mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop
2468 lines
83 KiB
Executable File
2468 lines
83 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# pylint: disable=not-callable, no-member
# indent = tab
# tab-size = 4
# Copyright 2020 Aristocratos (jakob@qvantnet.com)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os, sys, threading, signal, re, subprocess, logging, logging.handlers
from time import time, sleep, strftime, localtime
from datetime import timedelta
from _thread import interrupt_main
from select import select
from distutils.util import strtobool
from string import Template
from math import ceil, floor
from random import randint
from shutil import which
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union, Any, Callable, ContextManager, Iterable, Type
errors: List[str] = []
try: import fcntl, termios, tty
except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{e}')
try: import psutil # type: ignore
except Exception as e: errors.append(f'{e}')
SELF_START = time()
if "linux" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "Linux"
elif "bsd" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "BSD"
elif "darwin" in sys.platform: SYSTEM = "MacOS"
else: SYSTEM = "Other"
if errors:
print ("ERROR!")
for error in errors:
if SYSTEM == "Other":
print("\nUnsupported platform!\n")
print("\nInstall required modules!\n")
#? Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
BANNER_SRC: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = [
("#ffa50a", "#0fd7ff", "██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗████████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗"),
("#f09800", "#00bfe6", "██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗"),
("#db8b00", "#00a6c7", "██████╔╝██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝"),
("#c27b00", "#008ca8", "██╔══██╗██╔═══╝ ╚██╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔═══╝ "),
("#a86b00", "#006e85", "██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║"),
("#000000", "#000000", "╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝"),
VERSION: str = "0.4.1"
#*?This is the template used to create the config file
DEFAULT_CONF: Template = Template(f'#? Config file for bpytop v. {VERSION}' + '''
#* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "~/.config/bpytop/themes" and "~/.config/bpytop/user_themes", "Default" for builtin default theme
#* Corresponding folder with a trailing / needs to be appended, example: color_theme="user_themes/monokai"
#* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs.
#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive",
#* "cpu lazy" updates top process over time, "cpu responsive" updates top process directly.
#* Reverse sorting order, True or False.
#* Show processes as a tree
#* Check cpu temperature, needs "vcgencmd" on Raspberry Pi and "osx-cpu-temp" on MacOS X.
#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable.
#* Update main ui in background when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort.
#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable.
#* Show color gradient in process list, True or False.
#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power.
#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be last folder in path of a mountpoint, "root" replaces "/", separate multiple values with comma.
#* Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude filter, oterwise defaults to "most include" filter. Example: disks_filter="exclude=boot, home"
#* Show graphs instead of meters for memory values.
#* If swap memory should be shown in memory box.
#* Show swap as a disk, ignores show_swap value above, inserts itself after first disk.
#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info.
#* Enable check for new version from github.com/aristocratos/bpytop at start.
#* Set loglevel for "~/.config/bpytop/error.log" levels are: "CRITICAL" "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".
#* The level set includes all lower levels, i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.
CONFIG_DIR: str = f'{os.path.expanduser("~")}/.config/bpytop'
if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG_DIR):
except PermissionError:
print(f'ERROR!\nNo permission to write to "{CONFIG_DIR}" directory!')
CONFIG_FILE: str = f'{CONFIG_DIR}/bpytop.conf'
THEME_DIR: str = f'{CONFIG_DIR}/themes'
USER_THEME_DIR: str = f'{CONFIG_DIR}/user_themes'
CORES: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) or 1
THREADS: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) or 1
DEFAULT_THEME: Dict[str, str] = {
"main_bg" : "",
"main_fg" : "#cc",
"title" : "#ee",
"hi_fg" : "#90",
"selected_bg" : "#7e2626",
"selected_fg" : "#ee",
"inactive_fg" : "#40",
"proc_misc" : "#0de756",
"cpu_box" : "#3d7b46",
"mem_box" : "#8a882e",
"net_box" : "#423ba5",
"proc_box" : "#923535",
"div_line" : "#30",
"temp_start" : "#4897d4",
"temp_mid" : "#5474e8",
"temp_end" : "#ff40b6",
"cpu_start" : "#50f095",
"cpu_mid" : "#f2e266",
"cpu_end" : "#fa1e1e",
"free_start" : "#223014",
"free_mid" : "#b5e685",
"free_end" : "#dcff85",
"cached_start" : "#0b1a29",
"cached_mid" : "#74e6fc",
"cached_end" : "#26c5ff",
"available_start" : "#292107",
"available_mid" : "#ffd77a",
"available_end" : "#ffb814",
"used_start" : "#3b1f1c",
"used_mid" : "#d9626d",
"used_end" : "#ff4769",
"download_start" : "#231a63",
"download_mid" : "#4f43a3",
"download_end" : "#b0a9de",
"upload_start" : "#510554",
"upload_mid" : "#7d4180",
"upload_end" : "#dcafde"
#? Units for floating_humanizer function
UNITS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = {
"bit" : ("bit", "Kib", "Mib", "Gib", "Tib", "Pib", "Eib", "Zib", "Yib", "Bib", "GEb"),
"byte" : ("Byte", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB", "BiB", "GEB")
#? Setup error logger ---------------------------------------------------------------->
errlog = logging.getLogger("ErrorLogger")
eh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(f'{CONFIG_DIR}/error.log', maxBytes=1048576, backupCount=4)
eh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%d/%m/%y (%X)"))
except PermissionError:
print(f'ERROR!\nNo permission to write to "{CONFIG_DIR}" directory!')
#! Timers, remove ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
class Timer:
timers: Dict[str, float] = {}
paused: Dict[str, float] = {}
def start(cls, name):
cls.timers[name] = time()
def pause(cls, name):
if name in cls.timers:
cls.paused[name] = time() - cls.timers[name]
del cls.timers[name]
def stop(cls, name):
if name in cls.timers:
total: float = time() - cls.timers[name]
del cls.timers[name]
if name in cls.paused:
total += cls.paused[name]
del cls.paused[name]
errlog.debug(f'{name} completed in {total:.6f} seconds')
def timerd(func):
def timed(*args, **kw):
ts = time()
out = func(*args, **kw)
te = time()
errlog.debug(f'{func.__name__} completed in {te - ts:.6f} seconds')
return out
return timed
#! Timers, remove -----------------------------------------------------------------------<
#? Set up config class and load config ------------------------------------------------>
class Config:
'''Holds all config variables and functions for loading from and saving to disk'''
keys: List[str] = ["color_theme", "update_ms", "proc_sorting", "proc_reversed", "proc_tree", "check_temp", "draw_clock", "background_update", "custom_cpu_name", "proc_gradient", "proc_per_core", "disks_filter", "update_check", "log_level", "mem_graphs", "show_swap", "swap_disk", "show_disks"]
conf_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = {}
color_theme: str = "Default"
update_ms: int = 2500
proc_sorting: str = "cpu lazy"
proc_reversed: bool = False
proc_tree: bool = False
check_temp: bool = True
draw_clock: str = "%X"
background_update: bool = True
custom_cpu_name: str = ""
proc_gradient: bool = True
proc_per_core: bool = False
disks_filter: str = ""
update_check: bool = True
mem_graphs: bool = True
show_swap: bool = False
swap_disk: bool = True
show_disks: bool = True
log_level: str = "WARNING"
warnings: List[str] = []
sorting_options: List[str] = ["pid", "program", "arguments", "threads", "user", "memory", "cpu lazy", "cpu responsive"]
log_levels: List[str] = ["CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
changed: bool = False
recreate: bool = False
config_file: str = ""
_initialized: bool = False
def __init__(self, path: str):
self.config_file = path
conf: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = self.load_config()
if not "version" in conf.keys():
self.recreate = True
self.warnings.append(f'Config file malformatted or missing, will be recreated on exit!')
elif conf["version"] != VERSION:
self.recreate = True
self.warnings.append(f'Config file version and bpytop version missmatch, will be recreated on exit!')
for key in self.keys:
if key in conf.keys() and conf[key] != "_error_":
setattr(self, key, conf[key])
self.recreate = True
self.conf_dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
self._initialized = True
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if self._initialized:
object.__setattr__(self, "changed", True)
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
if name not in ["_initialized", "recreate", "changed"]:
self.conf_dict[name] = value
def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]:
'''Load config from file, set correct types for values and return a dict'''
new_config: Dict[str,Union[str, int, bool]] = {}
if not os.path.isfile(self.config_file): return new_config
with open(self.config_file, "r") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("#? Config"):
new_config["version"] = line[line.find("v. ") + 3:]
for key in self.keys:
if line.startswith(key):
line = line.lstrip(key + "=")
if line.startswith('"'):
line = line.strip('"')
if type(getattr(self, key)) == int:
new_config[key] = int(line)
except ValueError:
self.warnings.append(f'Config key "{key}" should be an integer!')
if type(getattr(self, key)) == bool:
new_config[key] = bool(strtobool(line))
except ValueError:
self.warnings.append(f'Config key "{key}" can only be True or False!')
if type(getattr(self, key)) == str:
new_config[key] = str(line)
except Exception as e:
if "proc_sorting" in new_config and not new_config["proc_sorting"] in self.sorting_options:
new_config["proc_sorting"] = "_error_"
self.warnings.append(f'Config key "proc_sorted" didn\'t get an acceptable value!')
if "log_level" in new_config and not new_config["log_level"] in self.log_levels:
new_config["log_level"] = "_error_"
self.warnings.append(f'Config key "log_level" didn\'t get an acceptable value!')
return new_config
def save_config(self):
'''Save current config to config file if difference in values or version, creates a new file if not found'''
if not self.changed and not self.recreate: return
with open(self.config_file, "w" if os.path.isfile(self.config_file) else "x") as f:
except Exception as e:
CONFIG: Config = Config(CONFIG_FILE)
errlog.setLevel(getattr(logging, CONFIG.log_level))
errlog.info(f'New instance of bpytop version {VERSION} started with pid {os.getpid()}')
errlog.debug(f'Loglevel set to {CONFIG.log_level}')
if CONFIG.warnings:
for warning in CONFIG.warnings:
CONFIG.warnings = []
except Exception as e:
#? Classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
class Term:
"""Terminal info and commands"""
width: int = os.get_terminal_size().columns #* Current terminal width in columns
height: int = os.get_terminal_size().lines #* Current terminal height in lines
resized: bool = False
_w : int = 0
_h : int = 0
fg: str = "" #* Default foreground color
bg: str = "" #* Default background color
hide_cursor = "\033[?25l" #* Hide terminal cursor
show_cursor = "\033[?25h" #* Show terminal cursor
alt_screen = "\033[?1049h" #* Switch to alternate screen
normal_screen = "\033[?1049l" #* Switch to normal screen
clear = "\033[2J\033[0;0f" #* Clear screen and set cursor to position 0,0
def refresh(cls, *args):
"""Update width, height and set resized flag if terminal has been resized"""
if cls.resized == True: return
cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
while (cls._w, cls._h) != (cls.width, cls.height):
cls.resized = True
Collector.collect_interrupt = True
cls.width, cls.height = cls._w, cls._h
Draw.now(f'{create_box(cls._w // 2 - 25, cls._h // 2 - 2, 50, 3, "resizing")}{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.b}{Mv.r(12)}Width : {cls._w} Height: {cls._h}')
while cls._w < 80 or cls._h < 24:
Draw.now(f'{create_box(cls._w // 2 - 25, cls._h // 2 - 2, 50, 4, "warning")}{THEME.main_fg}{Fx.b}{Mv.r(12)}Width: {cls._w} Height: {cls._h}\
{Mv.to(cls._h // 2, cls._w // 2 - 23)}Width and Height needs to be at least 80x24!')
cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
cls._w, cls._h = os.get_terminal_size()
cls.resized = False
Box.draw_bg(now=True if not Init.running else False)
def echo(on: bool):
"""Toggle input echo"""
(iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc) = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())
if on:
lflag |= termios.ECHO # type: ignore
lflag &= ~termios.ECHO # type: ignore
new_attr = [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc]
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSANOW, new_attr)
class Fx:
"""Text effects
* trans(string: str): Replace whitespace with escape move right to not paint background in whitespace.
* uncolor(string: str) : Removes all color and returns string with THEME.inactive_fg color."""
start = "\033[" #* Escape sequence start
sep = ";" #* Escape sequence separator
end = "m" #* Escape sequence end
reset = rs = "\033[0m" #* Reset foreground/background color and text effects
bold = b = "\033[1m" #* Bold on
unbold = ub = "\033[22m" #* Bold off
dark = d = "\033[2m" #* Dark on
undark = ud = "\033[22m" #* Dark off
italic = i = "\033[3m" #* Italic on
unitalic = ui = "\033[23m" #* Italic off
underline = u = "\033[4m" #* Underline on
ununderline = uu = "\033[24m" #* Underline off
blink = bl = "\033[5m" #* Blink on
unblink = ubl = "\033[25m" #* Blink off
strike = s = "\033[9m" #* Strike / crossed-out on
unstrike = us = "\033[29m" #* Strike / crossed-out off
color_re = re.compile(r"\033\[\d+;\d?;?\d*;?\d*;?\d*m")
def trans(string: str):
return string.replace(" ", "\033[1C")
def uncolor(cls, string: str) -> str:
return f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{cls.color_re.sub("", string)}{Term.fg}'
class Raw(object):
"""Set raw input mode for device"""
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
self.fd = self.stream.fileno()
def __enter__(self):
self.original_stty = termios.tcgetattr(self.stream)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
termios.tcsetattr(self.stream, termios.TCSANOW, self.original_stty)
class Nonblocking(object):
"""Set nonblocking mode for device"""
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
self.fd = self.stream.fileno()
def __enter__(self):
self.orig_fl = fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.orig_fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
def __exit__(self, *args):
fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.orig_fl)
class Mv:
"""Class with collection of cursor movement functions: .t[o](line, column) | .r[ight](columns) | .l[eft](columns) | .u[p](lines) | .d[own](lines) | .save() | .restore()"""
def to(line: int, col: int) -> str:
return f'\033[{line};{col}f' #* Move cursor to line, column
def right(x: int) -> str: #* Move cursor right x columns
return f'\033[{x}C'
def left(x: int) -> str: #* Move cursor left x columns
return f'\033[{x}D'
def up(x: int) -> str: #* Move cursor up x lines
return f'\033[{x}A'
def down(x: int) -> str: #* Move cursor down x lines
return f'\033[{x}B'
save: str = "\033[s" #* Save cursor position
restore: str = "\033[u" #* Restore saved cursor postion
t = to
r = right
l = left
u = up
d = down
class Key:
"""Handles the threaded input reader"""
list: List[str] = []
new = threading.Event()
idle = threading.Event()
stopping: bool = False
started: bool = False
reader: threading.Thread
def start(cls):
cls.stopping = False
cls.reader = threading.Thread(target=cls._get_key)
cls.started = True
def stop(cls):
if cls.started and cls.reader.is_alive():
cls.stopping = True
def last(cls) -> str:
if cls.list: return cls.list.pop()
else: return ""
def get(cls) -> str:
if cls.list: return cls.list.pop(0)
else: return ""
def has_key(cls) -> bool:
if cls.list: return True
else: return False
def clear(cls):
cls.list = []
def input_wait(cls, sec: float = 0.0) -> bool:
'''Returns True if key is detected else waits out timer and returns False'''
cls.new.wait(sec if sec > 0 else 0.0)
if cls.new.is_set():
return True
return False
def _get_key(cls):
"""Get a single key from stdin, convert to readable format and save to keys list. Meant to be run in it's own thread."""
input_key: str = ""
clean_key: str = ""
escape: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], str] = {
"\n" : "enter",
("\x7f", "\x08") : "backspace",
("[A", "OA") : "up",
("[B", "OB") : "down",
("[D", "OD") : "left",
("[C", "OC") : "right",
"[2~" : "insert",
"[3~" : "delete",
"[H" : "home",
"[F" : "end",
"[5~" : "page_up",
"[6~" : "page_down",
"[Z" : "shift_tab",
"OP" : "f1",
"OQ" : "f2",
"OR" : "f3",
"OS" : "f4",
"[15" : "f5",
"[17" : "f6",
"[18" : "f7",
"[19" : "f8",
"[20" : "f9",
"[21" : "f10",
"[23" : "f11",
"[24" : "f12"
while not cls.stopping:
with Raw(sys.stdin):
if not select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)[0]: #* Wait 100ms for input on stdin then restart loop to check for stop flag
cls.idle.clear() #* Report IO block in progress to prevent Draw functions to get IO Block error
input_key += sys.stdin.read(1)
if input_key == "\033": #* If first character is a escape sequence read 5 more keys
Draw.idle.wait() #* Wait for Draw function to finish if busy
with Nonblocking(sys.stdin): #* Set non blocking to prevent read stall if less than 5 characters
input_key += sys.stdin.read(5)
if input_key == "\033": clean_key = "escape" #* Key is escape if only containing \033
elif input_key == "\\": clean_key = "\\" #* Clean up "\" to not return escaped
for code in escape.keys(): #* Go trough dict of escape codes to get the cleaned key name
if input_key.lstrip("\033").startswith(code):
clean_key = escape[code]
else: #* If not found in escape dict and length of key is 1, assume regular character
if len(input_key) == 1:
clean_key = input_key
if testing: errlog.debug(f'Input key: {repr(input_key)} Clean key: {clean_key}') #! Remove
if clean_key:
cls.list.append(clean_key) #* Store up to 10 keys in input queue for later processing
if len(cls.list) > 10: del cls.list[0]
clean_key = ""
cls.new.set() #* Set threading event to interrupt main thread sleep
input_key = ""
cls.idle.set() #* Report IO blocking done
except Exception as e:
errlog.exception(f'Input thread failed with exception: {e}')
clean_quit(1, thread=True)
class Draw:
'''Holds the draw buffer and manages IO blocking queue
* .buffer([+]name[!], *args, append=False, now=False, z=100) : Add *args to buffer
* - Adding "+" prefix to name sets append to True and appends to name's current string
* - Adding "!" suffix to name sets now to True and print name's current string
* .out(clear=False) : Print all strings in buffer, clear=True clear all buffers after
* .now(*args) : Prints all arguments as a string
* .clear(*names) : Clear named buffers, all if no argument
* .last_screen() : Prints all saved buffers
strings: Dict[str, str] = {}
z_order: Dict[str, int] = {}
last: Dict[str, str] = {}
idle = threading.Event()
def now(cls, *args):
'''Wait for input reader to be idle then print to screen'''
print(*args, sep="", end="", flush=True)
except BlockingIOError:
print(*args, sep="", end="", flush=True)
def buffer(cls, name: str, *args: str, append: bool = False, now: bool = False, z: int = 100, save: bool = False, uncolor: bool = False):
string: str = ""
if name.startswith("+"):
name = name.lstrip("+")
append = True
if name.endswith("!"):
name = name.rstrip("!")
now = True
if not name in cls.z_order or z != 100: cls.z_order[name] = z
if args: string = "".join(args)
if uncolor: string = Fx.uncolor(string)
if name not in cls.strings or not append: cls.strings[name] = ""
if save:
if name not in cls.last or not append: cls.last[name] = ""
cls.last[name] = string
cls.strings[name] += string
if now: cls.now(string)
def out(cls, *names: str, clear = False):
out: str = ""
if not cls.strings: return
if names:
for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True):
if name in names:
out += cls.strings[name]
cls.last[name] = out
if clear:
del cls.strings[name]
del cls.z_order[name]
for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True):
if name in cls.strings:
out += cls.strings[name]
cls.last[name] = out
if clear: cls.strings = {}
def last_buffer(cls) -> str:
out: str = ""
for name in sorted(cls.z_order, key=cls.z_order.get, reverse=True):
if name in cls.last:
out += cls.last[name]
return out
def clear(cls, *names, last: bool = False):
if names:
for name in names:
if name in cls.strings:
del cls.strings[name]
if last:
del cls.z_order[name]
if name in cls.last: del cls.last[name]
cls.strings = {}
if last: cls.last = {}
class Color:
'''Holds representations for a 24-bit color value
__init__(color, depth="fg", default=False)
-- color accepts 6 digit hexadecimal: string "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hexadecimal: string "#FF" or decimal RGB "255 255 255" as a string.
