Fixed: Sizing when coretemp is hidden

aristocratos 2020-10-31 12:05:09 +01:00
parent c6554a5368
commit 58020db545
1 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1690,6 +1690,7 @@ class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
bx, by, bw, bh = cls.box_x + 1, cls.box_y + 1, cls.box_width - 2, cls.box_height - 2
hh: int = ceil(h / 2)
hide_cores: bool = (cpu.cpu_temp_only or not CONFIG.show_coretemp) and cpu.got_sensors
ct_width: int = (max(6, 6 * cls.column_size)) * hide_cores
if cls.resized or cls.redraw:
if not "m" in Key.mouse:
@ -1698,9 +1699,9 @@ class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
Graphs.cpu["up"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, hh, THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_usage[0])
Graphs.cpu["down"] = Graph(w - bw - 3, h - hh, THEME.gradient["cpu"], cpu.cpu_usage[0], invert=True)
Meters.cpu = Meter(cpu.cpu_usage[0][-1], bw - (21 if cpu.got_sensors else 9), "cpu")
if cls.column_size > 0:
if cls.column_size > 0 or ct_width > 0:
for n in range(THREADS):
Graphs.cores[n] = Graph(5 * cls.column_size + (12 * hide_cores), 1, None, cpu.cpu_usage[n + 1])
Graphs.cores[n] = Graph(5 * cls.column_size + ct_width, 1, None, cpu.cpu_usage[n + 1])
if cpu.got_sensors:
Graphs.temps[0] = Graph(5, 1, None, cpu.cpu_temp[0], max_value=cpu.cpu_temp_crit, offset=-23)
if cls.column_size > 1:
@ -1754,8 +1755,8 @@ class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
cy += 1
for n in range(1, THREADS + 1):
out += f'{THEME.main_fg}{ + cy, bx + cx)}{Fx.b + "C" + Fx.ub if THREADS < 100 else ""}{str(n):<{2 if cls.column_size == 0 else 3}}'
if cls.column_size > 0:
out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{"" * (5 * cls.column_size + (12 * hide_cores ))}{Mv.l(5 * cls.column_size + (12 * hide_cores ))}{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}{Graphs.cores[n-1](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1])}'
if cls.column_size > 0 or ct_width > 0:
out += f'{THEME.inactive_fg}{"" * (5 * cls.column_size + ct_width)}{Mv.l(5 * cls.column_size + ct_width)}{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}{Graphs.cores[n-1](None if cls.resized else cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1])}'
out += f'{THEME.gradient["cpu"][cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]]}'
out += f'{cpu.cpu_usage[n][-1]:>{3 if cls.column_size < 2 else 4}}{THEME.main_fg}%'
@ -1766,7 +1767,7 @@ class CpuBox(Box, SubBox):
out += f'{THEME.gradient["temp"][100 if cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1] >= cpu.cpu_temp_crit else (cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1] * 100 // cpu.cpu_temp_crit)]}'
out += f'{cpu.cpu_temp[n][-1]:>4}{THEME.main_fg}°C'
elif cpu.got_sensors and not hide_cores:
out += f'{Mv.r(12)}'
out += f'{Mv.r(6 * cls.column_size)}'
out += f'{THEME.div_line(Symbol.v_line)}'
cy += 1
if cy > ceil(THREADS/cls.box_columns) and n != THREADS: