Added ability to expand/collapse processes in the tree view

aristocratos 2020-08-16 00:53:51 +02:00
parent bb0e762e78
commit bc11610037
1 changed files with 70 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1517,18 +1517,18 @@ class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
cls.height = round(Term.height * height_p / 100)
if cls.height < 8: cls.height = 8
Box._b_cpu_h = cls.height
cls.box_columns = ceil((THREADS + 1) / (cls.height - 5))
if cls.box_columns * (20 + 13 if cpu.got_sensors else 21) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4):
if cls.box_columns * (20 + 13 if cpu.got_sensors else 21) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
cls.column_size = 2
cls.box_width = (20 + 13 if cpu.got_sensors else 21) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
elif cls.box_columns * (15 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 15) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4):
elif cls.box_columns * (15 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 15) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
cls.column_size = 1
cls.box_width = (15 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 15) * cls.box_columns - ((cls.box_columns - 1) * 1)
elif cls.box_columns * (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8) < cls.width - (cls.width // 4):
elif cls.box_columns * (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8) < cls.width - (cls.width // 3):
cls.column_size = 0
cls.box_columns = (cls.width - cls.width // 4) // (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8); cls.column_size = 0
cls.box_columns = (cls.width - cls.width // 3) // (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8); cls.column_size = 0
if cls.column_size == 0: cls.box_width = (8 + 6 if cpu.got_sensors else 8) * cls.box_columns + 1
@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
s_len += len(CONFIG.proc_sorting)
if cls.resized or s_len != cls.s_len or proc.detailed:
cls.s_len = s_len
for k in ["e", "r", "c", "t", "k", "i", "enter", "left"]:
for k in ["e", "r", "c", "t", "k", "i", "enter", "left", " "]:
if k in Key.mouse: del Key.mouse[k]
if proc.detailed:
killed = proc.details["killed"]
@ -2136,14 +2136,6 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
if not "c" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["c"] = [[sort_pos - 24 + i, y-1] for i in range(8)]
out_misc += (f'{, sort_pos - 25)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_per_core else ""}'
# if w > 57 + s_len:
# if not "G" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["G"] = [[sort_pos - 34 + i, y-1] for i in range(8)]
# out_misc += (f'{, sort_pos - 35)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_gradient else ""}{THEME.hi_fg("G")}'
# f'{THEME.title("radient")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
# if w > 65 + s_len:
# if not "C" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["C"] = [[sort_pos - 42 + i, y-1] for i in range(6)]
# out_misc += (f'{, sort_pos - 43)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.proc_colors else ""}'
# f'{THEME.hi_fg("C")}{THEME.title("olors")}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}')
if not "f" in Key.mouse or cls.resized: Key.mouse["f"] = [[x+9 + i, y-1] for i in range(6 if not proc.search_filter else 2 + len(proc.search_filter[-10:]))]
if proc.search_filter:
@ -2154,7 +2146,6 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
("ilter" if not proc.search_filter and not cls.filtering else f' {proc.search_filter[-(10 if w < 83 else w - 74):]}{( + "" + Fx.ubl) if cls.filtering else THEME.hi_fg(" del")}') +
main = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.main_fg
hi = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.hi_fg
title = THEME.inactive_fg if cls.selected == 0 else THEME.title
@ -2172,6 +2163,9 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
if w - len(loc_string) > 51:
if not "i" in Key.mouse: Key.mouse["i"] = [[x + 39 + i, y+h] for i in range(9)]
out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}i{title}nterrupt{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
if CONFIG.proc_tree and w - len(loc_string) > 65:
if not " " in Key.mouse: Key.mouse[" "] = [[x + 50 + i, y+h] for i in range(12)]
out_misc += f'{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{hi}spc {title}collapse{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
#* Processes labels
selected: str = CONFIG.proc_sorting
@ -2181,7 +2175,7 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
if CONFIG.proc_tree:
label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{" Tree:":<{tree_len-2}}' "Threads: " f'{"User:":<9}Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
if selected in ["program", "arguments"]: selected = "tree"
if selected in ["pid", "program", "arguments"]: selected = "tree"
label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{"Pid:":>7} {"Program:" if prog_len > 8 else "Prg:":<{prog_len}}' + (f'{"Arguments:":<{arg_len-4}}' if arg_len else "") +
f'{"Threads:" if arg_len else " Tr:"} {"User:":<9}Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
@ -2247,9 +2241,16 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
indent, name, cmd, threads, username, mem, mem_b, cpu = [items.get(v, d) for v, d in [("indent", ""), ("name", ""), ("cmd", ""), ("threads", 0), ("username", "?"), ("mem", 0.0), ("mem_b", 0), ("cpu", 0.0)]]
if CONFIG.proc_tree:
arg_len = 0
offset = tree_len - len(f'{indent}{pid}')
if offset < 1: offset = 0
indent = f'{indent:.{tree_len - len(str(pid))}}'
if offset - len(name) > 12:
cmd = cmd.split(" ")[0].split("/")[-1]
if not cmd.startswith(name):
offset = len(name)
arg_len = tree_len - len(f'{indent}{pid} {name} ') + 2
cmd = f'({cmd[:(arg_len-4)]})'
offset = prog_len - 1
if cpu > 1.0 or pid in Graphs.pid_cpu:
@ -2949,7 +2950,8 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
details_cpu: List[int] = []
details_mem: List[int] = []
expand: int = 0
proc_dict: Dict = {}
collapsed: Dict = {}
tree_counter: int = 0
p_values: List[str] = ["pid", "name", "cmdline", "num_threads", "username", "memory_percent", "cpu_percent", "cpu_times", "create_time"]
sort_expr: Dict = {}
sort_expr["pid"] = compile("['pid']", "str", "eval")
@ -3003,7 +3005,7 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
else: continue
cpu =["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else (["cpu_percent"] / psutil.cpu_count())
cpu =["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else round(["cpu_percent"] / THREADS, 2)
mem =["memory_percent"]
if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes and hasattr(["memory_info"], "rss"):
mem_b =["memory_info"].rss
@ -3115,6 +3117,7 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
err: float = 0.0
det_cpu: float = 0.0
infolist: Dict = {}
cls.tree_counter += 1
tree = defaultdict(list)
n: int = 0
for p in sorted(psutil.process_iter(cls.p_values + (["memory_info"] if CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes else []), err), key=lambda p: eval(sort_cmd), reverse=reverse):
@ -3129,9 +3132,9 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
if 0 in tree and 0 in tree[0]:
def create_tree(pid: int, tree: defaultdict, indent: str = "", inindent: str = " ", found: bool = False):
def create_tree(pid: int, tree: defaultdict, indent: str = "", inindent: str = " ", found: bool = False, depth: int = 0, collapse_to: Union[None, int] = None):
nonlocal infolist, proc_per_cpu, search, out, det_cpu
name: str; threads: int; username: str; mem: float; cpu: float
name: str; threads: int; username: str; mem: float; cpu: float; collapse: bool = False
cont: bool = True
getinfo: Dict = {}
if cls.collect_interrupt: return
@ -3164,7 +3167,7 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
else: threads = getinfo["num_threads"]
if getinfo["username"] == err: username = ""
else: username = getinfo["username"]
cpu = getinfo["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else (getinfo["cpu_percent"] / psutil.cpu_count())
cpu = getinfo["cpu_percent"] if proc_per_cpu else round(getinfo["cpu_percent"] / THREADS, 2)
mem = getinfo["memory_percent"]
if getinfo["cmdline"] == err: cmd = ""
else: cmd = " ".join(getinfo["cmdline"]) or "[" + getinfo["name"] + "]"
@ -3177,28 +3180,56 @@ class ProcCollector(Collector):
username = ""
mem = cpu = 0.0
out[pid] = {
"indent" : inindent,
"name": name,
"cmd" : cmd,
"threads" : threads,
"username" : username,
"mem" : mem,
"mem_b" : mem_b,
"cpu" : cpu }
if pid in cls.collapsed:
collapse = cls.collapsed[pid]
collapse = True if depth > 3 else False
cls.collapsed[pid] = collapse
if collapse_to and not search:
out[collapse_to]["threads"] += threads
out[collapse_to]["mem"] += mem
out[collapse_to]["mem_b"] += mem_b
out[collapse_to]["cpu"] += cpu
if pid in tree and len(tree[pid]) > 0:
if collapse:
inindent = inindent.replace(" ├─ ", "[+]─").replace(" └─ ", "[+]─")
inindent = inindent.replace(" ├─ ", "[-]─").replace(" └─ ", "[-]─")
out[pid] = {
"indent" : inindent,
"name": name,
"cmd" : cmd,
"threads" : threads,
"username" : username,
"mem" : mem,
"mem_b" : mem_b,
"cpu" : cpu,
"depth" : depth,
if search: collapse = False
elif collapse and not collapse_to:
collapse_to = pid
if pid not in tree:
children = tree[pid][:-1]
for child in children:
create_tree(child, tree, indent + "", indent + " ├─ ", found=found)
child = tree[pid][-1]
create_tree(child, tree, indent + " ", indent + " └─ ")
create_tree(child, tree, indent + "", indent + " ├─ ", found=found, depth=depth+1, collapse_to=collapse_to)
create_tree(tree[pid][-1], tree, indent + " ", indent + " └─ ", depth=depth+1, collapse_to=collapse_to)
create_tree(min(tree), tree)
cls.det_cpu = det_cpu
if cls.collect_interrupt: return
if cls.tree_counter >= 100:
cls.tree_counter = 0
for pid in list(cls.collapsed):
if not psutil.pid_exists(pid):
del cls.collapsed[pid]
cls.num_procs = len(out)
cls.processes = out.copy()
@ -3360,11 +3391,13 @@ class Menu:
"(+) / (-)" : "Add/Subtract 100ms to/from update timer.",
"(Up) (Down)" : "Select in process list.",
"(Enter)" : "Show detailed information for selected process.",
"(Spacebar)" : "Expand/collapse the selected process in tree view.",
"(Pg Up) (Pg Down)" : "Jump 1 page in process list.",
"(Home) (End)" : "Jump to first or last page in process list.",
"(Left) (Right)" : "Select previous/next sorting column.",
"(b) (n)" : "Select previous/next network device.",
"(z)" : "Toggle totals reset for current network device",
"(a)" : "Toggle auto scaling for the network graphs.",
"(f)" : "Input a string to filter processes with.",
"(c)" : "Toggle per-core cpu usage of processes.",
"(r)" : "Reverse sorting order in processes box.",
@ -4194,6 +4227,10 @@ def process_keys():
Collector.collect(NetCollector, redraw=True)
elif key in ["left", "right"]:
elif key == " " and CONFIG.proc_tree and ProcBox.selected > 0:
if ProcBox.selected_pid in ProcCollector.collapsed:
ProcCollector.collapsed[ProcBox.selected_pid] = not ProcCollector.collapsed[ProcBox.selected_pid]
Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)
elif key == "e":
CONFIG.proc_tree = not CONFIG.proc_tree
Collector.collect(ProcCollector, interrupt=True, redraw=True)