-- depth accepts "fg" or "bg"
__call__(*args) converts arguments to a string and apply color
__str__ returns escape sequence to set color
__iter__ returns iteration over red, green and blue in integer values of 0-255.
* Values: .hexa: str | .dec: Tuple[int, int, int] | .red: int | .green: int | .blue: int | .depth: str | .escape: str
hexa: str; dec: Tuple[int, int, int]; red: int; green: int; blue: int; depth: str; escape: str; default: bool
def __init__(self, color: str, depth: str = "fg", default: bool = False):
self.depth = depth
self.default = default
if not color:
self.dec = (-1, -1, -1)
self.hexa = ""
self.red = self.green = self.blue = -1
self.escape = "\033[49m" if depth == "bg" and default else ""
elif color.startswith("#"):
self.hexa = color
if len(self.hexa) == 3:
self.hexa += self.hexa[1:3] + self.hexa[1:3]
c = int(self.hexa[1:3], base=16)
self.dec = (c, c, c)
elif len(self.hexa) == 7:
self.dec = (int(self.hexa[1:3], base=16), int(self.hexa[3:5], base=16), int(self.hexa[5:7], base=16))
raise ValueError(f'Incorrectly formatted hexadeciaml rgb string: {self.hexa}')
c_t = tuple(map(int, color.split(" ")))
if len(c_t) == 3:
self.dec = c_t #type: ignore
raise ValueError(f'RGB dec should be "0-255 0-255 0-255"')
ct = self.dec[0] + self.dec[1] + self.dec[2]
if ct > 255*3 or ct < 0:
raise ValueError(f'RGB values out of range: {color}')
except Exception as e:
self.escape = ""
if self.dec and not self.hexa: self.hexa = f'{hex(self.dec[0]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}{hex(self.dec[1]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}{hex(self.dec[2]).lstrip("0x").zfill(2)}'
if self.dec and self.hexa:
self.red, self.green, self.blue = self.dec
self.escape = f'\033[{38 if self.depth == "fg" else 48};2;{";".join(str(c) for c in self.dec)}m'
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.escape
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return repr(self.escape)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable:
for c in self.dec: yield c
def __call__(self, *args: str) -> str:
if len(args) == 0: return ""
return f'{self.escape}{"".join(args)}{getattr(Term, self.depth)}'
def escape_color(hexa: str = "", r: int = 0, g: int = 0, b: int = 0, depth: str = "fg") -> str:
"""Returns escape sequence to set color
* accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal hexa="#RRGGBB", 2 digit hexadecimal: hexa="#FF"
* or decimal RGB: r=0-255, g=0-255, b=0-255
* depth="fg" or "bg"
dint: int = 38 if depth == "fg" else 48
color: str = ""
if hexa:
if len(hexa) == 3:
c = int(hexa[1:], base=16)
color = f'\033[{dint};2;{c};{c};{c}m'
elif len(hexa) == 7:
color = f'\033[{dint};2;{int(hexa[1:3], base=16)};{int(hexa[3:5], base=16)};{int(hexa[5:7], base=16)}m'
except ValueError as e:
color = f'\033[{dint};2;{r};{g};{b}m'
return color
def fg(cls, *args) -> str:
if len(args) > 1: return cls.escape_color(r=args[0], g=args[1], b=args[2], depth="fg")
else: return cls.escape_color(hexa=args[0], depth="fg")
def bg(cls, *args) -> str:
if len(args) > 1: return cls.escape_color(r=args[0], g=args[1], b=args[2], depth="bg")
else: return cls.escape_color(hexa=args[0], depth="bg")
class Theme:
'''__init__ accepts a dict containing { "color_element" : "color" }'''
themes: Dict[str, str] = {}
cached: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = { "Default" : DEFAULT_THEME }
current: str = ""
main_bg = main_fg = title = hi_fg = selected_bg = selected_fg = inactive_fg = proc_misc = cpu_box = mem_box = net_box = proc_box = div_line = temp_start = temp_mid = temp_end = cpu_start = cpu_mid = cpu_end = free_start = free_mid = free_end = cached_start = cached_mid = cached_end = available_start = available_mid = available_end = used_start = used_mid = used_end = download_start = download_mid = download_end = upload_start = upload_mid = upload_end = NotImplemented
gradient: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
"temp" : [],
"cpu" : [],
"free" : [],
"cached" : [],
"available" : [],
"used" : [],
"download" : [],
"upload" : []
def __init__(self, theme: str):
def __call__(self, theme: str):
for k in self.gradient.keys(): self.gradient[k] = []
def _load_theme(self, theme: str):
tdict: Dict[str, str]
if theme in self.cached:
tdict = self.cached[theme]
elif theme in self.themes:
tdict = self._load_file(self.themes[theme])
self.cached[theme] = tdict
errlog.warning(f'No theme named "{theme}" found!')
theme = "Default"
CONFIG.color_theme = theme
self.current = theme
#if CONFIG.color_theme != theme: CONFIG.color_theme = theme
#* Get key names from DEFAULT_THEME dict to not leave any color unset if missing from theme dict
for item, value in DEFAULT_THEME.items():
default = False if item not in ["main_fg", "main_bg"] else True
depth = "fg" if item not in ["main_bg", "selected_bg"] else "bg"
if item in tdict.keys():
setattr(self, item, Color(tdict[item], depth=depth, default=default))
setattr(self, item, Color(value, depth=depth, default=default))
#* Create color gradients from one, two or three colors, 101 values indexed 0-100
rgb: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int]]
colors: List[List[int]] = []
for name in self.gradient.keys():
rgb = { "start" : getattr(self, f'{name}_start').dec, "mid" : getattr(self, f'{name}_mid').dec, "end" : getattr(self, f'{name}_end').dec }
colors = [ list(getattr(self, f'{name}_start')) ]
if rgb["end"][0] >= 0:
r = 50 if rgb["mid"][0] >= 0 else 100
for first, second in ["start", "mid" if r == 50 else "end"], ["mid", "end"]:
for i in range(r):
colors += [[rgb[first][n] + i * (rgb[second][n] - rgb[first][n]) // r for n in range(3)]]
if r == 100:
self.gradient[name] += [ Color.fg(*color) for color in colors ]
c = Color.fg(*rgb["start"])
for _ in range(100):
self.gradient[name] += [c]
#* Set terminal colors
Term.fg, Term.bg = self.main_fg, self.main_bg
Draw.now(self.main_fg, self.main_bg)
def refresh(self):
'''Sets themes dict with names and paths to all found themes'''
self.themes = { "Default" : "Default" }
for f in os.listdir(d):
if f.endswith(".theme"):
self.themes[f'{f[:-6] if d == THEME_DIR else f[:-6] + "*"}'] = f'{d}/{f}'
except Exception as e:
def _load_file(path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
'''Load a bashtop formatted theme file and return a dict'''
new_theme: Dict[str, str] = {}
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith("theme["): continue
key = line[6:line.find("]")]
s = line.find('"')
value = line[s + 1:line.find('"', s + 1)]
new_theme[key] = value
except Exception as e:
return new_theme
class Banner:
'''Holds the bpytop banner, .draw(line, [col=0], [center=False], [now=False])'''
out: List[str] = []
c_color: str = ""
length: int = 0
if not out:
for num, (color, color2, line) in enumerate(BANNER_SRC):
if len(line) > length: length = len(line)
out_var = ""
line_color = Color.fg(color)
line_color2 = Color.fg(color2)
line_dark = Color.fg(f'#{80 - num * 6}')
for n, letter in enumerate(line):
if letter == "█" and c_color != line_color:
if n > 5 and n < 25: c_color = line_color2
else: c_color = line_color
out_var += c_color
elif letter == " ":
letter = f'{Mv.r(1)}'
c_color = ""
elif letter != "█" and c_color != line_dark:
c_color = line_dark
out_var += line_dark
out_var += letter
def draw(cls, line: int, col: int = 0, center: bool = False, now: bool = False):
out: str = ""
if center: col = Term.width // 2 - cls.length // 2
for n, o in enumerate(cls.out):
out += f'{Mv.to(line + n, col)}{o}'
out += f'{Term.fg}'
if now: Draw.out(out)
else: return out
class Symbol:
h_line: str = "─"
v_line: str = "│"
left_up: str = "┌"
right_up: str = "┐"
left_down: str = "└"
right_down: str = "┘"
title_left: str = "┤"
title_right: str = "├"
div_up: str = "┬"
div_down: str = "┴"
graph_up: Dict[float, str] = {
0.0 : " ", 0.1 : "⢀", 0.2 : "⢠", 0.3 : "⢰", 0.4 : "⢸",
1.0 : "⡀", 1.1 : "⣀", 1.2 : "⣠", 1.3 : "⣰", 1.4 : "⣸",
2.0 : "⡄", 2.1 : "⣄", 2.2 : "⣤", 2.3 : "⣴", 2.4 : "⣼",
3.0 : "⡆", 3.1 : "⣆", 3.2 : "⣦", 3.3 : "⣶", 3.4 : "⣾",
4.0 : "⡇", 4.1 : "⣇", 4.2 : "⣧", 4.3 : "⣷", 4.4 : "⣿"
graph_up_small = graph_up.copy()
graph_up_small[0.0] = "\033[1C"
graph_down: Dict[float, str] = {
0.0 : " ", 0.1 : "⠈", 0.2 : "⠘", 0.3 : "⠸", 0.4 : "⢸",
1.0 : "⠁", 1.1 : "⠉", 1.2 : "⠙", 1.3 : "⠹", 1.4 : "⢹",
2.0 : "⠃", 2.1 : "⠋", 2.2 : "⠛", 2.3 : "⠻", 2.4 : "⢻",
3.0 : "⠇", 3.1 : "⠏", 3.2 : "⠟", 3.3 : "⠿", 3.4 : "⢿",
4.0 : "⡇", 4.1 : "⡏", 4.2 : "⡟", 4.3 : "⡿", 4.4 : "⣿"
graph_down_small = graph_down.copy()
graph_down_small[0.0] = "\033[1C"
meter: str = "■"
ok: str = f'{Color.fg("#30ff50")}√{Color.fg("#cc")}'
fail: str = f'{Color.fg("#ff3050")}!{Color.fg("#cc")}'
class Graph:
'''Class for creating and adding to graphs
* __str__ : returns graph as a string
* add(value: int) : adds a value to graph and returns it as a string
* __call__ : same as add
out: str
width: int
height: int
graphs: Dict[bool, List[str]]
colors: List[str]
invert: bool
max_value: int
offset: int
current: bool
last: int
symbol: Dict[float, str]
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, color: Union[List[str], Color, None], data: List[int], invert: bool = False, max_value: int = 0, offset: int = 0):
