Fixed: Crash on missing disks

aristocratos 2021-01-11 21:51:04 +01:00
parent 80345dc5a8
commit 877d774c96
1 changed files with 34 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -2039,42 +2039,43 @@ class MemBox(Box):
Meters.swap[name] = Meter(mem.swap_percent[name], cls.mem_meter, name)
d_graph: List[str] = []
d_no_graph: List[str] = []
l_vals: List[Tuple[str, int, str, bool]] = []
if CONFIG.io_mode:
cls.disks_io_h = (cls.height - 2 - len(MemCollector.disks)) // max(1, len(MemCollector.disks_io_dict))
if cls.disks_io_h < 2: cls.disks_io_h = 1 if CONFIG.io_graph_combined else 2
cls.disks_io_h = 1
if CONFIG.io_graph_speeds and not cls.graph_speeds:
cls.graph_speeds = { spds.split(":")[0] : int(spds.split(":")[1]) for spds in list(i.strip() for i in CONFIG.io_graph_speeds.split(","))}
except (KeyError, ValueError):
errlog.error("Wrong formatting in io_graph_speeds variable. Using defaults.")
for name in mem.disks.keys():
if name in mem.disks_io_dict:
if CONFIG.show_disks and mem.disks:
d_graph: List[str] = []
d_no_graph: List[str] = []
l_vals: List[Tuple[str, int, str, bool]] = []
if CONFIG.io_mode:
cls.disks_io_h = (cls.height - 2 - len(mem.disks)) // max(1, len(mem.disks_io_dict))
if cls.disks_io_h < 2: cls.disks_io_h = 1 if CONFIG.io_graph_combined else 2
if CONFIG.io_graph_combined or not CONFIG.io_mode:
l_vals = [("rw", cls.disks_io_h, "available", False)]
l_vals = [("read", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "free", False), ("write", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "used", True)]
cls.disks_io_h = 1
Graphs.disk_io[name] = {_name : Graph(width=cls.disks_width - (6 if not CONFIG.io_mode else 0), height=_height, color=THEME.gradient[_gradient],
data=mem.disks_io_dict[name][_name], invert=_invert, max_value=cls.graph_speeds.get(name, 10), no_zero=True)
for _name, _height, _gradient, _invert in l_vals}
cls.disks_io_order = d_graph + d_no_graph
if CONFIG.io_graph_speeds and not cls.graph_speeds:
cls.graph_speeds = { spds.split(":")[0] : int(spds.split(":")[1]) for spds in list(i.strip() for i in CONFIG.io_graph_speeds.split(","))}
except (KeyError, ValueError):
errlog.error("Wrong formatting in io_graph_speeds variable. Using defaults.")
for name in mem.disks.keys():
if name in mem.disks_io_dict:
if CONFIG.io_graph_combined or not CONFIG.io_mode:
l_vals = [("rw", cls.disks_io_h, "available", False)]
l_vals = [("read", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "free", False), ("write", cls.disks_io_h // 2, "used", True)]
if cls.disk_meter > 0:
for n, name in enumerate(mem.disks.keys()):
if n * 2 > h: break
Meters.disks_used[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["used_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "used")
if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
Meters.disks_free[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["free_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "free")
Graphs.disk_io[name] = {_name : Graph(width=cls.disks_width - (6 if not CONFIG.io_mode else 0), height=_height, color=THEME.gradient[_gradient],
data=mem.disks_io_dict[name][_name], invert=_invert, max_value=cls.graph_speeds.get(name, 10), no_zero=True)
for _name, _height, _gradient, _invert in l_vals}
cls.disks_io_order = d_graph + d_no_graph
if cls.disk_meter > 0:
for n, name in enumerate(mem.disks.keys()):
if n * 2 > h: break
Meters.disks_used[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["used_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "used")
if len(mem.disks) * 3 <= h + 1:
Meters.disks_free[name] = Meter(mem.disks[name]["free_percent"], cls.disk_meter, "free")
if not "g" in Key.mouse:
Key.mouse["g"] = [[x + 8 + i, y-1] for i in range(5)]
out_misc += (f'{, x + 7)}{THEME.mem_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b if CONFIG.mem_graphs else ""}'