-variation="wide"></i>
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('job name')}}</label>
<input type="text" ref="name" v-bind:value="" v-on:input="updateValue($" :placeholder="$L('job name')">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('job group')}}</label>
<Dropdown :title="$L('select a group')" v-bind:allowAdditions="true" v-bind:items="groups" v-bind:selected="" v-on:change="changeGroup"></Dropdown>
<div class="fields">
<div class="twelve wide field">
<label>{{$L('script path')}} {{allowSuffixsTip}}</label>
<input type="text" v-model="job.cmd" :placeholder="$L('script path')">
<div class="four wide field">
<label>{{$L($ ? 'user(required)' : 'user(optional)')}}</label>
<Dropdown v-if="$" :title="$L('the user which to execute the command')" v-bind:items="$" v-bind:selected="job.user" v-on:change="changeUser"></Dropdown>
<input v-else type="text" v-model="job.user" :placeholder="$L('the user which to execute the command')">
<div class="field" v-if="$appConfig.alarm && job.fail_notify">
<label>{{$L('warning receiver')}}</label>
<Dropdown :title="$L('e-mail address')" v-bind:items="alarmReceivers" v-bind:selected="" v-on:change="changeAlarmReceiver" v-bind:multiple="true" v-bind:allowAdditions="true"/>
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('timeout(in seconds, 0 for no limits)')}}</label>
<input type="number" ref="timeout" v-model.number="job.timeout">
<div class="field" v-show="job.kind === 0">
<label>{{$L('parallel number in one node(0 for no limits)')}}</label>
<input type="number" ref="parallels" v-model.number="job.parallels">
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('retries(number of retries when failed, 0 means no retry)')}}</label>
<input type="number" ref="retry" v-model.number="job.retry">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('retry interval(in seconds)')}}</label>
<input type="number" ref="interval" v-model.number="job.interval">
2017-12-07 07:37:01 +00:00
<div class="two fields" v-if="$appConfig.log_expiration_days>0">
<div class="field">
<label>{{$L('log expiration(log expired after N days, 0 will use default setting: {n} days)', $appConfig.log_expiration_days)}}</label>
<input type="number" ref="log_expiration" v-model.number="job.log_expiration">
2017-08-17 06:52:53 +00:00
<div class="field">
<span v-if="!job.rules || job.rules.length == 0"><i class="warning circle icon"></i>{{$L('the job dose not have a timer currently, please click the button below to add a timer')}}</span>
<JobEditRule v-for="(rule, index) in job.rules" :key="" v-bind:rule="rule" :index="index" v-on:remove="removeRule" v-on:change="changeRule"/>
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<button class="fluid ui button" v-on:click="addNewTimer" type="button"><i class="history icon"></i> {{$L('add timer')}}</button>
<div class="field">
<button class="fluid blue ui button" type="button" v-on:click="submit"><i class="upload icon"></i> {{$L('save job')}}</button>
import JobEditRule from './JobEditRule.vue';
import Dropdown from './basic/Dropdown.vue';
import {split} from '../libraries/functions';
export default {
name: 'job-edit-form',
data: function(){
return {
action: 'CREATE',
groups: [],
alarmReceivers: [],
loading: false,
allowSuffixsTip: '',
job: {
id: '',
kind: 0, // 0 == 普通任务1 == 单机任务
name: '',
oldGroup: '',
group: '',
user: '',
cmd: '',
pause: false,
parallels: 0,
timeout: 0,
interval: 0,
retry: 0,
rules: [],
fail_notify: false,
2017-12-07 07:37:01 +00:00
log_expiration: 0,
2017-08-17 06:52:53 +00:00
to: []
methods: {
updateValue: function(v){
var tv = v.replace(/[\*\/]/g, ''); = tv;
if (tv !== v) {
this.$ = tv;
addNewTimer: function(){
if (!this.job.rules) this.job.rules = [];
this.job.rules.push({id: this.newRandomRuleId()});
changeGroup: function(val, text){ = val;
changeUser: function(val, text){
this.job.user = val;
changeAlarmReceiver: function(val, text){ = split(val, ',');
removeRule: function(index){
this.job.rules.splice(index, 1);
changeRule: function(index, key, val){
this.job.rules[index][key] = val;
submit: function(){
var exceptCode = this.action == 'CREATE' ? 201 : 200;
this.loading = true;
var vm = this;
this.$rest.PUT('job', this.job)
.onsucceed(exceptCode, ()=>{vm.$router.push('/job')})
.onfailed((resp)=>{vm.$bus.$emit('error', resp)})
newRandomRuleId: function(){
return 'NEW'+Math.random().toString();
mounted: function(){
var vm = this;
var secCnf = vm.$;
if ( {
if (secCnf.ext && secCnf.ext.length > 0) {
vm.allowSuffixsTip = vm.$L('(only [{.suffixs}] files can be allowed)', secCnf.ext.join(' '));
if (vm.$route.path.indexOf('/job/create') === 0) {
vm.action = 'CREATE';
} else {
vm.action = 'UPDATE';
onsucceed(200, (resp)=>{
vm.job = resp;
vm.alarmReceivers =;
vm.job.oldGroup =;
if (vm.job.rules) {
for (var i in vm.job.rules) {
if (vm.job.rules[i].id.length == 0) {
vm.job.rules[i].id = vm.newRandomRuleId();
onfailed((msg)=> vm.$bus.$emit('error', data)).
vm.$rest.GET('job/groups').onsucceed(200, (resp)=>{
!resp.includes('default') && resp.unshift('default');
vm.groups = resp;
onChange: function(){
vm.job.pause = !vm.job.pause;
onChange: function(){
vm.job.fail_notify = !vm.job.fail_notify;
onChange: function(){
vm.job.kind = +$(vm.$refs.kind).find('input[type=radio]:checked').val();
components: {