self.graphs: Dict[bool, List[str]] = {False : [], True : []}
self.current: bool = True
self.colors: List[str] = []
if isinstance(color, list) and height > 1:
for i in range(1, height + 1): self.colors.insert(0, color[i * 100 // height]) #* Calculate colors of graph
if invert: self.colors.reverse()
elif isinstance(color, Color) and height > 1:
self.colors = [ f'{color}' for _ in range(height) ]
if isinstance(color, list): self.colors = color
elif isinstance(color, Color): self.colors = [ f'{color}' for _ in range(101) ]
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.invert = invert
self.offset = offset
if not data: data = [0]
if max_value:
self.max_value = max_value
data = [ (v + offset) * 100 // (max_value + offset) if v < max_value else 100 for v in data ] #* Convert values to percentage values of max_value with max_value as ceiling
self.max_value = 0
if self.height == 1:
self.symbol = Symbol.graph_down_small if invert else Symbol.graph_up_small
self.symbol = Symbol.graph_down if invert else Symbol.graph_up
value_width: int = ceil(len(data) / 2)
filler: str = ""
if value_width > width: #* If the size of given data set is bigger then width of graph, shrink data set
data = data[-(width*2):]
value_width = ceil(len(data) / 2)
elif value_width < width: #* If the size of given data set is smaller then width of graph, fill graph with whitespace
filler = self.symbol[0.0] * (width - value_width)
if len(data) % 2 == 1: data.insert(0, 0)
for _ in range(height):
for b in [True, False]:
self._create(data, new=True)
def _create(self, data: List[int], new: bool = False):
h_high: int
h_low: int
value: Dict[str, int] = { "left" : 0, "right" : 0 }
val: int
side: str
#* Create the graph
for h in range(self.height):
h_high = round(100 * (self.height - h) / self.height) if self.height > 1 else 100
h_low = round(100 * (self.height - (h + 1)) / self.height) if self.height > 1 else 0
for v in range(len(data)):
if new: self.current = bool(v % 2) #* Switch between True and False graphs
if new and v == 0: self.last = 0
for val, side in [self.last, "left"], [data[v], "right"]: # type: ignore
if val >= h_high:
value[side] = 4
elif val <= h_low:
value[side] = 0
if self.height == 1: value[side] = round(val * 4 / 100 + 0.5)
else: value[side] = round((val - h_low) * 4 / (h_high - h_low) + 0.1)
if new: self.last = data[v]
self.graphs[self.current][h] += self.symbol[float(value["left"] + value["right"] / 10)]
if data: self.last = data[-1]
self.out = ""
if self.height == 1:
self.out += f'{"" if not self.colors else self.colors[self.last]}{self.graphs[self.current][0]}'
elif self.height > 1:
for h in range(self.height):
if h > 0: self.out += f'{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(self.width)}'
self.out += f'{"" if not self.colors else self.colors[h]}{self.graphs[self.current][h if not self.invert else (self.height - 1) - h]}'
if self.colors: self.out += f'{Term.fg}'
def add(self, value: int) -> str:
self.current = not self.current
if self.height == 1:
if self.graphs[self.current][0].startswith(self.symbol[0.0]):
self.graphs[self.current][0] = self.graphs[self.current][0].replace(self.symbol[0.0], "", 1)
self.graphs[self.current][0] = self.graphs[self.current][0][1:]
for n in range(self.height):
self.graphs[self.current][n] = self.graphs[self.current][n][1:]
if self.max_value: value = (value + self.offset) * 100 // (self.max_value + self.offset) if value < self.max_value else 100
return self.out
def __call__(self, value: int) -> str:
return self.add(value)
def __str__(self):
return self.out
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.out)
class Graphs:
'''Holds all graphs and lists of graphs for dynamically created graphs'''
cpu: Dict[str, Graph] = {}
cores: List[Graph] = [NotImplemented] * THREADS
temps: List[Graph] = [NotImplemented] * (THREADS + 1)
net: Graph
detailed_cpu: Graph
detailed_mem: Graph
pid_cpu: Dict[int, Graph] = {}
class Meter:
'''Creates a percentage meter
__init__(value, width, theme, gradient_name) to create new meter
__call__(value) to set value and return meter as a string
__str__ returns last set meter as a string
out: str
color_gradient: List[str]
color_inactive: Color
width: int
saved: Dict[int, str]
def __init__(self, value: int, width: int, gradient_name: str):
self.color_gradient = THEME.gradient[gradient_name]
self.color_inactive = THEME.inactive_fg
self.width = width
self.out = self._create(value)
self.saved = { value : self.out }
def __call__(self, value: int):
if value in self.saved.keys():
self.out = self.saved[value]
self.out = self._create(value)
self.saved[value] = self.out
return self.out
def __str__(self):
return self.out
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.out)
def _create(self, value: int):
if value > 100: value = 100
elif value < 0: value = 100
out: str = ""
for i in range(1, self.width + 1):
if value >= round(i * 100 / self.width):
out += f'{self.color_gradient[round(i * 100 / self.width)]}{Symbol.meter}'
out += self.color_inactive(Symbol.meter * (self.width + 1 - i))
out += f'{Term.fg}'
return out
class Meters:
cpu: Meter
mem: Dict[str, Union[Meter, Graph]] = {}
swap: Dict[str, Union[Meter, Graph]] = {}
disks_used: Dict[str, Meter] = {}
disks_free: Dict[str, Meter] = {}
class Box:
'''Box class with all needed attributes for create_box() function'''
name: str
height_p: int
width_p: int
x: int
y: int
width: int
height: int
out: str
bg: str
_b_cpu_h: int
_b_mem_h: int
redraw_all: bool
buffers: List[str] = []
resized: bool = False
def calc_sizes(cls):
'''Calculate sizes of boxes'''
for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
sub._calc_size() # type: ignore
sub.resized = True # type: ignore
def draw_update_ms(cls, now: bool = True):
Draw.buffer("update_ms!" if now and not Menu.active else "update_ms", f'{Mv.to(CpuBox.y - 1, CpuBox.x + CpuBox.width - len(str(CONFIG.update_ms)) - 7)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("+")} '
f'{THEME.title(str(CONFIG.update_ms))} {THEME.hi_fg("+")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}', save=True if Menu.active else False)
if now and not Menu.active: Draw.clear("update_ms")
def draw_bg(cls, now: bool = True):
'''Draw all boxes outlines and titles'''
Draw.buffer("bg!" if now and not Menu.active else "bg", "".join(sub._draw_bg() for sub in cls.__subclasses__()), z=1000, save=True if Menu.active else False) # type: ignore
if now and not Menu.active: Draw.clear("bg")
class SubBox:
box_x: int = 0
box_y: int = 0
box_width: int = 0
box_height: int = 0
box_columns: int = 0
column_size: int = 0
class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
name = "cpu"
x = 1
y = 1
height_p = 32
width_p = 100
resized: bool = True
buffer: str = "cpu"
def _calc_size(cls):
cls.width = round(Term.width * cls.width_p / 100)
cls.height = round(Term.height * cls.height_p / 100)
Box._b_cpu_h = cls.height
cls.box_columns = ceil((THREADS + 1) / (cls.height - 5))
if cls.box_columns * (24 + 13 if CONFIG.check_temp else 24) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4): cls.column_size = 2
elif cls.box_columns * (19 + 6 if CONFIG.check_temp else 19) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4): cls.column_size = 1
elif cls.box_columns * (10 + 6 if CONFIG.check_temp else 10) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4): cls.column_size = 0
else: cls.box_columns = (cls.width - cls.width // 4) // (10 + 6 if CONFIG.check_temp else 10); cls.column_size = 0
if cls.column_size == 2: cls.box_width = (24 + 13 if CONFIG.check_temp else 24) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
elif cls.column_size == 1: cls.box_width = (19 + 6 if CONFIG.check_temp else 19) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
else: cls.box_width = (11 + 6 if CONFIG.check_temp else 11) * cls.box_columns + 1
cls.box_height = ceil(THREADS / cls.box_columns) + 4
if cls.box_height > cls.height - 2: cls.box_height = cls.height - 2
cls.box_x = (cls.width - 1) - cls.box_width
cls.box_y = cls.y + ceil((cls.height - 2) / 2) - ceil(cls.box_height / 2) + 1
def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
return (f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.cpu_box)}'
f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.x + 10)}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg("m")}{THEME.title("enu")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.cpu_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
f'{create_box(x=cls.box_x, y=cls.box_y, width=cls.box_width, height=cls.box_height, line_color=THEME.div_line, fill=False, title=CPU_NAME[:18 if CONFIG.check_temp else 9])}')
def _draw_fg(cls):
cpu = CpuCollector
out: str = ""
lavg: str = ""
x, y, w, h = cls.x + 1, cls.y + 1, cls.width - 2, cls.height - 2
bx, by, bw, bh = cls.box_x + 1, cls.box_y + 1, cls.box_width - 2, cls.box_height - 2
hh: int = ceil(h / 2)
if cls.resized:
Graphs.cpu["up"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, hh, THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_usage[0])
