mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop
Added: Categories in Options menu and only_physical option for disks
@ -163,7 +163,10 @@ swap_disk=$swap_disk
#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info.
#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab.
#* Filter out non physical disks. Set this to False to include network disks, RAM disks and similar.
#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab. This also disables only_physical.
#* Set fixed values for network graphs, default "10M" = 10 Mibibytes, possible units "K", "M", "G", append with "bit" for bits instead of bytes, i.e "100mbit"
@ -308,6 +311,7 @@ UNITS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = {
SUBSCRIPT: Tuple[str, ...] = ("₀", "₁", "₂", "₃", "₄", "₅", "₆", "₇", "₈", "₉")
SUPERSCRIPT: Tuple[str, ...] = ("⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹")
#? Setup error logger ---------------------------------------------------------------->
@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ class Config:
keys: List[str] = ["color_theme", "update_ms", "proc_sorting", "proc_reversed", "proc_tree", "check_temp", "draw_clock", "background_update", "custom_cpu_name",
"proc_colors", "proc_gradient", "proc_per_core", "proc_mem_bytes", "disks_filter", "update_check", "log_level", "mem_graphs", "show_swap",
"swap_disk", "show_disks", "use_fstab", "net_download", "net_upload", "net_auto", "net_color_fixed", "show_init", "theme_background",
"net_sync", "show_battery", "tree_depth", "cpu_sensor", "show_coretemp", "proc_update_mult", "shown_boxes", "net_iface"]
"net_sync", "show_battery", "tree_depth", "cpu_sensor", "show_coretemp", "proc_update_mult", "shown_boxes", "net_iface", "only_physical"]
conf_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = {}
color_theme: str = "Default"
theme_background: bool = True
@ -390,6 +394,7 @@ class Config:
show_swap: bool = True
swap_disk: bool = True
show_disks: bool = True
only_physical: bool = True
use_fstab: bool = False
net_download: str = "10M"
net_upload: str = "10M"
@ -2364,7 +2369,7 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
cls.current_h = cls.height - 8
for i in range(7): out_misc += f'{Mv.to(dy+i, x)}{" " * w}'
out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(dy+7, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.title_right}{Symbol.h_line*w}{Symbol.title_left}'
f'{Mv.to(dy+7, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUBSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}')
f'{Mv.to(dy+7, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}{THEME.div_line}')
for i in range(7):
out_misc += f'{Mv.to(dy + i, dgx + dgw + 1)}{Symbol.v_line}'
@ -2401,7 +2406,7 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
cls.current_h = cls.height
y, h = cls.y + 1, cls.height - 2
out_misc += (f'{Mv.to(y-1, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box}{Symbol.left_up}{Symbol.h_line*w}{Symbol.right_up}'
f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUBSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
f'{Mv.to(y-1, x+1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_left)}{Fx.b}{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[cls.num])}{THEME.title(cls.name)}{Fx.ub}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.title_right)}'
f'{Mv.to(y+7, x-1)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.v_line)}{Mv.r(w)}{THEME.proc_box(Symbol.v_line)}')
cls.select_max = cls.height - 3
@ -3097,7 +3102,7 @@ class MemCollector(Collector):
cls.fstab_filter = []
errlog.debug(f'use_fstab flag has been turned to {CONFIG.use_fstab}, fstab_filter cleared')
for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(CONFIG.use_fstab):
for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(all=CONFIG.use_fstab or not CONFIG.only_physical):
disk_io = None
io_string = ""
if CONFIG.use_fstab and disk.mountpoint not in cls.fstab_filter:
@ -3920,6 +3925,12 @@ class Menu:
out: str = ""
out_misc : str = ""
redraw: bool = True
selected_cat: str = ""
selected_int: int = 0
option_items: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
cat_list: List[str] = []
cat_int: int = 0
change_cat: bool = False
key: str = ""
skip: bool = False
main_active: bool = cls.active
@ -3931,267 +3942,303 @@ class Menu:
if not cls.background:
cls.background = f'{THEME.inactive_fg}' + Fx.uncolor(f'{Draw.saved_buffer()}') + f'{Term.fg}'
option_items: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
"color_theme" : [
'Set color theme.',
'Choose from all theme files in',
'"/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and',
'"Default" for builtin default theme.',
'User themes are prefixed by a plus sign "+".',
'For theme updates see:',
"theme_background" : [
'If the theme set background should be shown.',
'Set to False if you want terminal background',
"shown_boxes" : [
'Manually set which boxes to show.',
'Available values are "cpu mem net proc".',
'Seperate values with whitespace.',
'Toggle between presets with mode key "m".'],
"update_ms" : [
'Update time in milliseconds.',
'Recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample',
'times for graphs.',
'Min value: 100 ms',
'Max value: 86400000 ms = 24 hours.'],
"proc_update_mult" : [
'Processes update multiplier.',
'Sets how often the process list is updated as',
'a multiplier of "update_ms".',
'Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop',
'cpu usage. (Only integers)'],
"proc_sorting" : [
'Processes sorting option.',
'Possible values: "pid", "program", "arguments",',
'"threads", "user", "memory", "cpu lazy" and',
'"cpu responsive".',
'"cpu lazy" updates top process over time,',
'"cpu responsive" updates top process directly.'],
"proc_reversed" : [
'Reverse processes sorting order.',
'True or False.'],
"proc_tree" : [
'Processes tree view.',
'Set true to show processes grouped by parents,',
'with lines drawn between parent and child',
"tree_depth" : [
'Process tree auto collapse depth.',
'Sets the depth were the tree view will auto',
'collapse processes at.'],
"proc_colors" : [
'Enable colors in process view.',
'Uses the cpu graph gradient colors.'],
"proc_gradient" : [
'Enable process view gradient fade.',
'Fades from top or current selection.',
'Max fade value is equal to current themes',
'"inactive_fg" color value.'],
"proc_per_core" : [
'Process usage per core.',
'If process cpu usage should be of the core',
'it\'s running on or usage of the total',
'available cpu power.',
'If true and process is multithreaded',
'cpu usage can reach over 100%.'],
"proc_mem_bytes" : [
'Show memory as bytes in process list.',
' ',
'True or False.'
"check_temp" : [
'Enable cpu temperature reporting.',
'True or False.'],
"cpu_sensor" : [
'Cpu temperature sensor',
'Select the sensor that corresponds to',
'your cpu temperature.',
'Set to "Auto" for auto detection.'],
"show_coretemp" : [
'Show temperatures for cpu cores.',
'Only works if check_temp is True and',
'the system is reporting core temps.'],
"draw_clock" : [
'Draw a clock at top of screen.',
'Formatting according to strftime, empty',
'string to disable.',
'Custom formatting options:',
'"/host" = hostname',
'"/user" = username',
'Examples of strftime formats:',
'"%X" = locale HH:MM:SS',
'"%H" = 24h hour, "%I" = 12h hour',
'"%M" = minute, "%S" = second',
'"%d" = day, "%m" = month, "%y" = year'],
"background_update" : [
'Update main ui when menus are showing.',
'True or False.',
'Set this to false if the menus is flickering',
'too much for a comfortable experience.'],
"custom_cpu_name" : [
'Custom cpu model name in cpu percentage box.',
'Empty string to disable.'],
"disks_filter" : [
'Optional filter for shown disks.',
'Should be full path of a mountpoint,',
'"root" replaces "/", separate multiple values',
'with a comma ",".',
'Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude',
'Oterwise defaults to "most include" filter.',
'Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user"'],
"mem_graphs" : [
'Show graphs for memory values.',
'True or False.'],
"show_swap" : [
'If swap memory should be shown in memory box.',
'True or False.'],
"swap_disk" : [
'Show swap as a disk.',
'Ignores show_swap value above.',
'Inserts itself after first disk.'],
"show_disks" : [
'Split memory box to also show disks.',
'True or False.'],
"use_fstab" : [
'Read disks list from /etc/fstab.',
'True or False.'],
"net_download" : [
'Fixed network graph download value.',
'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
'Possible units:',
'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
'i.e "100Mbit"',
'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
"net_upload" : [
'Fixed network graph upload value.',
'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
'Possible units:',
'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
'i.e "100Mbit"',
'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
"net_auto" : [
'Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode.',
'Ignores any values set above at start and',
'rescales down to 10KibiBytes at the lowest.',
'True or False.'],
"net_sync" : [
'Network scale sync.',
'Syncs the scaling for download and upload to',
'whichever currently has the highest scale.',
'True or False.'],
"net_color_fixed" : [
'Set network graphs color gradient to fixed.',
'If True the network graphs color is based',
'on the total bandwidth usage instead of',
'the current autoscaling.',
'The bandwidth usage is based on the',
'"net_download" and "net_upload" values set',
"net_iface" : [
'Network Interface.',
'Starts with the Network Interface specified here.',
"show_battery" : [
'Show battery stats.',
'Show battery stats in the top right corner',
'if a battery is present.'],
"show_init" : [
'Show init screen at startup.',
'The init screen is purely cosmetical and',
'slows down start to show status messages.'],
"update_check" : [
'Check for updates at start.',
'Checks for latest version from:',
"log_level" : [
'Set loglevel for error.log',
'Levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".',
'The level set includes all lower levels,',
'i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.']
