extends layout block title | BlurAdmin angular admin dashboard template block content div.hero div.hero-content div.wrap div.text strong Blur#[span.white-text Admin] div.minitext Angular admin panel front-end framework div.buttons-unit a.button(href=installationArticleUrl) Installation guidelines a.button(href=firstArticleUrl) Documentation div.admin-screenshots div.admin-screenshot h3 Mint version a.demo-link(href='http://akveo.com/blur-admin-mint/',target='_blank') img(src=contents.images['blur-preview-mint.jpg'].url) span.demo-link-label Demo div.admin-screenshot h3 Blur version (experimental) a.demo-link(href='http://akveo.com/blur-admin/',target='_blank') img(src=contents.images['blur-preview.jpg'].url) span.demo-link-label Demo div.index-block div.wrap h1 Why BlurAdmin? div.why-items div.why-item img(src=contents.images['why-structure.svg'].url) h4 Awesome structure p Feature-based structure has proven itself as a good choice for large angular applications. div.why-item img(src=contents.images['why-design.svg'].url) h4 Neat design p We have put a lot of efforts and carefully selected each color and character for this template! div.why-item img(src=contents.images['why-practices.svg'].url) h4 Ease of customization p Check out #[a(href='/blur-admin/articles/011-changing-color-scheme') our article], where we describe how you can create different look in just 2 minutes! div.index-block.black div.wrap h1 Is it free? p Blur admin is completely free and MIT licensed. That means you can do whatever you want with it. p | Initially we planned to sell it on template markets. | But they #[a(href='http://akveo.com/blog/why-i-hate-template-markets/',target='_blank') rejected us several times]. | That's why we decided to make it open-source. And honestly, we have completely no regrets about it! | And we suggest you to not waste your money and use our template instead of paid ones! | Trust us, it's better than large number of them. div.index-block div.wrap h1 How can I support you guys? p Here's what you can do: ul li Star #[a(href='https://github.com/akveo/blur-admin',target='_blank') our GitHub repo] li Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features li Follow #[a(href='https://twitter.com/akveo_inc',target='_blank') us on Twitter] li Like #[a(href='https://www.facebook.com/akveo/',target='_blank') our page on Facebook] div.index-block.black div.wrap h1 Can I hire you? p Yes! We are available for hire. Visit #[a(href='http://akveo.com',target='_blank') our homepage] | or simply leave us a note to #[a(href='mailto:contact@akveo.com') contact@akveo.com]. | We will be happy to work with you!