Graphs.cpu["down"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, h - hh, THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_usage[0], invert=True)
Meters.cpu = Meter(cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1], (bw - 9 - 13 if CONFIG.check_temp else bw - 9), "cpu")
if cls.column_size > 0:
for n in range(THREADS):
Graphs.cores[n] = Graph(5 * cls.column_size, 1, None, cpu.cpu_usage[n + 1])
if CONFIG.check_temp:
Graphs.temps[0] = Graph(5, 1, None, cpu.cpu_temp[0], max_value=cpu.cpu_temp_crit, offset=-23)
if cls.column_size > 1:
for n in range(1, THREADS + 1):
Graphs.temps[n] = Graph(5, 1, None, cpu.cpu_temp[n], max_value=cpu.cpu_temp_crit, offset=-23)
cx = cy = cc = 0
ccw = (bw + 1) // cls.box_columns
freq: str = f'{cpu.cpu_freq} Mhz' if cpu.cpu_freq < 1000 else f'{float(cpu.cpu_freq / 1000):.1f} GHz'
out += (f'{Mv.to(by - 1, bx + bw - 9)}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title(freq)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.div_line(Symbol.title_right)}'
f'{Mv.to(y, x)}{Graphs.cpu["up"](cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1])}{Mv.to(y + hh, x)}{Graphs.cpu["down"](cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1])}'
f'{THEME.main_fg}{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{"CPU "}{Meters.cpu(cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1])}'
if CONFIG.check_temp:
out += (f'{THEME.inactive_fg} ⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀{Mv.l(5)}{THEME.gradient["temp"][cpu.cpu_temp[0][-1]]}{Graphs.temps[0](cpu.cpu_temp[0][-1])}'
cy += 1
for n in range(1, THREADS + 1):
out += f'{THEME.main_fg}{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{"Core" + str(n):<{7 if cls.column_size > 0 else 5}}'
if cls.column_size > 0:
out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{"⡀" * (5 * cls.column_size)}{Mv.l(5 * cls.column_size)}{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}{Graphs.cores[n-1](cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1])}'
out += f'{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}'
out += f'{cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]:>4}{THEME.main_fg}%'
if CONFIG.check_temp:
if cls.column_size > 1:
out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg} ⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀{Mv.l(5)}{THEME.gradient["temp"][cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1]]}{Graphs.temps[n](cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1])}'
out += f'{THEME.gradient["temp"][cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1]]}'
out += f'{cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1]:>4}{THEME.main_fg}°C'
cy += 1
if cy == bh:
cc += 1; cy = 1; cx = ccw * cc
if cc == cls.box_columns: break
if cy < bh - 1: cy = bh - 1
if cls.column_size == 2 and CONFIG.check_temp:
lavg = f'Load Average: {" ".join(str(l) for l in cpu.load_avg):^18.18}'
elif cls.column_size == 2 or (cls.column_size == 1 and CONFIG.check_temp):
lavg = f'L-AVG: {" ".join(str(l) for l in cpu.load_avg):^14.14}'
lavg = f'{" ".join(str(round(l, 1)) for l in cpu.load_avg):^11.11}'
out += f'{Mv.to(by + cy, bx + cx)}{THEME.main_fg}{lavg}'
out += f'{Mv.to(y + h - 1, x + 1)}{THEME.inactive_fg}up {cpu.uptime}'
Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out}{Term.fg}', save=Menu.active)
cls.resized = False
class MemBox(Box):
name = "mem"
height_p = 40
width_p = 45
x = 1
y = 1
mem_meter: int = 0
mem_size: int = 0
disk_meter: int = 0
divider: int = 0
mem_width: int = 0
disks_width: int = 0
graph_height: int
resized: bool = True
redraw: bool = False
buffer: str = "mem"
swap_on: bool = CONFIG.show_swap
mem_names: List[str] = ["used", "available", "cached", "free"]
swap_names: List[str] = ["used", "free"]
def _calc_size(cls):
cls.width = round(Term.width * cls.width_p / 100)
cls.height = round(Term.height * cls.height_p / 100) + 1
Box._b_mem_h = cls.height
cls.y = Box._b_cpu_h + 1
if CONFIG.show_disks:
cls.mem_width = ceil((cls.width - 3) / 2)
cls.disks_width = cls.width - cls.mem_width - 3
if cls.mem_width + cls.disks_width < cls.width - 2: cls.mem_width += 1
cls.divider = cls.x + cls.mem_width
cls.mem_width = cls.width - 1
if cls.height - (3 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 2) > 2 * (6 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 4): cls.mem_size = 3
elif cls.mem_width > 25: cls.mem_size = 2
else: cls.mem_size = 1
cls.mem_meter = cls.width - (cls.disks_width if CONFIG.show_disks else 0) - (9 if cls.mem_size > 2 else 20)
if cls.mem_size == 1: cls.mem_meter += 6
if cls.mem_meter < 1: cls.mem_meter = 0
if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
cls.graph_height = round(((cls.height - (2 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 1)) - (2 if cls.mem_size == 3 else 1) * (6 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 4)) / (6 if cls.swap_on and not CONFIG.swap_disk else 4))
if cls.graph_height == 0: cls.graph_height = 1
if cls.graph_height > 1: cls.mem_meter += 6
cls.graph_height = 0
if CONFIG.show_disks:
cls.disk_meter = cls.width - cls.mem_width - 23
if cls.disks_width < 25:
cls.disk_meter += 10
if cls.disk_meter < 1: cls.disk_meter = 0
def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
out: str = ""
out += f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.mem_box)}'
if CONFIG.show_disks:
out += (f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.divider + 2)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.title("disks")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
f'{Mv.to(cls.y, cls.divider)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.div_up)}'
f'{Mv.to(cls.y + cls.height - 1, cls.divider)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.div_down)}{THEME.div_line}'
f'{"".join(f"{Mv.to(cls.y + i, cls.divider)}{Symbol.v_line}" for i in range(1, cls.height - 1))}')
return out
def _draw_fg(cls):
mem = MemCollector
out: str = ""
gbg: str = ""
gmv: str = ""
gli: str = ""
x, y, h = cls.x + 1, cls.y + 1, cls.height - 2
if cls.resized:
Meters.mem = {}
Meters.swap = {}
Meters.disks_used = {}
Meters.disks_free = {}
if cls.mem_meter > 0:
for name in cls.mem_names:
if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
Meters.mem[name] = Graph(cls.mem_meter, cls.graph_height, THEME.gradient[name], mem.vlist[name])
Meters.mem[name] = Meter(mem.percent[name], cls.mem_meter, name)
if cls.swap_on:
for name in cls.swap_names:
if CONFIG.mem_graphs and not CONFIG.swap_disk:
Meters.swap[name] = Graph(cls.mem_meter, cls.graph_height, THEME.gradient[name], mem.swap_vlist[name])
elif CONFIG.swap_disk:
Meters.disks_used["__swap"] = Meter(mem.swap_percent["used"], cls.disk_meter, "used")
if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
Meters.disks_free["__swap"] = Meter(mem.swap_percent["free"], cls.disk_meter, "free")
Meters.swap[name] = Meter(mem.swap_percent[name], cls.mem_meter, name)
if cls.disk_meter > 0:
for name in mem.disks.keys():
Meters.disks_used[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["used_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "used")
if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
Meters.disks_free[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["free_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "free")
#* Mem
out += f'{Mv.to(y, x+1)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}Total:{mem.string["total"]:>{cls.mem_width - 9}}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}'
cx = 1; cy = 1
# if cls.graph_height == 1:
# gbg = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{"⡀" * cls.mem_meter}{Mv.l(cls.mem_meter)}{THEME.main_fg}'
if cls.graph_height > 0:
gli = f'{Mv.l(2)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}{Symbol.h_line * (cls.mem_width - 1)}{"" if CONFIG.show_disks else THEME.mem_box}{Symbol.title_left}{Mv.l(cls.mem_width - 1)}{THEME.title}'
if cls.graph_height >= 2:
gbg = f'{Mv.l(1)}'
gmv = f'{Mv.l(cls.mem_width - 2)}{Mv.u(cls.graph_height - 1)}'
for name in cls.mem_names:
if cls.mem_size > 2:
out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{name.capitalize()[:None if cls.mem_width > 21 else 5]+":":<{1 if cls.mem_width > 21 else 6.6}}{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx + cls.mem_width - 3 - (len(mem.string[name])))}{mem.string[name]}'
f'{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx)}{gbg}{Meters.mem[name](mem.percent[name])}{gmv}{str(mem.percent[name])+"%":>4}'); cy += 2 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height + 1
out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{name.capitalize():{5.5 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 1.1}} {gbg}{Meters.mem[name](mem.percent[name])}{mem.string[name][:None if cls.mem_size > 1 else -2]:>{9 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 7}}'; cy += 1 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height
#* Swap
if cls.swap_on and CONFIG.show_swap and not CONFIG.swap_disk:
if h - cy > 5:
if cls.graph_height > 0: out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}'
cy += 1
out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}Swap:{mem.swap_string["total"]:>{cls.mem_width - 8}}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}'; cy += 1
for name in cls.swap_names:
if cls.mem_size > 2:
out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}{name.capitalize()[:None if cls.mem_width > 21 else 5]+":":<{1 if cls.mem_width > 21 else 6.6}}{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx + cls.mem_width - 3 - (len(mem.swap_string[name])))}{mem.swap_string[name]}'
f'{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx)}{gbg}{Meters.swap[name](mem.swap_percent[name])}{gmv}{str(mem.swap_percent[name])+"%":>4}'); cy += 2 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height + 1
out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{name.capitalize():{5.5 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 1.1}} {gbg}{Meters.swap[name](mem.swap_percent[name])}{mem.swap_string[name][:None if cls.mem_size > 1 else -2]:>{9 if cls.mem_size > 1 else 7}}'; cy += 1 if not cls.graph_height else cls.graph_height
if cls.graph_height > 0 and not cy == h: out += f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{gli}'
#* Disks
if CONFIG.show_disks:
cx = x + cls.mem_width - 1; cy = 0
for name, item in mem.disks.items():
if cy > h - 2: break
out += (f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{item["name"]:{cls.disks_width - 2}.12}{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + cls.disks_width - 11)}{item["total"][:None if cls.disks_width >= 25 else -2]:>9}'
f'{Mv.to(y+cy, x + cx + (cls.disks_width // 2) - (len(item["io"]) // 2) - 2)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{item["io"]}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg}{Mv.to(y+cy+1, x+cx)}')
out += f'Used:{str(item["used_percent"]) + "%":>4} ' if cls.disks_width >= 25 else "U "
out += f'{Meters.disks_used[name]}{item["used"][:None if cls.disks_width >= 25 else -2]:>{9 if cls.disks_width >= 25 else 7}}'; cy += 2
if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
if cy > h - 1: break
out += Mv.to(y+cy, x+cx)
out += f'Free:{str(item["free_percent"]) + "%":>4} ' if cls.disks_width >= 25 else f'{"F "}'
out += f'{Meters.disks_free[name]}{item["free"][:None if cls.disks_width >= 25 else -2]:>{9 if cls.disks_width >= 25 else 7}}'; cy += 1
if len(mem.disks) * 4 <= h + 1: cy += 1
Draw.buffer(cls.buffer, f'{out}{Term.fg}', save=Menu.active)
cls.resized = False
class NetBox(Box, SubBox):
name = "net"
height_p = 28
width_p = 45
x = 1
y = 1
redraw: bool = True
buffer: str = "net"
def _calc_size(cls):
cls.width = round(Term.width * cls.width_p / 100)
cls.height = Term.height - Box._b_cpu_h - Box._b_mem_h
cls.y = Term.height - cls.height + 1
cls.box_width = 24
cls.box_height = 9 if cls.height > 12 else cls.height - 2
cls.box_x = cls.width - cls.box_width - 2
cls.box_y = cls.y + ((cls.height - 2) // 2) - cls.box_height // 2 + 1
cls.redraw_all = True
def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
return f'{create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.net_box)}\
{create_box(x=cls.box_x, y=cls.box_y, width=cls.box_width, height=cls.box_height, line_color=THEME.div_line, fill=False, title="Download", title2="Upload")}'
class ProcBox(Box):
name = "proc"
height_p = 68
width_p = 55
x = 1
y = 1
detailed: bool = False
detailed_x: int = 0
detailed_y: int = 0
detailed_width: int = 0
detailed_height: int = 8
redraw: bool = True
buffer: str = "proc"
def _calc_size(cls):
cls.width = round(Term.width * cls.width_p / 100)
cls.height = round(Term.height * cls.height_p / 100)
cls.x = Term.width - cls.width + 1
cls.y = Box._b_cpu_h + 1
cls.detailed_x = cls.x
cls.detailed_y = cls.y
cls.detailed_height = 8
cls.detailed_width = cls.width
cls.redraw_all = True
def _draw_bg(cls) -> str:
return create_box(box=cls, line_color=THEME.proc_box)
class Collector:
'''Data collector master class
* .start(): Starts collector thread
* .stop(): Stops collector thread
* .collect(*collectors: Collector, draw_now: bool = True, interrupt: bool = False): queues up collectors to run'''
stopping: bool = False
started: bool = False
draw_now: bool = False
thread: threading.Thread
collect_run = threading.Event()
collect_idle = threading.Event()
collect_done = threading.Event()
collect_queue: List = []
collect_interrupt: bool = False
def start(cls):
cls.stopping = False
cls.thread = threading.Thread(target=cls._runner, args=())
cls.started = True
def stop(cls):
if cls.started and cls.thread.is_alive():
cls.stopping = True
cls.started = False
cls.collect_queue = []
def _runner(cls):
'''This is meant to run in it's own thread, collecting and drawing when collect_run is set'''
draw_buffers: List[str] = []
while not cls.stopping:
if not cls.collect_run.is_set():
draw_buffers = []
#if cls.collect_interrupt and bkp_queue:
# for q in bkp_queue:
# if q not in cls.collect_queue: cls.collect_queue.append(q)
#bkp_queue = []
cls.collect_interrupt = False
while cls.collect_queue:
collector = cls.collect_queue.pop()
if cls.collect_interrupt: break
if cls.draw_now and not Menu.active and not cls.collect_interrupt:
except Exception as e:
errlog.exception(f'Data collection thread failed with exception: {e}')
clean_quit(1, thread=True)
def collect(cls, *collectors, draw_now: bool = True, interrupt: bool = False):
'''Setup collect queue for _runner'''
#* Set interrupt flag if True to stop _runner prematurely
cls.collect_interrupt = interrupt
#* Wait for _runner to finish
#* Reset interrupt flag
cls.collect_interrupt = False
#* Set draw_now flag if True to draw to screen instead of buffer
cls.draw_now = draw_now
#* Append any collector given as argument to _runner queue
if collectors:
cls.collect_queue = [*collectors]
#* Add all collectors to _runner queue if no collectors in argument
cls.collect_queue = list(cls.__subclasses__())
#* Set run flag to start _runner
class CpuCollector(Collector):
'''Collects cpu usage for cpu and cores, cpu frequency, load_avg, uptime and cpu temps'''
cpu_usage: List[List[int]] = []
cpu_temp: List[List[int]] = []
cpu_temp_high: int = 0
cpu_temp_crit: int = 0
for _ in range(THREADS + 1):
cpu_freq: int = 0
load_avg: List[float] = []
uptime: str = ""
buffer: str = CpuBox.buffer
def _get_sensors() -> str:
'''Check if we can get cpu temps and return method of getting temps'''
if SYSTEM == "MacOS":
if which("osx-cpu-temp") and subprocess.check_output("osx-cpu-temp", text=True).rstrip().endswith("°C"):
return "osx-cpu-temp"
except: pass
elif hasattr(psutil, "sensors_temperatures"):
temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
if temps:
for _, entries in temps.items():
for entry in entries:
if entry.label.startswith(("Package", "Core 0", "Tdie")):
return "psutil"
except: pass
if SYSTEM == "Linux" and which("vcgencmd") and subprocess.check_output("vcgencmd measure_temp", text=True).rstrip().endswith("'C"):
return "vcgencmd"
except: pass
return ""
sensor_method: str = _get_sensors.__func__() # type: ignore
got_sensors: bool = True if sensor_method else False
def _collect(cls):
for n, thread in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True), start=1):
if len(cls.cpu_usage[n]) > Term.width * 2:
del cls.cpu_usage[n][0]
cls.cpu_freq = round(psutil.cpu_freq().current)
cls.load_avg = [round(lavg, 2) for lavg in os.getloadavg()]
cls.uptime = str(timedelta(seconds=round(time()-psutil.boot_time(),0)))[:-3]
if CONFIG.check_temp and cls.got_sensors:
def _collect_temps(cls):
temp: int
cores: List[int] = []
cpu_type: str = ""
if cls.sensor_method == "psutil":
for _, entries in psutil.sensors_temperatures().items():
for entry in entries:
if entry.label.startswith(("Package", "Tdie")):
cpu_type = "ryzen" if entry.label.startswith("Package") else "ryzen"
if not cls.cpu_temp_high:
cls.cpu_temp_high, cls.cpu_temp_crit = round(entry.high), round(entry.critical)
temp = round(entry.current)
elif entry.label.startswith(("Core", "Tccd")):
if not cpu_type:
cpu_type = "other"
if not cls.cpu_temp_high:
cls.cpu_temp_high, cls.cpu_temp_crit = round(entry.high), round(entry.critical)
temp = round(entry.current)
if len(cores) < THREADS:
if cpu_type == "intel" or (cpu_type == "other" and len(cores) == THREADS // 2):
for n, t in enumerate(cores, start=1):
cls.cpu_temp[THREADS // 2 + n].append(t)
elif cpu_type == "ryzen" or cpu_type == "other":
if len(cores) < 1: cores.append(temp)
z = 1
for t in cores:
for i in range(THREADS // len(cores)):
cls.cpu_temp[z + i].append(t)
z += i
cores.insert(0, temp)
for n, t in enumerate(cores):
if cls.sensor_method == "osx-cpu-temp":
temp = round(float(subprocess.check_output("osx-cpu-temp", text=True).rstrip().rstrip("°C")))
elif cls.sensor_method == "vcgencmd":
temp = round(float(subprocess.check_output("vcgencmd measure_temp", text=True).rstrip().rstrip("'C")))
except Exception as e:
cls.got_sensors = False
CONFIG.check_temp = False
for n in range(THREADS + 1):
if len(cls.cpu_temp[0]) > 5:
for n in range(len(cls.cpu_temp)):
del cls.cpu_temp[n][0]
def _draw(cls):
class MemCollector(Collector):
'''Collects memory and disks information'''
values: Dict[str, int] = {}
vlist: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
percent: Dict[str, int] = {}
string: Dict[str, str] = {}
swap_values: Dict[str, int] = {}
swap_vlist: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
swap_percent: Dict[str, int] = {}
swap_string: Dict[str, str] = {}
disks: Dict[str, Dict]
disk_hist: Dict[str, Tuple] = {}
excludes: List[str] = ["squashfs"]
if SYSTEM == "BSD": excludes += ["devfs", "tmpfs", "procfs", "linprocfs", "gvfs", "fusefs"]
buffer: str = MemBox.buffer
def _collect(cls):
#* Collect memory
mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
if hasattr(mem, "cached"):
cls.values["cached"] = mem.cached
cls.values["cached"] = mem.active
cls.values["total"], cls.values["free"], cls.values["available"] = mem.total, mem.free, mem.available
cls.values["used"] = cls.values["total"] - cls.values["available"]
for key, value in cls.values.items():
cls.string[key] = floating_humanizer(value)
if key == "total": continue
cls.percent[key] = round(value * 100 / cls.values["total"])
if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
if not key in cls.vlist: cls.vlist[key] = []
if len(cls.vlist[key]) > MemBox.width: del cls.vlist[key][0]
#* Collect swap
if CONFIG.show_swap or CONFIG.swap_disk:
swap = psutil.swap_memory()
cls.swap_values["total"], cls.swap_values["free"] = swap.total, swap.free
cls.swap_values["used"] = cls.swap_values["total"] - cls.swap_values["free"]
MemBox.swap_on = bool(swap.total)
if swap.total:
MemBox.swap_on = True
for key, value in cls.swap_values.items():
cls.swap_string[key] = floating_humanizer(value)
if key == "total": continue
cls.swap_percent[key] = round(value * 100 / cls.swap_values["total"])
if CONFIG.mem_graphs:
if not key in cls.swap_vlist: cls.swap_vlist[key] = []
if len(cls.swap_vlist[key]) > MemBox.width: del cls.swap_vlist[key][0]
MemBox.swap_on = False
MemBox.swap_on = False
if not CONFIG.show_disks: return
#* Collect disks usage
disk_read: int = 0
disk_write: int = 0
dev_name: str
disk_name: str
filtering: Tuple = ()
filter_exclude: bool = False
io_string: str
u_percent: int
disk_list: List[str] = []
cls.disks = {}
if CONFIG.disks_filter:
if CONFIG.disks_filter.startswith("exclude="):
filter_exclude = True
filtering = tuple(v.strip() for v in CONFIG.disks_filter.replace("exclude=", "").strip().split(","))
filtering = tuple(v.strip() for v in CONFIG.disks_filter.strip().split(","))
io_counters = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True if SYSTEM == "Linux" else False, nowrap=True)
for disk in psutil.disk_partitions():
disk_io = None
io_string = ""
disk_name = disk.mountpoint.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] if not disk.mountpoint == "/" else "root"
while disk_name in disk_list: disk_name += "_"
disk_list += [disk_name]
if cls.excludes and disk.fstype in cls.excludes:
if filtering and ((not filter_exclude and not disk_name.endswith(filtering)) or (filter_exclude and disk_name.endswith(filtering))):
#elif filtering and disk_name.endswith(filtering)
if SYSTEM == "MacOS" and disk.mountpoint == "/private/var/vm":
disk_u = psutil.disk_usage(disk.mountpoint)
u_percent = round(disk_u.percent)
cls.disks[disk.device] = {}
cls.disks[disk.device]["name"] = disk_name
cls.disks[disk.device]["used_percent"] = u_percent
cls.disks[disk.device]["free_percent"] = 100 - u_percent
for name in ["total", "used", "free"]:
cls.disks[disk.device][name] = floating_humanizer(getattr(disk_u, name, 0))
#* Collect disk io
if SYSTEM == "Linux":
dev_name = os.path.realpath(disk.device).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
if dev_name.startswith("md"):
dev_name = dev_name[:dev_name.index("p")]
disk_io = io_counters[dev_name]
elif disk.mountpoint == "/":
disk_io = io_counters
raise Exception
disk_read = disk_io.read_bytes - cls.disk_hist[disk.device][0]
disk_write = disk_io.write_bytes - cls.disk_hist[disk.device][1]
disk_read = disk_write = 0
if disk_io:
cls.disk_hist[disk.device] = (disk_io.read_bytes, disk_io.write_bytes)
if MemBox.disks_width > 30:
if disk_read > 0:
io_string += f'▲{floating_humanizer(disk_read, short=True)} '
if disk_write > 0:
io_string += f'▼{floating_humanizer(disk_write, short=True)}'
elif disk_read + disk_write > 0:
io_string += f'▼▲{floating_humanizer(disk_read + disk_write, short=True)}'
cls.disks[disk.device]["io"] = io_string
if CONFIG.swap_disk:
cls.disks["__swap"] = {}
cls.disks["__swap"]["name"] = "swap"
cls.disks["__swap"]["used_percent"] = cls.swap_percent["used"]
cls.disks["__swap"]["free_percent"] = cls.swap_percent["free"]
for name in ["total", "used", "free"]:
cls.disks["__swap"][name] = cls.swap_string[name]
cls.disks["__swap"]["io"] = ""
if len(cls.disks) > 2:
new = { list(cls.disks)[0] : cls.disks.pop(list(cls.disks)[0])}
new["__swap"] = cls.disks.pop("__swap")
cls.disks = new
def _draw(cls):
#class ProcCollector(Collector): #! add interrupt on _collect and _draw
def testing_collectors():
# CONFIG.check_temp = True
# Box.calc_sizes()
#for _ in range(1000):
while True:
Draw.now(Mv.to(1, 1))
Draw.now(Mv.to(Term.height - 5, 1))
#Draw.now(f'Cpu usage: {CpuCollector.cpu_usage}\nCpu freq: {CpuCollector.cpu_freq}\nLoad avg: {CpuCollector.load_avg}\n\
# Temps: {CpuCollector.cpu_temp}\n')
class Menu:
'''Holds the main menu and all submenus'''
active: bool = False
#Draw.buffer("menubg", Draw.last_buffer, z=1000, uncolor=True)
#Draw.clear("menubg", last=True)
#? Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
def get_cpu_name() -> str:
'''Fetch a suitable CPU identifier from the CPU model name string'''
name: str = ""
nlist: List = []
command: str = ""
cmd_out: str = ""
rem_line: str = ""
if SYSTEM == "Linux":
command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
rem_line = "model name"
elif SYSTEM == "MacOS":
command ="sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
elif SYSTEM == "BSD":
command ="sysctl hw.model"
rem_line = "hw.model"
cmd_out = subprocess.check_output("LANG=C " + command, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
if rem_line:
for line in cmd_out.split("\n"):
if rem_line in line:
name = re.sub( ".*" + rem_line + ".*:", "", line,1).lstrip()
name = cmd_out
nlist = name.split(" ")
if "Xeon" in name:
name = nlist[nlist.index("CPU")+1]
elif "Ryzen" in name:
name = " ".join(nlist[nlist.index("Ryzen"):nlist.index("Ryzen")+3])
elif "CPU" in name:
name = nlist[nlist.index("CPU")-1]
return name
def create_box(x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, title: str = "", title2: str = "", line_color: Color = None, fill: bool = True, box = None) -> str:
'''Create a box from a box object or by given arguments'''
out: str = f'{Term.fg}{Term.bg}'
if not line_color: line_color = THEME.div_line
#* Get values from box class if given
if box:
x = box.x
y = box.y
width = box.width
height =box.height
title = box.name
vlines: Tuple[int, int] = (x, x + width - 1)
hlines: Tuple[int, int] = (y, y + height - 1)
#* Fill box if enabled
if fill:
for i in range(y + 1, y + height - 1):
out += f'{Mv.to(i, x)}{" " * (width - 1)}'
out += f'{line_color}'
#* Draw all horizontal lines
for hpos in hlines:
out += f'{Mv.to(hpos, x)}{Symbol.h_line * (width - 1)}'
#* Draw all vertical lines
for vpos in vlines:
for hpos in range(y, y + height - 1):
out += f'{Mv.to(hpos, vpos)}{Symbol.v_line}'
#* Draw corners
out += f'{Mv.to(y, x)}{Symbol.left_up}\
{Mv.to(y, x + width - 1)}{Symbol.right_up}\
{Mv.to(y + height - 1, x)}{Symbol.left_down}\
{Mv.to(y + height - 1, x + width - 1)}{Symbol.right_down}'
#* Draw titles if enabled
if title:
out += f'{Mv.to(y, x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{title}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
if title2:
out += f'{Mv.to(y + height - 1, x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{title2}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
return f'{out}{Term.fg}{Mv.to(y + 1, x + 1)}'
def now_sleeping(signum, frame):
"""Reset terminal settings and stop background input read before putting to sleep"""
Draw.now(Term.clear, Term.normal_screen, Term.show_cursor)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSTOP)
def now_awake(signum, frame):
"""Set terminal settings and restart background input read"""
Draw.now(Term.alt_screen, Term.clear, Term.hide_cursor)
def quit_sigint(signum, frame):
"""SIGINT redirection to clean_quit()"""
def clean_quit(errcode: int = 0, errmsg: str = "", thread: bool = False):
"""Stop background input read, save current config and reset terminal settings before quitting"""
if thread:
THREAD_ERROR = errcode
if not errcode: CONFIG.save_config()
if not testing: Draw.now(Term.clear, Term.normal_screen, Term.show_cursor) #! Enable
else: Draw.now(Term.show_cursor) #! Remove
if errcode == 0:
errlog.info(f'Exiting. Runtime {timedelta(seconds=round(time() - SELF_START, 0))} \n')
errlog.warning(f'Exiting with errorcode ({errcode}). Runtime {timedelta(seconds=round(time() - SELF_START, 0))} \n')
if not errmsg: errmsg = f'Bpytop exited with errorcode ({errcode}). See {CONFIG_DIR}/error.log for more information!'