categories: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = {
"system" : {
"color_theme" : [
'Set color theme.',
'Choose from all theme files in',
'"/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and',
'"Default" for builtin default theme.',
'User themes are prefixed by a plus sign "+".',
'For theme updates see:',
"theme_background" : [
'If the theme set background should be shown.',
'Set to False if you want terminal background',
"shown_boxes" : [
'Manually set which boxes to show.',
'Available values are "cpu mem net proc".',
'Seperate values with whitespace.',
'Toggle between presets with mode key "m".'],
"update_ms" : [
'Update time in milliseconds.',
'Recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample',
'times for graphs.',
'Min value: 100 ms',
'Max value: 86400000 ms = 24 hours.'],
"draw_clock" : [
'Draw a clock at top of screen.',
'Only visible if cpu box is enabled.'
'Formatting according to strftime, empty',
'string to disable.',
'Custom formatting options:',
'"/host" = hostname',
'"/user" = username',
'Examples of strftime formats:',
'"%X" = locale HH:MM:SS',
'"%H" = 24h hour, "%I" = 12h hour',
'"%M" = minute, "%S" = second',
'"%d" = day, "%m" = month, "%y" = year'],
"background_update" : [
'Update main ui when menus are showing.',
'True or False.',
'Set this to false if the menus is flickering',
'too much for a comfortable experience.'],
"show_battery" : [
'Show battery stats.',
'Show battery stats in the top right corner',
'if a battery is present.'],
"show_init" : [
'Show init screen at startup.',
'The init screen is purely cosmetical and',
'slows down start to show status messages.'],
"update_check" : [
'Check for updates at start.',
'Checks for latest version from:',
"log_level" : [
'Set loglevel for error.log',
'Levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".',
'The level set includes all lower levels,',
'i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.']
"cpu" : {
"check_temp" : [
'Enable cpu temperature reporting.',
'True or False.'],
"cpu_sensor" : [
'Cpu temperature sensor',
'Select the sensor that corresponds to',
'your cpu temperature.',
'Set to "Auto" for auto detection.'],
"show_coretemp" : [
'Show temperatures for cpu cores.',
'Only works if check_temp is True and',
'the system is reporting core temps.'],
"custom_cpu_name" : [
'Custom cpu model name in cpu percentage box.',
'Empty string to disable.'],
"mem" : {
"mem_graphs" : [
'Show graphs for memory values.',
'True or False.'],
"show_disks" : [
'Split memory box to also show disks.',
'True or False.'],
"show_swap" : [
'If swap memory should be shown in memory box.',
'True or False.'],
"swap_disk" : [
'Show swap as a disk.',
'Ignores show_swap value above.',
'Inserts itself after first disk.'],
"only_physical" : [
'Filter out non physical disks.',
'Set this to False to include network disks,',
'RAM disks and similar.',
'True or False.'],
"use_fstab" : [
'Read disks list from /etc/fstab.',
'(Has no effect on macOS X)',
'This also disables only_physical.',
'True or False.'],
"disks_filter" : [
'Optional filter for shown disks.',
'Should be full path of a mountpoint,',
'"root" replaces "/", separate multiple values',
'with a comma ",".',
'Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude',
'Oterwise defaults to "most include" filter.',
'Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user"'],
"net" : {
"net_download" : [
'Fixed network graph download value.',
'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
'Possible units:',
'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
'i.e "100Mbit"',
'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
"net_upload" : [
'Fixed network graph upload value.',
