Added more sizing adaptation for processes

aristocratos 2020-09-05 22:09:57 +02:00
parent 206ebcd523
commit 16852f652b
1 changed files with 13 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2085,6 +2085,8 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
killed: bool = True
indent: str = ""
offset: int = 0
tr_show: bool = True
usr_show: bool = True
vals: List[str]
g_color: str = ""
s_len: int = 0
@ -2107,6 +2109,13 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
arg_len = 0
prog_len = w - 38 - (1 if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else 0)
if prog_len < 15:
tr_show = False
prog_len += 5
if prog_len < 12:
usr_show = False
prog_len += 9
if CONFIG.proc_tree:
tree_len = arg_len + prog_len + 6
arg_len = 0
@ -2231,12 +2240,12 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
if selected == "memory": selected = "mem"
if selected == "threads" and not CONFIG.proc_tree and not arg_len: selected = "tr"
if CONFIG.proc_tree:
label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{" Tree:":<{tree_len-2}}' "Threads: " f'{"User:":<9}Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{" Tree:":<{tree_len-2}}' + (f'{"Threads: ":<9}' if tr_show else " "*4) + (f'{"User:":<9}' if usr_show else "") + f'Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
if selected in ["pid", "program", "arguments"]: selected = "tree"
label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{"Pid:":>7} {"Program:" if prog_len > 8 else "Prg:":<{prog_len}}' + (f'{"Arguments:":<{arg_len-4}}' if arg_len else "") +
f'{"Threads:" if arg_len else " Tr:"} {"User:":<9}Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
((f'{"Threads:":<9}' if arg_len else f'{"Tr:":^5}') if tr_show else "") + (f'{"User:":<9}' if usr_show else "") + f'Mem%{"Cpu%":>11}{Fx.ub}{THEME.main_fg} ' +
(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))
if selected == "program" and prog_len <= 8: selected = "prg"
selected = selected.split(" ")[0].capitalize()
@ -2347,8 +2356,8 @@ class ProcBox(Box):
out += (f'{, x)}{g_color}{indent}{pid:>{(1 if CONFIG.proc_tree else 7)}} ' +
f'{c_color}{name:<{offset}.{offset}} {end}' +
(f'{g_color}{cmd:<{arg_len}.{arg_len-1}}' if arg_len else "") +
t_color + (f'{threads:>4} ' if threads < 1000 else "999> ") + end +
g_color + (f'{username:<9.9}' if len(username) < 10 else f'{username[:8]:<8}+') +
(t_color + (f'{threads:>4} ' if threads < 1000 else "999> ") + end if tr_show else "") +
(g_color + (f'{username:<9.9}' if len(username) < 10 else f'{username[:8]:<8}+') if usr_show else "") +
m_color + ((f'{mem:>4.1f}' if mem < 100 else f'{mem:>4.0f} ') if not CONFIG.proc_mem_bytes else f'{floating_humanizer(mem_b, short=True):>4.4}') + end +
f' {THEME.inactive_fg}{""*5}{THEME.main_fg}{g_color}{c_color}' + (f' {cpu:>4.1f} ' if cpu < 100 else f'{cpu:>5.0f} ') + end +
(" " if proc.num_procs > cls.select_max else ""))