if errmsg: print(errmsg)
raise SystemExit(errcode)
def floating_humanizer(value: Union[float, int], bit: bool = False, per_second: bool = False, start: int = 0, short: bool = False) -> str:
'''Scales up in steps of 1024 to highest possible unit and returns string with unit suffixed
* bit=True or defaults to bytes
* start=int to set 1024 multiplier starting unit
* short=True always returns 0 decimals and shortens unit to 1 character
out: str = ""
unit: Tuple[str, ...] = UNITS["bit"] if bit else UNITS["byte"]
selector: int = start if start else 0
mult: int = 8 if bit else 1
if value <= 0: value = 0
if isinstance(value, float): value = round(value * 100 * mult)
elif value > 0: value *= 100 * mult
while len(f'{value}') > 5 and value >= 102400:
value >>= 10
if value < 100:
out = f'{value}'
selector += 1
if len(f'{value}') < 5 and len(f'{value}') >= 2 and selector > 0:
decimals = 5 - len(f'{value}')
out = f'{value}'[:-2] + "." + f'{value}'[-decimals:]
elif len(f'{value}') >= 2:
out = f'{value}'[:-2]
if short: out = out.split(".")[0]
out += f'{"" if short else " "}{unit[selector][0] if short else unit[selector]}'
if per_second: out += "/s" if bit else "ps"
return out
#? Main function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
def main():
#? Pre main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
CPU_NAME: str = get_cpu_name()
testing = True #! Remove
#! For testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
def waitone(t: float = 0.0):
if t > 0.0: Key.new.wait(t)
else: Key.new.wait()
def testing_gradients():
# for theme in THEME.themes.keys():
# THEME(theme)
# timer = time()
for key in THEME.gradient.keys():
# Draw.now(f'Theme creation of {CONFIG.color_theme} took {time() - timer:.5f} seconds\n\n')
# THEME("Default")
def testing_humanizer():
for i in range(1, 101, 3):
for n in range(1, 6):
Draw.now(floating_humanizer(i * (1050 * n) * (n << 10 ), bit=False, per_second=False, short=False), " ")
for i in range(1, 30):
for n in range(1, 8):
Draw.now(floating_humanizer((995 + i) << (n * 10), bit=False), " ")
def testing_colors():
for item, _ in DEFAULT_THEME.items():
Draw.buffer("+testing", Fx.b, getattr(THEME, item)(f'{item:<20}'), Fx.ub, f'{"hex=" + getattr(THEME, item).hexa:<20} dec={getattr(THEME, item).dec}\n')
def testing_boxes():
Draw.now(Mv.to(Term.height - 3, 1))
#Draw.now(create_box(20, 20, 15, 10, "Hej"))
#Draw.now(Term.normal_screen, Term.show_cursor)
def testing_banner():
Draw.buffer("banner", Banner.draw(18, center=True))
Draw.now(Mv.to(35, 1))
def testing_meter():
for _ in range(10):
Draw.buffer("+meters", "1234567890")
Draw.buffer("+meters", "\n")
stamp = time()
test_meter = Meter(0, Term.width, "cpu")
for i in range(0,101, 2):
Draw.buffer("+meters", test_meter(i), "\n")
Draw.buffer("+meter", f'{time() - stamp}')
def testing_keyinput():
line: str = ""
this_key: str = ""
count: int = 0
while True:
count += 1
Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(1,1)}{Fx.b}{THEME.temp_start("Count:")} {count} {THEME.cached_mid("Time:")} {strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())}',
f'{Color.fg("#ff")} Width: {Term.width} Height: {Term.height} Resized: {Term.resized}')
if Key.input_wait(1):
while Key.list:
this_key = Key.list.pop()
Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(2,1)}{Color.fg("#ff9050")}{Fx.b}Last key= {Term.fg}{Fx.ub}{repr(this_key):14}{" "}')
if this_key == "backspace":
line = line[:-1]
elif this_key == "escape":
line = ""
elif this_key == "Q":
elif this_key == "R":
raise Exception("Test ERROR")
elif len(this_key) == 1:
line += this_key
Draw.now(f'{Color.fg("#90ff50")}{Fx.b}Command= {Term.fg}{Fx.ub}{line}{Fx.bl}| {Fx.ubl}\033[0K\n')
if this_key == "enter":
def testing_graphs():
my_data = [x for x in range(0, 101)]
my_data += [x for x in range(100, -1, -1)]
my_graph = Graph(100, 1, THEME.main_fg, my_data)
Draw.now(f'{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(0, 0)}{my_graph}')
my_data100 = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(Term.width * 2)]
my_data2 = my_data[-90:]
my_data3 = my_data[:86]
my_colors = []
for i in range(51):
for _ in range(2): my_colors.append(Color.fg(i, i, i))
my_graph = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, my_colors, my_data100, invert=True)
my_graph2 = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, my_colors, my_data100, invert=False)
# my_graph3 = Graph(100 // 3 + 10, 1, THEME.proc_misc, my_data2)
# my_graph4 = Graph(100 // 3 + 10, 1, THEME.proc_misc, my_data3)
# my_graph5 = Graph(100, Term.height // 3, THEME.inactive_fg, my_data)
#pause = re.compile(r"\033\[\d+;\d?;?\d*;?\d*;?\d*m{1}")
#repl = "\033[0;37m"
banner = Banner.draw(Term.height // 3 - 2, center=True)
Draw.now(f'{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(0, 0)}{my_graph}\
{Mv.to(Term.height // 2, 0)}{my_graph2}\
# {Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3), Term.width // 2 - 50)}{my_graph5}\
# {Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3) - 1, Term.width // 2 - 50)}{my_graph3}\
# {Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3) - 1, Term.width // 2 + 7)}{my_graph4}\
#t = 1
x = 0
for _ in range(200):
x = randint(0, 100)
# x += 1 if t == 1 else -1
# if x == 100: t = 0
# if x == 0: t = 1
Draw.now(f'{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(0, 0)}{my_graph.add(x)}\
{Mv.to(Term.height // 2, 0)}{my_graph2.add(x)}\
# Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3), Term.width // 2 - 50)}{my_graph5.add(x)}')
# Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3) - 1, Term.width // 2 - 50)}{my_graph3.add(x)}')
# Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(Term.height - (Term.height // 3) - 1, Term.width // 2 + 7)}{my_graph4.add(x)}')
Draw.now(Mv.to(Term.height -4, 0))
#! Remove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
if __name__ == "__main__":
#? Init -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
class Init:
running: bool = True
initbg_colors: List[str] = []
initbg_data: List[int]
initbg_up: Graph
initbg_down: Graph
def fail(err):
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Symbol.fail}')
clean_quit(1, errmsg=f'Error during init! See {CONFIG_DIR}/error.log for more information.')
def success(cls, start: bool = False):
if start:
Draw.buffer("initbg", z=10)
Draw.buffer("init", z=1)
for i in range(51):
for _ in range(2): cls.initbg_colors.append(Color.fg(i, i, i))
Draw.buffer("banner", f'{Banner.draw(Term.height // 2 - 10, center=True)}{Color.fg("#50")}\n', z=2)
for _i in range(10):
perc = f'{str((_i + 1) * 10) + "%":>5}'
Draw.buffer("+banner", f'{Mv.to(Term.height // 2 - 3 + _i, Term.width // 2 - 28)}{Fx.trans(perc)}{Symbol.v_line}')
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Color.fg("#cc")}{Fx.b}{Mv.to(Term.height // 2 - 3, Term.width // 2 - 21)}{Mv.save}')
if start or Term.resized:
cls.initbg_data = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(Term.width * 2)]
cls.initbg_up = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, cls.initbg_colors, cls.initbg_data, invert=True)
cls.initbg_down = Graph(Term.width, Term.height // 2, cls.initbg_colors, cls.initbg_data, invert=False)
if start: return
if not testing:
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Symbol.ok}\n{Mv.r(Term.width // 2 - 22)}{Mv.save}')
def draw_bg(cls, times: int = 10):
for _ in range(times):
x = randint(0, 100)
Draw.buffer("initbg", f'{Fx.ub}{Mv.to(0, 0)}{cls.initbg_up.add(x)}{Mv.to(Term.height // 2, 0)}{cls.initbg_down.add(x)}')
Draw.out("initbg", "banner", "init")
def done(cls):
Draw.clear("initbg", "banner", "init")
cls.running = False
del cls.initbg_up, cls.initbg_down, cls.initbg_data, cls.initbg_colors
#? Switch to alternate screen, clear screen, hide cursor and disable input echo
if not testing: Draw.now(Term.alt_screen, Term.clear, Term.hide_cursor) #! Enable
else: Draw.now(Term.clear, Term.hide_cursor) #! Disable
#? Draw banner and init status
if not testing: Init.success(start=True)
#? Load theme
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Loading theme and creating colors... ")}{Mv.save}')
THEME: Theme = Theme(CONFIG.color_theme)
except Exception as e:
#? Setup boxes
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Doing some maths and drawing... ")}{Mv.save}')
except Exception as e:
#? Setup signal handlers for SIGSTP, SIGCONT, SIGINT and SIGWINCH
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Setting up signal handlers... ")}{Mv.save}')
signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, now_sleeping) #* Ctrl-Z
signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, now_awake) #* Resume
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, quit_sigint) #* Ctrl-C
signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, Term.refresh) #* Terminal resized
except Exception as e:
#? Start a separate thread for reading keyboard input
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Starting input reader thread... ")}{Mv.save}')
except Exception as e:
#? Start a separate thread for data collection and drawing
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Starting data collection and drawer thread... ")}{Mv.save}')
except Exception as e:
#? Collect data and draw to buffer
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Collecting data and drawing... ")}{Mv.save}')
except Exception as e:
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Collecting nuclear launch codes... ")}{Mv.save}')
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Launching missiles... ")}{Mv.save}')
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Alien invasion... ")}{Mv.save}')
#? Draw to screen
Draw.buffer("+init!", f'{Mv.restore}{Fx.trans("Finishing up... ")}{Mv.save}')
except Exception as e:
if not testing: Init.done() #! Remove if
if not testing: Draw.out(clear=True) #! Remove if
else: Draw.clear(); Draw.now(Term.clear); Init.running = False #! Remove
#! For testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
if testing:
# waitone(1)
# waitone(1)
# waitone(1)
# waitone(1)
# waitone(1)
# Draw.idle.clear()
#Draw.now(f'{Mv.to(Term.height - 5, 1)}Any key to exit!')
# Draw.idle.set()
except Exception as e:
#! Remove ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
#? Start main loop
while not False:
except Exception as e:
#? Quit cleanly even if false starts being true...