'Default "10M" = 10 MibiBytes.',
'Possible units:',
'"K" (KiB), "M" (MiB), "G" (GiB).',
'Append "bit" for bits instead of bytes,',
'i.e "100Mbit"',
'Can be toggled with auto button.'],
"net_auto" : [
'Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode.',
'Ignores any values set above at start and',
'rescales down to 10KibiBytes at the lowest.',
'True or False.'],
"net_sync" : [
'Network scale sync.',
'Syncs the scaling for download and upload to',
'whichever currently has the highest scale.',
'True or False.'],
"net_color_fixed" : [
'Set network graphs color gradient to fixed.',
'If True the network graphs color is based',
'on the total bandwidth usage instead of',
'the current autoscaling.',
'The bandwidth usage is based on the',
'"net_download" and "net_upload" values set',
"net_iface" : [
'Network Interface.',
'Manually set the starting Network Interface.',
'Will otherwise automatically choose the NIC',
'with the highest total download since boot.'],
"proc" : {
"proc_update_mult" : [
'Processes update multiplier.',
'Sets how often the process list is updated as',
'a multiplier of "update_ms".',
'Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop',
'cpu usage. (Only integers)'],
"proc_sorting" : [
'Processes sorting option.',
'Possible values: "pid", "program", "arguments",',
'"threads", "user", "memory", "cpu lazy" and',
'"cpu responsive".',
'"cpu lazy" updates top process over time,',
'"cpu responsive" updates top process directly.'],
"proc_reversed" : [
'Reverse processes sorting order.',
'True or False.'],
"proc_tree" : [
'Processes tree view.',
'Set true to show processes grouped by parents,',
'with lines drawn between parent and child',
"tree_depth" : [
'Process tree auto collapse depth.',
'Sets the depth were the tree view will auto',
'collapse processes at.'],
"proc_colors" : [
'Enable colors in process view.',
'Uses the cpu graph gradient colors.'],
"proc_gradient" : [
'Enable process view gradient fade.',
'Fades from top or current selection.',
'Max fade value is equal to current themes',
'"inactive_fg" color value.'],
"proc_per_core" : [
'Process usage per core.',
'If process cpu usage should be of the core',
'it\'s running on or usage of the total',
'available cpu power.',
'If true and process is multithreaded',
'cpu usage can reach over 100%.'],
"proc_mem_bytes" : [
'Show memory as bytes in process list.',
' ',
'True or False.'],
option_len: int = len(option_items) * 2
sorting_i: int = CONFIG.sorting_options.index(CONFIG.proc_sorting)
loglevel_i: int = CONFIG.log_levels.index(CONFIG.log_level)
cpu_sensor_i: int = CONFIG.cpu_sensors.index(CONFIG.cpu_sensor)
color_i: int
cat_list = list(categories)
while not cls.close:
key = ""
if cls.resized:
y = 9 if Term.height < option_len + 10 else Term.height // 2 - option_len // 2 + 4
out_misc = (f'{Banner.draw(y-7, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}← esc'
if cls.resized or change_cat:
cls.resized = change_cat = False
selected_cat = list(categories)[cat_int]
option_items = categories[cat_list[cat_int]]
option_len: int = len(option_items) * 2
y = 12 if Term.height < option_len + 13 else Term.height // 2 - option_len // 2 + 7
out_misc = (f'{Banner.draw(y-10, center=True)}{Mv.d(1)}{Mv.l(46)}{Colors.black_bg}{Colors.default}{Fx.b}← esc'
f'{Mv.r(30)}{Fx.i}Version: {VERSION}{Fx.ui}{Fx.ub}{Term.bg}{Term.fg}')
x = Term.width//2-38
x2 = x + 27
h, w, w2 = Term.height-2-y, 26, 50
h, w, w2 = min(Term.height-1-y, option_len), 26, 50
h -= h % 2
color_i = list(Theme.themes).index(THEME.current)
out_misc += create_box(x, y - 3, w+w2+1, 3, f'tab{Symbol.right}', line_color=THEME.div_line)
out_misc += create_box(x, y, w, h+2, "options", line_color=THEME.div_line)
redraw = True
cat_width = floor((w+w2) / len(categories))
out_misc += f'{Fx.b}'
for cx, cat in enumerate(categories):
out_misc += f'{Mv.to(y-2, x + 1 + (cat_width * cx) + round(cat_width / 2 - len(cat) / 2 ))}'
if cat == selected_cat:
out_misc += f'{THEME.hi_fg}[{THEME.title}{Fx.u}{cat}{Fx.uu}{THEME.hi_fg}]'
out_misc += f'{THEME.hi_fg}{SUPERSCRIPT[cx+1]}{THEME.title}{cat}'
out_misc += f'{Fx.ub}'
if option_len > h:
pages = ceil(option_len / h)
h = option_len
pages = 0
page = 1
selected_int = 0
out_misc += create_box(x, y, w, h+2, "options", line_color=THEME.div_line)
redraw = True
cls.resized = False
page = pages if selected_int == -1 and pages > 0 else 1
selected_int = 0 if selected_int >= 0 else len(option_items) - 1
if redraw:
out = ""
cy = 0
@ -4253,7 +4300,13 @@ class Menu:
has_sel = False
if key == "mouse_click" and not inputting:
mx, my = Key.get_mouse()
if x < mx < x + w and y < my < y + h + 2:
if x < mx < x + w + w2 and y - 4 < my < y:
# if my == y - 2:
for cx, cat in enumerate(categories):
ccx = x + (cat_width * cx) + round(cat_width / 2 - len(cat) / 2 )
if ccx - 2 < mx < ccx + 2 + len(cat):
key = str(cx+1)
elif x < mx < x + w and y < my < y + h + 2:
mouse_sel = ceil((my - y) / 2) - 1 + ceil((page-1) * (h / 2))
if pages and my == y+h+1 and x+11 < mx < x+16:
key = "page_up"
@ -4329,6 +4382,22 @@ class Menu:
elif key in ["escape", "o", "M", "f2"]:
cls.close = True
elif key == "tab" or (key == "down" and selected_int == len(option_items) - 1 and (page == pages or pages == 0)):
if cat_int == len(categories) - 1:
cat_int = 0
cat_int += 1
change_cat = True
elif key == "shift_tab" or (key == "up" and selected_int == 0 and page == 1):
if cat_int == 0:
cat_int = len(categories) - 1
cat_int -= 1
change_cat = True
selected_int = -1 if key != "shift_tab" else 0
elif key in list(map(str, range(1, len(cat_list)+1))) and key != str(cat_int + 1):
cat_int = int(key) - 1
change_cat = True
elif key == "enter" and selected in ["update_ms", "disks_filter", "custom_cpu_name", "net_download",
"net_upload", "draw_clock", "tree_depth", "proc_update_mult", "shown_boxes", "net_iface"]:
inputting = True
@ -4407,22 +4476,28 @@ class Menu:
cls.resized = False
elif key == "up":
elif key in ["up", "mouse_scroll_up"]:
selected_int -= 1
if selected_int < 0: selected_int = len(option_items) - 1
page = floor(selected_int * 2 / h) + 1
elif key == "down":
elif key in ["down", "mouse_scroll_down"]:
selected_int += 1
if selected_int > len(option_items) - 1: selected_int = 0
page = floor(selected_int * 2 / h) + 1
elif key in ["mouse_scroll_up", "page_up"] and pages:
page -= 1
if page < 1: page = pages
selected_int = (page-1) * ceil(h / 2)
elif key in ["mouse_scroll_down", "page_down"] and pages:
page += 1
if page > pages: page = 1
elif key == "page_up":
if not pages or page == 1:
selected_int = 0
page -= 1
if page < 1: page = pages
selected_int = (page-1) * ceil(h / 2)
elif key == "page_down":
if not pages or page == pages:
selected_int = len(option_items) - 1
page += 1
if page > pages: page = 1
selected_int = (page-1) * ceil(h / 2)
elif has_sel:
@ -4669,7 +4744,7 @@ def create_box(x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, title: s
#* Draw titles if enabled
if title:
numbered: str = "" if not num else f'{THEME.hi_fg(SUBSCRIPT[num])}'
numbered: str = "" if not num else f'{THEME.hi_fg(SUPERSCRIPT[num])}'
out += f'{Mv.to(y, x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{Fx.b}{numbered}{title_color}{title}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
if title2:
out += f'{Mv.to(hlines[1], x + 2)}{Symbol.title_left}{title_color}{Fx.b}{title2}{Fx.ub}{line_color}{Symbol.title_right}'
Reference in New Issue